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Messages - Eco Kenneth Nathan

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Wikkity! / Re: My membership on Sonic Center may be in jeopardy!!
« on: December 03, 2019, 03:49:40 am »
Thanks, and it seems my YouTube channel survived, so I am good.

Wikkity! / My membership on Sonic Center may be in jeopardy!!
« on: November 28, 2019, 09:00:22 am »
Now I understand no one uses the forum anymore, and use Discord or other sites these days, but I want to let the site owner know that my reputation on this site might be at risk.

Since YouTube suffered at the hands of the FTC, this meant that they lost a lot of money.

 Because of this, YouTube channels that revolve around even Sonic the Hedgehog could be in trouble.

I fear that YouTube will delete videos that don’t make money which mine is one of them, if my Sonic speedruns and best scores videos get deleted, that means I will violate the video proof rule on all stats and they will be removed. The videos can also no longer be watched on this site too, that could kick me off the site and it would not even be on purpose.

I respect this site’s rules and regulations and followed them since I joined.

 I worry that if my videos or worse channel are deleted, all my hard work with especially Sonic games will be ruined forever.

I hope my YouTube channel survives the crisis.

Note: I know lots of you will consider this to be a bogus topic and correct me as always cause I can’t make a post right, but believe me I am serious. I like this site and don’t want to be kicked off because of YouTube’s decisions.

I got World record videos on here and don’t want to lose them, if it happens I will violate the no video proof rule and be kicked off the Sonic Center and lose my top spot in those categories.

If you can support me site owner, I will be grateful.

Hey guys, I know discord is the biggest place to create messages on TSC, but I was just wondering.

I recently did a Sonic SA in White Acropolis On Normal and I destroyed the same searchlights over and over again in Sonic’s last section.

Is this run cheating or not, please respond, I need help.

I have noticed that on this site there has been just one board for stats per category on each game, and ever since glitch runs have come in, all basic runners who were ahead before on the categories have been beaten by glitch users.

I was wondering if TSC can add in a basic runs stat board for each game, so that basic runners can feel better to at least have WRs time attacking or Ring attacking without glitches ( playing normally at their highest level ).

I used to be a adept WR holder on Sonic Riders, but I am now slipping away from my title by glitch users, there should be two boards of the same names category separate from each other, one for basic runs, ( no glitches ), and another for glitch using.

That way basic speed runners will not only have a WR to live with, but also feel more better of their accomplishments for years to come, and glitch users can have their own stat board of the same name.

If you can’t do this I understand, it’s just a suggestion.

News and Updates / Re: New Heaven, New Earth. Introducing a new site rule
« on: January 14, 2017, 06:19:38 pm »
No more keeping secrets away from worldwide players ( shortcuts found, strats ) in runs that used to be without videos. Everyone should get in on the action of SCs & strategies those people found and used.

News and Updates / Re: New Heaven, New Earth. Introducing a new site rule
« on: January 12, 2017, 02:28:52 pm »
Since this new rule of requiring a video for world records begins to expand sometime, I plan to add videos up to the top 3 if my stats is in that point on the rankings, I am thinking ahead so I follow the rule even it evolves.

News and Updates / Re: New Heaven, New Earth. Introducing a new site rule
« on: January 02, 2017, 04:20:13 pm »
This new rule is a great idea, I mean I was once blamed for unreliable stats once when I was a member, mainly back when I first joined, although back then I didn't know about the link video comment thing. InferSaime got me out of that jam.

This will help everyone stop complaining about records posted without proof. No one will be mad or upset pretty much on the site, it's all comfortable here on out.

I always add proof of my stats even if they are second rate, that's how I roll, I follow the rules.

Video evidence or not, i always know a record I can't beat or get close to, after all, we got some glitch users out there, my stats are performed clean and fair ( whole stage with no tricks or glitches ) more like TSC back when glitch less runs on the games took place. so I always end up 10th or even 20th place on the rankings for the games, but it's cool, I am proud of my stat achievements even if they are not the best.

