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Messages - General Throatstomper

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Wikkity! / Re: I'm at work and TSC should entertain me!
« on: March 07, 2009, 01:33:30 pm »
You could take your turn in Risk.

Wikkity! / Re: I'm at work and TSC should entertain me!
« on: March 05, 2009, 07:24:40 pm »
Do you hate heavy metal?

I do too.

I'd have screamed louder, but then I suddenly didn't have any time to record.

Wikkity! / Re: leaving fore...
« on: February 27, 2009, 11:25:46 pm »
Watch out for gang violence. There's a lot of that going on in Mexico right now, nice timing.

Wikkity! / Re: P.P.A.'s midnight doodles
« on: February 25, 2009, 08:37:31 pm »
Scott Adams is the cartoonist who draws Dilbert; Jim Davis drew Garfield (...except when he didn't, and had people in his studio do everything while claiming credit for their work...).  Somehow, they're idolized over the likes of Gary Larson and Charles Addams?

Wikkity! / Re: P.P.A.'s midnight doodles
« on: February 24, 2009, 11:53:28 pm »
Since when are Scott Adams and Jim Davis the elevated standards for cartoonists?

Also, to spoil the excitement: the plot arc ends with the plot arc ending.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Activities for TSC Convention
« on: February 22, 2009, 12:45:14 pm »
I predict that you would predict my prediction that the poisoned wine would be the glass in front of you and consequently put the poisoned wine in front of me. I doubt that you would predict my prediction of your prediction, but as a matter of flair I would psych you out and convince you to drink both glasses.

I'll bring my guitar if I go, does anybody else play instruments? We should form a band of sorts...dibs on lead guitarist/singer!

Wikkity! / Re: The music maker (is leaving after last post).
« on: February 16, 2009, 11:13:07 pm »
The other day, I was trying to make a song that would hurt you when you listened to it. Attached is the result...which is markedly worse than this.

I'll make up for it by recording a winsome guitar solo sometime later this week.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: TSC Convention
« on: January 30, 2009, 01:43:58 pm »
1/2: I'll know more about this in a few months.
3: My Wii and DS, along with games for those systems.
4: Yeah, sure, I'll probably bring my lappy. 
5: I have good taste, so food's an issue here. I don't eat any meat other than chicken, and I don't like dairy. Mind, I can always eat things elsewhere without feeling excluded in the normal.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: TSC Convention
« on: January 29, 2009, 06:35:00 pm »
I might come, depending on which college I decide to attend.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Activities for TSC Convention
« on: January 29, 2009, 05:30:18 pm »
I suggest basket weaving, pottery, writing, and dancing.

This is going to be a great convention. What's the Northeast group?

Ask me anything so that I can tell you nothing...unless I tell you something through the use of negative space.

Wikkity! / Re: Ask P.P.A.
« on: January 20, 2009, 04:29:41 pm »
When is 'not enough' too much, and who in the never forever may make the decision to decide for us? Why so? Similarly, does ethical incongruity necessitate ostracism, or are your ideas speckled with a tincture of fallacy entirely independent of their reception? How are validation and criticism by occlusion opposite operands; why the self-righteousness when you only condemn what will not gift you praise?

Finally: re you perplexed, or is this your natural complexion?

Wikkity! / Re: Ask flyby (where I steal magnum's idea <_<)
« on: January 20, 2009, 04:01:16 pm »
What sort of questions should I ask you that I don't want to ask PPA or Magnum?

And what kind of music do you listen to?

« on: January 11, 2009, 11:19:20 pm »
This thread is full of epic fail. In my opinion, it could use some epic win.

Night One
Xerinth: huh.
Kalium: Hi o/
Xerinth: gonna yak, or no?
Kalium: I'm going to yakk genus
Xerinth: kk.
Kalium: Yakk brandon
Xerinth: who will we kill?
Xerinth: i'm not yak.
Kalium: Kill Alice
Xerinth: kk
Xerinth: and frame?
Xerinth: we'll frame brandon.
Kalium: ok

Mafia (Xerinth, Kalium)-Alice
Framer (Xerinth)-Brandon
Yakuza (Kalium-genus
Doctor (Alice)-GrubberLang
Cop (GrubberLang)-Alice
Watcher (iamnotwuggles)-PublicKillar
Shrink (tramez14)-PublicKillar

Day One
You watched PublicKillar throughout the night. tramez14 has visited PublicKillar.
After investigations, you suspect that Alice is sided with the village.
Alice, the doctor, has died a bloody death.
Kalium, the yakuza, has died a bloody death.

genus: lame
Brandon: kalium =~~~~~~~~
Alice: omgwtf
GrubberLang: shit
genus: cop whisper your innocent
GrubberLang: no claims
Xerinth: mhm
Xerinth: hopefully shrink shrunk self
genus: actually
iamnotwuggles: publickiller, anythin happen to you?
genus: the cop could whisper their innocent
GrubberLang: public was probably yakked
genus: then claim in the open for watching, with the inno as a liason
genus: but...
genus: not so great an idea, actually
genus: because the watcher may have been yakked
GrubberLang: inno could be dead
iamnotwuggles: public killer.. please claim
genus: that's possible too
tramez14: PB?
iamnotwuggles: You watched PublicKillar throughout the night. tramez14 has visited PublicKillar.
tramez14: where you at?
iamnotwuggles: You watched PublicKillar throughout the night. tramez14 has visited PublicKillar.
iamnotwuggles: You watched PublicKillar throughout the night. tramez14 has visited PublicKillar.
iamnotwuggles: You watched PublicKillar throughout the night. tramez14 has visited PublicKillar.
genus: we see it
Brandon: fuck spam
iamnotwuggles: i kno
tramez14: lol
Xerinth: lol
genus: but that's a dumb thing to post
iamnotwuggles: haha
PublicKillar: ok im back
Xerinth: retarded
genus: you just outed a pr
PublicKillar: oh
tramez14: right
Xerinth: yea
GrubberLang: wug, wtf?
Xerinth: tramez would have died if he was yak
iamnotwuggles: publickilla... anything happen to u?
PublicKillar: what is tramez claiming
PublicKillar: could be framer
iamnotwuggles: ask him
genus: could be framer
genus: or shrink
genus: or cop
Xerinth: oh, true, i guess
iamnotwuggles: he could only be framer
genus: let's not out all claim
PublicKillar: No
iamnotwuggles: else he woulda claim
genus: no
PublicKillar: he could be watcher
Kalium: Alice, who did you saved?
genus: just drop it
iamnotwuggles: he woulda claim
PublicKillar: i mean cop
iamnotwuggles: if he was anythin but fremer
genus: or shrink
tramez14: I did visit PB
PublicKillar: ok.
tramez14: I'm shrink
iamnotwuggles: and wat are u then?
PublicKillar: aaa
PublicKillar: noo
iamnotwuggles: any ccs?
genus: dude
PublicKillar: just nl. 
genus: wuggles
genus: :/
GrubberLang: nl guys if we have no info
GrubberLang: cop?
PublicKillar: No.
genus: you just sacrificed yourself to out the shrink
PublicKillar: well.
PublicKillar: should cop just claim now.
GrubberLang: bizaare choice
PublicKillar: watcher on cop
PublicKillar: doc on watcher
genus: no sense in that
iamnotwuggles: think cop should claim
genus: there's no doctor
genus: no
GrubberLang: doc is dead dude
PublicKillar: idk watcher is outed for no reason.
PublicKillar: oh
genus: -no-
genus: the cop should not claim
PublicKillar: sorry
PublicKillar: i was afk 2 long
iamnotwuggles: yea u waz
PublicKillar: didnt notice doc death
PublicKillar: hammering

Result-All vote to nl

Night Two
Xerinth: sup.
genus: I was a blue
genus: but whatever
Xerinth: damn.
genus: we know pr's
Xerinth: well, you can keep claiming it.
genus: kill wuggles
Xerinth: kk
genus: public
Xerinth: heh, why not

Mafia (genus, Xerinth)-iamnotwuggles
Framer (Xerinth)-PublicKillar
Cop (GrubberLang)-Xerinth
Watcher (iamnotwuggles)
Shrink (tramez14)-GrubberLang

Day two
You watched PublicKillar throughout the night. Xerinth has visited PublicKillar.
After investigations, you suspect that Xerinth is sided with the mafia.
iamnotwuggles, the watcher, has died a bloody death.

