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Messages - Starlight_Glimmer

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Ironically I was thinking about this thread a few days ago, thinking about ending it soon, but hunter13 has broke the record (not to mention quite a few sa2 records :D ), congratulations. the bounty is over and the prize has been given out.

Information Kiosk / Re: TSC 5.0
« on: June 16, 2015, 10:59:06 pm »
Think it may be smart not to make the aesthetics super flashy, if you know what I mean. The concept looks great, but go too far in the flashiness and it'd be a bit of a turn off to people. Obviously just concept art and not actual thing but just to get it out of the way.

I think submitted videos is an important thing to click on, since strats and such, so I believe that it should be a thing on the sidebar for stats, or maybe some extra link showing you the videos submitted for said stat or stage/mission/whatever. Guides ought to also be a thing, but less important.

Rules NEED to be considered too, but putting them on the sidebar may be a bit much. I dunno.

This is about all I can think of at this current time

lol, yah im being very conscious about not making this a "buy a $500 house sell it for $50,000" with a bad cut out of a Lamborghini in the top right corner ^^.

I agree videos are extremely important, so much so that in my head ( though I haven't had the time to construct it in a pic) I thought that every stat that has a video submitted with it should have a clickable thumbnail of the video sitting along side it, and/or maybe have them appear as "latest submitted videos" some where on the right bar. ( maybe reduced to linkable text to squeeze as much videos in there as possible)

for rules I just want a blatant warning link to them above all boards, with the option to remove the massive warning via setting, but agreeing you read and understand the rules completely.

I'm still planning on constructing more, just been busy with holidays ( another one this weekend >_>;) a lot of new good videos games, work... shit there's just so much.


I will also share another thing I have been thinking of, which might be a lot more controversial. Along the lines of adding new things/games to TSC I was wondering if maybe we should talk with the girls deving sonic project X, potentially adding their game ( they keep track of score,(maybe ask them to add a timer ^^) and working with them somehow, they seem very skilled (or at the very least extremely dedicated); their artist and programmer. our site layouts are pretty identical too, if you noticed.

just a thought.

Information Kiosk / Re: TSC 5.0
« on: June 01, 2015, 09:27:13 pm »
Tweaked the homepage to include a new incentive to compete for, Introducing TSC emerald power

(alpha concept art)

Emerald power is designed to encourage people to break records (instead of just "red stating" like our buddy site wide encourages)
1st nets you a master emerald
2nd - super emerald
3rd - chaos emerald
(pic is a little big, you can go here to view a more friendlier size:

which basically equates to points that add up, and level you up. emerald power of lvl 1 displays you as weak/in the struggle sonic (or more characters can be designed), but as you lvl up they get more powerful.

how the points will add up and point thresholds for lvl ups will be left to tsc mathematicians.

charts will look a little like this ( again just basic concept)

Lastly emerald power can be stolen, if you're 3rd place and someone beats your time you will lose your chaos emerald. Im also pondering punishing tied records, as in making the emeralds show up as negative emeralds (SADX perfect chaos abused emeralds) and not count for as many points.

I think TSC should use their social media accounts a bit more often like twitter, yt, twitch etc.

Why not add some newer games, like the two Sonic Boom games & some more of the mobile games? I'll use SJF (Sonic Jump Fever) as my example here.

Try holding a competition on something only tangentially related to TSC to broaden people's interests a bit. Hold a level design contest again, as that was really fun last time; hell, I'm willing to help

Adding new games I think would start at least a little spark

have you considered adding mods (mostly popular ones, like unleashed Project) as possible competition for sonic games.

TL;DR good ideas

^ well, actually I scold that last comment, but with proper and clear rules written it would be ok. all of these suggestions need to be backed by a new proof system first to work porperly though. ( with exception to TSC using their social media).

I know, I know, look how unpopular SRL and SDA is for requiring proof, the waves of ppl leaving them is staggering. (they only raise a mil+ on marathons? ha what losers) but we need to cave on this issue.

