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Messages - General Throatstomper

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Wikkity! / Re: Cakesters
« on: September 28, 2008, 04:44:16 pm »
Black and White cookies taste better.

Also, there isn't as much blockage from plaque. Like, this is your heart after you eat a cakester.

Competition Central / Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« on: September 28, 2008, 02:47:29 pm »
It's that time again – the Top Tens are back! This time around, in order to celebrate TSC's 5th birthday and to get everyone over the post-mike-and-RPG blues, we're doing something a little bit special. Welcome to...

Our subject this year will be the Top Ten Top Tens!

A quick moment to explain is probably necessary. This isn't a recap of previous Top Tens, they're all new. Beginning on October 13 and on each day leading up to TSC's fifth anniversary, we'll post a subject and rank its notable components. Each post will contain the subject of the next 'top 10' topic, leaving everyone to quickly publish a scrambled attempt to correctly guess where the rankings will fall.  The idea is that Doug can get asshattery out of his system after a few posts, and with genus' libido for recursive humor, he'll have all the material he needs to make recursive jokes to satisfy his libido for recursive humor. We may intentionally drive the affair into the ground for our own amusement.

(genus comment: Actually, I shouldn't refer to myself in the first person, then you guys might pick up on the fact that this post was prepared weeks in advance...)

(Douglas comment: Don't tell them that, you arse)

(genus comment: Fine, I'll change the subject of these sentences when I post them and omit these lines.)

We'll be taking a trip through TSC history – all the players, all the events, and all the silliness that's accrued throughout the years.

So without further ado, let the speculation commence!

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Crazy Idea: The TSClympics.
« on: September 28, 2008, 01:35:13 pm »
'HL'...perhaps 'high level'? If that is Aitamen's assertion, I posit that Brawl doesn't have to be a tournament game because, more importantly, it is a fun game. Why the need to reinforce your own self image through consistent, complete victory, when it's clear who the better players are even if they don't win? And one more thing to say, I object to your statement that SSB is more balanced than Brawl on the grounds that Pikachu, Ness, and Kirby are all overpowered...and to preempt any trashy rebuttal that Meta Knight and Snake are overpowered, it's too a lesser degree. In SSB, these 3 could 0% kill. A skilled Meta Knight has to work you off the edge for the gimp, and a good Snake has to read his opponent well to capitalize. I don't see where your claims of SSB's greater balance are coming from.

On the matter of these olympics, all I have is a token statement of interest, nothing really to add. Except that Advance Wars: Days of Ruin is a logical inclusion, and if you're conducting a general survey that I'd be interested in side-by-side playthroughs even though I don't have a capture card.

Wikkity! / Re: P.P.A.'s midnight doodles
« on: September 27, 2008, 10:29:03 pm »
I drew Douglas in the style of a house, and not as a building this time. He's not much, but he keeps out the rain.

Of course lag sucks, though I've had some hilarious things happen in lag. I remember one especially awesome moment when I used my fs as DDD, it froze on a closeup of his face while he was whistling, the music clip for his fs ran up, and there was a good 30 seconds of no music before a lagburst.

Also, for some challenges I may force people to use certain characters. I dunno though, it depends on my mood.

Finally, Ness does own.

I've been threatening to host another tournament for a while, and Brawl's pretty awesome. Do I need to say more?

For my MKDS tournament, I had players compete round robin style with arbitrarily imposed requirements; each match that a player won would earn them points, and at the end of each round the low scorer would get eliminated. I still gave eliminated players a chance to influence the course of the tournament. I'm doing the same thing here, but as Brawl is more conducive to customization, I intend to set even stranger constraints. For one round, I might require that players can only choose two moves to use; in another, I could set all explosives to high. Basically: the point of this tournament is not to provide an objective measure of each player's relative skills. The point of this tournament is to have fun. It's not No items, Fox only, Final Destination...except when it is. Before you sign up, know what you're getting into; I don't want to hear complaints about how you only got screwed because of luck. For anyone who really wants to win that's missing the purpose of this tournament, I suggest practicing with many different characters and learning the subtleties of item play.