PublicKillar: ok.
PublicKillar: im clear.
tramez14: damn!
Alice: 'Sup.
Brandon: :(
genus: how are you clear?
PublicKillar: shrink..
GrubberLang whispers to  tramez14: cop here
iamnotwuggles: nothin really
PublicKillar: shrunk me.
genus: you could still be the framer
Xerinth: shrink means nothing n2.
GrubberLang whispers to  tramez14: After investigations, you suspect that Xerinth is sided with the mafia.
Xerinth: and that.
PublicKillar: n1
iamnotwuggles: who kill me btw?
PublicKillar: he claimed shrink yesterday
genus: you can't be yakked
PublicKillar: hes either
PublicKillar: framer
PublicKillar: or shrink.
genus: but you can still be the framer
PublicKillar: me?
genus: yeah
PublicKillar: true.
Xerinth: does cop have a report we can use?
PublicKillar: but eh
genus: nobody is cleared
PublicKillar: im not yakked.
genus: well
PublicKillar: im "most" clear.
genus: the cop really should whisper their innocent
Xerinth: true.
PublicKillar: cop should whiper d2 inno
PublicKillar: and tell him both reports
GrubberLang: ok
GrubberLang: I have this
genus: their day one report is also reliable
PublicKillar: d1 inno is useless.
GrubberLang: tramez and xer are maf
GrubberLang: I am cop
PublicKillar: well no
genus: how is it useless?
GrubberLang: I whispered to tram
PublicKillar: d1 report should go to d2 suspect
PublicKillar: cause d1 suspect
PublicKillar: could be yakked.
PublicKillar: d2 suspect is clear.
genus: investigations go after conversion
PublicKillar: d1 is not.
GrubberLang: he hasn't spoken
genus: really?
Xerinth: got any reports?
GrubberLang: After investigations, you suspect that Xerinth is sided with the mafia.
PublicKillar: ya
genus: oh
PublicKillar: ok other report.
GrubberLang: and I whispered to tram
genus: guess I'm wrong
GrubberLang: he hasn't backed me up
GrubberLang: he's lurking with key ino
GrubberLang: info
PublicKillar: other reprot?
PublicKillar: report.
PublicKillar: oh nvr mind.
GrubberLang: After investigations, you suspect that Alice is sided with the village. Alice, the doctor, has died a bloody death. Kalium, t
PublicKillar: ok.
PublicKillar: sounds faire.
Brandon: ok (:
PublicKillar: now.
GrubberLang: watcher on me
PublicKillar: theres 3 things bothering me
genus: hm
GrubberLang: ?
PublicKillar: either cop is yakked.
PublicKillar: either framer framed.
PublicKillar: and i forgot last XD
PublicKillar: but
GrubberLang: lol
Xerinth: :P
PublicKillar: would framer frame Xeri?
genus: lol
GrubberLang: i don't think framer would
PublicKillar: normally, i think theyd frame me or genus.
Xerinth: yea
PublicKillar: normally.
Xerinth: i've been framed
PublicKillar: lets talk some more.
Xerinth: quite often
PublicKillar: and then nl
genus: I'm inclined to think that either pk, tramez, or myself would be framed
Xerinth: but i don't play framer games often
Xerinth: so idk.
GrubberLang: what about tram?
GrubberLang: where's he gone?
PublicKillar: idk, i dont think tram would be yakked.
genus: but tram would be the logical target
PublicKillar: yes.
PublicKillar: if hes actually shrink, im clear.
genus: maybe he wouldn't get yakked
PublicKillar: so im thinking genus, but eh
genus: public, unless you're the framer
PublicKillar: maybe yak tried to yak me.
PublicKillar: i kno
genus: you can't be yakked
PublicKillar: im saying from my PoV
genus: you're only cleared if we lynch the framer
GrubberLang: can we lynch xer
GrubberLang: ?
GrubberLang: I have a guilty
PublicKillar: from my PoV genus.
PublicKillar: thats what im thinknig.
genus: oh, ok
GrubberLang: and if framer is on him that is very lucky
PublicKillar: hrm.
iamnotwuggles: wow game taking rel long
PublicKillar: ok lets talk for 2 mins
PublicKillar: and nl.
GrubberLang: why nl?
PublicKillar: mylo.
GrubberLang: i guess it's mylo
GrubberLang: sorry
GrubberLang: but watcher on me tonight
PublicKillar: in my mind
PublicKillar: i think theres one mafia.
GrubberLang: wuggles?
GrubberLang: you got that?
PublicKillar: Tramez you there??
Xerinth: you think yak got shrinked?
GrubberLang: oops, wug is dead
GrubberLang: my bad
PublicKillar: lol grubber
PublicKillar: i was wondering what you were doing.
PublicKillar: Tramez is afk
PublicKillar: we need him to talk.
genus: back
GrubberLang: tramez!!!!!!!
PublicKillar: well, anyone cc shrink?
PublicKillar: cause if theres no cc.
PublicKillar: hes real shrink
PublicKillar: yakked or not
PublicKillar: meaning im clear.
PublicKillar: there it is.
PublicKillar: in my PoV
PublicKillar: again.
PublicKillar: and btw genus
PublicKillar: the chances i was framer.
PublicKillar: are pretty slim.
genus: mafia isn't a game of probabilities
PublicKillar: 1/9
PublicKillar: :/
PublicKillar: its not, im just telling you
PublicKillar: you should be inclined to believing me.
genus: it's about logic, the odds of anyone winding up with -any- role are slim
genus: so tramez isn't here
PublicKillar: true true.
tramez14: I'm here
PublicKillar: but you still need to use numbers
PublicKillar: wtf why didnt you talk all day???
tramez14: I'm on this and facebook
tramez14: sorry
PublicKillar: wow..
genus: numbers form the framework of the reasoning
PublicKillar: yes.
tramez14: lol
PublicKillar: dont kick.
PublicKillar: plz
genus: they do not divine process
genus: anyways
Xerinth: quick question
PublicKillar: in my mind
PublicKillar: genus and Brandon are mafia
Xerinth: does the (3) in inactive players
PublicKillar: but i may be wrong
Xerinth: mean there's 3 inactives?
genus: no
PublicKillar: no
Xerinth: or that we need 3 kick votes?
GrubberLang: what about my cop report?
PublicKillar: 3 need to kick
Brandon: no
genus: that means that 3 people need to vote to kick for the kick to go through
Xerinth: ah, kk
Brandon: hahahaha
Brandon: i'm not maf
PublicKillar: grubber nl
PublicKillar: brandon is mafia for sure.
genus: honestly, I doubt that xerinth would be framed
PublicKillar: nice arguement.
Brandon: ok lynch me if i'm maf
GrubberLang: I die tonight so mass claim to me
PublicKillar: first 2 lines you spoke today
genus: but if we want to nl
GrubberLang: and I whisper to tram?
genus: I'm fine with that, too
PublicKillar: nl.
genus: since we'll have more time to talk tomorrow
PublicKillar: grubbers at least
PublicKillar: we will know
genus: without the spectre of kicking
PublicKillar: your real.
PublicKillar: cause if you didnt die, we would know your yakked.
PublicKillar: so nl is usefull
GrubberLang: claims please
GrubberLang: ?
GrubberLang: hurry up peeps
Brandon whispers to  GrubberLang: hunter
Alice: So.
PublicKillar: hunter
Alice: How is everyone.
PublicKillar: is only one
PublicKillar: that didnt claim
genus: yep
PublicKillar: other prs are dead.
GrubberLang: kk
iamnotwuggles: i good i guess
GrubberLang: got it
PublicKillar: not very helpful..
iamnotwuggles: just waiting for them to done game
GrubberLang: remember xer has a guilty
PublicKillar: Genus/Brandon or both my PoV

Result-All vote to nl.

Night 3
genus: ok
Xerinth: heh
genus: want to be epic and leave the cop alive?
Xerinth: sorry if i'm not talking much
Xerinth: calc hw
genus: or conventional
genus: and pop him?
Xerinth: hehe
Xerinth: dunno
Xerinth: do you wanna feel epic?
genus: well
genus: I do...
Xerinth: then go for it.
genus: allright
genus: frame public
genus: again
genus: this will be fun
Xerinth: why not brandon?
genus: well, Public's going to be the swing vote here
genus: and he seemed most in tune to the possibility of a yakked cop
genus: so it's better if our cop thinks he's mafia
genus: but whatever
genus: frame brandon
genus: kill tramez
genus: this should be fun
Xerinth: kk
Xerinth: vote

Mafia (genus, Xerinth)-tramez14
Framer (Xerinth)-Brandon
Cop (GrubberLang)-genus
Shrink (tramez14)-Xerinth

Day 3
After investigations, you suspect that genus is sided with the mafia.
tramez14, the shrink, has died a bloody death.

PublicKillar: ok,
PublicKillar: lol
Brandon: :(
PublicKillar: Grubber is mafia. Public and I both vote for Grubber, Brandon follows.
GrubberLang: After investigations, you suspect that genus is sided with the mafia.
GrubberLang: whoa whoa
GrubberLang: that is wifom
PublicKillar: grubber is mafia, i repeat.
genus: late, and not dead
PublicKillar: well actually.
GrubberLang: THAT IS WIFOM
PublicKillar: hrmm
genus: there is such a thing as wifom
PublicKillar: this could be mafia
PublicKillar: playing tricks We both unvote
PublicKillar: hrm
genus: I might have been framed
genus: if she is real
genus: but I doubt mafia would keep the cop alive
PublicKillar: I dont think Cop should be alive
PublicKillar: but what if mafia intended that
GrubberLang: it's mylo
genus: no matter how confusing it would be
PublicKillar: then we are screwed
GrubberLang: cop shouldn't survivi
genus: it's lylo
Xerinth: true
GrubberLang: therefore clever maf
PublicKillar: hrrm.
GrubberLang: lylo sorry
genus: alternatively, grubber was yakked
PublicKillar: ok.
PublicKillar: now
GrubberLang: I have guilties on xer and genus
PublicKillar: i think its Brandon and Grubber
genus: I'm thinking grubber/brandon Note: we said this at the same time, it was not an obvious tell
GrubberLang: tram, I need your help on this
PublicKillar: lol
genus: lol
Brandon: ¬¬
PublicKillar: Genus,
Xerinth: brandon/grubber here too.
Brandon: so, lynch me
PublicKillar: im leaning on Brandon though
genus: well
PublicKillar: idk
genus: I base my suspicion on brandon
GrubberLang: I think genus
Brandon: u.u
PublicKillar: same.
genus: under the assumption that grubber was, indeed, yakked
genus: since he wouldn't fake a guilty on his partner in that situation
GrubberLang: I'm not yakked
PublicKillar: Btw, good ass setup.
GrubberLang: but it's wifom
Xerinth: haha, true.
PublicKillar: Xerinth.
PublicKillar: what do you think.
Xerinth: seems like it'd be town sided, but no.
genus: well
genus: it could be wifom, yes
Xerinth: i think it's Brandon and Grubber
Xerinth: apparently, like most people here
PublicKillar: hrmm
GrubberLang: it is clear wifom
genus: but I just can't overlook the obvious situation
GrubberLang: maf didn't kill me to set me up as yakked
GrubberLang: it's good play on their part
Xerinth: but, there is heavy wifom, and i'm half doing hw
Xerinth: so go with other pplz opinions more, i'd say.
PublicKillar: hrmm
GrubberLang: guys, I give my word I'm not yakked
PublicKillar: urg
PublicKillar: id rather vote brandon. He changes his vote to Brandon
genus: words don't mean anything in mafia...
Alice: Your word means crap in mafia.
GrubberLang: my word is as strong as oak
PublicKillar: Framer can live with cop alive.
PublicKillar: thats why i cant say grubbers is for sure mafia.
genus: *cop can live with framer alive?
PublicKillar: ye mb
GrubberLang: it's genus or xer for sure
PublicKillar: it doesnt matter if cop is dead
GrubberLang: with my guilties
PublicKillar: why for sure
genus: as mafia, it would be a huge risk to predict the cop's target
PublicKillar: theres a Framer
genus: and try to frame them
PublicKillar: true.
GrubberLang: be so lucky to frame correct twice
PublicKillar: eh.
Xerinth: mm.
Xerinth: dunno.
genus: unless you were yakked, grubber
GrubberLang: so it's xer or gen
Xerinth: sometimes gets easy to predict when you play with the same people over and over.
Alice: OR BOTH.
Alice: :X