Rules Revisions / Re: Validity of proof and clarification
« on: May 30, 2015, 01:02:16 am »
Yah, we're on the same team. with some slight differences. I have never believed in an honor system, im pro bsing everything with even a slight whiff of bs (which, if you think about it, so are you; if you look into something, in any way, you're calling bs on a personal level), friends irl can/will screw you over... so I think its absurd to think that people on the internet won't.

I fucked up bad, and I pretty much screwed a large portion of tsc ( this part hurts the most) when I went all out on emulators. I was for sure TSC was going to ban them, It was close, but they didn't, but what I left now was an exposed hand of what I/we are looking for. I had to, to try and bring novices and experts alike up to speed, but now they just know what to try to hide/honor system out on.

Now you took it a step forward, and for anyone that knows sonic 2 you taught them how to cheat in sonic 2 with our favorite console, the emulator. I"m not bashing you on this. This is what all the good guys are going to have to do now. you have to try to purposely abuse emulators, record (not submit >_> im not encouraging cheating), share, and explain them to everyone. (ala dreamcast emulator ban)

I know this topic isn't about emulators, but, if we are taking baby steps forward, this would be a huge step in overcoming a lot of proof issues. its one thing to check emulator abuse, its... somewhat easier to check emulator vs console use.

Rules Revisions / Re: Validity of proof and clarification
« on: May 29, 2015, 01:38:46 am »
man, idk what to tell you, I see your agruement, I understand it completely.

I know nothing about sonic 2 an it looks legit to me.

I guess the best way to describe why theres a lack of people caring is because most people are saying "it doesnt effect me, so idc." Which I had the same attitude about not to long ago until I learned about how many record's this is actually screwing me out of/ screwing the whole site over on.

its a difficult topic to explain, but once you know... its like just sitting and watching tsc get raped every day and you want to stop it, you want to alert everyone, but you cant, and its painful to watch.

im extremely optimistic about tsc though, I say let these kids run wild with their "legit stats" there will be a breaking point eventually, which... unfortunately might be so long from now it will be a site nuke, but so be it.

anyone that thinks we can just have an honor system on the internet in the year 2015.... is ... *suppresses extreme mean words* an idiot.

Information Kiosk / TSC 5.0
« on: May 25, 2015, 11:05:46 pm »

yes I'm calling this tsc 5.0 because I think tsc 4.0 has been rumored so long now that it is a joke, and this isn't a joke. ~ even though there is some entertainment value.

I'll admit I spent waaay took much time on this than I should have, but this is pretty much extreme alpha artwork ( I'm just one pony, I cant think over everything)

If there is one thing I've noticed with tsc, is that it is very complex by today's standards, which isnt a bad thing, I just think it needs to be hidden behind a beautiful, simple, homepage.

thus I got rid of a lot of junk. rankings brings you to the leaderboards, submit lets you sumbit stats, forums bring you to forums, and all stars tells you any kind of ranking you could possibly want to know. (sitewide leader, untied leader of sonic 2, the ring leader of SPA, the guy with the most untied score records on 2d sonic games, etc)

** note I was back and forth about adding media as a 5th emblem but I ran out of room for it, probably be a good idea though**

I think live chat is important too, so I think even guest need to be auto connented to the right side of the website that connects them to live tsc chat, where they can ask questions if need be.

I was also thinking about incorperating race night themes below new records too, but I dont know much about that side of the site, and I would need help with it.

I still have a lot more ideas to add to this, but this is a start for people play with and tweak.

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 23, 2015, 01:34:36 am »
yall need to stop, and apologize with each other. There is real things we need to get done with adminstration title change. you guys should help me fill in holes, and create new things.

I PERSONALLY know one admin that has left trying to change things for the better. he was literally a cunt hair away from it (in fact he did it) and it got over turned at the last second without any testing/experimenting. (which is extreme bs)

they dont want yall fighting about stupid stuff, if we wana fight we will take it to the leaderboards.

they want yall to come together and fix/improve tsc. they want change, but they dont want to be responsible for it if it goes south, understabily. they have a reputation to uphold.

you should know, at this time tsc is very vulnerable to new/good ideas. and Ive personally heard quite a few very good ideas, and you should be taking advantage of it, over anything else.

