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Messages - yse

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Gaming and Grazing / Re: SDA Marathon: Classic Games Done Quick
« on: December 28, 2009, 06:03:04 pm »
OK as you guys may or may not know this event is occurring in just FOUR DAYS now :O

Also stanski can't make it D: so I get the whole Sonic series. I think we only have two races or something now :( but on the plus side there's a number of co-op runs such as SMB3 and TMNT2.

I think the schedule's being updated on the main site tonight, so go have a look at that to see when your favourite game is coming up!

Gaming and Grazing / SDA Marathon: Classic Games Done Quick
« on: December 02, 2009, 02:23:05 am »
Some of you will have heard me raving about this thing no end for the past few months. Some of you will have been involved in the planning over at SDA, or being asked to participate.

As of today, the marathon has a home page, which during the 54-hour marathon on January 1-3 (EST) will carry an embedded ustream link displaying the goings-on on-site.

The marathon is in support of CARE, a leading humanitarian organisation fighting global poverty. SDA will be taking donations throughout the event.

This part is lifted straight off the page because I couldn't say it better myself X)

Special Events
During the marathon, we'll be holding several special events to keep things exciting:
Pianotoads - Watch and listen as Battletoads experts Emptyeye and DJ Mike Haggar race to Kareshi's piano accompaniment of the game's music!
Speedrun races - Root for your favorite speed runners as they battle it out. May the fastest win!
Runner interviews - After our runners finish obliterating classic games, they'll be sharing tips and tricks, all streamed live.

The TSCers involved are myself and stanski. My schedule is: Sonic 1 (racing stanski) [Jan 2, 3:49pm], Sonic 3 & Knuckles [4:45pm], Vectorman [6pm], Vectorman 2 [6:20pm], Donkey Kong Country 3 [8:27pm].
stanski's schedule is Castlevania: Bloodlines [Jan 2, 9:58am], Altered Beast (2p with mikwuyma) [3:41pm], Sonic 1 (racing mike89) [3:49pm], Sonic 2 [4:19pm], Donkey Kong [6:35pm], Toy Story [Jan 3, 8:55am].

So make sure you watch, and give generously to a worthy cause!

News and Updates / Re: A little something new for TSC Race Night
« on: December 01, 2009, 06:13:00 am »
^ Well, I'm only doing that because it's when every other TSC Race Night has been. >_> If it turns out that there's a more convenient time for people to race, I could move it.

It probably could be moved forward an hour or two, the main reason it started as late as it did was to make sure we Aussies had a chance. Now that daylight savings has switched over the start time is about 11:30am for us, it's definitely not necessary to start that late.

News and Updates / Re: A little something new for TSC Race Night
« on: November 29, 2009, 06:01:19 pm »
I'm in. Teaming up with Flying Fox. You're all going down, or something like that. >:O!!!

Oh damnit, I meant to jokingly lock the topic for a couple of hours before it got to this point. Oh well, it's the thought that counts.

Competition Central / Re: The Random .giz Topic
« on: November 10, 2009, 02:33:33 pm »
lol Cruizer.

Gens+ has such shitty GG emulation that if you try to record a giz, it will record -nothing-. Did you notice that even you couldn't play it back on your own system? :P

For future reference I recommend the rerecording Dega used at TASvideos, which I'm pretty sure is what FF is using. (given the .mmv extension >_>)

General Sonic / Re: TSC Race Night
« on: September 26, 2009, 08:33:36 pm »
TSC Race Night 26/9: Sonic 3 and Knuckles, Knuckles style!

9th: Achlys - GO (AI1 lol)
8th: JDGA - GO (CN2 lol)
7th: SonicAD - GO (SO2)
6th: fuzzerd - GO (SO2) - gets the higher rank cause he got there first
5th: ShadowJacky (not sure on either of these, but definitely less than 1h08:47... stupid X-Chat)
4th: Spinballwizard (only beat SJ by about 15 seconds)
3rd: Miles (1h02:20)
2nd: Thorn (56:29)
WINRAR: mike89! (49:46)

My giz attached.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: The new way things are going down in LD
« on: September 25, 2009, 11:19:08 am »
The last line doesn't even rhyme unless you have some sort retarded accent.

Hey, he's British, it speaks for itself. :P

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: The new way things are going down in LD
« on: September 25, 2009, 11:10:31 am »
There once was a calling out topic
And in it the people did frolic
They got on their modems
And then wrote some poems
And then SonicAD decreed "stop it"

I didn't know it was possible, but that is the worst limerick I've ever seen - worse than the one about the man from Nantucket.

« on: September 10, 2009, 09:40:29 am »
OK, I'll fit you in somewhere :) I know douglas is gonna be in London so I'll definitely be there at some point.

