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Messages - MrNomad

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General Sonic / Re: Sonic Rush Adventure: Is it as good as Sonic Rush?
« on: August 14, 2008, 12:10:36 am »
Nomad to be quite honest the official rankings are horribly broken due to ARers >_>

Well they were last time I checked anyway
Yeah I recently noticed that > > No problem, that's why there's a ranking system on this site :P

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Rush Adventure: Is it as good as Sonic Rush?
« on: August 13, 2008, 07:39:04 pm »
Woot finally came in from the mail. And so far, I am enjoying it more than Sonic Rush. Online versus and ranking + much bigger content = :D

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Rush Adventure: Is it as good as Sonic Rush?
« on: August 10, 2008, 09:37:57 pm »
maybe I should play SRA some more >_>

also I didn't very much like the music in Rush either.  there were like 3 tracks that were good, but the rest was getting on my nerves.
To give it credit, I did like some of the music in SR, it has that JSR style to it. But to me, It would've been better to have a soundtrack like the old 2d sonic games. Also, ya you should play SRA somore, then we could do online matches and stuff :p

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Rush Adventure: Is it as good as Sonic Rush?
« on: August 10, 2008, 10:22:21 am »
Alright, from what I'm hearing then SRA would be very good to get. Too bad I have to buy it over amazon since the game stores I go to dont seem to have it (Or Bleach BoF or Contra 4 or any other great hardcore game for that matter). One of the guys I asked at gamestop said it wasn't good because it's music wasn't as good as SR's, which I found pretty odd since Rush's music wasn't that good to begin with.

General Sonic / Sonic Rush Adventure: Is it as good as Sonic Rush?
« on: August 09, 2008, 08:48:41 pm »
I've been trying to figure out whether or not to get SRA. I already have SR, played it a lot and is starting to get to the final extra zone. The only problem I have with SR is that, like New Super Mario Bros. and Contra 4, it's shorter than I wish it would be. What I wanna know is whether SRA is worth it or not. It's supposed to have wi-fi versus which sounded good to me, and I wish SR had that instead of just wireless.

News and Updates / Re: Sonic Unleashed at E3
« on: July 16, 2008, 08:06:14 pm »
Now, I don't wanna jump the gun or anything, but HOLY F****** S*** I MUST HAVE THIS GAME NOAW!!!!!!


Competition Central / Re: Itt our own challenges?
« on: July 15, 2008, 11:53:01 pm »
Alright guys, after playing around with the stages at my workplace, I've come up with other challenges aside from the one I thought up since some stages dont work well with the conditions I made (example:Mirage Road). I will edit my first post to give the rules for the new challenges I came up with, as well as a leaderboard for anyone who would want to submit their time attack records for each challenge (but dont expect them to be updated immediately, I work full time and must use someone else's pc). Also, anyone who wants to submit their own time attacks like Azure are allowed to do so.

Competition Central / Re: Itt our own challenges?
« on: July 15, 2008, 11:33:31 am »
Is digging up rings allowed for the SA2 challenge?
I'm not sure if I should or not, since I have no idea if there is a special trick to ring digging aside from gliding, digging, repeat, although it is kind of a ring challenge, so it would make some sense to say no digging.

Competition Central / Re: Itt our own challenges?
« on: July 15, 2008, 11:28:02 am »
Saying "No using boost" is fine.

Saying "oh you cant finish with a filled speed bar" is dumb if you start with it full.

Forcing people to get hit isnt a fun challenge.
I know, that's why I updated the topic, changing the rule to "1 and 1/2 or 2 bars". Bear with me, I only just got Sonic Rush about a week ago, and I threw this challenge out in the open without exactly going into context > >

Competition Central / Re: Itt our own challenges?
« on: July 14, 2008, 10:06:38 pm »
The latter challenge would be a snap to someone like SadisticMystic, I believe >_>