1) Play under the conditions described in my posts.
2) Report results in this thread in a clear format; "sdfsdfhksdfh defeats ewriwuerhiwehr 2-1", not "dslkfhksdjhgfkhsdfkshdkfhsdkjfhkjhhkh aiuowiueouqwoieuqoiwueoqwueqwoue 2-1". Disputes will be handled on a case by case basis, if I don't like you the other person will probably get the win.
3) Don't disconnect in the middle of a match, no matter how bad the lag is, or how cheap your opponent is playing. Lag is fun, and so is getting swamped by a tactic you can't counter.
4) At the end of every round, the player with the least amount of points is eliminated...sometimes! Maybe someone will get mashed in a head-to-head challenge and their points will be worth nothing. Maybe some other time, a few suckers get taken to the gibit at once to speed everything up. Maybe one day, the top Ike player impales himself on a sword by mistake, and then he's gone. Maybe you've got a reeaaaaaaly embarassing replay of a death that should be grounds for the leader's disqualification. But mostly, just by losing a lot.
5) All participants are obligated to have fun.

To join, post your Brawl code and name. Depending on the number of entrants, I may establish pools of players to streamline things. Registration week sometime? I'll know when to cut this off.

1) genus: 'genus', 0301-9458-8472
2) ShadowJacky: 'SJ', 2191-7299-1181
3) sonicam: 'Cam', 3823-8244-2742
4) Bertin: 'sylux', 1418-6570-4856
5) 1stKirbyever: 'Kirby', 3093-6740-8185
6) Auriman1: 'Auriman1', 4854-8500 -5866
7) Pokemonmaster888: 'PM888' 2535-3298-8307
8) The_T: 'The_T', 2621-2268-7630

ROB is top tier because he has an amazing aerial game, ridiculous recovery, the gyroscope shuts down any ground advance (the gyroscope),  the laser has broken knockback and range, and the dsmash lets ROB play a strong wakeup game. Basically, once ROB fires that gyroscope he can camp you to death while spamming the laser, or wreck you in the air with his superior aerials, and if you try a reckless rush he can spotddodge and punish you with that dsmash.

Mind, it's pretty obvious that the release of this tier list was premature. Most of the low/bottom tier characters are just underplayed, so we don't know their full potential.

Tomorrow, the tourney topic goes up. Today, this post gets posted.

Wikkity! / Re: Awesome Books of Awesomeness
« on: September 25, 2008, 03:42:06 pm »
"Guns, Germs, and Steel" is amazing, and a better use of time than history class.

I loved "The Giver", it poses some profound questions on the nature of suffering in a cohesive, entertaining story without any obtrusive contemplations of greater purpose. Conversely, I hated the books in the Ender's Game series (actually, I liked "Ender's Game" itself, but the sequels focus on characters that may as well be different people in what may as well be a different universe so the magical premise is abandoned) bear Orson Scott Card's empty, heavy-handed philosophical overtures presented through shallow and uninteresting stories. I did like Harry Potter, though not enough to call the books "must reads".

"The Outsiders"...yes! Ok.

Catch-22 deserves more than "yes! Ok.", though. This is one of the best books I've ever read. It bludgeons you upside the head with a powerful message on the incompetence of greed and a cogent examination of bureaucracy. The writing style itself mimics the paradoxical, duplicitous communications and endeavors of government. And it's amusing, too. I read its sequel ("Closing Time) and was disappointed, instead of relying on his own devices Joseph Heller basically wrote Dr. Strangelove with a wheezing take on the weakness of age.

I loved "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" books (I assume that "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe" was a collection of all the books, maybe with the radio scripts and interviews thrown in), and refuse to further qualify this statement.

Regardless of what Aitamen says, "The Old Man and the Sea" was a beautiful book.

On the note of books: I might try to find "House of Leaves", has anyone here read it?


genus says you must read these books now
"Slaughterhouse-Five" by Kurt Vonnegut
"Breakfast of Champions" by Kurt Vonnegut
"Rant" by Chuck Palahniuk
"Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov
"American Psycho" by Brett Easton Ellis
"1984" by George Orwell
"Animal Farm" by George Orwell
"Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison
"Ubik" by Philip K. Dick
"Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck
"Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Friedrich Nietzsche 
"Lord of the Flies" by William Golding
"The Martian Chronicles" by Ray Bradbury
"Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville (*shot*)

You should read many more books, but you should read these books *right now*.

