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Topics - Spinballwizard

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Leaderboard Disputes / ATTN: SonicDash1999
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:57:13 pm »
So I don't normally post at all. But y'know I saw something pop up that seemed weird.

Can you explain how you got 5.38 on Egg Hammertank II? Because from what I can tell, the only way you could've done it is using Easy Mode.

Quote from: Competition Rules
*When not using Time Attack mode, the difficulty setting must be Normal.

(Also noteworthy is that TA mode must be used for any time/boss division that's not XX or True Area 53.)

I know you have a pic, but that's what's making me think about it.

Gaming and Grazing / ITT We make Portal 2 maps
« on: May 27, 2012, 08:21:41 pm »
And post them!

Prepare yourselves... for SCIENCE!

News and Updates / TSC is 8!
« on: October 23, 2011, 12:16:25 pm »
TSC is 8 years old today. We're old!

Beef / Since for some strange reason I can't post in bugs...
« on: August 28, 2009, 10:01:08 am »
I just noticed that Partial videos ignore the "rank" column on the video page's display table. Should be an easy fix. (Reference: See, blazest's GF3)

Wikkity! / ITT a TSC meet that doesn't involve Rolken and flyby
« on: May 15, 2009, 01:45:14 am »
As a few of you on the IRC know, there was a southeast (ish) Michigan meet this past Wednesday involving myself, SonicAD, donnashowl, and her boyfriend (because he insisted she isn't that great of a driver) at Oakland Mall in Troy. Initially met at Kerby's Koney Island. They didn't wait for me despite the fact that I said I wouldn't arrive until around 5 (which I did), so I got there and they were already done eating. Then we just kinda hung. Walked over to the arcade and watched this guy be crazy at look-alike-DDR while we talked next to Gerbil's favorite pinball machine. (...Wheel. Not Rick Astley.)

We also got to play the "pronounce SBW's last name" game. As expected, everybody failed. (I know only a few people not related to me that can pronounce it correctly.)

Anyway there's a pic or two, but Ben (donna's bf) has the pics right now. So everyone saying "pics or it didn't happen" has to wait for her. (And yes, we did comment on that.)

Other highlights:
-My first words of the day: "See? I showed up this time!"
-Us talking about how we all fail at Sonic. (Including me commenting that RAing Shadow isn't as hard because you don't lose everything when you get hit.)
-Sega claw machine in the arcade. Baby Silver Surfer? Baby Hulk (who looked like Gumby with hair)? Abu?
-Finding out that donna has a friend whose redeeming point is a Yaoi obsession
-Obligatory "I CALL BS" and "mmmballs" references, even though neither of them got the latter because neither was around for the !quote 8 shenanigans. (I decided not to move on to "also I kissed a guy.") Actually AD did a really good "I CALL BS" complete with a dramatic lunge that I'm surprised we didn't get weird looks for.

One of them will have to post what happened before or after I left though. I had to run because I had to live up to a challenge I made, and I had $700 worth of miniatures in my trunk. >_>

Gaming and Grazing / ITT SBW makes a forum mafia.
« on: May 05, 2009, 03:07:30 am »

Current Players:
1. flyby
2. mike89/yse (Mason)
3. Chao_Fan
4. 1stkirbyever (???)
5. PPA
6. SonicAD
7. douglas
8. genus/General Throatstomper
9. Paraxade
10. Waxwings/Achlys
11. Stefan
12. Bertin
13. ieatatsonic

Gauging interest before I cap stuff, but I think I'll peak at 10. I might use an Epic setup if you're lucky. I'm considering not telling you the setup, too. Just to mess with your heads.

So yeah. I'll declare whether or not it is day or night. Usually when everyone's sent their votes, but if it takes too long I'll move things forward. Mafia can talk to each other outside this topic, but otherwise players are not allowed to talk about the game outside of this topic.

Interested? Post...

So after Cruizer's question on time over ring shenanigans, I decided to randomly go through the rules and poke into some ambiguities.

"Statistics are taken from the time the timer stops. This is usually when the signpost, goal ring or the capsule is hit, though in some levels it may apply to other events, eg. in Wing Fortress, time is taken from when the screen fades out. Scores are taken after all the relevant act bonuses are added."

By this wording, the time over shanigans are semi-legal because technically, the timer stops at time over. Perhaps "Statistics are taken upon completion of the level. This is usually when the signpost, goal ring, or the capsule is hit..." and keeping all the other stuff. Maybe adding a mention of a results screen except on the exceptions listed.

Also, the "you can only use the listed character for the stat in question" rule has mysteriously vanished, so theoretically it is legal to use Sonic + Tails in Sonic 2/3/K. I thought this was ruled not to be the case.

Shouldn't it just be "Entering a special stage is not allowed."? Theoretically, as written, Sonic can enter a special stage, get the ring/gem bonuses, continue the level, and have a legitimate score.