« on: September 10, 2009, 05:49:29 am »
Yeah except Alondite you fit none of the descriptions X)

Funny, CF, I had just suggested to RPG the exact same plan. Except that I probably won't drink :P I suppose things could change if you find me a drink I actually like though.

Anyway I am in need of booking tickets before they get too expensive, so I need some idea of dates. I'm going to be in America probably from the last couple of days of December until mid to late January, and then in England from then until some time in February. I need to be back before the 17th so I can move into my new place for next year before uni starts. Give me a hand here, guys!

I particularly want the Americans to help me plot a course through the country... here's what I've got so far:
Dec... 29 or so?: California (Upth, Quartz, magnum, etc)
Jan 1-4: DC (MAGfest, the SDA crew)
Jan 5-8?: Northeast corner (Thorn, Alondite, DsS etc: this is also where most of my friends from college will be)
Jan 9-10: Michigan (I vaguely recall one of you saying it had to be on a weekend, so I'm going to try and take this weekend out for you)
From there, anyone in the middle that wants to see me (eg. Stefan, Aitamen), then I'll probably fly from there back to NY, maybe spend a couple more days in the northeast before setting off to England.

So something I need to work out is how to get between places. How's the public transport between states, for example? Does it even exist?

« on: August 27, 2009, 08:41:41 pm »
All plans for that period have now been cancelled, and I am ready and able to receive my dose of mike-based awesome at any time.  I am concerned that we won't be able to stay in the same room too long though, not sure any walls can contain that amount of win :)

You've got enough time, get a few of your buddies at Google to make a Google Awesome tool which automatically protects the room you're standing in from being overloaded with awesome.

...yeah, unintended consequences, shut up ok.

Wikkity! / Re: itt Mike goes to America!
« on: August 26, 2009, 03:47:43 pm »
OK guess what folks!

As you all know this all fell through last year in a big way... largely due to the fact that I couldn't afford the trip. But this year I can, and nothing's gonna stand in my way!


That's right, England too! So all you Europeans who never dreamed you'd have an opportunity to meet me, now's your chance!

I've decided I'm not going to do the volunteering thing so I'm also in no rush to get around. I'm budgeting for about six weeks away, so I'll probably spend a month or so in America and a couple of weeks in England after that.

Again, I'll need to work around MAGfest (Jan 1-4, effectively the SDA convention) - we're gonna be doing a marathon of classic games while we're there, make sure you watch! Miles will be running Sonic 1, stanski Sonic 2 and myself Sonic 3!

So basically, everyone let me know when you're free and I'll make sure I work you into my plans. First post will be edited to reflect aforementioned plans.

Board Games / Re: Return of the genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« on: August 19, 2009, 03:00:33 am »
Reality / TSC
What's the coolest screen name you've seen on the Internet that isn't yours?
What, I can't pick myself? Oh, er... well I suppose if I have to choose someone else... I can't go past Cybrax, to be quite honest. Makes me think of him as a robot... which, let's be honest, he probably was.

What's the best dream you remember? (I know there's a topic for this, you can link a post of yours if need be).
I never got into the lucid dreaming thing, nor do I really remember my dreams at all. So, er, no comment. Sorry guys.

Who do you talk to / hang with most on TSC?
RPG mostly, although if I'm looking for an intellectual conversation I generally consult Rolken, MK, Upth or Thorn.

TSC Furries: Poisoning the site, bringing smiles and happiness to the site, or just more users?
Eh, we've seen the for and the against. Now that I've actually met Koshi a couple of times (although, admittedly, sans fursuit) I am leaning towards the positive for the moment, but I've decided that if she ever breaks my brother's heart I'm going to have to ban them all out of spite. This strategy gives me a bit of leeway: if it's werster's fault I can ban him instead. And then ban the furries anyway. Everybody wins!

Given one day as admin, what do you change around here?
*cough* >_>

What do you think about these TSC fads:
* iSketch

Would be substantially more awesome if I possessed any drawing talent. X)

* Mafia
Would be substantially more awesome if I possessed any lying talent.

* SRB2
Would be substantially more awesome if I actually cared.

* Toulouse
Most awesome of all! It's the very rare case where I'm actually good at something and people still like playing it!

What's your theory on DsS's skills? Genetic mutation, virus, disease, gift from God, result of the Vorlon touch, or something else? Is it (hopefully) communicable?
My personal theory is that DsS has been hiding something from us all this time: he's actually a cyborg sent back in time from the year 2038 to exterminate the furry resistance. The cyborg part allows him to tap into the RAM of games and literally bend them to his will.

As for the furry resistance part, of course, none of us will know if I'm right until after the fact, so I can't definitively be proven wrong. See, I thought through these answers!

