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Topics - Selphos

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General Sonic / SA2HD Chao mechanics: Buying eggs from Black Market
« on: December 14, 2012, 03:05:54 am »
Well the subtitle said "except chao TRAINING," nothing about buying. So fuck you guys.

In my quest to attempt to exploit game mechanics to get an all-S chao as quickly as possible, I decided to do some tests to see how the grades are determined from eggs bought from the shady bastard in the Black Market. The results were fairly interesting. And thank God that I didn't lose any rings when I force-killed the game all those times.

I COULD paste the entire monologue here but that's a lot of pointless text that nobody wants to read and that I don't want to edit, so just have the recap of the important details from my Steam chat.

10:38 PM - Selphos: Welp
10:38 PM - Selphos: I'm done with my Chao science
10:38 PM - Selphos: I tried hatching two chao in every combination of gardens, twice each
10:39 PM - Selphos: For 8/9 of those experiments, the second attempt did not change the outcome
10:39 PM - Selphos: Most of them were, however, different from each other
10:40 PM - Selphos: With the exception of Dark->Neutral or Dark->Hero any Dark combination besides Dark-Dark
10:40 PM - Selphos: Which was the same as if I used the other garden instead of Dark
10:40 PM - Selphos: The Hero->Neutral combination seemed to change, but I eventually realized it only uses one of two results for the second chao; still don't know why
10:41 PM - Selphos: All of this is completely unaffected by which character is used or which eggs are bought

from IRC a few minutes later:
<+Selphos> I also did a couple third eggs and those all gave the same results as if they had been the second
<+Selphos> I really don't get this system

Statistical results are as follows.
Neutral->Neutral: CEBAD->CCCBB
Hero->Hero: BCDBC->DBDBC
Hero->Dark: BCBDC->BCEAD
Neutral->Hero: CEBAD->CEBAC
Dark->Dark: CDDBD->EEACD
Dark->Neutral: CDDBD->CBDBC
Dark->Hero: CDDBD->CEBAC
Neutral->Dark: CEBAD->BCEAD

Hero->Neutral->Dark: BCBDC->ACEBD->BCEAD
Neutral->Dark->Hero: CEBAD->BCEAD->CEBAC
And then I stopped caring.

So basically, whoever developed this system is a douchebag who jumped a few hoops to make Chao raising less savescummable without breeding.
If anybody has anything to add to this topic or correct, go ahead. It still seems odd to me that I'm doing original research on a twelve-year-old game, but I couldn't find anything on this via googling.

Holy shit when was the last time I posted on the forum.


Tell me where you line up and I will tell you who you are, a brief description of that character, and a link to their profile page on the touhou wikia.

Don't you be giving me those weird looks. This is mostly (if not purely) for my own entertainment and seeing if any of you are actually pathetically weak fairies or gods of death or something. <_<
And if you don't know your blood type I'll just list the people in your row. However I would much prefer if you did know, listing entire rows is getting lame and it's too broad. >_>
Also feel free to ask in chat, and/or don't be surprised when I randomly ask you your birthday and blood type. It's for SCIENCE, people.

So far, we have:
Sondow - Nitori Kawashiro
PPA - Alice Margatroid (and no, before you ask, there are no furry characters. Unless you want to count Chen or Orin, the nekos, who are incidentally in the same (last) period...)
Quartz - Mystia, Lyrica, Aya, or Tewi (or Tei for you letter-dropping noobs)
werster - Iku Nagae
CF - Rumia, Reimu, Komachi, or Utsuho
osg101 - Tenshi, Remilia, Yuugi, or Kaguya
mike89 - Keine Kamishirasawa (oh lord)
Koshi - Lunasa, Yukari, Flandre, or Sakuya (ie the Awesome Tier)
Kim (er, alternate Koshi) - Rumia, Reimu, Komachi, or Utsuho (CF was not comfortable with this)
Stefan - Lunasa Prismriver or Sakuya Izayoi (fff. Stef's officially awesome, in case that wasn't evident)
Achlys - Flandre Scarlet (This worries me)
Crowbar - probably also Flandre Scarlet but possibly others in that row
Shadow Jacky - see Crowbar
ieatatsonic - Mystia Lorelei or Aya Shameimaru
Cutiefox - Keine, Patchouli, Sikieiki, or Reisen
Bertin - Remilia Scarlet (or possibly Yuugi Hoshiguma)
Groudon - Merlin, Minoriko, Nitori, or Suwako
magnum12 - Again, Flandre Scarlet.
yoshifan - Rumia or Reimu Hakurei
DsS - Keine, Patchouli, Sikieiki, or Reisen
ChaoRC - Youmu, Meiling, Ran, or Sanae
SonicAD - Alice, Koishi, Kanako, or Eirin (or Erin for you letter-dropping noobs)
Thorn - Yuugi Hoshiguma

Wikkity! / Big fan VS Nintendo Power
« on: July 25, 2009, 01:23:49 am »
Sue me, I got a chuckle out of this

Big the Cat is without a doubt the most memorable character ever to grace the gaming world. Anyone who says that he stinks has probably never played a video game, and is most likely too stupid to pick up a controller long enough to do so. Big is smarter than the entire staff at NP, plus he's stronger and cooler than Mr. T, Chuck Norris, and Klonoa combined! Big was going to be the final boss of the Mr. T game, but they had to take him out because he was so super-crazy powerful that no one could beat him (including Chuck Norris).