PS4 cost too much for me right now, so I am going to enjoy the classics for a while.
I hope TSC grows even better, and even make some more friends. Cherrio everyone.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: So...what's up?
« on: November 03, 2016, 07:43:04 pm »
I have taken a very long break from TSC as well, I have been mostly busy doing chores around my house and earning a salary of 10$ every week. I don't have a job yet, it's really hard to find one these days. I have mostly been up to Sonic Unleashed 360 and Sonic Riders ZG.

My original Sonic Riders died a couple months ago so my activity there is put on delay. I also been playing games like Mass Effect & Kameo for fun. I even play my old Nintendo 64 sometimes too. My activity on Sonic Unleashed (PS2) is pretty much done too. All my runs are fair and square so they are mostly second rate here but I don't care.

My data on Sonic Riders ZG just got corrupted too, so I am working on a new one to replace it, so much bad luck has hit me lately, but I won't beat myself up for this, things will surely turn around for me. I am mostly scoping out more games I don't have at a special store near my home. My collection of games will be gigantic before I quit gaming, which will not happen for a very long time.

I don't make topics here anymore because I don't really have much going on and I don't make proper topics anyway.

Update: I started doing Sonic Unleashed 360 time attacks but I don't submit them here because they are not worthy.

I still check the incoming submissions every now and then too, so I can check competition on games I would enter stats in at another time. Since I am a basic runs gamer I will have an almost impossible time to move up the ranks in the categories of the games. Of course everyone has a different type of speed running style right?

Gaming and Grazing / Re: sooo i need you guys for youtube ^^
« on: June 27, 2016, 10:43:54 am »
I look forward to your videos, I'm in.

I speed run sonic as well, although I only have a few games not all, but I am a fan of Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Riders and have times of my own on them.

Nice to meet you by the way, names Eco, but you can call me Nate.

Hope your channel is a success.

If you want to check it out, my channel link is found below this message.

Good luck.

Sorry for corrupting this topic.

Let's forget about it and just continue our ways on the site, this thread has entered the history pile of the site, like every other one so far.

Continue mastering the Sonic Rush series.

As for me, Sonic Riders is more my game.

No one posts threads anymore pretty much Hfactor. Even I pretty much stopped doing such things.

The only time I make threads is If I want to share a new strat I found to gamers of that sonic game I found it from.

I just wanted to let the thread creator know that I always have evidence for stats. Now do you understand why I replied in this thread.

However, I still look forward to more of your topics in the future. Your last
Halloween topics were interesting last year.

Not to bore you to death man.

By the way, if you didn't pay attention, my birthday was a few days ago, I was disappointed that none of you bothered to wish me a Happy Birthday, I guess such people don't care. I bet you still hate me back when I used to to flood the forum with my YouTube videos, I understand.

I put in that comment because what this thread is about is similar to what LittleBigness did to me back when I had no evidence for my stats, that's all. Nothing to worry about the ones involved in this thread.

I always have evidence for my stats, every record I get whether a great rankings run or world record, I always have a video for them to protect my TSC membership. Back when I was new to the site, I had angry players saying that my stats were not truly earned, well I proved them wrong because I had video proof for them.

I however had trouble putting evidence on the site for not knowing how to embed videos, then Infersaime told me one topic that I had to copy the URL from my video I want to add from my channel on YouTube and place it in the comments for my stats.

I learned how to embed videos after this day, my membership reputation is safe for years to come.

There won't be any complaints from my stats anymore.
No one was accusing you?
LittleBigness did, he once was complaining about my Sonic Heroes stats back when I joined. He thought I started playing the game and was complaining to me saying my stats were not real. He howeve got over that after I had video evidence. Does that above answer your question?

I always have evidence for my stats, every record I get whether a great rankings run or world record, I always have a video for them to protect my TSC membership. Back when I was new to the site, I had angry players saying that my stats were not truly earned, well I proved them wrong because I had video proof for them.

I however had trouble putting evidence on the site for not knowing how to embed videos, then Infersaime told me one topic that I had to copy the URL from my video I want to add from my channel on YouTube and place it in the comments for my stats.

I learned how to embed videos after this day, my membership reputation is safe for years to come.

There won't be any complaints from my stats anymore.