Does Sonic Team has one foot in the grave, both feet in the grave, or is it rising from the grave as an undead? Or *gulp* is it wising fwom its gwave as some sort of Altered Beast? *shot*
Sonic Team stumbled into Atari's vacant grave about a decade ago, and has never been seen since. What is posing as "Sonic Team" today are actually a bunch of body doubles sponsored by Hollywood to be the laughing stock of the gaming industry, and in so doing devaluing the medium as a whole. Bastards.

Cooler power-up to own: Super Leaf or Fire Flower?
Super Leaf. If I wanna shoot fire I can get a fucking flamethrower. And before someone plays the aeroplane card, that's a bit like saying driving in a car is the same as running at 70 miles an hour.

Coolest "psychic" ability to wield at an unrealistic level: psychokinesis (telekinesis), pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, telepathy, empathy, etc.?
Pyrokinesis? You mean like setting things on fire?


(Yes, this technically contradicts my last answer, but setting whatever you like on fire is inherently awesome ok.)

For those of you with a "fursona", or for those just answering for the lulz: your species, gender, and color are...? (I had to do it, sorry... I'm not appealing to a minority with this one anymore~)
Well, with my height it's inevitable that somebody would call me a giraffe, so I'm gonna run with that. Also male and... what colour are giraffes? Orange or something?

Cooler height to be for a day: 1cm (0.4") or 50m (164'), Square-Cube Law be damned?
50m. "But why, Mike, you're half way there already!" Here's my logic:
If I'm 50m tall, I get to set all the swimming world records under the sun without having to do any training :D

Speaking of swimming, I could probably swim/walk over to your side of the world before the day's out. Then I'd shrink again and be stuck there. :P

Plus I'd get to do altruistic things like pulling cats out of trees rather than waiting for the fire brigade to do it. If I'm 1cm tall, I get to do none of these things. I have practically no mobility, unless I attach myself to someone else... and in either case, the chances of getting squished are just too high. I wanna live through this experiment.

Coolest Sonic-game body to inhabit?
Tails. I wanna know how the fuck those two tails work.

Coolest non-legendary Pokémon to be?
Touch and go. My 10-year-old self is willing me to say Electrode cause rolling around all day would be epic... but my 20-year-old self insists on Snorlax cause he's such a lazy fucker. :D

Coolest Halloween monster to be? (Use traditional definitions, not Twilight definitions)
I have no idea if I'm on the right track here but Dracula would be a pretty awesome character. Just wear a metal chest plate and you're set: no wooden stake's gonna get through that.

Coolest video game to play the main character's role in?
Jungle Strike. If you haven't played it, basically you're a special ops guy in a helicopter and are assigned all sorts of missions from protecting the President to busting up drug cartels. Whether or not I'd be the "good guy" and do all that awesome stuff or just content myself with blowing up the White House is still up for debate.

Coolest TSCer to trade lives with for a day?
Well, Sondow Selphos is the obvious choice here... but his brothers are dicks, and that would just upset me too much, after thinking I had finally got away from all that. I'd probably pick SM, though... I am curious as to what makes that mind tick. What his motivations are, whether he really is completely devoid of emotion, all those sort of things.

General Sonic / Re: TSC Race Night
« on: August 08, 2009, 11:36:10 pm »
Well, tonight's race was an incredibly ambitious undertaking: a Sonic Marathon with all emeralds. Knowing how many people dropped out in Sonic 1 just in the standard race, something was always going to give here... and it did.

10. Spinballwizard - ragequit after SY2
9. mike89 - quit after Lab1
8. Cruizer - quit after Lab2
7. werster - ineligible after SL1

Yes, you read that right. werster and I both knocked out on Sonic 1. And quite a few scary moments, I think both Fuzzerd and Miles got their last emerald on SL2.

The stage was therefore set for SonicAD to claim 4th place or better and reclaim his long-standing bet with me over the fate of the first marathon. This meant beating two of Fuzzerd, Douglas, RPG, Thorn and Miles - and all of them went into S3K with a substantial headstart. Let's see how the remainder finished:

6. SonicAD - 3h47m23s
5. Miles - 3h 43m19s
4. RPG - 3h42m12s

Oh well, pretty close. Only five minutes away from the money.

Third was douglas in the time of 3h27m49s, which Fuzzerd said was better than he thought anyone would do - funny, cause douglas's last few levels included such gems as 6 minute SO2.

Fuzzerd himself came in second with 3h19m58s, a respectable time but nothing compared to the runaway winner...

Thorn, in a time of 3h00m34s!

Congratulations to Thorn (and indeed, everyone who finished)!

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: The mode of operations for LD
« on: August 06, 2009, 07:19:51 am »
Further to that, if the dispute doesn't involve you, or is not in your area of expertise, shut the fuck up. There's nothing worse than topics getting pointlessly derailed, especially when their purpose is to maintain the legitimacy of the rankings.