Snake's a beefy dude, and Meta's a potent fellow too...but compared to Melee, Brawl's balanced.

I'm more inclined to complain about Pikachu than anyone else though, if only because thunder jolt is good for pressuring and Pikachu plays a very good defensive game (dsmash, chain throws, wop dairs to outmaneuver most aerials). Basically, you're needled into going on offense and exposing yourself, you never get to engage Pikachu on your own terms. I expect Pikachu to be high tier.

And personally, I nominate my Ganondorf, Zelda, Olimar, Lucario, PT, DDD, and Ness for god tier.

Segue, Sonic sucks, ignoring his poor kill potential he can't really combo (ignoring spindash>aerial and jab fakes, nothing links up). Sonic can potshot, but when you break even in damage when your opponent makes four mistakes to your one, you don't stand a good chance.

Also, Mike said he would host a Brawl tournament, and he never did anything with it! If people are still interested, I'll set one up in the style of my MKDS tournament. Basically, there would be ridiculous conditions to satisfy in battle against pools of people, and an arbitrarily assigned point value for each placing. Every few challenges, the low scorer would be dropped. Exactly like my MKDS tournament! Though probably without a full revival after the final.

Gaming and Grazing / Let's Play! Donkey Kong Jr. Math
« on: September 22, 2008, 04:57:04 pm »
I hold the opinion that in spite of the format's saturation, there are not enough LP's, so I'm going to toss another on top of the scrap heap.

I don't have any game(s? perhaps a marathon style run through several games in one sitting could prove entertaining) in mind, and I want to play a game I've never touched before, so I'm taking suggestions. I'll probably start things next week sometime.

This will be entertaining. And humorous. Even eunuchs will laugh.

Part 1:

Wikkity! / Post your voice!
« on: September 18, 2008, 04:51:44 pm »
We know everything else about you? Why not what you sound like? I bet you all have weird accents, strange pitches, and generally unusual rhythms with your speech.

Whereas I sound awesome.

I suggest everyone read the same passage so as to establish some uniform standard. How about: "Sometimes, salient truths result in nothing but foolish, quirky enterprises devoid of valuable production; instead, we receive lean, mean gains to compensate for our palpable yearning for private, horrible, Xanadus wild with stagnant decay and insensibly imbued with  the festering fallacies of kingly quaintness. Participation for all, no Gnosticism, this is just measured fun with rarely respectable, though generally garrish, phonetics! Also, the words 'starter', 'plot', 'hole', 'cannon', 'fox', and 'tank' because those other sentences are too beautiful to bastardize". Really a good mix of sounds in these sentences which compliments the greater philosophical points and comedy.

Included here are two voice samples!

(Relatedly, I know nothing about audio compression)

Wikkity! / Re: itt Mike goes to America!
« on: September 09, 2008, 09:50:01 am »
Depending on what part of Massachusetts you'll pass through I might not be that far away, and I'd love to toy with you in person. If anyone asks, you're a member of the student body from the University of Chicago sent from the administration to respond personally to my queries.

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: August 30, 2008, 06:43:39 pm »
What's with the surgical mask?

Also why not, here are two (cropped) pictures from a month ago. I'm amused that the second picture warped my face.

Wikkity! / Re: TSC
« on: August 29, 2008, 11:56:04 pm »
This isn't what I need in my life right now. You're a great guy and everything, but I'm interested in someone else and things are complicated. And I felt like if we hung out, I'd be leading you on.

In another time and place, it could have worked. I'm sorry, and please, don't beat yourself up over this.

I'm in on this, if nothing else I'll provide color commentary and police the channel...though if we've got some folks in the Northeast forming a group, I'll show up.

If it's just me by my lonesome, I'd take it upon myself to clear classic as Sonic in Brawl (...maybe intense boss battles and tt's too? Perhaps I could get in contact with a pro Sonic for a few dittos or even a token Mario/Sonic standoff, I understand we want to keep Smash's bit short and sweet, but all the same I think it would be entertaining) since that's more of a diversion and doesn't necessitate the presence of a congregation, while at the same time not running into more complex things other players will be doing.