It's also worth noting that the second half of the written Knuckles rule ("nor is dying after hitting a starpost.") is redundant considering general rules. ("Scores must be attained in a single continuous run (without deaths).")

"In Lava Reef 1, you can't destroy a badnik which came from the same origin as a badnik you already destroyed." - Add Mushroom Hill 1 and 2, as you can continuously go back and spawn new mole-bots.

Explanation on why HS-G is in Freestyle should be present, I think.

Should this rule -- "In Twinkle Park and Lost World, you can't hit a switch to create any more rings after any such rings have already been collected once." -- be there as well? Again, kinda redundant with General, but yeah.

Shouldn't there be the Knuckles/Rouge digging clause here?

Maybe reword it so it sounds less weird and more consistent with the charts. "Ring statistics on night stages must be attained in a single continuous run (without deaths)."

Chaotix rule should be in effect since linked co-op play is possible, however unplausible. (Theoretically, it's possible on bosses, I'd think, but I've never co-opped Adv3 so I don't know for sure.) i.e. "You must use single-player mode (computer-controlled partner)."

Beef / Maybe it's about time a few vids get purged?
« on: January 30, 2009, 03:58:40 am »
I've noticed a lot of vids cluttering up the vids sections lately which aren't obsoleted like they should. A few green/blue stats have popped up too. We should probably go through and obsolete stuff.

Also disguising as a feature request. For those who are allowed to upload/post vids, perhaps the site should check to see if a better vid isn't already on the site before it gets uploaded. Either a hard stop or a confirmation message. ("A video demonstrating a better statistic for this division has already been uploaded. (Are you sure you want to upload anyway?)" with stuff in parentheses optional if you go for the confirmation method.) Certainly wouldn't be difficult, and this obviously wouldn't apply to partial runs.

Wikkity! / I'm an idiot, ask me anything.
« on: January 20, 2009, 11:56:12 pm »
Ok that's enough "ask me" topics (and sarcastic variants thereof). Seriously, I didn't expect to come home from work and see that everyone and their fucking grandmother made one.

By the way, ask me any questions and I will respond with a boot to the head.

Gaming and Grazing / TSC "Box League" thing take II
« on: September 07, 2008, 10:59:28 pm »
So mike and I started working on stuff with sekret magic stuffs again (well RPG too but he was mostly for comic relief). This didn't last long. I don't know where it came up, but I mentioned to RPG that maybe we'll be trying that "sealed thing" again. Only I want to do it differently. Not with a clusterfuck of sets. Not with points going towards "buying" "boosters." Really it'll probably just be based on this.

Essentially each player gets a box (or some other amount, I'll determine that closer to start but I'm thinking half a box), builds a 60 card (or more, I don't really care) deck, and plays for the hell of it, with unlimited trading allowed. (Oh, and unlimited access to basic land. Because, y'know, those things are freely available.)

The way I was thinking of going was start with one set/block (ideally, Shards of Alara when it comes out next month) and then adding to it as we progress, the method of which I'm still working out.

Interested parties (I believe) are myself, mike, RPG, and Sephgara (aka RPG's friend person).

I'll post more tomorrow when I'm not trying to think of stuff while knowing I have to go to bed for work in the morning. We're talking like I might program something to do this so we don't have to use the sealed deck generator on MWS here. (This would also make it more open-platform, as you wouldn't be stuck to the .mwdeck format, so you could use GCCG or apprentice or something.)


Banned Card List
(These cards are banned regardless of what set is used, and they won't be included in pools, i.e. they'll be skipped in the listing. If a card is banned that is already in a pool, then you can't use that card; contact me and I'll randomize you a replacement.)

Amulet of Quoz (Ice Age)
Bronze Tablet (Revised/4th Edition, Antiquities)
Contract from Below (Alpha, Beta, Unlimited, Revised/4th Edition)
Darkpact (Alpha, Beta, Unlimited, Revised/4th Edition)
Demonic Attorney (Alpha, Beta, Unlimited, Revised/4th Edition)
Jeweled Bird (Chronicles, Arabian Nights)
Rebirth (Revised/4th Edition, Legends)
Tempest Efreet (Revised/4th Edition, Legends)
Timmerian Fiends (Homelands)
Chaos Orb (Alpha, Beta, Unlimited)
Falling Star (Legends)
All cards from the Unglued set
All cards from the Unhinged set

« on: July 30, 2008, 10:26:32 pm »
You won't see this but HAPPY BIRTHDAY TACO
* Spinballwizard run

Competition Central / ITT SAdva2 Challenges :O
« on: June 22, 2008, 09:27:17 pm »
I've been bored the past couple days at work. I'd been boring myself of doing EHTIIK so I just started fucking around. I found out that 3 bosses can be defeated by gliding.