GrubberLang: I'm quite new tho
Xerinth: and of course, yakked cop would want to get guilties on others.
GrubberLang: hard to predict I think
GrubberLang: well that's the issue, am I yakked?
genus: public, why start with Brandon?
GrubberLang: would kalium yak me?
Xerinth: i dunno.
Xerinth: i dunno Kalium at all.
PublicKillar: idk, genus
Xerinth: or any of the dead people, actually.
PublicKillar: looking for bites. Public unvotes
GrubberLang: why vote brandon?
genus: if we're going to lynch based on the reasoning that Grubber is yakked
GrubberLang: it's gen or xer
PublicKillar: ok.
genus: we should get grubber himself
GrubberLang: or me If i'm yakked
PublicKillar: im voting grubber,
Brandon: its gen or public
PublicKillar: eh, this is tough.
PublicKillar: hrmm
PublicKillar: dont say its me
PublicKillar: i should be last to be suspected
GrubberLang: gen xer or me tonight
genus: I thought it was you
PublicKillar: we are looking for a yakked.
genus: but there are factions here Voting spread at the moment: Brandon votes PK, PK votes Grubber with me, Grubber/Xerinth haven't voted
GrubberLang: it's more likely that pk was yakked than me imho
Brandon: come on, lynch me if i'm maf
PublicKillar: yes it is.
PublicKillar: but if i were yakked
Brandon: so, vote me
PublicKillar: shrink shrunk me
PublicKillar: so..
PublicKillar: one mafia is alive
genus: brandon, if you're trying to get lynched because you're the hunter
genus: it's 5 person lylo
PublicKillar: meaning, if you believe im yakked, we have an ml
genus: so you would lose anyway
PublicKillar: so thats not good reasoning
genus: seriously.
PublicKillar: wait
Alice: This is taking ridiculously long.
PublicKillar: should hunter claim?
GrubberLang: no
PublicKillar: eh..
GrubberLang: I know the hunter anyway
PublicKillar: hrrmm
genus: the hunter will just die
PublicKillar: i know.
genus: if they claim
PublicKillar: i know.
PublicKillar: eh xerinth is gettin scummy.
GrubberLang: wait, that's why I'm not yakked
PublicKillar: dont kick
GrubberLang: hunter whispered to me yet didn't die
PublicKillar: seriously.
Xerinth: hw, sorry.
Xerinth: lots of it.
Xerinth: but just yell at me and i'll respond.
GrubberLang: listen, hunter claimed to me and he's still alive
PublicKillar: true..
GrubberLang: so I'm not yakked
genus: hm
GrubberLang: at least one of you knows this
genus: mafia wasn't aiming for the hunter, though...
PublicKillar: kk
genus: tramez claimed shrink yesterday
PublicKillar: shrink was more important.
PublicKillar: xerinth vote.
GrubberLang: why was shrink iportant?
PublicKillar: i dont trust you.
GrubberLang: important
Xerinth: hm.
PublicKillar: i still say kill brandon.
PublicKillar: but eh.
GrubberLang: no, it has to be me xer or gen
genus: I still disagree with that sentiment
GrubberLang: those are the suspects
Xerinth: i don't think it's Public. Xerinth votes Grubber
GrubberLang: but the hunter knows I'm clean
genus: again
genus: if we want to lynch Brandon because of his connection to grubber
GrubberLang: look at gen and xer on me
genus: it makes more sense to lynch grubber first
PublicKillar: genus..
GrubberLang: but it's mylo
Xerinth: look at everyone but your partner on you.
GrubberLang: no!!!!!!!!!
GrubberLang: it's mylo ffs
PublicKillar: vote
Brandon: hammer There were 3 votes on Grubber with one on Public
GrubberLang: there is no lynch first
genus: *lylo
PublicKillar: weve talked alot.
genus: yeah
GrubberLang: yeah, but if you mislynch we all lose
PublicKillar: genus for mafia!
GrubberLang: you know that genus
genus: it all adds up to you as mafia
GrubberLang: why say that
PublicKillar: hrm
GrubberLang: thank you pk
genus: you survived
GrubberLang: by logic
genus: and you have two guilties
GrubberLang: and your scumtell
PublicKillar: sigh.
GrubberLang: you knew a mislynch would lead to a loss for town
genus: my scumtells are towntells Public voteshifts to me with Brandon still voting for public. 2-1-1, if my partner shifted to Public we could have stealth lynched...I didn't want to risk it, though, in case I was slow to respond because we'd both be outed.
genus: public :/
PublicKillar: :(
GrubberLang: yet you wanted to lynch me "first"
PublicKillar: Brandon is partners with grubber
genus: lag
Brandon: yes
PublicKillar: i dont think so.
PublicKillar: brandon yelled at him to vote.
genus: grubber
PublicKillar: hrm
GrubberLang: look at my reasoning
GrubberLang: genus wanted to lynch now
PublicKillar: so i dont think they are partners
GrubberLang: yet he KNEW it would be a loss
iamnotwuggles: they still at it?
PublicKillar: as grubbers isnt partners with genus.
GrubberLang: for town
PublicKillar: now.
genus: I wanted to lynch you over brandon
iamnotwuggles: i went, bathe, come back, and they still playing
PublicKillar: Cerinth.
PublicKillar: Xerinth
PublicKillar: could be a partner.
genus: because the only reason we would want to lynch you
GrubberLang: brandon
PublicKillar: but 2 who
GrubberLang: get on xer
Brandon: yes?
genus: would be because of the contents of your report
GrubberLang: or gen
GrubberLang: please vote gen
GrubberLang: town needs to be unanimous Brandon changes his vote to me, Xerinth lags behind and follows.
Alice: Oh wow.
genus: um
GrubberLang: hammer genus
PublicKillar: hrm
genus: how did this shift to me?
genus: xerinth just bandwagonned
genus: if you didn't see
Xerinth: wait, what?
PublicKillar: bandwagon..
genus: no explanation
Alice: This shit is LONG. xD
PublicKillar: Xerinth for da mafia.
Xerinth: yea, i'm doing hw, not really reading
genus: brandon/xerinth both pounced on the voteshift
Xerinth: why we voting genus now?
GrubberLang: gen and xer
GrubberLang: have guilties
genus: one of them is partners with grubber
genus: so can we please pull off of me?
PublicKillar: eh,
PublicKillar: this is real tough
Xerinth: dunno.
genus: seriously Xerinth unvotes, votes for Grubber
GrubberLang: shit, we had genus, I was too slow
Xerinth: still think it's brandon and grubber.
PublicKillar: Xerinth or Brandon for partner
GrubberLang: so now another load of wifom
genus: xerinth just unvoted
PublicKillar: Genus or grubber for mafia.
Xerinth: i unvoted right as i voted
genus: when I pointed out how suspicious that was
PublicKillar: i still stay on genus.
Xerinth: sheesh
Xerinth: :P
genus: that's so shady
genus: come on man
genus: think this through
genus: look at the voting patterns
PublicKillar: me?
genus: yes
GrubberLang: look back at genus claiming to lynch me "first" Public puts a vote on Grubber
genus: you, brandon I try to hammer, Public unvotes
Brandon: ? Public votes for Grubber
GrubberLang: there is no first
GrubberLang: in lylo

Result-GrubberLang is lynched by Xerinth, PublicKillar, and me. Grubber/Brandon vote for me instead.

Go mindgames!

« on: December 27, 2008, 03:03:58 pm »
Every now and then, you play a game that rocks your faith in humanity.

Setup: blue/doc/tracker/two bp's/shrink/hunter/two yaks

Night One

Mafiakiller3: hey
danimullens: hola
danimullens: still new
danimullens: so sorry LMAO
Mafiakiller3: haha np just follow me
Mafiakiller3: lets take out tek
danimullens: *dances*

Shrink (shellinatorr)-Mafiakiller
Doctor (Teksura)-No one
Tracker (MrZep)-Tayvi3
Mafia (Mafiakiller3, danimullens)-Teksura
Yakuza (Mafiakiller3)-No one
Yakuza (danimullens)-RiiSSa

Day One
You followed Tayvi3 throughout the night. Tayvi3 visited no one.
Teksura, the doctor, has died a bloody death.
danimullens, the yakuza, has died a bloody death.

Tayvi3: grr
Mafiakiller3: nice
shellinatorr: oh
genus: nl, unless the tracker can id a yak
Mafiakiller3: thats good
Mafiakiller3: 1 mafia down
Teksura: who did you yak and who is the other yak?
genus: (no, it's not-the doc may have docsaved the other)
Mafiakiller3: tracker?
danimullens: Rii
Mafiakiller3: any tracker claim?
genus: no
genus: the tracker should only claim with a guilty
genus: because the doc is dead
MrZep: too few things discovered... NL..
danimullens: idk im so bloody confused still trying to pick up the roles
Teksura: new?
Teksura: i see. You'll get the hang of it  
danimullens: yeahhh.. i play fb mafia lots.. but all the good players moved to epic
danimullens: like haymon
danimullens: and pia
danimullens: and alex hutchinson lmao
Teksura: i generally prefer playing on forums
danimullens: ahh :)

Result-All vote to no lynch.