As for that Rush challenge, oh dear. That could be difficult.
Well, I was trying to do that rush challenge while I was at work (Life is good when you have you're own back room at work and no manager at work) and yeah, that is a tough one, not just because you can't press the speed button to go through ramps or long paths you aren't familiar with, but also if you hit too many enemies you'll have to stop and take a hit to release that energy. Add in the fact that you start each stage with a full bar of energy and you have a problem. I think that instead of not having more than 1 bar filled, I think a better rule would be you cant have more than 1 and 1/2 or 2 bars filled. It's not to say you couldn't finish a stage with less than 1 bar, but it's just too frustrating > >

Competition Central / Itt our own challenges?
« on: July 14, 2008, 11:44:34 am »
Alright so here is my personal challenge section for Sonic Rush. Follow the rules for each challenge and, if you feel like it, post your time results on this topic and I'll put it up on my own personal Leader boards. All runs must be done in time attack. I'll try and update as soon as possible, so dont be too stingy, I do have a full time job. Here are the challenges:

Sonic Rush--

Challenge 1: Zone: Leaf Storm
-rules: Get through act 1 and/or act 2 using any ability EXCEPT running or speed boosting (you're allowed to run for 1 second, but then you must use one of the other abilities). As a heads up, the big eggman ball segment near the end of act 2 is deadly to try using a spin dash, but it's not impossible. I've used the jumping forward trick and made it without a scratch.

Sonic:                                                   Blaze:

Sonic:                                                   Blaze:

Challenge 2: Zone:Water Palce, Altitude Limit
-rules: Beat each act without using the speed boost. You must also finish each act without having all 3 speed bars filled.

-Water Palace
--Act 1
Sonic:                                                  Blaze:

Sonic:                                                  Blaze:

-Altitude Limit
Sonic:                                                 Blaze:

Sonic:                                                 Blaze:

Challenge 3: Zone:Mirage Road, Huge Crisis
-rules:Get through each act while always having 1 full speed bar from the start to the end. If you ever have less than 1 full speed bar at any time, the time attack wont count.

-Mirage Road:
Sonic:                                                Blaze:

Sonic:                                                Blaze:

-Huge Crisis:
Sonic:                                                Blaze:

Sonic:                                                Blaze:


Oh yah, almost forgot. Shadow the Hedgehog, god what was I thinking getting that trash...And even on the ps2 >_< At least it was better than sonic06...And by that I mean if you were dumb enough to go and get either of this terrible games, at least ShtH was still on ps2/xbox and not one of the new releases on 360 (god have mercy on whoever actually got a 360 for THAT game...)

Games I hated:

Blazing Dragons for Playstation- A game that plays like Kings Quest, only you cant die or fail/miss at all in this game, and some of the puzzles in the game aren't as easy to figure out on your own. It tries to be funny using old fairy tales and taking a comical spin on them, but if you arent impressed by the first few jokes, you wont be impressed by the rest.

Megaman X5 on the Megaman X collection- I'm probably the only person who liked MMX6 more than MMX5. I hated the flow of stages in X5, where in between gameplay Alia (whoever she is) would interrupt the game to give you some text talking about things you'd already know about in the stage. The boss fights were the worst. While the designs of the bosses themselves weren't bad, they weren't great either, and the fight with each boss was so much slower than a regular X boss fight. This wasn't due to bosses being tough (cause they're weak), it's because...
1:Bosses have a huge bar of health, and
2:The weapon that damages them the most still does low damage

Sword of Vermillion on the Sega Genesis Collection-all around boring rpg. At least there's all 3 phantasy star games on the genesis collection, still, I wish they put wonderboy in monster world on it ;_;

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Any MegaMan Battle Network players?
« on: May 30, 2008, 04:41:54 pm »
Besides, I liked power stone 2 more than the SSB games anyway.
*coughstillhatemmbncough* :o

Power Stone 1&2 >> The SSB series.

I am glad there is another human being on this planet that agrees with me :D
I dont think I know anyone else that's even heard of power stone :/

What the hell is Power Stone?
I can't tell you. You must be this cool for me to give you that information.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Any MegaMan Battle Network players?
« on: May 30, 2008, 04:22:39 pm »
Besides, I liked power stone 2 more than the SSB games anyway.
*coughstillhatemmbncough* :o

Power Stone 1&2 >> The SSB series.