So random challenge #1: Defeat the Egg Frog (the Egg Utopia boss) in Time Attack mode as Knuckles. All hits must be made while gliding, and you may not break your glide during the run. (It must be one continuous glide. Landing, releasing the A button, and getting hit all count as breaking the glide.)

I got 1:08:xx or something I think (can't remember offhand, it was 6:45am and I was barely awake when I was trying this), and that had mistakes.

Beef / OLD (Re: Site)
« on: May 09, 2008, 03:09:39 am »
Randomly browsing non-chart non-forum TSC is bad for your health, kids. It means you are truly bored. Like when you look at Spiff Sites. I mean seriously, who looks at that!?

Well maybe if stuff were newer.

If Feb. '06 is new, then I caught a real-life shiny Mewtwo holding a Time Gear.
* Spinballwizard shot

Back to serious. Needs more. Maybe...

1. Mariokart64. Mike mentioned it in top 10's. Some TSCers are there. It's a competition site that isn't CyberScore (which is on the page oddly enough). Mario Center. Enough reasons?

2. Score Hero. Especially given SS's success. WE CREATED HIM DAMNIT. Plus Guitar Hero is epic pwn.

3. TASVideos. Some of our best strats come from here. (*grumble* even if they blow the record of my level *grumble*) Without TASVideos, how would we have uberlow times in Marble 2 or Scrap Brain 3? The Advance 3 TAS is how _+S became a great combo in Advance 3 once unidivision came to being (C+S in particular, see the TAS notes). Sure, we discourage and disallow tool-assisted runs in TSC competition, but really I see no better source of strategic info.

Just a thought.

Wikkity! / ITT SBW Paints Miniatures
« on: February 21, 2008, 02:36:31 am »
Here you can see my skills of an artist!

Or lack thereof. It's up to you, really.

So as you may know I've gotten into Hordes recently. I've started painting my figs. And, like any self-respecting TSCer, I'm going to show off.

Only have one done right now though, more to come. Most of them will be troll minis, but this one isn't!

Alten Ashley, Monster Hunter

Front View:

I personally like how the gun turned out.

Back View:

Yes, that thing on the back of his head on the front shot is actually his sword.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll finish my Dire Troll Mauler. My favorite model in my army and I've had a plan for him for a while so you're going to want to see him.

(PS These are scaled shots, it's just easier than uploading the high-res ones to photobucket.)

[EDIT] Here's the Dire Troll!

Dire Troll Mauler

Red splotches on the fangs are intentional. He likes to smash things with his big meaty fists and then eat them. Raw.

Beef / ITT A Comment That Will Be Ignored
« on: February 11, 2008, 05:45:19 pm »
Random: Our site news still says Happy Hanukkah. Srsly. There's been stuff done that's main site newsworthy. For instance:

-New Charts (Rivals 2, Heroes Special)
-Major bugfixes (Like this)
-New Features (Division Icons or awards, for instance)
-Server news (such as out-of-chat explanation for OSNAP BRB GUYS)
-General bulletins such as this.

Makes it look like TSC's actually updated once in a while.
* Spinballwizard ignored

Gaming and Grazing / TSC MtG "Box League" [Random Idea, Interest Survey]
« on: December 20, 2007, 02:59:05 am »
So. Unless you've been living under a rock, you'd know that TSC's latest fad is MtG. It's in the topic of the chat. (This makes it relevant.) You may have seen the Extended Tourney topic in this very forum. But how many of you have seen this?

Truth be told I've wanted to implement this type of thing on my own for about 5 months now. Just hadn't had the time. (I was working on my senior design project at the time.) Now that school is behind me, maybe I'll let the proverbial cat out of the bag.

But first... intro!

Let's take a look at the current backdrop of Magic here at TSC. Right now most of us use MWS (though a few have dared to try GCCG). There are a bunch of newer players. Even the experienced players using MWS (i.e. me, mike) have different play styles. Most of the newer ones will just play with what works. Usually this comes from the unlimited pool and it's usually not the uber-powerful stuff. (By that I mean Power Nine aren't running rampant.) Mike usually plays Extended because he's been out of the loop for a while and feels at home in Odyssey/Onslaught. I'm starting to get more competitive, so Standard/Type 2 (currently Time Spiral block, Coldsnap, 10th Edition, and Lorwyn) is more of my game.

Adding to that, we're just picking the best cards we can get (well, at least I am) to put into our decks, with no notion of limit (other than the basic Rule of 4). This is fine, but in my eyes there just isn't as much of a challenge. Therefore I've looked into alternative formats.

Mike's talked about Sealed and/or Draft. (I think Sealed can be generated in MWS. Draft can't as of yet, though I go to a site where you can draft and export the deck to MWS.) SM's been running his "Three-Card Blind" at GameFAQs for a while now. All of these are fine, but each is missing one key element: they're not typical constructed Magic (by which I mean 60 card minimum etc).