Night two
Teksura: interesting
Mafiakiller3: hey
RiiSSa: hi
Mafiakiller3: lets take out haymon
RiiSSa: k
Teksura: interesting. no yaking
danimullens: i like this game more though.. uses more brains

Mafia (RiiSSa, Mafiakiller3)-Haymon
Shrink (shellinatorr)-shellinatorr
Tracker (MrZep)-Mafiakiller3
Yakuza (Mafikiller3)-No one

Day two (brace yourself for this painful sequence of events)
You followed Mafiakiller3 throughout the night. Mafiakiller3 visited Haymon.
A bullet hits your vest! You cannot survive another hit!

Mafiakiller3: no death?
genus: hits?
Tayvi3: ...
Mafiakiller3: tracker?
genus: nl
Haymon: A bullet hits your vest! You cannot survive another hit!
Mafiakiller3: k
Haymon: sorry, I was lagging
genus: (haymon is probably faking)
genus: anyways, nl
Mafiakiller3: BG should protect haymon
Haymon: Knew that was coming
RiiSSa: cud b
genus: 1) the doc is dead
MrZep: why that?
Mafiakiller3: why do you think hes faking?
genus: 2) no.
danimullens: this game cracks me laugh :)
danimullens: ok so why do you yak someone??

MrZep: who's haymon, sorry?
Mafiakiller3: he could be a bulletproof
danimullens: what's the piont behind it?
Teksura: Zep has a guilty...

genus: yak needs somewhere to hide, doesn't he?
genus: nl  
Teksura: oh
Teksura: basically

genus: we're not lynching today anyways
genus: we're forcing the mafia to kill and the yak to yak
MrZep: is haymon BP or not?
Mafiakiller3: ok nl
MrZep: He's not, right?
Teksura: as a yak, yes, you die. but that its pretty much a second nightkill
Teksura: sort of

Haymon: people don't yak me anymore genus, I get tracked and such too much
Haymon: I am
MrZep: yes NL anywaw
danimullens: hmm.. weird
genus: he's probably a yak (or yakked) but we're not lynching him anyways in case we have a terrible mafia
Teksura: and it gives the new recruit a fake claim
Teksura: and plausable deniability
danimullens: i seeeeeee
Haymon: Genus is most likely the last yak, trying to setup tomorrow's vote
genus: and we're not claiming until the yak yaks
Mafiakiller3: tracker should follow him
Mafiakiller3: tonight
Haymon: go ahead
Teksura: so, with 4 people, and the scum is a yak, they can win by killing and recruiting
Mafiakiller3: just to be sure
genus: he'll probably no-yak/nk
Mafiakiller3: no offense  
Mafiakiller3: thats good
Haymon: genus is the last yak
genus: assuming we even have a tracker
Mafiakiller3: then a townie doesnt die
Teksura: because by morning, 2 deaths and there is 1 scum

Result-All vote no one.

Night three
Mafiakiller3: good day for us
RiiSSa: again?
Mafiakiller3: no
Mafiakiller3: now everyone thinks hes mafia
Mafiakiller3: leave it that way
RiiSSa: k
Teksura: can't believe zep didn;'t report the guilty
Mafiakiller3: hang on
Mafiakiller3: gotta re read
danimullens: lolz
Mafiakiller3: we will hit genus
Mafiakiller3: since he was against haymon saying he was mafia
RiiSSa: kill mr zep
Mafiakiller3: it will make it look like haymon hit him
Mafiakiller3: trust me
RiiSSa: k

Mafia (RiiSSa, Mafiakiller3)-genus
Shrink (shellinator)-Haymon
Tracker (MrZepp)-shellinatorr
Yakuza (Mafiakiller3)-No one

Day 3 (this is where the game becomes a *major* failure, everything up until this point is tame)
You followed shellinatorr throughout the night. shellinatorr visited Haymon.
A bullet hits your vest! You cannot survive another hit!

genus: A bullet hits your vest! You cannot survive another hit!
Tayvi3: A bullet hits your vest! You cannot survive another hit!
Haymon: weak
Haymon: one is lying
Haymon: and I guarantee you it's genus
Mafiakiller3: how could two be hit?
genus: that'd be tayvi
Mafiakiller3: lets hear them out
genus: now that we have a cc, tracker/shrink should claim
genus: actually
genus: just the tracker
MrZep: Wait
genus: tayvi may be a yak
Haymon: he didn't kill, because he knew I knew he was thelast yak
Mafiakiller3: tracker?'
shellinatorr: theres 2 BP
Haymon: Im the other BP
Haymon: one of those two is lying
Tayvi3: I'm Bp 2
Mafiakiller3: if genus was hit then hes not mafia
Haymon: and I highly doubt it's tayvi
genus: so Haymon's saying that I'm nk'ing because I'm a yak
Mafiakiller3: which would mean haymon is
genus: but that implies that he's mafia
Mafiakiller3: and since haymon was against him he couldve tried to hit him
genus: because if we believe haymon, there was a hit yesterday
Haymon: why would I kill genus?
genus: because I'm fos'ing you?
Mafiakiller3: because he called you out
Haymon: Nahh, that would implicate me
genus: tracker needs to claim now, tayvi is probably just a yak
Mafiakiller3: true true
Haymon: Im actually very good at this you see
genus: Haymon: no
genus: you could claim that you were framed
Mafiakiller3: haymon u from glb?
Haymon: what is glb?
Tayvi3: glb?
genus: you can do anything in mafia without there being inherent suspicion
Mafiakiller3: nvm
RiiSSa: i dont believe genus
Haymon: we have a ML
genus: why am -I- getting voted over the ultimate lurker?
Mafiakiller3: well, i guess genus it is
genus: and why has the tracker not claimed?
genus: and, most importantly, why is Mafiakiller voting me when he just explained why Haymon is obviously guilty for hitting me?
Haymon: trust me, genus is yak, or was yakked night 1
Mafiakiller3: hope you guys are right cause we cant afford to keep losing townies
genus: seriously, you're all such saps for not thinking this through
shellinatorr: why genius i dont get it
genus: more points does not imply that I am guilty
MrZep: wait, don't vote
genus: also
MrZep: and explain yourself properly
Haymon: Well, I doubt very highly that Tayvi would fake a hit  
Mafiakiller3: im voting NL
genus: we do -not- have a mislynch
Haymon: newbs dont fake reports
Mafiakiller3: i have no proof genus: with a yak around
genus: Haymon, they do if prompted to by better players (though I don't think mafia would know to fake a hit report here)  Tayvi3: Asshole ,,!,,
genus: think the math through
Haymon: =D
genus: if we mislynch today, I die
 genus: mafia can kill
genus: two deaths
genus: yak can yak, three deaths
genus: 7-3=4
Haymon: good thing you're mafia then
genus: of which, two are mafia
Tayvi3: Ohh burn
genus: I'm not mafia
genus: someone unvote, we should nl tayvi unvotes
genus: look, my cc just unvoted to let me speak because he's not keeping track of *town* events tayvi votes for me again
genus: ...aaaaand just revoted when I pointed out how suspicious it was for him to unvote.
Haymon: if I'm wrong, I apologize, but Im not wrong
genus: you're wrong
genus: you're really misguided
genus: look at the numbers, it's mylo
genus: someone unvote
genus: what has Tayvi said?
genus: why am I guilty?
RiiSSa: its still kik tyme
genus: because I have more points?
Mafiakiller3: wait
RiiSSa: come on
genus: honestly
RiiSSa: hammer
genus: it's -mylo-
Mafiakiller3: dont kick
genus: the tracker hasn't even claimed
RiiSSa: i dont believe u and neither do the majority of us
genus: and we're lynching me because Haymon says so
genus: yeah, because you're listening to Haymon. for no reason.
Haymon: It's my avatar, mao can be quite persuasive
RiiSSa: u jus been too defensive
genus: honestly
genus: -mylo-
Haymon: especially in a santa hat
genus: mylo means that if you mislynch?
genus: you lose.
MrZep: wait wait
RiiSSa: and against haymon and tay
genus: we're best off nl'ing
RiiSSa: its like u trying to lynch both
genus: just don't lynch the hit for having more points
Tayvi3: Yes I'm JigglyPuff and I'll sing to you and kill while sleep.
Haymon: No, NLing gets me killed, and genus will just yak tonight
genus: no
genus: 1) I am not a yak
genus: 2) it is mylo.  
genus: 3) we have a shrink anyways
genus: 4) if it's that obvious that I'm a yak, track me tonight
genus: and 5) the tracker still has not reported
genus: how many times do I have to say
shellinatorr: omg were still going on about this..
genus: that it's mylo
Mafiakiller3: ok i see haymons point voting genus
RiiSSa: one more vote and ur kiked
genus: screw it, I can't deal with being town sided
genus: apparently insight and the capacity for reasoning makes me guilty
genus: though hey
genus: since the townies lack these abilities
genus: I guess there is some strange logic in labeling them mafia qualities
genus: good game (though one of the worst I've played in a while)

Result-all vote to lynch me, excepting shell and myself who nl

Night 4 (another blunder's in the wind)

RiiSSa: lol
Mafiakiller3: haha
genus: idiots
genus: ...
genus: tayvi isn't even mafia?
genus: are you serious?

Mafiakiller3: good job
Mafiakiller3: now lets hit haymon
Mafiakiller3: hes only got 1 hit left
Mafiakiller3: and hes dead
Teksura: Tayvi3 isn't even bp
RiiSSa: wheres tracker?
Mafiakiller3: hasnt claimed yet
RiiSSa: cuz now he's the most suspicious
Mafiakiller3: they wont be on us tho
Mafiakiller3: theyll be on haymon
RiiSSa: haymon is the most suspicious tho
RiiSSa: they may lynch him
Mafiakiller3: we need to hit him before tracker finds out that hes innocent
RiiSSa: ok
Teksura: and Zep had a guilty nights ago
Teksura: and killer could win now by yaking

Mafia (RiiSSa, Mafiakiller3)-Haymon
Shrink (shellinatorr)-shellinatorr
Tracker (MrZepp)-RiiSSa
Yakuza (Mafiakiller3)-No one (highlighted for brilliance)

Day 4
You followed RiiSSa throughout the night. RiiSSa visited Haymon.
Haymon, the bulletproof, has died a bloody death.