TSC's dispute resolution system differs from somewhere like Cyberscore because we don't let just anyone make a complaint. Remember, if you're calling someone out just because their times are insanely fast, there's a good chance you're wrong. :)

With that said, not all of the admins are well versed in all of the games, and this is where those of you who are experienced in competition in a game in question can step in if you have a query. Just be careful that your comments do not degrade into personal attacks and the like.

tl;dr: if you're going to call someone out, or contribute to calling someone out, know what you're talking about.

General Sonic / Re: TSC Race Night
« on: August 02, 2009, 10:03:29 pm »
2nd) Miles 1:33:15 (But didn't win due to a troublesome start)

Oh, and I see this time he doesn't complain. >:O

Also anyone who got beaten by Kitsune should be whacked repeatedly with a stick.

News and Updates / Re: New Management
« on: July 22, 2009, 08:01:52 am »
And to think you weren't going to nominate yourself at all!

I'm really happy with this decision.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: TSC Convention
« on: July 22, 2009, 07:48:41 am »
Oh that's awesome news. That's like... right when my holidays are :D

I think uni holidays are late June to late July - I'll come back later with exact dates. I get not wanting to have anything on the 4th of July, but rest assured I know a few people who I'd love to spend a 4th of July with. X)

So er, if it's in July, pencil me in. June would be tricky because I wouldn't be able to commit until my exam timetable for that semester came out... which is far from ideal.

General Sonic / Re: I wonder
« on: July 20, 2009, 08:24:14 am »
i um


« on: July 16, 2009, 03:19:51 am »
For those unaware, I'm pretty sure the topic is a response to this. Feel free to correct me though, PPA.

Also as this is my first post in some time I would just like to point out that rumours of my departure have been greatly exaggerated.

News and Updates / Re: The future of TSC
« on: June 16, 2009, 05:41:50 am »
Well, this is something I've been sitting on for a while because of all the uncertainty surrounding Rolken's departure. However, now that all that is cleared up, I'll no longer be taking any part in TSC.

I have long felt that I have been a negative influence on the site since I assumed some level of power, and it is for that reason why my attempts to revitalise the community had failed where positive people like flyby were so successful. As a result I feel it would be mutually beneficial for me to depart... and it probably would've been the case six months ago too, if I had had the mental toughness to walk away from what was comfortable.

The time has come for a more competent leader than myself to step forward. I know there're plenty of you out there.

PS Rolk: Sorry for hijacking your topic, but I didn't want to make my own and hijack the whole forum :(

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: June 15, 2009, 02:52:18 am »

Bugs / Re: Videos have "Submitted by an administrator" in updates.
« on: June 15, 2009, 02:51:10 am »
Pretty sure those are only the videos submitted using the Youtube hack that Rolk set up. It's not what I'd call intuitive, though. >_>

Wikkity! / Re: 2009 AFL Footy Tipping Competition
« on: June 12, 2009, 04:20:18 am »
Ah what the hell.

Carlton vs St Kilda (13 points)
Western Bulldogs vs Port Adelaide
Richmond vs West Coast
Hawthorn vs Brisbane
Adelaide vs North Melbourne

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: June 12, 2009, 01:59:17 am »
lol @ above few posts.

For future reference:

Quote from: VorpalEdge from SDA
Note to any future female posters: pretend to be a guy (or mimic Essentia and say you're married and religious), or else people here will only care about your bra size.

To keep it community-specific, switch out Essentia for flyby and it still works. >_>

Board Games / Re: Pick Up the Phone Booth and TSC
« on: June 11, 2009, 01:28:32 am »

> Brings cake from the house for the other TSCers to eat

You bring the cake to the assorted TSCers.  [etc]

this one's lame because it goes off on a tangent that has nothing to do with her action <_<

Um, in case you haven't noticed... that is largely the point of this topic. >_>

For what it's worth, I think that's the best one so far.

Board Games / Re: Pick Up the Phone Booth and TSC
« on: June 05, 2009, 12:18:25 pm »
Randomness you want, randomness you get.

> go fishing

"Hey!" you shout to the TSCers over to the west. "Let's go fishing!"

They respond: "Nah, too busy idling." You ask again ten minutes later, and a few people agree to accompany you. The only body of water you know of in Utah is the Great Salt Lake, so after some time spent driving, you arrive, break out the fishing rods, and sit on the shoreline. Of course, due to the high salinity, there aren't any fish in the lake.

*You wasted time fishing in Utah, you moron*

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: sneak
« on: June 04, 2009, 01:33:29 am »
Could've sworn I already did. o_O

Wikkity! / Re: Name TSC's Band! Post names and requests....
« on: June 02, 2009, 08:56:31 am »
I do believe I have done my public service for the day.

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