I've actually had some of these problems in my play group as well. There's also been somewhat of an urge for me to play casually. I've gotten a lot more competitive over the last couple years and part of me misses the old days.

Then at the end of July I saw an article on WotC that seemed to solve everything. Apparently WotC employees have started a "You Can Go Home Again" league, where each participant grabs a box of a particular set (in their case, 10th edition), builds a 60-card deck out of those, then plays for a while. You have unlimited basic land. You could play as much or as little as you want. (Some of the WotC guys apparently trade whole decks away and start from scratch every so often.) Trading is allowed but not required. The catch is that you couldn't use cards from your regular collection. Big deal.

(If you're curious, you can read the whole article here.)

The question is, would you want to do this at TSC?

And if so, how would you go about it?
1. Whole box or half box? (Too many cards + too many people become a problem, though I doubt we'd run into that.)
2. Which set(s) would we start out with? A core set like 10th? (More condusive to new players) Lorwyn? A block from the past? A random collection of sets? Input plz.
3. I'd actually need someone else to help me run it (unless someone can set up a GCCG server to use and somehow limit buying to only the first box/half box) so I can participate as well while being fair.


Gaming and Grazing / loltechsupport :/
« on: February 08, 2007, 11:03:54 pm »
So here's the deal. A few of you know it already.

For Christmas, I asked for the WiFi Adapter for my DS so I could join the zany shenanigans that are Mario Kart. Figured I'd get the head start, especially with Pokémon Diamond/Pearl around the corner. Installed the software, hooked the thing up, and as one of my friends said today... I had "three-and-a-half turds in a shit sack."

At first, I could connect to the server, but couldn't see shit on it. Friends search (after adding genus, PsyBorg, and Alondite) brought up nothing, even though all three were online at the time. (Thank you, #soniccenter.) I try again later, and the damn thing won't even connect.

No problem, plugged the error code into Nintendo's tech support site. Okay, can't establish UDP connection. So I look up the USB Connector FAQs, particularly the ones about firewalls, and there are a few things I'd have to have my dad do, in case the firewall blocks outbound traffic (which apparently in some cases it does).

1. Open up TCP ports yada yada yada. He says this is no problem, he can open the 3 ports no problem. (Though if you're not allowing traffic on port 80, then how the hell are you reading their help topics?)

2. Open up all UDP ports to all destinations. To this he responded along the lines of "Hell no."

Nintendo doesn't help there, as they flat out say it's a big security risk.

I mention the outbound thing to him, and he shrugs it off. As a bit of a weak point to his argument, he said that when he enables a TCP port, he can set it so that it only accepts if I start the connection, but nobody elaborates on that.

I mention Nintendo's "trusted IP ranges." He refuses, because they're for private Internet and "it is suggested that they be blocked," because nobody in their right mind would use them.

So here I am, in a bit of a rut. I'm probably going to have to take the thing back now. (Good thing Target has a 90 day return policy.) At least temporarily, until the problem gets solved.

Which is where you guys come in.

Have you noticed any negative effects from connecting to Nintendo for WiFi on any of your networks? I'm mainly looking for people using the USB Connector, but I assume similar settings are required for regular connections. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Gaming and Grazing / ITT we post how much we get owned.
« on: February 01, 2007, 11:45:31 pm »
Don't you hate it when you're about to accomplish a goal and luck or bad timing decides to act against your will?

Yeah so do I. Especially when you're about to get a ring record. But this has nothing to do with taking hits; I didn't take one throughout the entire run! Instead... this.

The pic's of shit quality, so I'll explain the situation. Ring counter is 414, character is Tails. On the far right of the screen is the goal. Guaranteed record, right?

You can't read the timer, can you? See, I'm not a pussy, and thus play with Time Over. Now if you don't know what it is, you're retarded, but I'll tell you anyways. It reads 9:59:99. I GOT A FUCKING TIME OVER LESS THAN A SECOND AWAY FROM THE GOAL.

Naturally this makes the run invalid. :/

Share your thoughts/similar experiences. From anything. That's why it's in Grazing.

Wikkity! / O-BS-ity
« on: October 25, 2006, 11:42:34 pm »
So my mom had the Today show on this morning (God knows why), and they had a report on so-called "hidden fats" found in the standard American refridgerator. They started by mentioning 5 common household food items and mentioning how "unhealthy" they are. Of those 5, 4 of them exist in my home, and 1 of which is "worse." These "unhealthy" items are: 2% milk (we drink whole), white bread, fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt, juice boxes (I don't drink them, but they're there.), and applesauce. To remedy this, they suggest 1% milk (Half the fat, half the taste!), whole grain bread (Mmm, fartilicioius.), plain, fat-free yogurt (Yeah, because plain yogurt tastes good...), 100% juice boxes (No complaints, really.), and sugar free applesauce (Sugar-free is BS).