Anyways, this is meant as an exhibition, so we should consider the audience and more clearly define our goal. Right now, we're at an unhealthy middle of "flashy with skills but raw completion too". Seeing someone clear Sonic Advance 2 as Sonic in a flash is great fun, as is watching Sonic explore the subtler nuances of the game, but the hackneyed combination of "watch Sonic run as fast as he can on a rigidly described route and then excrutiatingly clear several special stages" isn't so hot. Pick a crowd, and stick with it.

On the note of games requiring multiple playthroughs as different characters to unlock the final bosses: why not have a few players synchronize their runs with game saves at different points upon which each character is unlocked? For example, in Advance 2 one player would run through Leaf Forest as Sonic from the beginning while another has a file with Leaf Forest Zone completed and simultaneously plays through the game, yet another playing with Tails loading from Ice Palace, etc. with a split feed broadcasting everything...for a really trippy effect, each run as a different character could begin exactly when the Sonic player 'unlocks' them by clearing the zone in which they appear. If nothing else,  I think the idea of premade saves should be carried over for 'last' stories in the like, nothing's lost in transition just because one or two bits of grinding weren't done.

I'd say more, but I'm drained, and I hope it shows.

Wikkity! / Re: The battle within.
« on: July 28, 2008, 04:03:33 pm »
It loses points for mixed diction, lack of direction (and subsequently clarity), and shamelessly piggybacking off of other peoples' mannerisms.

Also, what?

I read your dissertation a few days ago, and for the most part agree with it. My one complaint is how you glossed over the effect of a series maintaining (or outright abandoning) cohesive elements to compliment the diversions that keep it from becoming stale . There's a resounding point to be made that no series of productions whose stylistic approach varies greatly from entry to entry endures as a work of superior craftsmanship; Mario's consistant direction is, I feel, what ultimately led it to overtake Sonic, and this factor is only briefly mentioned with a focus instead on how their respective environments and characters fit the aesthetic (or in the case of Sonic, don't).

It's still a well written and comprehensive piece, though, and I congratulate you.

« on: July 25, 2008, 02:40:49 pm »
I edited my draft of honey hills based on input from various members. The following gimmicks have been added:

Malaysian Tiger Trap-Launches Bertin high into the air at breakneck speed, demolishing all obstacles in his path. It's the dark circle with a line through it at (21).

Honey globs-Functionally identical to the vine I originally had in place for Light Bertin, only Light Bertin can use these to swing. If he takes too long to jump, bees appear. Depicted as a yellow line with a yellow circle on the bottom.

Honey Lake-Basically the same thing as water. If Heavy Bertin set the forest on fire, he can walk across part of it before falling through the bottom. Begins at (22).

Light Honeycombs-These float on the lake of honey, and allow Light Bertin to navigate the lake; when Heavy Bertin tries to jump on one, it breaks apart immediately. Shown as black circles in the lake.

Honey Tsunami-Once Light Bertin reaches (30), a tidal wave of honey carries the light honeycombs and they gradually sink; while this is going on, Bertin must also dodge bees. Only happens if Light Bertin stands on the second light honeycomb.

Hive Maze-A large hive above the lake, sticky of course. If he times his jumps well, Bertin can enter the hive and find lots of items; otherwise he'll either need to complete the lake segment or walk around the outside as Light Bertin.

Impenetrable Honeycomb-The obstacle at (31), only destructible by flipping the fire switch earlier in the act.

Honey Waterfall-Honey pours out of the hive maze if it is damaged, and either Bertin can use it to freely jump; think the sand pillars in Sandopolis.

The following things have been changed:

The Flower: replaced by a spring that Heavy Bertin needs to use in order to jump over the trees.

The Axe: replaced by a large knothole for Light Bertin to jump through.

The Vine: scrapped entirely, though reimagined in the form of honey globules.

Resuming the level path from the blue line at (21):

Whether Light or Heavy, both Bertins will enter the lake at (22).