I am glad there is another human being on this planet that agrees with me :D
I dont think I know anyone else that's even heard of power stone :/

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Any MegaMan Battle Network players?
« on: May 30, 2008, 01:35:48 pm »
congrats! Have a cookie. *toss*

Besides, I liked power stone 2 more than the SSB games anyway.
*coughstillhatemmbncough* :o

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Any MegaMan Battle Network players?
« on: May 30, 2008, 01:31:41 pm »
No I meant the crapfest that I played
It wouldn't matter anymore at this point, I think we beat out all the life in this topic < <

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Any MegaMan Battle Network players?
« on: May 30, 2008, 01:17:32 pm »
I guess I dont need to go check which game it was then huh :(
What? The game I was saying you should be playing on nes or snes? If so, I was talking about the Rockman & Bass port, originally for snes and not avaliable outside japan.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Any MegaMan Battle Network players?
« on: May 30, 2008, 01:07:00 pm »
Im not pissed off, I just enjoy arguing.
It's quite a fun past time to be honest.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Any MegaMan Battle Network players?
« on: May 30, 2008, 12:56:01 pm »
Wow, it's easy pissing off RPG huh? xD

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Any MegaMan Battle Network players?
« on: May 30, 2008, 12:37:14 pm »
Do you see what you have done, em101? <_<

Nomad, RPG can be anything but gay. xDD
Then I'll put him down as stupid then :D

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Any MegaMan Battle Network players?
« on: May 30, 2008, 11:53:38 am »
'Ok for one, you failed at quoting there so Im just gonna list my points.'

Ooo, I failed at quoting you, big fucking deal.

'Success != Shit game'

What's your point here?

'The MM game I played was actually for the GBA, and as for the first SNES one being more difficult, difficulty in a game does not bother me as I play on the highest difficulty setting available that I feel comfortable with, which is usually hardest.'

There's your problem. Your playing a MM port on a gba. Try playing one on the nes or snes.

'And yes, I am blatantly disliking MM in general because YOU dont like MMBN.'

Which is why you fail.

'The world doesnt revolve around you sunshine, grow up.'
Sunshine? Are you gay? But whatever, I realize that this is a topic for people that like MMBN *shrug* so I'll respect that notion and stop hating on this series and let the folks get back to discussing the game.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Any MegaMan Battle Network players?
« on: May 30, 2008, 11:16:23 am »
'M&S Olympics might have been a success but that doesnt make it less of a shit game, point invalidated.'

Actually, it is a valid point, because the concept of a sequel game is derived from it being a success, not if it got a lot of positive reviews. Hence, why the team behind Sega Rally Revo recently closed down and why there's a very, very good chance of there being a M&S sequel.

'Having played both a single MM game, and a single MMBN game, both admittedly for not very long, at this point I prefer the MMBN series.'

My guess is either you were playing one of the snes Megaman games (7-9, which are arguably not as good as the nes ones) or you played the 1st one which is more challanging than most of the others and you cant handle the difficulty.

'What I played of...whichever MM game it was I played, felt like it was a horrible mesh of a platformer and a sidescrolling shooter, and the overall experience for me was all of the frustrations and none of the enjoyable aspects of either genre.'
Ok, even the snes MM games arent that bad. It sounds more like you're just trying to hate a classic series because I dont like the MMBN games. Either way, no u!

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Any MegaMan Battle Network players?
« on: May 30, 2008, 12:16:06 am »
it's supposed to be a platformer, and if you dont like that, too bad.

Where in his post did Crowbar say he did not like Mega Man as a platformer?

Seriously, stuff like BN is the main reason megaman is almost as dead as crash bandicoot.

This would be true if it weren't for the fact that the Battle Network series was a success. Its one thing to say something but its another thing to say something just out of hate.

It's one thing to take the same concept and come up with some new material, but it's a whole nother thing to change the entire fucking formula.

Tell me what the Mega Man formula is since you're so upset about it (anything besides shooting platformer since there is many of those running around).