The main point was the "fact" that childhood obesity is becoming a problem. The question is, is it the products that's causing it?

Now I grew up on all those. I might be a tiny bit overweight, but I'm not obese by any standards. (I could try to find a decent picture if you're really interested, but laziness will probably get the better of me.) And I have no intent on changing. The main reason (and they did touch on this) has to do with meal portions.

Now obviously, American families are not only stupid but also extremely lazy. Thus, families don't cook and therefore eat out often. Now when they're not clogging their arteries at <insert fast food joint here>, they might sit down at a nice family restaurant. But even there, they serve ridiculously huge portions. Today (the show) did a comparison on "standard" food portions and restaurant ones. Among others, they showed one standard-size turkey sandwich and this one sandwich that was at least 4 times the size of it. And we, as Americans, are dumb enough to eat all of what's served to us. And in-house portions are apparently bigger too, so it happens at home as well.

I do have this syndrome, I'll admit. I'll eat everything on my plate. But see, there's a little trick to this. It's going to sound quite obvious, but use a smaller plate, dumbasses.

We only use our large "dinner" plates for special occasions, i.e. a steak dinner or Thanksgiving or some other major holiday. You know, the ones (like Thanksgiving) where you're allowed to overeat. We don't keep serving dishes on the table. So if you want more, you have to get up, walk to the counter/stove, serve yourself more, walk back to the table, and sit down.

Laziness postulate kicks in again, obviously. I'll admit, there are only a few situations where I go for seconds. But usually I'm full after one portion anyways.

Thoughts on this problem that shouldn't be a problem?

Wikkity! / ITT SBW makes another sad attempt at a TCG
« on: October 05, 2006, 02:13:58 am »
I "leaked" the news to RPG a couple nights ago, and while I didn't really give him any details, I did tell him this:

I came up with a better idea for a Sonic-based TCG. That's a hell of a lot better than the failed Time Attack one I did. (No offense to anyone who thought the idea was good, but looking back it was pretty lame. Oh, and do remember that Thread Necromancy is punishable by Smiting.)

Basic premise: Get a character to your opponent's "capsule" on their end of the board (Currently X-by-20, but subject to change). Or force them to "Time Over" (known in MtG as victory by "mill").

Rings serve as a basic money/"mana" system to pay for cards. The system's still in a baby stage so it's pretty bad at the moment. (Primarily with the starting amount.) Anyways, I'm just going to show off a few cards I've designed so far and ask for opinions/help in design. At the moment, everything's subject to change.

All of the parts of each card should be self-explanatory. (A short group or parentheses () is supposed to be a ring symbol, since O looks too much like 0. At least in Notepad where I'm storing everything at the moment.) Here's what I have so far, which is mostly some okay commons/uncommons and a bunch of likely overpowered rares:

Name: Sonic the Hedgehog
Type: Character (Hero)
Rarity: Rare
Cost: ()5
Speed: 6
Ring: 3
Recollect: 10
Difficulty: 5
Abilities: You can't play Sonic the Hedgehog if have have any Robot Characters in play or if another card named Sonic the Hedgehog is in play. Sonic may attack two Characters during your turn. (If the first attack fails, you don't get a second one. After attacking the first, Sonic may continue moving as though he didn't attack, up to his Speed.)


Name: Miles "Tails" Prower
Type: Character (Hero)
Rarity: Rate
Cost: ()5
Speed: 3
Ring: 4
Recollect: 10
Difficulty: 4
Abilities: You can't play Miles "Tails" Prower if another card named Miles "Tails" Prower is in play. Once during your turn, you may pay one ring to let Tails move through a tile with another character without attacking or stopping. (If Tails moves as far as his speed will take him, you must attack a character on the tile he ends up at.)


Name: Knuckles the Echidna
Type: Character (Hero)
Rarity: Rare
Cost: ()5
Speed: 3
Ring: 3
Recollect: 10
Difficulty: 5
Abilities: You can't play Knuckles the Echidna if another card named Knuckles the Echidna is in play. Whenever an opponent plays an Obstacle card on Knuckles, roll a 6-sided die. If you roll a 1, that player discards that Obstacle card and it has no effect.


Name: Metal Sonic
Type: Character (Enemy Robot)
Rarity: Rare
Cost: ()6
Speed: 5
Ring: 2
Recollect: 5
Difficulty: 5
Abilities: You can't play Metal Sonic if another card named Metal Sonic is in play. If an opponent has a card named Sonic the Hedgehog in play, Metal Sonic gets Speed +1 and must move to attack Sonic the Hedgehog if possible.


Name: E-102 "Gamma"
Type: Character (Hero Robot)
Rarity: Rare
Cost: ()5
Speed: 4
Ring: 2
Recollect: 5
Difficulty: 5
Abilities: You can't play E-102 "Gamma" if another card named E-102 "Gamma" is in play. If Gamma has not moved this turn, you may have it attack all Characters in tiles adjacent to it. This attack automatically hits. Those characters don't attack Gamma back.