Mafiakiller3: wow
genus: this game sucks
MrZep: ok tracker claim
MrZep: Its me
genus: tayvi isn't even mafia
Tayvi3: lol
Mafiakiller3: the two most suspicious guys down
genus: the tracker had a guilty
MrZep: You followed RiiSSa throughout the night. RiiSSa visited Haymon.
genus: the yaks didn't yak
Haymon: tayvi is an idiot

MrZep: let's be quick on RiSSa
Mafiakiller3: any cc?
Haymon: you can see my logic I hope, genus
genus: no, I can't

Mafiakiller3: ok rissa it is
Haymon: newbs don't fake that often
genus: except that that's bad reasoning

MrZep: I did not talk earlier cause there were few evidence in anything
RiiSSa: i just want to tell my partner
RiiSSa: .......
RiiSSa: i told u so
genus: he could have been someone's alt
genus: a better player could have coached him
genus: and more importantly, you were ignoring subtler signs
Teksura: now would be a good time for zep to show his night 2 results where he found the other scum

Result: all vote to lynch RiiSSa

Night 5 (guess what the yak does here?)

Teksura: sigh
Teksura: morons
Teksura: MORONS
Haymon: tayvi is an idiot
genus: yak?

Shrink (shellinatorr)-MrZep
Tracker (MrZep)-Tayvi3
Mafia (Mafiakiller3)-MrZep
Yakuza (Mafiakiller3)-No one (go mafia)

Day 5 (when there shouldn't been been a day 4)
You followed Tayvi3 throughout the night. Tayvi3 visited no one.
MrZep, the tracker, has died a bloody death.
Teksura: zep

Mafiakiller3: saw that coming
MrZep: oh shoot
genus: so is killer
genus: so is zep
genus: this is the worst game that I've played in a while

Mafiakiller3: well 2 town and 1 mafia left
Teksura: why the hell didn't you report your night 2 guilty as well?
genus: tayvi'd better be the hunter
RiiSSa: my partner is an idiot

Tayvi3: No shit but why didnt the Yak Yak>
Mafiakiller3: tayvi you obviously lied about being a BP
Mafiakiller3: because haymon and genus were
Tayvi3: Oo really?
shellinatorr: whats left!?
Mafiakiller3: which makes me suspicious of you
Mafiakiller3: shel
Mafiakiller3: i believe tayvi is yak
MrZep: I was about to tell it... My mistake was to vote earlier...
shellinatorr: what are you
Mafiakiller3: because he falsely claimed BP
Tayvi3: I dont think Shell wouldnt yak. Tayvi votes for himself
shellinatorr: shell didnt yak i did some good stuff this game
Mafiakiller3: why are you voting me tayvi?
genus: so I've said this before
genus: but I'll say it again
genus: this is the worst game ever

shellinatorr: mafia what are you?
Tayvi3: Because you're playing the noob card.
shellinatorr: hunter?
Mafiakiller3: shell im telling you that tavyi is the yak
Mafiakiller3: no
shellinatorr: well then what are u
Tayvi3: Oo then you're just a noob?
Mafiakiller3: ive played this game before just not on this site
Mafiakiller3: shel
Mafiakiller3: look at day 3
shellinatorr: i wanna win
shellinatorr: ok brb
Mafiakiller3: tayvi claimed BP
Tayvi3: Then vote Mafia
shellinatorr: ughh
shellinatorr: ok
Mafiakiller3: see
shellinatorr: sorry if i lose this lmao

Result-All vote to lynch Tayvi3, except for Tayvi himself who voteshifts to shellinator for some reason. He's a blue, and we lose.

...or at least, that's what I expected with the way this game had been going. He actually shot Mafiakiller3.

That game made me facepalm ten times.

It's Mike's fault for telling me to revive this topic. Mike threatened to chainsaw my left pinky if I didn't try to get this running again, which is excessive because I would have done so with slight prodding. I must also criticize Mike's glaring specificity in describing his method with grandiose minutia, leaving no abstruse horrors for the imaginative nebbish to infer in their beady interpretations of temporal applicability and practicality. Though of course, I'm of sufficiently steely make that these vague overtures of probable future sufferings instead resonate as wretched rhapsodies of crude mediocrity from habitually banal banals.

Who's interested in playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl? 

« on: December 19, 2008, 11:16:12 pm »
Oh, ho, have I got an amusing game to post! It's in the usual format, with some slight alterations.
"The fallacy of jointing"

The setup: doc/cop/vig/3 bp's/killer/amn/stalker/hooker

Reggeo22: hi
Reggeo22: everytime I screw up everyone leaves when I join a new one
Reggeo22: it's sad : (
TheLepricorn: HEJ ALLE SAMMEN SKAL VI VÆRE VENNER?????????????????????????????????????
brightjoey: trade karma
brightjoey: tradeeeeeeeeeeeeee
brightjoey: buy 1 free 1
jsacton: Hi yall
brightjoey: yo
genus: come on, killer.
brightjoey: not in the mood to fake stuff
brightjoey: damn..
Reggeo22: ...
zastava: i always get killer on this setup

Result: the game begins!

Night One

brightjoey: ah man...
 brightjoey: :D
 brightjoey: whatz p1s faker report again/
 Palin2012: ?
 brightjoey: nvm found it
 Palin2012: who to kill?
 brightjoey: let me try my pshycihc powers
 brightjoey: no gurentees though
 Palin2012: im stalkin moore
 brightjoey: jsa
 brightjoey: hooking moore

Doctor (moore)-No one
Killer (zastava)-Flash
Cop (Flash)-brightjoey
Mafia (brightjoey, Palin2012)-jsacton
Hooker (brightjoey)-moore
Stalker (Palin2012)-moore
Amnesiac (ShamelessStud)-no one
Vigilante (jsacton)-ShamelessStud

Day One
After investigations, you suspect that brightjoey is sided with the mafia.
You learned that moore is a doctor!
Flash, the cop, has died a bloody death.
jsacton, the vigilante, has died a bloody death.
Flash: noooooooooooo
jsacton: ug...

genus: that's the worst possible start
Flash: After investigations, you suspect that brightjoey is sided with the mafia.
jsacton: Not good for us
genus: lol
Flash: D:
Reggeo22: o.....crap
genus: amn take on vig
brightjoey: CUTL ME PLSSSSS
genus: vig is more useful
zastava: fuck
brightjoey: cult me pls
spindrift: vig is more useful
Reggeo22: amn amn amn amn gogogogogo
spindrift: ok ill cult you
jsacton: that is a lie
jsacton: take cop

Palin2012: with amn its still very possible
brightjoey: thx spin man
genus: we should nl
Reggeo22: hehehe HAHA.hehehe HAHA.hehehe Haha.hehehehehehehehehehehe
genus: ...yeah
spindrift: i think we should lynch
genus: spin, if we do lynch scum
zastava: i say we lynch
genus: amn might take them on
Reggeo22: Warning:This is not a joke.
spindrift: hm
Palin2012: ml makes it lylo
genus: and if we lynch town, we're reaaaally screwed
spindrift: fine then we NL
brightjoey: we hav stalker
Reggeo22: Everyone knows the difference between Santa and The Egenuser Bunny.
Palin2012: nl makes it mylo
Reggeo22: this is not a joke
zastava: lets hope we dont lynch town
spindrift: NL could make it game over
genus: doubtful
spindrift: if everything went completely bad
genus: with 3 bp's
spindrift: but i doubt it :P
zastava: but we still got a chance of lynching the hooker, stalker or the killer
Reggeo22: The Easter Bunny isn't fat and Santa can actually talk.
zastava: la
spindrift: The easter bunny ate your mom
zastava: i say we lynch
Reggeo22: not a joke,that was.
moore: we're quite doomed
zastava: we got a chance
moore: lol
genus: I say that we don't lynch
Palin2012: who would lead?
genus: and force the amn to go townside
brightjoey: i lead
zastava: either getting the hooker, stalker or even the killer
genus: that would be dumb
brightjoey: ok let me think
genus: if we lynch?
genus: and even if we lynch correctly?
genus: which isn't guaranteed?
Palin2012: we don't have a clear
zastava: usually it wouldnt be appropriate to lynch on the first day
zastava: but under this circumstances
genus: the amn will just amn scum
brightjoey: in this situation, we should lynch the ppl who alwayz dies n1
zastava: we have too lynch
Palin2012: a mafia could lead us to a loss
spindrift: lol
zastava: its risky
zastava: but if we dont lynch
Palin2012: and amn could take scum with a scum kill
zastava: and not hit any of the three
zastava: we are screwed
genus: zastava, the odds are good that we'll be able to lynch well tomorrow, too
genus: force the amn's hand
brightjoey: amn wouldnt dare take maf
genus: why not?
brightjoey: cuz hes alfraid maf might kill him
brightjoey: then he gets 0 poitns
spindrift: lol if i was amn id take mafia
Reggeo22: where's Shameless?
genus: yeah, same here...
spindrift: with this start it seems pretty good
brightjoey: LOL/? all u selfish ppl..
zastava: i say we lynch those that are the quet
zastava: its a good chance
zastava: to get any of the three
genus: it makes no sense to lynch
zastava: if we dont
Reggeo22: ...
genus: in all likelihood, the amn wants out of this game
brightjoey: even if we lynnch the mafia
genus: sorry
zastava: killer will kill one, the maf will kill the other
Reggeo22: can we have a unranked game after this?
Reggeo22: plz?
brightjoey: there would be another one coming out
genus: the amn wants to become the killer or mafia
zastava: we still have a doctor
genus: don't give them the chance

Result-All vote to no lynch.