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 21, 2015, 12:38:27 am »
Is it just me, or are posts in here starting to sink to 4chan level?

* SpinDashMaster grab popcorn

well, the optics are terrible right now, everyone is venting bottled up rage of why they hate each other/the system, and it almost looks like all the admins don't care/demoted themselves, except for FF, and I'd also say gerbilsoft because the site goes down sometimes and he brings it back up.

It will be all ok though, and pass. On the bright side we cant really go anywere but up from here.

I'll go a step further and say, some ppl leaving may not be such a bad thing. ppl that where creating artificial barriers on site progression, due to unreasonable extreme fears. it's ok to try different things with the site.

add more charts, merge tusc (sonic megamix deserves a spot on tsc #realtalk), ban emulators  w/e, etc. whats the worse that can happen, you gain a memeber or two? if something truely sucks it can be removed... its not big deal.

I get what SDM is saying without knowing what he was going to say, there is way to much hyperventilating twitchyness going on here. part of the blame is, typed words are monotoned, and you cant really get a good context of how ppl are really expressing their thoughts, many assume each other are being aggressive and mean about it. in reality most of us are chill, and nice. there're some bad apples, but they usually just threaten to leave all the time, and hopefully for us they actually do.

without a doubt, Mecha sally. is the best DR. creation :) (if that counts)

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 17, 2015, 10:55:23 pm »
mmm... maybe I should tell another story from the past, to explain why this is all happening.

to do this I have to go far back in time, I have to explain my original ban, 99% of the current members have no idea why I was originally banned from forums. (hell I don't even remember exactly, but I do know the events that led up to it.)  my notoriousness comes from my numerous ban evasion to get back into the site.

but, if you dig really deep,If you dig really really deep into s06 appreciation land you can find my post.

Back when Noah was building the ark, I was originally banned because my post "weren't up to TSC standards". if you actually find them.. they aren't so bad~ follow me here because this is important.

now welcome to the present day, eventually the mods didn't care I ban evaded, nor cared I joined the forums. (and now I see why) I was really gitty, and started reading a lot of random topics and things I've missed out on.

my reaction: I've covered my mouth a lot and whispered to myself "omg, they allow this stuff now?!" If you guys were held to the same TSC standards back then, about 65% ~ 70% of you would also be banned.

Tl:Dr TSC posting standards have severely degenerated

everything I did back then, in the end was non-nefarious (I.E. I would never cheat) I would concede, and there was lines I absolutely would not/know not to ever cross, lines that I see being crossed today, and I don't like it. That's why my change of heart, to help combat it. I'm not kidding when I said I should be an admin. I should, because I've been on both polar sides of the tsc fight, I know what to look for.

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 16, 2015, 10:44:28 pm »
guys! chill!... lol, in the end its just video games, stream, Skype, the stupid twitter. its all pretty meaningless. I mean its important to have strong competition, but not to go so aggressively at each others throats.

If you really hate someone on this site, do what I do, beat their records. ^^

no one here should really hate each other personally, not many people here know each other personally. irl most everyone here is pretty cool, if you get to know them. I.E. I thought/was convinced I would HATE Parax IRL, but I didn't, he was kool with me, didn't get to talk to him much but, there was a feeling of respect between us. (at least for me)

keep in mind we all share the same passion - Sonic

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 16, 2015, 05:50:46 pm »

Information Kiosk / Re: Realistic Suggestion On Moving Forward
« on: May 16, 2015, 09:57:28 am »
hehe, random auidts would be a problem even for me. I dont have some of my sonic games anymore, and a lot of records I just dont remember how to do them.

That being said, I would reasonably consider it.