Gee, I didn't know about that, at least I have the whole sonic riders series owned now, that's another great thing I did. I can play that game just for fun if it really is that hard. Thanks for the tip.

Information Kiosk / Sonic Free Riders is now in my possession, awesome
« on: April 01, 2016, 07:52:27 pm »
Just a topic I felt like making, but I just got Sonic Free Riders as an early birthday present.

Perhaps when I master it, I'll upload stats for it someday.

I need to find a way to use the Kinect in my room first, it is tiny.

Yes my birthday is only 4 days away, I will be turning 22 and leave high school to find a job.

Hiya Folks / Re: Yo
« on: March 23, 2016, 07:19:21 am »
Welcome to the TSC, we look forward to your experiences on the Sonic Series. The more members the site gets the better just like the saying ("the more the merrier.") good luck and enjoy the competition.

I am still a little new myself, but then again, I don't have all the games of Sonic owned just a few (Sonic Unleashed 360 & PS2, Sonic Rush, Sonic Riders, and Sonic Riders Zero Gravity) I have only been a member for about 6 months now, but I am learning the site better and following its rules.

I still need to work on putting posts in properly though, but I will learn one of these days.

I would like to have competition with you someday and maybe become friends (if you play Sonic Riders or other games I have.)

Wikkity! / Re: Topic 3 - What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« on: January 30, 2016, 07:30:23 am »
My most accomplished runs on TSC is on Sonic Riders on White Cave, I got 1'43"81 using a detour shortcut on the fly route and a low trick into the net on two laps. I think I won't be time attacking the White Cave anymore. This run is vidded.

I also will never forget the best lap on the White Cave as well, I achieved 0'33"45 on the last lap, I was shocked when I saw this result, I have never got such a lap time before, one achievement I will remember for the rest of my years on YouTube and the TSC. That's what I call LUCKSTRUCK!!!!! I don't care if this is in 2nd place now, it's my best three laps that count not the single lap. I am happy with that.

Another crazy run I got was on Sonic Unleashed (PS2) on the Dark Gaia boss, I discovered several strategies and put them all together to now make a 3'45"000 or better time possible on this boss now on the PS2 version. My result was 3'43"541, and I will remember it for the rest of my days on the site. I competed against Soniccoloursunleashed for first place a few days, i had the advantage because my version was U.S while his was U.K. A 3'44"000 time might actually still be possible using a very risky strategy on the first eye section. I just beat my 3'45"107 a day ago with the risky strat on the first eye section used this time.

The reason I decided to start this post is because I have a new time attack strategy to share to all Shadow players regarding on speed running the normal mission of Mad Matrix on Shadow the Hedgehog, apparently while I was doing the normal mission on Mad Matrix, I found way to reach the goal ring faster.

It is not easy to do, it involves the classic spin dash jump technique, when reaching the last room in the red tower, go to the platform in the middle then float and land on the narrow edge platform, position yourself straight (I suggest to strafe to make this easier) and get close to the edge facing the goal ring platform, start your spin dash, hold it to the maximum, when you let go, press jump, then jump dash and aim at the top point of the steep section of the platform, success should kick you up and you will land on the goal ring platform, you can then touch the goal ring, there you have it. This stage on the normal mission can now officially go sub 2:20 to sub 2:00 now. Watch my Mad Matrix run video on the media to see how the strategy is done. sorry about the brightness when you watch it there. I hope your times can improve with the help of my video. I won't post anytime again soon after this. I just wanted the TSC to not feel left out from this discovery.

Wikkity! / Re: Halloween Topics! Final: Your Halloween Plans
« on: October 31, 2015, 05:26:07 am »
Everything, that I normal do every other day. I know; I'm boring.

Don't say that, your not boring, your not the only one who does nothing interesting on holidays.

Wikkity! / Re: Halloween Topics! Final: Your Halloween Plans
« on: October 31, 2015, 05:22:06 am »
I plan to help trick or treaters out giving out candy tonight, and play games as well. I will actually work on improving my best records and get them recorded to be uploaded to YouTube in the future, I might also use an IPad to watch my favorite shows and movies. My family has this activity going called face painting for Halloween which I obviously don't get involved in. I am too old to trick or treat, and sugar is very bad for me anyway too. Those are my Halloween plans today.