Night Two
Palin2012: You learned that moore is a doctor!
Palin2012: nice
brightjoey: ah.. and i hooked her too
brightjoey: lol
Palin2012: so hes dead now
brightjoey: ko we kill moore
brightjoey: safe bet
brightjoey: who ya think is killer/
Palin2012: ill stalk spin
brightjoey: k
brightjoey: if we're good, amaybe we dun hav to joint wif killer
Palin2012: i hate joints
brightjoey: then we get ppoints for outrselfs lol
brightjoey: yea me too

Doctor (moore)-genus
Killer (zastava)-ShamelessStud
Mafia (brightjoey, Palin2012)-moore
Hooker (brightjoey)-zastava
Amnesiac (ShamelessStud)-no one
Stalker (Palin2012)-spindrift

Day two
You learned that spindrift is a bulletproof!
moore, the doctor, has died a bloody death.

genus: hit?
spindrift: thats weak right there
zastava: we are screwed
brightjoey: cop??
Reggeo22: omg I wanted 1st postr
Palin2012: hit/
brightjoey: pls pls pls amne..
Reggeo22: post*
brightjoey: take cop...
genus: who was hit?
brightjoey: i beg u..
ShamelessStud: oh shit.....
brightjoey: or else cult me
Reggeo22: omg TSC i wanted 1st post
spindrift: dude i already culted you
Reggeo22: b!tch
brightjoey: oh thx spin man
genus: the other hit, claim now
zastava: can amnnesiac freaken take the role of one of the three that are in the grave yard already
brightjoey: i luv being cult
genus whispers to  genus: somehow, I doubt that anyone will ever fall for least joey's being obvious enough that I don't have to think that much about mafia
zastava: we have to lynch someone today
zastava: we are screwed already
Reggeo22: h0ly $h!t
genus: the hit needs to step forward
genus: right now
brightjoey: ANY BP HITS?
zastava: if am doesnt do his magic, and if we dont hit one of the threes
spindrift: Moore might ahve saved
Palin2012: unless its a maf nk
spindrift: or the mafia NK'd
genus: ...yeah he did, or the killer was hooked
Reggeo22: boom we be loserz
brightjoey: hm.. itz useless claiming tooo
genus: I was hoping we'd have dumb mafia
Palin2012: which doesnt make sense
brightjoey: cuz we're all "BP"
genus: who would claim hit
ShamelessStud: i have a PLAN
Reggeo22: oh no
genus: hm, this is pretty bad
spindrift: yeah
genus: :O
spindrift: and then you lose
zastava: let someone lead that has played for a very long time on this
genus: :/
spindrift: because none of the maifa will die
ShamelessStud whispers to  spindrift: i'm trying to out them, ffs
Reggeo22: umm, ok who's da oldest user?
genus whispers to  ShamelessStud: hope you're not really the amn and just a mindgaming bp
genus whispers to ShamelessStud: also, if you really are the amn then I doubt you'll be able to pull this off
genus whispers to ShamelessStud: you have to hope that the killer won't tag you
ShamelessStud whispers to  spindrift: retard. -.-
zastava: very bad fucked up start
Reggeo22: say ur user numba
brightjoey whispers to  Palin2012: what u think of the deal?
ShamelessStud: maffy, COME OUT nao and i JOIN u
Palin2012: we could nl and hope for crossfire
zastava: how about the person who has the most gold??
Palin2012: as theres no clears
spindrift: Nah
zgenusava: is the oldest user on here
brightjoey whispers to  ShamelessStud: shamless i like that deal Palin2012 votes no one
Reggeo22: ...
zastava: ffs
spindrift: no the gold resets...
genus whispers to  ShamelessStud: palin's mafia, then
brightjoey whispers to  ShamelessStud: ok my partner agrees
zastava: we need to win
ShamelessStud whispers to  brightjoey: what what does that get me??
zastava: so lets lynch already
Reggeo22: I know I was an old user, but I took a long vacation from EpicMafia
brightjoey whispers to  ShamelessStud: we will die
Palin2012: who leads?
zastava: doesnt matter
ShamelessStud: OK OK, LISTEN UP, I GOT
brightjoey whispers to  ShamelessStud: and u take me
zastava: you got experience
brightjoey whispers to  ShamelessStud: we will lynch ourselves
Palin2012: no one can
spindrift: im a pretty old user
ShamelessStud: THIS
zastava: look
spindrift: I personally say we lynch Palin :P
zastava: three people are in the grave yard already
genus: palin's guilty, yeah
genus: and I'm sure that joey is too
Reggeo22: I was in a time where there was no killer,amn or hooker
brightjoey: we can
Palin2012: what's there against me?
zastava: theres three
spindrift: amn is reletively new
Reggeo22: but I got bored for a bit and left for a long time
zastava: two mafias and a killer
brightjoey whispers to  ShamelessStud: ok try get kille claim
Reggeo22: and I come back and I'm addicted to it
spindrift: lol
brightjoey whispers to  ShamelessStud: lol thx
ShamelessStud: WE KILL 1 MAFFY TODAY***
genus: the killer probably realizes that shameless is just going to backstab him
Reggeo22: even though I'm an old user noob
genus: which makes palin the stalker, I doubt that the mafia would offer the hooker up for sacrifice and lose their control over the killer
spindrift: I think killing palin is a good idea
brightjoey whispers to  ShamelessStud: palin is stakler , im hooker
Reggeo22: hey does anyone remember their first game on EpicMafia?
genus: yeah, let's kill Palin.
ShamelessStud: i got both maffy claim
brightjoey whispers to  ShamelessStud: u take her, i wont hook u
Palin2012: odds are that an rl will be town and we lose, but odds of crossfire are 8/15, in our favor for an nl
zastava: ok then palin it is
ShamelessStud: maffy dont whisp anymore = might leak
Reggeo22: I remember my 1st game
Palin2012: odds are that an rl will be town and we lose, but odds of crossfire are 8/15, in our favor for an nl
zastava: but what if we hit a townie??
brightjoey: THIS SICKS MAN
spindrift: there is a stalker
spindrift: and he might have known the killer
brightjoey: i cant believe we're losing
genus: palin's guilty, zastava
Reggeo22: there was no ranks or points or tallys
zastava: if we all claim, everyone will claim BP
spindrift: and then odds of crossfie
spindrift: is zero :P
Palin2012: READ THIS!
Palin2012: odds are that an rl will be town and we lose, but odds of crossfire are 8/15, in our favor for an nl
zastava: ok then its palin
genus whispers to  ShamelessStud: who are the mafia?
spindrift: there is a stalker
Reggeo22: the forum was in the Aimoo boards
ShamelessStud: KILLER WHISP ME
ShamelessStud: I'M SRS
spindrift: and stalker can find killer
genus whispers to  ShamelessStud: I kind of need to know
genus whispers to  ShamelessStud: za deg?
brightjoey whispers to  Palin2012: spin is?
spindrift: and then killer and maifa know each other through whispers
genus whispers to  ShamelessStud: follow?
genus whispers to  ShamelessStud: who are mafia?
ShamelessStud whispers to  genus: got cha :D
genus whispers to  ShamelessStud: got cha?
zastava: AM, get the role of one of the three in the grave yard
genus whispers to  ShamelessStud: what does got cha mean?
zastava: we need a cop
Palin2012 whispers to  brightjoey: bp, killer, amn
spindrift: vig is more powerful
zgenusava: if we hit the maf, we can win this
Palin2012 whispers to  brightjoey: first
spindrift: considering its already lylo
Reggeo22: unimportant leak I saw
zastava: then get vig
brightjoey whispers to  ShamelessStud: ok
ShamelessStud: TONITE, I TAKE JOEY
brightjoey whispers to  ShamelessStud: dude.. im not hooknig u
Reggeo22: ok shameless,palin,vote
ShamelessStud: WE WIN TMR
brightjoey whispers to  ShamelessStud: oh.. ok then
ShamelessStud: HALLLLLOOOO?
ShamelessStud: KILLA AND MAFFY?????????
zgenusava: lol
ShamelessStud: KILLER???
ShamelessStud: KILLER???????????
brightjoey whispers to  ShamelessStud: dun worry, im not hooking u
Reggeo22: shameless,just vote
genus whispers to  ShamelessStud: I'll be the last to follow on this lynch
brightjoey whispers to  ShamelessStud: i wan u to jion the team , since u got 1 of the maf alresday lols
genus whispers to  ShamelessStud: for obvious reasons
Palin2012: kick him if he doesnt
Palin2012: vote
ShamelessStud: i still dont have a SIDE
brightjoey whispers to  ShamelessStud: palin is maf
zgenusava: game goes unranked
genus whispers to  ShamelessStud: sucks that you're taking on the stalker, then
brightjoey whispers to  ShamelessStud: PALIN IS THE STALKER
ShamelessStud: DOTN KICK
zgenusava: shamelessstud ffs, vote
Palin2012: leak

Result: everyone lynched Palin2012, the stalker, except for brightjoey who self voted.

Night Three
Killer (zastava)-ShamelessStud
Mafia (brightjoey)-zastava
Hooker (brightjoey)-no one
Amnesiac (ShamelessStud)-Palin2012

Day 3
zastava, the killer, has died a bloody death.
ShamelessStud, the stalker, has died a bloody death.

genus: ha, ha!
Reggeo22: omg
spindrift: lololololol
ShamelessStud: WOW

Reggeo22: coooool
genus: that was more than epic
ShamelessStud: JOEY RETARD
zastava: lmao
brightjoey: let me get this straight..
ShamelessStud: WTF ZASTAVA

Reggeo22: but hooker's still out dere
genus: joey self-voted yesterday
ShamelessStud: WE COULD'VE WON
spindrift: killer shot shameless
spindrift: maf shot killer
 spindrift: Epic :P
zastava: lol i didnt know you were the maf

genus: so joey's guilty
brightjoey whispers to  brightjoey: WTF MAN/?
ShamelessStud: R U SRS?????????
Reggeo22: evidence?
ShamelessStud: OMFGGGGG
genus: stud asked for joey to lynch himself
brightjoey whispers to  brightjoey: U TOLD ME ZAS IS A BP
zastava: i was scared u were a townie, hoping for am to convert u to maf??
brightjoey whispers to  brightjoey: WHAT THE FGICK
ShamelessStud: ZASTAVA GO DIE
genus: so that he could take on hooker
genus: joey self-voted
genus: what else is there to say?
brightjoey: ciz i know town lost
zastava: sorry
genus: yeah, ok.
Palin2012: he should call him out on a mylo lynck
brightjoey: btw why u so ahrd at pushing a lynch>?
ShamelessStud: R U STUPID??
zastava: i thought u were relaying on an amn

spindrift: we have a mislynch
brightjoey: ATS U LEAKED ALOT
spindrift: because we are all unhit bps
ShamelessStud: I WAS!!! THE AMN
zastava: because i dont know whos who

brightjoey: when whispering
zastava: and i didnt want to leak
Reggeo22: I didn't see
ShamelessStud: /SIGH
brightjoey: WHY ARE U NOT MAFIA?
spindrift: i think joey isnt a bad choice
zastava: get over it

brightjoey whispers to  brightjoey: SHIT AND KILLER
genus: ShamelessStud: KILLA, MAFFY + ME VOTE JOEY
Palin2012: -K for shameless
brightjoey whispers to  brightjoey: WHY U KILL THE AMNE!
brightjoey whispers to  brightjoey: HE WAS SO WANTIN TO AGREE
ShamelessStud: WTF??
zastava: noob

genus: ShamelessStud: TONITE, I TAKE JOEY
 brightjoey whispers to  brightjoey: NOW MAF LOST
genus: by the way
Reggeo22: saw that,joey
genus: I claimed killer to shameless stud
genus: why do you think the killer's dead?
Reggeo22: brightjoey whispers to someone: NOW MAF LOST

brightjoey, the hooker, is lynched. The village somehow wins despite losing all of its pr's in the first two days.