I'll tell you why with a short story from CS. While it wasn't exactly random, years later after I finished playing SRA and lost the game. I told someone here that I had lost it, or whatnot, so then alkathorn goes and request proof for all my stats. Of course now I can't prove them, so they are deleted.

I dont blame him either, back then I would of probably been a jerk and did the same thing too, just because I could. Here's the thing though, you won't find a topic on CS complaining about it, because it was MY fault I didnt keep proper records of my records. I believe if I want to compete on a high level, I need to be more responsible than that. While they are legitimate stats, maybe they do belong in the trash as CS believes.

just a thought.

Information Kiosk / Re: Realistic Suggestion On Moving Forward
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:56:41 am »
Sure, go right ahead, leave the poop right in here for everyone to smell, after all the topic isn't " realistic suggestions on moving forward". that was a typo I meant " realistic suggestions to keep TSC in the 90's"

If there is one thing I'm extremely good at it is fighting absurdity with absurdity.

I think we should change the site to "read only" because I know some people that play sonic that don't have a computer, and they said they would stop competing unless there is a designated P.O. box # that every time someone breaks a record, they can type up a letter (on a typewriter or it is void) and mail it USPS to the TSC headquarters where they will submit it in 7~10 business days. WE believe this honor system works the best because the competitor has to spend 48 cents in postage for every stat submitted.

Enough! I don't need someone to tell me my idea is stupid without posting an alternative, or someone arguing with the voices in their head. I was hoping to get fine tune tweaks. Even vastly new, critical thinking ideas were also welcome. all we/they/us are asking, is you submit a simple, single **optional** video with your stat, or prepare for your stats to be filtered out, with whichever change they go with.

for the record I've had enough time for study and think about zuepars set up, and I also 100% back this. I'm thinking about making a colored version to help ppl visualize and understand.

Information Kiosk / Re: Realistic Suggestion On Moving Forward
« on: May 14, 2015, 08:26:10 am »
you might as well delete your first two long paragraphs because your arguing against something that nobody is asking for

by paragraph three you actually get to the point of the topic, and what your basically saying is you like zuepars proposal.

focus, I'm not trying to make you look silly, I'm taking time,trying to legitimately help you understand what is going on. focus on what you where talking about in your 3rd paragraph.

Beef / Re: ITT Anti-emulator propaganda
« on: May 13, 2015, 12:30:58 am »
The only games that I play on emulator are games that I already own on console, and I only play Sonic Pocket Adventure on emulator because it's impossible to stream the game directly from console (damn neo geo pocket color)
I never use emulators for competition, so I really don't care about them

I mentioned before Im totally up for debate on banning all emulators and then extremely, very, super, duper, slowly, allowing some in. the game I had in mind as a first candidate is SPA. It has pretty small competition, I would like to hear thoughts of people who actually own the game, and more conveniently have those same people study, and OK that game for emulator competition.

games that don't track point tens and hundreds of seconds on, im open for debate. Competitors may be able to cover the margin of the emulators error. but I believe the ppl that actually have that game should have the final say.

anyways thats very good diamond, and you shouldnt ever emulate. (unless its just for fun ^^) I need to clarify this isn't a salt issue, my computer is capable of running an emulated ps4 sonic game at what tsc calls "full speed" ( and this is where therein the problem lies) if it existed, I can emulate anything if I so choose.

but I wont, because it is a mild(socially acceptable) form of cheating. and I plan to prove it.

Information Kiosk / Re: Realistic Suggestion On Moving Forward
« on: May 12, 2015, 03:31:02 pm »
Duplicating the charts is a redundant, stupid, unnecessary way to go about it.

thank you.

And accept change. If you try to reject it, you'll only see the change that inevitably thrusts itself upon you, and that's usually not a nice kind. If you accept it, wonderful things can spring from it.

thank you for the input. Im not really sure how someone abuses the site wide point system... though that's not really important right now.

Im for either form of the change, since the end goals are both the same. I do have a few questions that I need to ask zeupar about first, that I forgot to ask him earlier before I'm all in.