Wikkity! / Re: Halloween Topics!
« on: October 29, 2015, 05:00:44 am »
Heyo TSC! I took a hint from S&A on another forum post earlier today,
I applauded hfactors daily threads about random topics, wish he'd still do them. what the site lacks is people like yall with passion,
and I decided sure, why the hell not? I did it last year in December for the end of the year, and it had a huge turnout. So I'll be doing 5 topics for Halloween, and if you, the people of TSC, want to see these continue after Halloween, I'd be glad to continue making these! I'm currently thinking of some ideas for topics, and if you've got an idea you think is worthy enough for a post PM it to me!

Hope to see some activity from you TSC, and I hope these will be as fun as they were 10 months ago!

Maybe for a future topic, you can ask players what their scariest movies are
That they watched from the past and even the present time. it's doesn't have to be a movie from sonic. Any scary movie. Just an idea i came up with to let you know about topics in the future. You don't have to use it if you don't want to. It was just a head lightbulb that went on inside me to help you come up with topics.

Wikkity! / Re: Halloween Topics! 2: Creepiest Song/Soundtrack/Music Video
« on: October 28, 2015, 02:58:11 pm »
Some other soundtracks I heard in the game that have scary themes are the Hang castle stage music in Sonic Heroes and the title screen soundtrack of Ty 3 Night of the Quinkan.

Wikkity! / Re: Halloween Topics! 1: Spookiet Game Experience
« on: October 27, 2015, 02:47:38 pm »
One shocking and scare like surprise I experienced in Sonic games is In Shadow the Hedgehog in the Lost Impact stage, I tried to speed running it once and even though I had rings on hand, I took an spooky instant death by spin dash jumping straight at the Special weapon crate head on. It shocked me out of my attempts. I didn't know that an instant death like that existed in the game. That's my Halloween topic answer.

Wikkity! / Re: Halloween Topics!
« on: October 27, 2015, 02:48:09 am »
You bet, I would like your topics for Halloween.

Information Kiosk / Re: Some suggestions and questions regarding charts
« on: October 26, 2015, 07:59:28 pm »
I hope the TSC adds glitch less run version charts for the games. That way they can have both glitch used records and normal records for that category of the games.

Information Kiosk / Re: IMPORTANT: Verify your stats before submitting!
« on: October 09, 2015, 03:44:11 am »
I am a fair player, if you want to see realistic speed runs, you should take a look on my channel at

Information Kiosk / Re: IMPORTANT: Verify your stats before submitting!
« on: October 08, 2015, 06:44:29 am »
Well times like those are not supposed to be existing anyway if the glitch is never used, I will still submit fair higher times even if they are at the bottom of the pile anyway. No hard feelings man. I'm just not that kind of player, please calm down now, if they use the glitch and not get caught then so be it, but the stages are supposed to be done going through the whole stage with proper use of chaos control, not stop the clock in place and speed through the area to the goal or take out black arms, or collect hero mission objects. I don't cheat. Plus another thing, my version of the game doesn't support this glitch very well anyway, it is known to freeze when I use it most of the time in the stages, thus ruining my runs, it's not worth using it on my part. I am better off speed running in a fair like manner. I have no offense to anyone who uses the glitch. They can use it all they want, but I have my own plans I keep to myself on that competition.

Information Kiosk / Re: IMPORTANT: Verify your stats before submitting!
« on: October 08, 2015, 04:02:59 am »
Don't worry about me, I didn't use glitches to submit, I read the rules already and understand them, I won't get kicked off. It's just that the chaos control glitch in Shadow the Hegehog was not banned yet and is still being used. I am not a tattle tale so I will just wait to see this glitch banned by the site if they find out themselves.

Information Kiosk / Re: IMPORTANT: Verify your stats before submitting!
« on: October 07, 2015, 02:56:23 pm »
A lot of people are getting away with using glitches on speed runs and submitting those stats, isn't this against the rules of the site. If this is true, I won't get involved.

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