Name: Shield
Type: Effect
Rarity: Common
Cost: ()3
Effect: Attach Shield to a character. If the character Shield is attached to is attacked and hit, discard Shield. This character doesn't lose rings by being hit by that attack.


Name: Lightning Shield
Type: Effect
Rarity: Uncommon
Cost: ()3
Effect: Attach Lightning Shield to a character. If the character Lightning Shield is attached to is attacked and hit, discard Lightning Shield. This character doesn't lose rings by being hit by that attack. This character gets Ring +2.


Name: Labyrinth Zone
Type: Effect
Rarity: Uncommon
Cost: ()3
Effect: Put Labyrinth Zone on any tile. This tile and all tiles within 3 tiles of it are considered underwater. At the beginning of each turn, put a drown marker on any character that is underwater. If a character has 5 drown markers on it, put it into the Scrap Heap. Characters that are underwater have Speed 1.


Name: Water Shield
Type: Effect
Rarity: Uncommon
Cost: ()3
Effect: Attach Water Shield to a character and remove all drown markers from it (if any). If the character Water Shield is attached to is attacked and hit, discard Water Shield. This character doesn't lose rings by being hit by that attack. Don't put any drown markers on this character if it's underwater.


Name: Timed Spikes
Type: Obstacle
Rarity: Common
Cost: ()1
Effect: Play at any time during your opponent's turn (except during an attack). Roll a die. If the result is even, choose a character in play. That character is considered hit.


Name: Loop
Type: Obstacle
Rarity: Common
Cost: ()2
Effect: Play whenever an opponent's character moves one tile. The character that just moved gets speed -2 until end of turn.


Name: Piston Room
Type: Boss
Rarity: Uncommon
Cost: ()4
Armor: 8
Effects: Whenever Piston Room is attacked, roll a die. If you roll a 5, that attack does nothing. If you roll a 6, that attack does nothing and you may put the attacking character into the Scrap Heap.


Name: Labyrinth Maze
Type: Boss
Rarity: Rare
Cost: ()5
Armor: 1
Effects: The 10 tiles in front of you (in all rows) are considered underwater. At the beginning of each turn, put a drown marker on any character that is underwater. If a character has 5 drown markers on it, put it into the Scrap Heap. Characters that are underwater have Speed 1.


Name: Air Bubble
Type: Effect
Rarity: Uncommon
Cost: ()3
Effect: Attach Air Bubble to one of your Characters. At any time, you may discard Air Bubble. If you do, remove all drown markers from it.


Inputs appreciated.

Competition Central / ITT we cheer on Quartz
« on: July 30, 2006, 07:20:03 pm »
At this precise second, Quartz is only 4 records away (12p) from something that (and you may correct me on this if I'm horribly wrong) has only been achieved by Sprint and Taco: a 100% (0p) Championship, this one in Advance 3. ITT we cheer him on. :o

He's 100%'d times already, but he still needs bosses from Toy Kingdom (3rd), Cyber Track (3rd), Altar Emerald (5th), and Nonaggression (5th). Will he make history? Discuss.

General Sonic / TSC on Summer of Sonic?
« on: May 03, 2006, 02:40:57 pm »
Now I know what you're thinking. "TSC collaborating with TSS!? NO WAI!"

But think about it. We're pretty much THE Sonic Gaming Community. Who wouldn't want to see our pwnage?

See, that's my idea. A huge showcase of TSC's most pwnage vids. I'm thinking at least one vid from each game (though preferably VCR-recorded, for legality purposes), compiling them into one largeish vid consisting of the best runs in all of TSC. (We'd probably have some kind of cool musical scores in there, consisting not necessarily of zones related to the game being played but just the best tracks of all game or something.) Just a few to throw into the potential mix if we do decide to do this:

Sonic 1: One of the 25-vids of GH1.
Sonic 2: Not sure.
Sonic 3/K: Parts of mike's speedrun, if done?
S3D: They're all Sprint, so they must be pwnage. >_>
SCD: See above.
SA(DX): F-Man's would probably be the best caliber, even though they're digicam'd. Pick one of those. (Maybe EC or LW?)
SA2(B): Maybe one of each character set? Running would maybe be Cy's GH. Shooting could be a pick from SS101's vids. Hunting would be harder, but perhaps SM's DL1 could go.
Heroes: Not sure. It'd be cool if we had a Team Sonic vid. >_>
Shadow: Not sure. Maybe Cosmic Fall just because it's such a cool level. X)
Advance: Not sure. I should watch Taco's speedrun on SDA and see if anything looks spectacular from there.
Advance 2: LF1 and MP1 are arguably the most pwnage. I wish I had a VCR up in my room and a GBA/GCN link cable, because then I'd try to make a non-emulated IP2 vid. >_>
Advance 3: Not that much to choose from. R99-2 or either of the Chaos Angels could be pwnage (though haven't seen the R99 one)
Rush: Maybe not, if only because the vids are too LOL due to the 2 screens of the DS.