Heavy Bertin wades through the lake, doing all sorts of platforming that I didn't outline because that is not the point of these sketches; ideally this will be tiered, and not just a flatbottom setup as depicted. Reaching the honeycomb at (21), a Heavy Bertin that did not flip the switch will use a spring to land on it, causing the hive maze to cave in and create a honey waterfall that he will traverse to the goal. If he flipped the switch, he will be access another platforming segment which he must complete before reaching the goal.

Light Bertin jumps on the light honeycombs at (30), and the honey tsunami begins. The honeycombs are carried and start sinking, he has to jump back and forth while dodging bees; success will net him a much faster time and some items, while failure forces him to become Heavy Bertin and complete the level with his longer path.


Light Bertin is launched from the trap at (21) into the upper portion of the level. From there, he'll swing on the honey globules (23) and depending on his jumping skills he'll either land into the hive, onto the honey slides, or onto the water below.

   He can't platform very well

The honey slides carry Bertin to a beartrap (24), if he doesn't think quickly he gets nailed and falls into the water below. If he does think quickly, he'll use the honey globules to stick himself to the hive (27) and walk on it to the finish.

   He makes the jump

He's basically platforming in the hive maze for a while; I suppose that we could implement some crazy "running fast enough rotates the whole mechanism and opens up new paths" gimmick, but again, brevity to preserve clarity of the raw concept on my part. Path diverges at (26)

This part of the honeycomb collapses, and falls into the water; it's carried to shore by the current, and from there Bertin can just hit the goalpost.

Continues to navigate the maze until (29), when the floor bursts open and the level ends.

I have a Sky Level about halfway finished but I'm going to see the Dark Knight in a little while so I won't get it done until tomorrow.

Wikkity! / Re: Doug's challenge of awesome
« on: July 23, 2008, 07:35:16 pm »
That sounds this from the episode of "The Avengers" where an army cadet booted out of training school by Steed and a few others takes revenge on the commitee   by constructing giant board games with a basis in the profession of the member in question and he attempts to win at the game before killing them for an egoboost? I remember a line at the end almost exactly like this, right after the ex-cadet loses in a strategy game and blows up a general with an artillery positioned in a corner of the room.

« on: July 21, 2008, 04:38:53 pm »
This image makes no sense without an explanation, but I'm writing up how the level will go and will post it soon.

Also, here's like...6 seconds of a song that I think would go well with the sky level.

Edit: HERE.

Here's a level mockup that makes no sense without an explanation. First, an overview of level gimmicks used, with the laws of real world physics handled liberally:

1) Spring: Everyone knows what springs do! When Heavy Bertin uses a spring, he goes higher than Light Bertin. Represented on the mockup with a black circle.
2) Beehives: When Heavy Bertin runs fast enough, the ground shakes and he knocks over a beehive, causing angry bees to chase him. The bees only dissapear after Bertin has been stung, when he dives into honey, or runs into a flower. Depicted as yellow circles on the mockup.
3) Honey: Honey has a few different affects depending on location and whether or not the forest has been lit on fire. If the honey is on the hill, it flows, and Light Bertin will be carried by the current similar to how Bubsy is moved by water slides; Heavy Bertin can plow through it unphased. If the honey is on a wall or another even surface, Light Bertin will stick to it and be able to walk anywhere on that surface, including up walls; Heavy Bertin just falls. Both types of Honey are shown as lines of yellow.
4) Stretchy sapling: There's only one of these in the level, serving as a cannon of sorts. that launches Bertin regardless of weight. Heavy Bertin flies in a straight path, destroying all obstacles in his way, while Light Bertin flies in a higher arc. It's pretty obvious what this is on the map.
5) Switch: The switch in this level can only be activated by Heavy Bertin.
6) Trees: Impassable obstacles that need to be destroyed; if he's running full speed down a hill, Heavy Bertin can just crash through them, but Light Bertin needs to find other ways. If a tree has a platform on it, that platform will fall down with the tree. Another gimmick that's pretty obvious when you see it.
7) Flower: If Bertin manages to have the bees pollinate the flower, he can use it to fly. When it touches honey, he falls to the ground. You'll know what the flower is, too.
8) Axe: When Bertin attacks the axe, it will destroy all trees and enemies in its path.
9) Giant Beehive: If the Giant beehive is hit, it will roll and kill basically everything before getting wedged between two platforms and getting honey everywhere. If it is not hit, it can be entered to get *great items*. Marked as "a beehive with stuff in it" in the level concept.
10) Vine: Light Bertin can swing the vine to the goalpost and look pretty awesome doing it. Heavy Bertin can *try*, but the vine will snap. Indicated by a vine-looking whatsit.
11) Beartraps: Comparable to spikes from Sonic, only because whoever created them wasn't very skilled at metallurgy or engineering, they only go off and do damage when Heavy Bertin steps on them, or if Light Bertin stays on one for too long. My beartraps are hideous, but they're still recognisable as beartraps so ok! Awesome.
12) Honey Tobaggon: Just like a homemade slip 'n' slide, but with no shampoo or tarp. This isn't on the map at all, because drawing it in would be impossible.