Beef / Re: Ok so confession time. :(
« on: November 07, 2008, 10:15:28 pm »
Rather pro, I'd rate your act as 3/5...though there were a few giveaways aside from that post. It's fine by me that you're smizzla, is anyone aside from Mike offended?

Wikkity! / Re: Guess my I.Q.!
« on: November 03, 2008, 09:30:47 pm »
Any attempt to quantify intelligence is fundamentally meaningless for a stew of fundamentalisms, mostly stemming from the myopic definition of 'intelligence'- myopic, almost paradoxically, for the try's bloated nature. Intelligence tests only provide lumpy, instantaneous assessments on abilities with a low ceiling-once you hit that 800 math on the SAT's, are you as good at math as everyone else who scored an 800? Even the math savant who can instantly calculate triple digit factorials (no semantics, nobody can do this)? Are you "smarter" than this same idiot savant who you outscore on the verbal section by a considerable margin? Or maybe you scored poorly because you didn't sleep the night before. And, what about the brilliant musician-how do we consider his intelligence? "Intelligence" has become a meaningless term, these tests try to read compartmentalized faculties that are intrinsically blended. The best method of determining how "smart" someone is is no real meter at all.

Anyways, I'd bet a Vegas ice bath that he inflates the score he received. Relatedly, from which test is this taken?

Wikkity! / Re: Happy Halloween, everybody!
« on: October 31, 2008, 06:04:15 pm »
Actually, you're less attractive than me (a self-evident truth not worth the effort of a further discourse) with worse hair and an inferior costume. I make a believable hippie, but your scene kid isn't convincing, or even worthy of being labeled grandiose. Though I suppose it's not too bad if you enjoy heated, reconstituted oats mixed with water and a pillar of sugar.

Wikkity! / Re: Happy Halloween, everybody!
« on: October 31, 2008, 04:25:14 pm »
Obligatory costume pictures reply! I have indefatigably proved that my afro is better than Stefan's.

This took prodigiously little effort. I just needed to wear faded jeans, retro shoes, a tie-dye shirt, and some sunglasses.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: List of Rules for the game "Nomic"
« on: October 18, 2008, 05:06:40 pm »
I object to turns being decided based on who is on the top of the userlist for obvious reasons...otherwise, the rules sound good.

Competition Central / Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« on: October 18, 2008, 04:21:05 pm »
7. Top Ten Points Whore Records
Being the best at TSC shouldn't be easy, these are the elites performing at the far reach of their faculties and the limitations of the game itself to submit optimized charts. Courting ought take care, planning, a charming personality, and attention so that when you take that record home for some piping Hot Coffee, you feel like you've earned it. However, some of the records on this site are less, shall we say, scrupulous then others. Here we celebrate the free love and wonderful body magic of these ego-stroking stats of generosity.

10. Sonic Adventure DX - Emerald Coast/Hot Shelter - Rings (Big)
Sonic Team knows what we, as gamers, really want - to waddle about as a formless, gormless purple blob.  Sod the speed, sod the excitement, let's fucking fish! To claim tops for these charts, you don't need to do much (just look at this video for Hot Shelter). These two Big levels were selected because there aren't even any '?' just have to take a leisurely stroll through the level, don't walk into coconuts, try not to drown, and don't reel in your line like you're on speed to become number one.  Catching Froggy himself is the hardest part of the mission, though owing the tipsy camera and blocky controls this makes it a cut above in difficulty compared to some of these rather girlfriendly entries.

9. Sonic & Knuckles - Hidden Palace Zone - Rings
As either Sonic (43 rings) or Tails (73 rings), this level is a cinch.  It's the size of a shoebox, with no enemies!  Well, except for some poncy pink echidna, but he's a pushover.  Honestly, it takes a certain breed of failure to not trounce this fool without damage. My blind, deaf grandfather beat him without taking a hit...and he's been cremated for 10 years.
To prove how simple it is, Douglas recorded two perfect runs himself, to be uploaded shortly.  I know you're not as awesome as him, but even so it ought be enough for you to follow.  For those who aren't in the 23 out of 27 (Sonic) or 21 out of 25 (Tails) people who've already done it, anyways...

8. Sonic 2 GG - Sky High 2 - Times
It's . . . not a rings stat!  This was once a pretty competitive record, until Sprint came along and ruined its life with his sadistic, sexual savagery.  Why did you do it, Sprint?  What did these innocent levels ever do to deserve it? *wipes away a tear*
Anyway, being Sprint it is of course on video - if you thought some of the new handheld games should be called "Press Right Adventure", you'll see that the Game Gear games are more deserving entries.  10 of the 20 players for this level have tied up this record (helped by the imprecise counter, which truncates times to seconds), so it stands as 8-bit TAing's best example for this category.

7. Sonic 1 - Final Zone - Times - 1:13
Anyone who's played this game competitively has this one down (at the time of writing 65 different competitors have it).  There are a couple of straightforward tricks to this gem (standing in the middle makes it easier to avoid the orbs, and hitting Buttnik late to avoid him being slow the last time), and 1:14 isn't really that terrible, so it's not higher up up this list.  Anyone slower than 1:14, though (CF!), should be ashamed of themselves.
SM's Sonic 1 - Final Zone Video
Also if Robotnik's so smart why doesn't he just have all four fire at once?  And why does he feel like he has to stand in the pistons, anyway?  He's too much of an evil genius to not realize the consequences of his actions, so could it be that secretly, he wants to fail? Perhaps Sonic Team is making profound points on humanity's self-destructive nature, why have we embraced a psychology of destruction? Why can't everywhere be like Chemical Plant or Scrap Brain zone, do we have to resign ourselves to letting nature defeat us?!

6. Sonic Adventure DX - Final Egg - Rings (Gamma)
There are no obstacles or enemies least Big's entry in this chart had some coconuts that you could "accidentally" walk into. Losing rings in this chart is impossible, what's going to hit you in this?  As long as you can remember to get the 10-ring boxes and don't, say, fall asleep while playing and have a time over, this one's so easy that even a completely incompetent 3D player could get it.  Unfortunately Douglas can't be bothered to install his copy of SADX on his new PC (and nobody is to mention his current stat), so just watch this vid of, by far, the easiest 3D record to get on the site. Or save time, and just look at a picture that shows the same thing:

5. Sonic Rush - Scores (Bosses) - Sonic/Blaze
Rush is a great example of a competitive game - there's a ton of good competition across all divisions.  I mean yeah, some of the special stages are maxable, and a good chunk of the spread in rings is down to ? boxes, but overall it's been a roaring success for a recent game.  There is one element that does qualify for this Top Ten, however - Boss Scores.  Why?  Well, if you have a pulse and can beat the bosses without getting hit, you have the record.  If you don't believe me, you're a tool and should  check the chart...with that many ties, this category has to make it.

4. Sonic Rush Adventure - Scores - All
The vast majority of this chart is maxable using the following strategy (courtesy of Thorn): go fast, get rings, mash buttons for points and to stay near invincible.  Which, to be honest, sounds exactly like normal SRA gameplay.  If we discount the extra stages (sea stages, emeralds and whatnot, which are slightly more interesting), you can get 5.6 sitewide points for racking all of these up - just ask sonicandamy, they're all he's done.

3. Sonic Chaos - Rings - All
8-bit rings tallies are usually pretty simple - short and typically simple levels, none of the difficult doubling-back stuff, and definitely no damned ? boxes.  With 10 players having a 0-points leadership, Sonic Chaos is the best example of this, particularly as PPA has taken the trouble to video them all - and maxing them out gets you about 7 sitewide points.
Oh, and if you need more convincing, Gerbil is one of the 0-points leaders.

2. Sonic 1 - Rings - Almost All
Yeah, so Star Light 1 and Scrap Brain 3 are bitches, but just look at the number of people with records in this division; it's a damn slaughter, it's about 13 sitewide points for the taking, and what's more every level save Scrap Brain 3 has the record . . . err . . . recorded.

1. Sonic 3D Blast - Rings - All
Okay, Diamond Dust 1 with that stupid jump to get the extra ring is irritating.  Fine, whacking the bosses while keeping hold of all your rings can be a bit tedious.  And yeah, there's a lot of levels to get through, so it takes patience and planning.  In fact, getting all of these isn't anything like as easy as some of the ones that have come below it in this category.  However, with 22 out of 57 players sharing a zero-point leadership, and with that leadership gifting competitors around 20 sitewide points, these give the most reward for the least effort, and that makes them worthy of their place atop this list. Reverential swooning, please.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's Top 10's double feature-"Top 10 Fads" and "Top 10 Comments"!