Others aren't really significant enough, though this is a tentative list for something that may or may not happen. But I think it's cool. >_>

Competition Central / onos teh time attack!!!!1 blog.
« on: March 27, 2006, 10:37:24 pm »
So this is more or less going to be my little blog thing where I document my TAing for the day because I'm cool like that. X)

If you're looking for strats, you might not get any just because that's for CC. Or even PM. Or something. That and most of my strats aren't really worth getting because in most cases people have better ones.

Anyways you're free to comment or have pity on me or whatnot for my suckage.

Date: 27 March 2006
Game(s): Sonic Adventure 2 (B), Sonic Advance 2
Division(s): Mission Street 1/3/5, Weapons Bed 1/3, Egg Utopia 1 Sonic

MS1 (Daily Best: 3:03:57) - In reality, 4. But they're fundamentally the same anyways. Based on my old comment, I did manage to get a successful hover in. On the other hand, though, I took a hit in mid-hover, which cost a few seconds. I'm relatively sure I can get under 3 some time soon, but I'm more concentrated on M3's at the moment. I just did the M4 for the hell of it. (Besides, I wanted to do M5, but ended up not having enough time to get a finishing run in before going to work.)

MS3 (Daily Best: 2:29:19) - For some reason, even though it's not the case, I thought my time was barely in reach of an A. Guess I was wrong. Not too much to say though. Got hit by the same robot as in M4 though. Damn, that guy pisses me off.

MS5 (Daily Best: DNF - Game Over) - Not finished, so no time. Ended up game overing. And much to my embarassment, I guess the Mystic Melody "shortcut" in M1-4 isn't really a shortcut heh.

WB1 (Daily Best: 1:54:67) - Again, an M4. Can't remember much of the run, sadly. I know I made a mistake somewhere though. (Obviously. I got a 'D' rank.)

WB3 (Daily Best: 1:55:05) - I'm not sure what I did that puts this tome greater than my M1 time. I'll have to make another run through it. Expect me to report on that some time.

EU1S (Daily Best: 1:26:00) - This'll be the most detailed of today's not only because it's the most recent but it's something I've done extensively. Whereas in SA2B I haven't done much so my times are more or less what happens when I go with what works.

This has been pissing me off for some time now. Every time I try douglas' strat, I end up getting to the area around the check slower (because if you know the strat, which you can get from watching the vid, you don't actually touch the check). I actually have 2 uncontrollable urges on this level. The first is to use my variation of the strat around 33 seconds (in the vid), where I spindash into the spring and hit the rail as opposed to running, going over the lower spring, and hitting the hill. This cuts a couple seconds off the record strat.

The other urge I get is to roll down the slope betweent he two loops in his. This costs me boost mode, which more or less costs the level.

I had a great run working today at work (on my lunch, you bozos) where I was sure to get second from Taco (NintenDan, for the uninformed/stupid/both). I was dashing on the last slope at about 1:20, and I was sure I'd get a low 1:24. I finished reffing my spindash as soon as the platform hit the ramp and launched, hoping to get a jump/airdash maneuver in, which I hoped would give me some speed. Wasn't fast enough on the jump, so I rolled off the platform onto the ground below. This didn't really worry me; I'd still have running speed and room for an air dash or two to the finish. Then the inevitable happens.

Sonic Advance 2, while being arguably the fastest (in terms of speed; completion goes to Chaos) game in the series, has one major speed trap that isn't even an obstacle; it's more or less embedded in the game physics. If you are falling from a great distance (such as dropping from a higher platform to lower ground, as in my IP2 strat) while spinning (either from a roll, dash, or jump), there is a chance, which I assume is based on the landing angle, that you will come to a DEAD STOP upon landing. This happened to me in this particular run. As I dashed off the moving platform, I landed at a steep enough angle that I just came to a dead stop. I recovered with my own spin dash paired with a couple of air dashes, but the time was already lost. Ended up with a 1:27:xx on that run.

So yeah. Tomorrow I'm probably going to do more EU1, though I should consider improving Sky Canyon 1 as well. Need to go for yellowless. X) (If only the SC1 vid wasn't put on SWedge's space...)

Wikkity! / Manager's Ramblings
« on: March 18, 2006, 10:08:18 pm »
Somehow I think this could easily swing between here and Wikkity. Meh.

Anyways, first some background.

One of the managers at the store where I work occasionally comes to the back door for a smoke break. (This is technically illegal according to the handbook; not that he cares.) Sometimes I think there's a little something-something extra in those cigs he smokes; they smell worse than normal cigarettes for one, and some of the things he says on those smoke breaks can be pretty weird. Like today's little rambling he gave.