Every other fanboy comment that can't cope with change like "it's supposed to be a platformer"

Just stfu.
you know what else was a success? M&S olympics. Infact, it's success is prolly 4 times better than what MMBN could do. It did amazingly better than a lot of games people said were good/better than M&S (ninja gaiden DS, Sonic Rush, even halo 3). You want another sequel of this? I mean yeah, they could do it and they'd prolly make a lot of cash doing it but honestly, who here cares? I want an actual sonic game (which is why I'm waiting on sonic unleashed). Now, MMBN wouldn't be so much of a problem IF capcom didn't deem it nessecary to make sequel after sequel of the same crap. I'd rather they make one rpg game once in a while like mario rpg rather than focus entirely on the same aspect. I'd like to see a new megaman platformer for once. As for me saying Crowbar didnt like platformers, I was talking about him not liking my opinion, but nice try pulling what I type out of context anyway. And Pidgey, that's a lot different. Mario rpgs dont come around for atleast 2-3 years so it's not frequent nor do they try to make it their staple game, besides it's more fun imo than MMBN.

And for the record, it's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. You dont like it? Save yourself the headache and dont bother trying to change it, cause I wont.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Any MegaMan Battle Network players?
« on: May 29, 2008, 02:36:49 pm »
Baaaw they did something different.

MMBN was an incredibly solid game (I haven't played the others but I've heard the second is brilliant and the others variable), and to write it off simply because it took the form of a "what if" continuity for an existing franchise that you love so damn much you never want to see its name soiled by anything strikingly different to the same games he's been putting out for years that you grew up with (because, yes, even with the X series Megaman games remained basically similar) suggests nothing but thick nostalgia goggles and near blind fanboyism to me.
You have a problem with that? It's one thing to take the same concept and come up with some new material, but it's a whole nother thing to change the entire fucking formula. I liked megaman for it's platforming action gameplay, and that's how it should stay. I suppose you're the same person who'd say just because the new Gi Joe is all anime it's no reason to hate it for that aspect (side rant). Well, I say bullshit. I feel the same for megaman too. I dont care if it's rpg gameplay is good, it's megaman for god's sake, it's supposed to be a platformer, and if you dont like that, too bad. It's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Any MegaMan Battle Network players?
« on: May 28, 2008, 11:54:11 pm »
Battle Network would've been a lot better without the random chip stuff.

No, Battle Network would've been a lot better if it didnt have anything to do with megaman AT ALL. Seriously, stuff like BN is the main reason megaman is almost as dead as crash bandicoot. The only thing that's keeping him alive is the megaman zero and megaman ZX series, and I dont even like those as much as the old ones =/

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Any MegaMan Battle Network players?
« on: May 28, 2008, 03:07:14 pm »
I liked megaman before that crapfest battle network. I refuse to even catigorize it in the megaman series because I hate it so much. It's just not..Megaman to me =/

Sonic Advance 2: The fire mountain zone one.


Haven't you played Sonic Advance yet? :(
I have, but I dont have it on my gba, nor  do I like it as much as Sonic Advance 2. I'm talking about the 2nd zone after the 1st one > >
I believe you mean Hot Crater >_>  Also a "fire mountain" is called a "volcano" round these parts >_> >_>

Also also you are wrong, for the best levels are clearly Ice Paradise 2 and Sky Canyon 2.
No you are wrong, for everything stated as a "favorite stage" is an opinion and therefore cannot be the "best" stage. And fire mountain, volcano, same thing, no need to dive into pointless side notes > >

General Sonic / Re: Are we really not allowed to talk about chaos?
« on: May 28, 2008, 12:59:35 pm »
I shee, thanks. Now to get chao and play two player Sonic v Shadow with metal sonic

General Sonic / Re: Are we really not allowed to talk about chaos?
« on: May 28, 2008, 12:38:13 pm »
blue? Dont you mean purple? > > Also, is it possible to give NiGHS chaos other stats wihtout changing their faces? And what animal removes physical animal traits again?

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