I'm really just sitting here now, wondering if I need to actually be allocating all my resources into de-legitimizing emulators, I don't mean through nefarious ways either. I mean by going through fine tooth comb examination.

What I do not want to happen is, the site finally getting its well overdue beautiful revamp, and have fake stats ( mostly emulator stats) that have been dumping all over the site for years, go ahead and give them the greenlight to smear this crap on our new stuff.

I hear these cries saying "if you enforce  proof I'll leave!!" lol, Well guess what? I already left sonic colors, and sonic generations due to the LACK of proof. When you have a chart with a guy named "dophindude269" with no comment, no picture, no video. you have to consider if you really want to invest your time into trying to beat something that may be impossible. Well I choose not to, and competition is lost.

pick your poison

Information Kiosk / Re: Realistic Suggestion On Moving Forward
« on: May 12, 2015, 08:50:18 am »
video proof is not required; you can still compete without it, in either proposals.

I would however, like the incentives to compete in the new charts to be worth it to invest in recording gear. realistically, most speed runners have some sort of recording gear in 2015, (dazzle/phone/elgato etc) so it's really a non issue.

You dont have to compete in the new charts,  its completely optional.

Information Kiosk / Re: Realistic Suggestion On Moving Forward
« on: May 12, 2015, 01:23:57 am »
well, thank you.

My option is half nuclear, but at the same time destroys nothing, and adds a lot. the biggest thing I see is alot of new blank charts for new members to jump into and start competing. Even with a big incentive in sitewide, this isn't a handicap, old members have just as much opportunity (if not an advantage) as the new players.

I'm also aware we all have that level where we say " there's no way I'll be able to get THAT time/stat again!" Well then don't. Leave that up to the new players in the proven charts, and see what they can come up with. imo that will be the most interesting part to watch. Alt. you can help them by posting your run and seeing if it can be tweaked and made better.

I should also clairify im completely againt pictures as a form of proof, in the year 2015 a picture proof is as good as no proof, video should be the only way. its not just harder to manipulate, its EXTREMELY harder, even with the tools of today. If you have people who know what to look for, you're not getting away with anything.

Information Kiosk / Realistic Suggestion On Moving Forward
« on: May 09, 2015, 10:38:09 pm »
I've been brainstorming A LOT recently. considering all sides of the debate of the emulator/proof subject very carefully. I'm also keeping in mind the fact we have one dev in mind, equally as much. *this is very important, as our resources are limited*

I want to present an idea I've been tweaking in my head for awhile now,
and would like feedback.

Leaving all the current charts alone, I propose gerbilsoft select/copies all the charts, (hoping we have blank drafts of the charts or an easy way to do what I'm proposing) and duplicates them so when you click say "Site champions" it reads I.E. :

sonic 1
sonic 1 (Proven)
sonic 1 2013
Sonic 1 2013 (Proven)


all the "(Proven)" charts will be completely blank, the old charts will also remain.

all stats that go into the "proven" chart will REQUIRE video, or gerbilsofts coding will not let you pass (or send you to rick roll for not reading the rules)

alternatively, if you're one that just absolutely can not record your data for what ever reason you can still submit stats to the charts that arent "Proven". ***emulators are also permitted*** (given you are not purposefully cheating)
If you have a stat on the old chart with a video you can immediately move it over to the new chart. A stat on the new chart can also post to the old chart with no restrictions.

Incentives: for posting your stat on the proven chart you will earn 1.5 or 2 times the sitewide points. (yes, dss with 3k points hype) I know this will be more controversial, I'm just putting it out there but, I really dont want it to be the focus of the topic, but rather debated later.

Positives: a bunch of new charts to submit to. In the long run I think what will be most interesting is the competetion between the proven and unproven charts. For a long time Unproven charts will dominate, but it will be curious to see if players that can keep records can eventually overcome the recordless stats.
Players will also have an active archive on how to tweak strats in order to beat these faceless records

finally: all emulators are banned from "Proven" charts, all of them. with the exception of sonic games that are a pain in the ass to record the OEM versions, which also can be debated at a later time.
Also dont think that means you can cheat on the unproven charts! If you're found cheating you will STILL be banned!