Gimmicks I wanted to include but didn't for one reason or another:

1) Light Bertin can climb trees: This just wouldn't work with that level setup, maybe another level could use that well.
2) Only Light Bertin can platform on the upper path's canopy: for reasons that should be obvious after the image is posted, I couldn't do this without a serious reworking of the level.
3) Scales: Scale-related puzzles shouldn't be in a level like this, since they stand out.
4) Rainstick: I wanted to have a rainstick in an area only Light Bertin could access that would summon a storm and coat the whole level in faster-than-normal honey, but that seemed too contrived so I dropped it.
6) Bee Exploitation: Using bees to coat platforms/slopes with honey sounded like a cool idea, maybe one that should be used in the other honey hills level. But not this one since I couldn't make room for it.
7) Duel Katana Wielding, Sniper Rifle: I tried man, I tried.

Here's how the level flows, with the main paths outlined in sequence:

(1) Heavy Bertin can reach the higher platform by using this spring to get some goodies, while Light Bertin gets a slightly lower route (2). The tradeoff is that Heavy Bertin can't continue on the string of platforms (3) and reach the sapling like Light Bertin can (9). There will be a way to change forms from 3-9, so that the sapling will launch Bertin two different ways depending on his weight. This is a major diversion, and as such Bertin's paths will be seperated by weight.

*Heavy Bertin*

Heavy Bertin crashes through the trees and *wrecks* them before a cushy landing on a canopy that causes LOTS OF BEEHIVES to fall. Bees chase Bertin to the Giant Beehive, but then sort of lose interest. There are items in the giant beehive so it's not a total waste of time, and Heavy Bertin can just jump back onto the canopy. At (19), Bertin can attempt a difficult jump to vault over an overhang of shrubbery and get...something for the effort. From there, it's a short walk to the goalpost.

*Light Bertin*

Light Bertin slams into the first tree and is knocked down, causing the rest of the trees to fall like dominos and croquet the giant beehive down the hill and up the ramp (14), bridging the gap between the two ramps and felling every tree in the area before seconds later breaking apart and falling into the area below; this whole time, it's leaking honey. If the player is quick, they can hop onto a  tree that's been knocked down and use it as a toboggan; this ride will carry them to the fine, which they'll use to swing to the exit, barely avoiding getting clipped by enemies. Otherwise, they'll need to progress through the bottom section, either going onto the platforms or taking their chances crossing the bear traps for goodies (17), eventually reaching a spring that sends them up and lets them walk to the exit.


Continuing from (1)...oh no, a beehive! Heavy Bertin has to RUN FOR COVER and reach the honey on the slope or pool beneath it, or take damage. Light Bertin can just sort of chill. At (5), Heavy Bertin can choose to climb up the hill of honey or enter an enclave, but Light Bertin is relegated to taking the lower path.

*Heavy Bertin*

Once he clears the hill of honey, Heavy Bertin comes to a line of trees...and an alluring switch (11). When he jumps on the switch, the whole forest catches on previously noted, only Heavy Bertin can start forest fires. All the trees and beehives are fried, and the honey crystalises over the gap to form solid, though slippery, platforms. Sucking at platforming brings you to the area around (17); otherwise it's a straightforward treck.