Competition Central / Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« on: October 17, 2008, 04:26:09 pm »
[Because RPG Douglas is a douche, we're delaying the posting of today's top 10's until tomorrow.

Don't worry, though, there will be something extra to go along with it!

Wikkity! / Re: ITT "All I know, I learned from TSC."
« on: October 16, 2008, 08:04:53 pm »
I learned that it's entirely possible to mold maniacal, selfish, manipulative leaders without them even noticing themselves change by convincing them that they've molded a community of tender, flexible, accepting young minds without them even noticing themselves change.

Er, I mean



Competition Central / Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« on: October 15, 2008, 07:15:07 pm »
9. Top Ten Catchphrases
Here at TSC, we are naturally loathe to instigate lengthy discussions. What use is protracted, empty discourse on a common topic when independently reasoned conclusions on stilted values remain the pervading interpretations for all invested parties with snappy one-liners, crude puns, and rickrolls attaining the same effect in a more honest fashion in a shorter time frame? Invariably, certain people regurgitate the same few defense mechanisms, which then become the means by which we identify, stereotype and ridicule them. Hail these notable mannerisms.

10 - RPG: mmmballs
RPG's infatuation with balls is *now* legendary.  He is predisposed towards an amicable love for all species of balls - bouncy ones, rubbery ones, furry ones, smooth ones, big ones, small ones, some as big as your head (and bigger!), multi-coloured ones, plain ones. As long as there are balls, especially lots of them, RPG will stare fawningly on, glistening doe eyes in awe, while a reverential smile waxes for all and sundry.
In celebration of RPG's libido for the round, I found him some (barely legal) ball on ball pornography. I hope that as a spectator he has a very happy, satisfying top 10; it's been hard for him so far with all this free time.

9-Stefan: what Arguments, see attached flowchart:

Well, he said he'd quit TSC if we included "what" as his here's something else. An argument with Stefan is formulaic; tell him something offensive, log the conversation, wait a day, say something else offensive, and compare the two for a comedic effect. Stefan wanders the streets at night looking for innocents to whallop with a pillow sack crammed with quarters and a lot of "whats" rolled with barbed exaggerations under the guise of objectivity. Careful, it leaves a nasty sting because he brings it with him on fox hunts. It's really not a catch phrase in the exact sense of the word, but because it's 4 in the morning, I don't even care whether this is funny or encourages comradery. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.  

8- Shadowjacky: Shit!
SJ doesn't curse like a sailor...he curses like a sailor with spiky hair wearing a leather jacket, faded jeans, and shades riding a motorcycle while smoking a cigarette, drinking a beer, and shooting at squirrels. His comments are filled with enough vulgarities to shame even those especially coarse grandmothers. Zeph recently compiled a list of SJ's more notable comments (Zeph edit: link not available; see attachment instead), though to save time our analyses indicate that they all arc towards this general meaning with slight variability in expression: "shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit gay fuck fuck fuck shit shit shit shit shit fuck fuck shit shit fuck fuck shit fuck this shit shit fuck fuck ass gay gay shit shit shit fuck fuck shit shit fuck fuck fuck fuck". It's rumored that JackieChan comes from a sun stricken land in the far east, trained by sensei with particularly abrasive cases of tourrettes syndrome, though the ineffable nature of his stoic character and that really cool surgical mask obfuscates any postulation.

7- Zeph/SBW: >:O!!!
Aka THE FAEC, this is used by Zeph and SBW in their role as chatroom ops to mean "I am extremely displeased with the current state of affairs and will be laying down the law forthwith in no uncertain manner!".  Use of THE FAEC by anyone other than these two is punishable by death, though several recent cases have stirred controversy by raising a justification defense that use of THE FAEC is warranted when responding to Zeph's abuse of the net split button. Because of political pressure, several judges have commuted sentences to a good whacking from Zeph's signature steel toed boot instead of capital punishment. THE FAEC is the most powerful emoticon known to man, said to be the only thing in the entire universe that scares RPG and keeps him in line - hence it is probably the most valuable invention in the history of our beloved teh intarwebs.

6- CherryMay: :(
CherryMay  pioneered universal appraisal of genocides, rainy Saturdays, headaches, breakups, toothaches, new friends, old friends, too many decisions, too few decisions, death, lack of tigers, and general calamity - though for the uninitiated, it is also acceptable to respond to general delights in this fashion. It makes Cherry sad that she can't be happy, and her manic depression is iconic in the purest comprehensible form. In a 288 day interval,  22.1% of her 34730 lines contained the ':(' emoticon, which itself is the most common emoticon with 49755 uses. I'd say more but I think its status as a catch phrase is self evident :(

5- SkyLights: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (80 lines omitted for brevity)
To communicate with the Gods of Old, the Oracle of Delphi fasted and consumed hallucinatory alms, speaking in tongues to a learned holy man. To communicate with Tikal, SkyLights doesn't take his medication and says AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH  (80 lines omitted for brevity) to laymen capable of deriving only an abstruse declaration of distress from the fabled deity. There is a Draconian code governing its usage: only a few righteous, discerning methadone addicts who have conversed with Tikal may declare her will. Defying this law is a sacrilege of sufficient magnitude to warrant  a disapproving look and Sky's proclamation of 2/10, though even those honored few cleared to employ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (80 lines omitted for brevity) must exhibit restraint and avoid its overuse by never using it at all. While it -is- their right, thankfully we live in a totalitarian state and any such exercise of civil liberties is punishable by banhammer to the face.

4- The Channel: PPA is a furry//PPA:I'M NOT A FURRY!!!!!!
Ever since this topic, PPA has been in quarantine away from TSC's healthy, uncorrupted members . Consequently, any discussion involving PPA, animals, anthropomorphised animal-type characters,  taxidermists, anthropomorphised animal-type characters who are taxidermists, the relative tactile merits of polyester over felt, sexual fetishes, and other cursory topics tangentially revisit his furfaggotry. It's TSC's flavorful Godwin, a manifestation of our site's myopic, misanthropic meditations. "I'M NOT A FURRY!!!!!! is PPA's banal retort to these statements alleging that he has peculiar erotic tastes. Naturally, it doesn't work because we all know that PPA loves hot, jungle loving. He says it loud and he says it often, leaving the objective observer to wonder just who he's trying to convince. Given the Kübler-Ross model, we can make reasonable assumptions about his future responses. With transitional phases, it's possible that some of these phrases will blend, and equally his psychology may be such that some steps will be skipped entirely; however, we can approximately expect "No, you're the furry", " I'm not really a furry because I like real girls", "I don't care anymore", and finally "it's not a big deal that I'm a furry". But oh, PPA, how it is. Though as this is TSC's 5th anniversary, and should be a happy occasion, we wish PPA a speedy rehabilitation so that he may enjoy a gradual reintegration into normal society.  Don't give up PPA, we love the part of you that doesn't love Katt (but not like that)!

3- RPG: Hey dude,  welcome to the site =)
This catchphrase was RPG's favoured greeting for new members, but its dignity was tarnished when other members stole it to selfishly make others feel welcome. Everyone's favourite homicidal maniac didn't take kindly to this, and started a campaign of senseless, brutal murder against anyone who used it in a welcome topic. Fortunately, this spike in fatalities didn't scare off too many newbies...though as our cemetery's gatekeeper, his wife the pharmacist, and his brother the bellhop collectively suspect, this isn't necessarily a good thing. RPG's killing spree even found its way into its own topic (topic link here, don't just leave the filler in here this time genus).

2- GerbilSoft: no u
Gerbil's weapon of choice, this is an infallible, bulletproof comeback to everything. Ever. When you say 'no u' in an argument, you win; your opponent completely deflates, then everything loves you and hot chicks start coming round to your place to let you know just how amazing you are. The secret to weight loss is 'no u', it improves your love life, it can even get this wine stain out of your whites! Don't try -that- with just any colloquialism! The more you say "no u", the better your life will be, so say "no u" proudly! Say it with a friend, say it to an enemy! Stick it on any surface: walls, refrigerators, windows, you name it! Act now, and you'll even get a free *facepalm*, perfect for showing your kids just who's boss! You must act now, though; 'no u' will be banned minutes after this post! Call now!
1- mike89: I call BS!
Or the less eloquent, "I call bullshit!". This venerable catchphrase was born in a raging typhoon some miles south of mainland Japan as Mike's warcry against the tide of n00bs that is forever bombarding our charts, but now it is a complete mainstay of all TSCers for any untruth, no matter the relative severity of the perceived infraction (ex: "<PPA> I'm not a furry! <Douglas> I call BS!").  It's also used by n00bs incapable of understanding how much we pwn -it has become a rite of initiation for all new members to call BS on DarkspinesSonic, our current sitewide champion (who recently waxed philosophical about his cheating, lieing, blackness, and puppy strangling in the best-selling self help book Cheating, Lieing, Being Black, and Puppy Strangling: How I Became TSC's Top Player, and How You Can Too), and their subsequent hazing only strengthens our fraternal bond. "I call BS" can also refer to calling 'blue shells', 'blue skips', 'banal saliency', 'bachelor of science', 'bachelor of surgery', 'backspace', 'BASIC', 'BellSouth', 'BioShock', 'blood sugar', 'boy scouts', 'British Sugar', though it won't so don't be so gullible next time.

Our topic for next time will be. .
top 10 nicknames

Let the games continue!

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Let's Play! Donkey Kong Jr. Math
« on: October 06, 2008, 03:32:12 pm »
Part 1, complete! Watch it now.

At least now I know what not to do.

Wikkity! / Re: P.P.A.'s midnight doodles
« on: October 05, 2008, 02:11:38 pm »
I demand a mafia-themed comic.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Let's Play! Stuff.
« on: October 04, 2008, 05:08:15 pm »
Yeah, I'm going to comment into my mic as I'm playing and splice it with the screen/audio capture. In what format should I save the final video?

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Let's Play! Stuff.
« on: October 04, 2008, 03:13:22 pm »
Allright, after much thought and a brilliant idea in 30 seconds, I'm going to lp Donkey Kong Jr. Math.

I'll record my first section Monday. Will a screen capture program/mic serve, or is there anything better to use?

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