Like I said I spent a lot of time thinking about this and I belive I found the best of all worlds here, proof, accessibility, and dev.

Zeupar gave me permission to show this from a hidden underground bunker:

concept art from the shadows. He said he made this about a year ago. this is a very, yes, rough sketch, but study it thoroughly, a clean format to incorporate proof into the site, and a way to filter unwanted stats.

Im at a loss of what to say now tbh, im excited that admins are actually working on changes. not only Zeup, but FF said shes all in too, and idk what they have planned entirely, as im not apart of that secret place, (really wish working changes and concepts to the site werent hidden though tbh) but I do feel something pretty good is coming down the pipes :)

anyways, any feedback would be appreciated.

Beef / Re: ITT Anti-emulator propaganda
« on: May 08, 2015, 12:36:29 am »

Sorry buddy, but if that's what TSC comes to on this, then I'm leaving, cuz there's no way in hell I'm gonna drag my ass out the door to track down cartridges of the original Genesis Sonic games & a SEGA Genesis.

As TSC's #2 amy rose fan, you should know, amy rose, nor any of us would do the same. the solution: it is completely legit to buy sonic gen collection games for the gc or sega mega championship collection (w/e its called) for the xbox/ps3 and compete on them. for what, under $10? If you cant afford that start a go fund me, and I bet tsc members alone would raise 10 bucks for you to get it.

I do need to make an actual steady stance on emulators, though my true goal is for them to be eliminated, I don't support it at all atm, I support requiring proof for emulator user, I say this because I believe the complete ban will come in due time as console users watch emulated WR runs and try to duplicate them.

a blanket ban would create a lot of salt, but if you have a lot of console users first "discovering" what competition is like against emulator users you can create a ground swell of hate against emulators.... just like.. every .. other.. completion. site.

~equality in consoles

Beef / Re: ITT Anti-emulator propaganda
« on: May 07, 2015, 01:30:53 am »
I've been studying the most effective ways to spread a message, its appears the crowd we need to cater to (based on polls, and random surveys)  needs memes.

so I constructed few:

also feel free to make your own stuff, and post it. I truly think it's silly emulators are even discussed let alone a valid source of completion (without checks and balances!)

Im truly serious... if emulators aren't ended or at least changed in a some what reasonable time, Im working on something that should be the final nail in the emulator coffin.

News and Updates / Re: Hello TSC
« on: May 05, 2015, 09:27:55 pm »
AWW YAH! *chants* ROLKEN! ROLKEN! ROLKEN! queue epic music

It's your boy S&A here, I pester you from time to time to come back to TSC off site (not sure if you know that's actually me irl ^^)

why not in your free time drop in and help lead tsc back to success? I'm not saying you have to come everyday (maybe once a week?), and at least drop in and say hi. Your presence in tsc is powerful (and you probably just scared the shit out of srl... let alone SCD already knows we're awesome because of you, just saying ^^). I personally felt an old school gitty chill up my spine when I saw "topic creator rolken"

You have to remember a lot of members here didn't just grow up with sonic, we also grew up with rolken.

Best regards,

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 03, 2015, 03:21:20 pm »
that would be nice if you could get something done FF, on the other hand It's probably unrealistic to ask gerbilsoft to make big changes to the site, at least without paying him. let alone it takes a lot of work for just one person.

two small ideas I have, that I believe ... might be easy for gerbil to do is add a twitter feed of the members to the right of the site. I personally don't use the twitter, but I know its a pretty big deal for a lot of people here, it would keep everyone up to date of what all the members are up to and probably help keep the community stay closer

Another important thing is streaming, I've seen many other sites do it, have a page dedicated streaming, the page would just keep track if a member is online streaming or not, providing an easy one click way to the members stream, via a link you provide in your personal accounts settings.

Im sure everyone has a lot of big ideas, but unless we are going to pay the man, I dont know why he would want to do it?