*Light Bertin/Heavy Bertin entering the alcove*

If Heavy Bertin is careless, he'll fall through a pit concealed by plants and miss out on some solid items (6). Light Bertin, meanwhile, is dragged onto a honey slide and forced to follow its path (7). An enterprising Heavy Bertin can make the jump at (7), and reach a concealed alcove with things worth getting, using the spring at (8) to return to the honey slide (or alternatively jump to their death at the pit marked "warning! do not jump here because this is a bottomless pit"). A Heavy Bertin reaching (10) will be able to pollinate a flower and use it to fly, fly, fly! until he gets below the giant honey hive and is grounded. Instead of flying, Light Bertin has to scale a few honeyed walls, though this is not without its rewards because at (12) there's an item in a small tree that only he can enter. At (13), Heavy Bertin needs to jump down and plow through some trees, getting the items on top if he's patient enough to wait; Light Bertin needs to jump back and forth between some sticky platforms, sometimes even upside down (blame Galaxy for the idea), before reaching an axe that he must attack to destroy nature. Like Heavy Bertin, he can wait for the items on the tops of those trees to fall. Then things happen and you reach the goalpost.


« on: July 21, 2008, 10:05:07 am »
When I get a chance, I'll whip something up. One idea I have in mind involves bee hives-if Heavy Bertin runs down a hill, the ground shakes and the beehive falls, releasing bees that chase him, whereas if Light Bertin runs down that same hill the hive remains undisturbed. Right now this is the best weight related gimmick for Honey Hills I can think of, but then again I've only been thinking for a few minutes! Expect great things.

If anyone's feeling especially ambitious and wants to plow through some potential level designs: what are the zones we've come up with so far?

General Sonic / Re: Sonic & The Black Knight. Wait, what?!
« on: July 19, 2008, 07:37:46 pm »
Wait, why do we believe this is real when Retro was the only source to post it, the poster didn't provide the article itself, and it's uncorroborated?

Color me skeptical.

« on: July 19, 2008, 12:54:19 pm »
What's your point? That sounds like shields in S3K to me.

« on: July 19, 2008, 12:48:31 pm »
I don't like the idea of nerfing Heavy Bertin's controls, I think it's better to just confer benefits based on gaining weight...making him slower with a worse jump will mean that most players will just say 'screw it' and and stick with Light Bertin (so long as we do not adopt the idea of gaining rings increasing weight, which doesn't sound like a good idea because then weight changes are less a conscientious decision by a player and more an inevitable byproduct of exploring a level and picking up rings along the way, or getting hit...the alternative is to have Bertin change weight based on different capsules, a la shields in S3K...we could even get ambitious with this and offer different forms, like a Mario game, though I say to keep these different forms at roughly the same pace so as not to discourage the use of one over the other).

If we decide "ok screw genus' idea about not making Heavy Bertin a lame slowmer" it is my suggestion that Heavy Bertin and Light Bertin play much differently from one another. Perhaps Light Bertin can, for instance, use some pretty hardcore martial arts, while Heavy Bertin is able to roar like an alpha male and attack distant enemies...or something. Aside from level gimmickry involving different paths or less damage, there needs to be some reason to play as Heavy Bertin.

« on: July 18, 2008, 10:29:05 pm »
Ok, I just wrote a quick piece for the fight against Stefan the *slightly* Magical Dragon. This fight's intimidating for newer players at first, since Stefan flies around too quickly to land anything and attacks from a distance with slightly scathing fireballs that are hard to dodge...he's seemingly invincible! But 0:22:15 into the fight, Stefan the *slightly* magical dragon is gunned down by a mysterious assassin, none other than the fiendish genus who wanted to write Stefan out of the story!

« on: July 18, 2008, 07:43:41 pm »
Yes, it is.

This is a *more complicated song than I anticipated*, I spent a little while tweaking instruments but this is fine for now.

All complaints about this song must be submitted in the form of "I don't like America because..."

« on: July 18, 2008, 06:40:59 pm »
It took me like...5 minutes to make that piece. Also Stefan is now "Stefan the Slightly Magical Dragon".