He called me to the back room when he was going on one of his smoke breaks. I thought I was in trouble at first. Apparently, he only wanted to share some of his "logic." (You'll understand the use of quotes eventually.)

He began by asking about my familiarity with BitTorrent. Now I haven't used it, but obviously I've heard of it. He goes on to explain about the basics, and goes into an example of BTing a movie, having it separated into parts which are later combined into the whole. Obviously all the files are more or less combinations of 0's and 1's, as anyone decently versed in computers would know. (Silly binary.) Now once you combine the pieces in order, you have your finished movie.

At this point, I was wondering where he was going with this.

I was sorry I did. Because then he says something along the lines of "Couldn't you just write up a binary file (of 0's and 1's) and be able to create the movie on your own?" I was slightly weirded out by this. I mean, it might be possible, but highly improbable. (And I mean highly.)

And then the inevitable happens. "Then wouldn't it be possible, with luck, to create a binary file and have a movie that hasn't even been created yet?"

At that line, I think my mind exploded.


General Sonic / On why Older Sonic Games > Newer Ones
« on: March 15, 2006, 10:43:25 pm »
Let's look at the mainstream "popular" games for a second. Seemingly deteriorating quality (with respect to storyline evilness especially) as we get towards the end. Let's analyze this, shall we? (Note: No Advance games due to relative lack of Storyline. No Rush because it's relatively good.)

Sonic 1 |Robotnik . |Robotnik ..... |1
Sonic 2 |Robotnik . |Robotnik ..... |1*
S3K ... |Robotnik . |Robotnik ..... |3
S3DB** .|Robotnik . |Robotnik ..... |1
SA(DX) .|Robotnik . |Robotnik*** .. |6
SA2(B) .|Special^ . |Eggman ....... |6^^
Heroes .|Metal Sonic|Eggman ....... |12^^^
Shadow .|Black Doom |Eggman ....... |1
Riders .|Babylon .. |Eggman ....... |6^^

* Additional character with Lock-On. Tails doesn't count due to identical functionality.

** Note: Limited enemies part of poorer quality

*** Called "Eggman" by all playable characters (Unsure about Big, but he's dumb.) but E-102

^ Differs based on story. Occasionally GUN, Robotnik, Heroes, Gerald.

^^ More outside story mode.

^^^ 4 Teams, 12 characters among them.


Take a look at things during/after SA(DX).
1. He's no longer "Dr. Robotnik" but "Dr. Eggman"
2. Generally more new characters that generally aren't needed (Read: Big, Cream, Babylon, possibly more)
3. Robotnik's no longer the main enemy in most games and has lost his apparent evilness. He often allies with you in the end. It recovered somewhat in Riders but could be improved.
4. Since the apparent name change, enemies have become much more generic-looking and in many cases (I'm looking at you Eggbots) pathetically designed.

Connection? I do think so.

Obviously this means we need to make him more evil, less prone to side-switching, and better at designing enemies. Let's return to those Buzz Bombers. :(

Oh yeah, and the general ditching of this "Eggman." I want Robotnik back (as a name) dammit.


Wikkity! / ITT flyby has a birthday.
« on: March 05, 2006, 01:13:21 am »
Happy birthday flyby!

Also wait I am older than flyby wtf. *feels really old*

Beef / Compact View Fark-Up
« on: March 02, 2006, 04:32:53 pm »
Silly thing, I know. But for some reason, 3 Egg Golems appear on the member stats/compact view. Clearly there are only two. Or at least there's supposed to be.

Not to mention that nobody has stats viewed for either of them. Not even the good players. They appear in not-compact view, but in compact view they're warped.

Competition Central / itt SBW vids?
« on: January 30, 2006, 02:27:00 am »
But questions and requests first.

Like, can somebody convert a giz to a normal format that people can watch?

And does nobody mind a not-record time but better than the current vid by 4 seconds time?

Or some very embarrassing 3 missed jumps at the capsule moments? (I'd've recorded an alternate with what could've been better, but every time I tried I screwed up something early.)

Anyways the vid is 1:30 on S&K/Mushroom Hill 2/Times/Knuckles. It probably could've beaten my PR had it not been for some silly mistakes. (Examples come in the beginning, around 23, around 27, right before the 2 shields, and my initial spindash at the boss, which you'll see if the vid goes up.)

Of course now mike's probably going to record 1:23.

Wikkity! / TSS Can Potentially Play?
« on: January 28, 2006, 01:15:13 pm »

Obviously the topic title is a lie. Because otherwise our slogan wouldn't work. So for the record, TSS still can't play. But this is like, news.

Short summary, SCD is going on TSS. Gamefest on the 18th.

So the question comes up: Do we now say SCD can't play because they're on TSS? (Not that they could play anyways, since we already beat em.)

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