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:32:30 pm »
gosh darnit, focusSight I can't get anything past you! you are so smart! smarter than everyone else here to see right through me, RGHH! I want to destroy the site I compete on sooo badly! *awards top snowflake award of the year*

Seriously though, you live in the past, that crap was a decade ago, stop stalking me. you comment on every post I make, and try to make every topic about me, everywhere, you're a creppy kid, and you give me a taste of the "community" thorn describes. the only reason im responding to you, is because you targeted me in this thread alone 3 times. shoooo~ 

Personally I see this as a mourning time in tsc history on par with rolken leaving (which you werent even born yet), and it needs to be respected, dealt with, and then we need to move forward.

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 02, 2015, 04:52:03 pm »
Here's to not giving a shit, Thorn!

* SpinDashMaster raise glass

well screw it then. I rather allocate all my resources atm to anti-emulator/pro-proof efforts. Lets kick the can of big problems down the road, chalk thorn and parax up as a loss (though I'd rather they stay), and go from there.

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 02, 2015, 12:04:27 am »
back on topic a bit.. the community cant really be blamed completely, at least half the fault falls on sonic team. they havent made a decent sonic game since sonic generations and sonic colors, speed runner bias aside, these are barely not shit games, these are definitetly no Sonic adventures/sonic2/sonic3 par games by far. To make matters worse, their latest greatest, sonic boom! go find the timer in that game! Sonic team literally peed on us with that. (oh and the cartoon sucks too imo)

We actually have ppl in this thread that think Sonic 06 was a great peak in competition. which is the equivalent of saying sonic 1 gba is one of the cornerstones of tsc. It's not their fault though! sonic 06 came out in 2006! that is going on 9 years ago (yah that long lol)! that game is shit, but thats what they were born into, and think they found some niche fanbase with this site.

the community is only dieing because sonic team has put us in struggle mode for years, giving us games that critics give 5/10, 3/10, 2/10, mostly rightfully so!!! and we just put on a fake smile and play it (personally sonic team broke the last straw with me on sonic and the lost worlds, I went berserk). we have a game on the site that has only 3 players, and is almost 5 years old, why? because its shit.

that all being said though, im still willing to hang out for forever and help this place out the best I can. besides, there is a lot of exclusive records only on this site. so its nearly impossible to kill tsc no matter how much it dies.

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: April 30, 2015, 10:40:38 pm »
Honesty I think I should be head admin of the site, but I will settle for just regular admin status.

It seems to me a big theme about this is BS calls. Reading between the lines it seems to me the BS calling takes a serious emotional toll on thorn, which I can understand. this site has always had a huge unspoken stink about BS calling. With it a huge side of fear of being wrong, to the point that 100% pinpoint accuracy is needed to fire the BS cannon, when in reality some stats don't meet this requirement, and may need to come under question.

Im a veteran of this site, and its been like this from day one when I joined about 100 years ago. Fear, and even scolding for bringing ones stats into question. Me personally I wore it as a badge of honor, im a legitimate player, and loved that my times where good enough to be in consideration of fake.

I bring this up because if you want to talk seriously talk about moving forward and becoming relevant again THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE! people on the fence about coming to this site need to know that the stats they are trying to conquer are valid stats. There is nothing wrong with asking for proof!

this is where I understand thorns "special snowflake" rant. if this where to be instantly instituted you would have your generic 2 or 3 guys just looking to be different, loud, obnoxious, and list insane, super niche occasions where this system would fail, and argue 'LOL NOPE LETS NOT DO IT." without even trying.

P.S. thats a pretty pony rpg

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:25:56 am »
Im personally disgusted by everyone who's viewed this and not posted their thoughts.

we really dont want thorn and parax to leave, if you dont have site leaders, you really do have a dead site. I cant force anyone to encourage them to stay, but everyone should show them support in staying.

you came to this site all the days you wanted to, they came all the days that "needed/had" to. its a big difference, and shouldn't go unnoticed.

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