« on: July 18, 2008, 05:07:55 pm »
Premise: A mysterious suitcase is left in the chat, and Rolken opens it! then all of TSC has been turned into animals by a trigger in the suitcase that activates a plot device, and it's Bertin the Bear's job to rescue them by clawing off everyone's face before anyone calls us furries. Includes, but is not limited to, such memorable bosses as:

1) Cherry the Sad Tiger
2) Rolken the Reflective Mirrior with lots of Lasers
3) Stefan the Slightly Magical Dragon
4) Sky the Fanatic Echidna
5) PPA the Neurotic Man in a Fursuit (he missed the suitcase getting opened because he was on vacation and went insane)
6) Gerbil the HIGH TECHNICAL Penguin
7) RR the Whining Bag of Douches who should learn to Appreciate Good Music
8) Mike the Remarkable Ant
9) Tails the Flying Fox
10) RPG the Arcane Albatross of Forbodeing
11) ShadowJacky the Obscene Otter
11) Genus the Totally Badass Final Boss Who's Some Huge Snake or Something and also is Damn Near Impossible to Beat the Normal Way, but it's ok because he's got a Well Hidden though Easy to Exploit Weakness that basically turns the Battle into a Joke

And with a whole host of original baddies for Bertin the Bear to eat, including:
1) Flocks of Normal Type Birds
2) Swarms of Magnezones
3) Radioactive Playstation 3's
4) Other Bears
5) Crocodiles
6) Even Bigger Crocodiles
7) Falcon Punches
8) Robots
9) Attorneys
10) Evil Sand

And more!

Here's one song 3 different ways.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: A shocking gaming related confession.
« on: June 16, 2008, 10:42:16 pm »
Your post is less a confession and more the general opinion of the pokemon series.

As to EV's leading to weaker pokemon and dreadfully predictable movesets, you're spot on there, though I'd say the more gamebreaking effect is in the effective destruction of utility sponges. You can't have double walls anymore because your ev spread is too thinly dispersed, so you wind up with a meta wherein circular switches become the established convention. If special wall (w) beats special attacker (x) by enduring its hits, but physical (y) trounces special wall (w), the player in question will make that switch, to precepitate bringing in physical wall (z) to cope with (y)...which will consequently lead to the opponent bringing in special attacker (x) you beat physical wall (z). The way the D/P meta has developed has turned it into a turtler's game, with surprise kills and setup pokemon serving as the only reliable ways to win matches; sweeperside it's all about speed, so there's an arbitrarily imposed reliability on these walls which only makes the design more contrived. Though the other extreme is the gsc era, which had a handful of viable pokemon and an even smaller subset of sweepers (by which I mean it's been a while since I've played gsc and forget the finer points of the meta, so I'm pretending I can remember a sweeper in common use...Gengar?)...gsc was all about sponges and status ailments. Of course, this is the same series that considered making a type weak to a type that can only get stab on 'lick' and another whose strongest move is (power of pin missile...or is it twin needle? here) a sufficient balance.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: A shocking gaming related confession.
« on: June 16, 2008, 12:17:30 pm »
This is an interesting topic premise. IMPENDING LIST.

1) I have never liked a fps (with the exception of the Metroid Prime games, which are more about exploration anyways, I tried Timesplitters 2 but aside from its sense of humour I didn't really enjoy the game).
2) I've only ever owned two gaming systems not produced by Nintendo (the Genesis and a PSX I bought 2 years ago to retroplay PlayStation games...but as it turns out, the PS1 has an awful game library, not to underplay how terrible the games for the n64 were)
3) I actually bought Brain Age.
4) I've only played 3 'mainstream' Final Fantasy games (FFI, FFIII DS, FFVII), and didn't enjoy them.
5) I sold all my n64 and gameboy games to put towards a DS (a paltry sum of approximately $10, I was told that if I wanted a DS I'd have to cash in my older games...I've bought a few of the better titles I had, but not the majority).
6) I enjoy the Mario Party games (especially Mario Party 2, the best in the series for certain).
7) I find Viewtiful Joe humdrum.
8) I played a few zones in Sonic CD, and was unimpressed.
9) I've never owned a MegaMan game.


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