The Hoff says: The extra M in your name gives you away. While everyone knows that "Okami Amaterasu" is a Japanese wolf deity, it turns out that "Okami Ammaterasu" is just another way of saying "Big the Cat's mom." Which is weird, because I always heard that Big was the unholy union between a bag of rocks and some moldy pipe cleaners.

Wikkity! / Don't like Twilight? Don't tell anyone!
« on: July 16, 2009, 06:15:11 am »
Here's why.

Fuck's sake...

Wikkity! / Why you shouldn't recolor.
« on: July 04, 2009, 11:34:53 pm »
Especially Shadow in Battle.

Because it'll look like this.

Feel free to criticize me any way you so choose regarding what resulted from extreme boredom. >_>

Wikkity! / Fine, fine, you can ask Sondow.
« on: January 20, 2009, 06:42:24 pm »
Don't expect responses in a very serious (or timely) manner though >_>

General Sonic / Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games discussion.
« on: May 14, 2008, 12:35:28 am »
So yeah. Here we discuss M&S@Olympics, a topic that's been due for too long.

Perhaps I'm the only one who likes it? :(

Information Kiosk / A couple things
« on: May 12, 2008, 01:33:58 am »
First, and more importantly, I call the new games need to be announced on the News section with information and dl links.

Second, and more jokingly, I still demand moderatorship for TUSC since I'm one of the primary people who actually still cares to make checks on TUSC with RPG's help.

No, I'm not saying Thorn and MK do diddly, shut up

Also with the same logic Rick should probably be promoted to moderator is well.

That is all

Suggestions? / I SUGGEST
« on: April 10, 2008, 03:49:59 pm »
That the "unofficial" addition of Shuffle, the TSC april-fools-joke, be mentioned on the TUSC news forum.

Obviously since my naggings for TUSC moderator-ship didn't work, I can't put it up myself.

Wikkity! / Likely the funniest video on Youtube
« on: December 28, 2007, 08:14:10 pm »

It's old, but that doesn't keep it from being awesome. Leave comments below.

Wikkity! / I am on a new computer~
« on: December 25, 2007, 07:33:02 pm »
Just in case anyone cares.
This will be the reason my OS now shows up as Vista.

If you have any comments to make for some reason, feel free...

Oh and by the way, it might take a while for me to get all my stuff back that I had on the other comp, since this is right-out-of-the-box and all.

Wikkity! / Magic: The Gathering Personality Quiz: What Color Are You?
« on: November 10, 2007, 09:40:56 pm »

It's a quiz off Magic's official site, based off the five types of Magic cards. There's white, green, blue, red, and black, sort of in order of er... righteousness? can't find the right word.
I won't post a list of the possible results, so people don't say "oh hey I wanna be like that"

Anyway, post your results and comments about the quiz.

List of people's results, in order of when they gave them:
Sondow: Blue
GerbilSoft: Blue
Waxwings: Blue
Quartz: White
mike89: Green
RPG: Black
Rick: Blue
SkyLights: Blue.
SadisticMystic: Another blue...
Auriman: Black
Paragod: Stop getting blue, TSC.
Judgement: White
JDGA: Take a guess.
Taco: White
PM888: White
PPA: White
eggFL: Red
ieatatsonic: White

General Sonic / The obligatory SRA friendcode topic
« on: October 20, 2007, 09:48:44 pm »
um, yeah. If you don't know how to get and input friendcodes by now, you suck.


Wikkity! / Okay just so everyone knows...
« on: September 29, 2007, 08:16:57 pm »
A little something about me.

My hands look like this:

Add your comments.

Gaming and Grazing / Age of Mythology
« on: September 29, 2007, 01:46:40 pm »
It's an awesome game by the makers of Age of Empires, so basically if you like AoE you'll like AoM. >_>

The reason is that AoM is very similiar to AoE, with the exception that there are now 3 civilizations with 3 major gods each to worship, and the ability to use god powers.

I'm not really good at describing things, so I'll just give the website:

There's also an expansion pack, The Titans. This adds a new civilization with its gods, and also the Titan unit is unlocked after researching 'Secrets of the Titans' in the fourth age. Its site is here:

Age of Mythology Gold comes with both games in one pack, so you might want to get that.

Oh yeah, it's made by Microsoft. Shut up Gerbil.
* Super Sondow shot


You know it had to be made.

Well, discuss the game and your friend code here.

My code:
0215 7286 5374

My guy's name is Alex.

Also, Chimchar ROXXORZ. Especially when he evolves into Monferno, and Infernape.

Information Kiosk / How do you play Sega CD games?
« on: March 22, 2007, 02:10:46 pm »
For example, Sonic CD.

Gimme an emulator to use, and how to do it. I got an SCD rom off SonicStuff, but none of my ems (Gens+, Gens Movie, Gens v2.14) will let me. They show some error about my BIOS files not being configured correctly.

Please. There, happy now?

Wikkity! / I g2g for the weekend.
« on: March 09, 2007, 03:46:38 pm »
Damn progress reports >_>

I'll be back by Monday.

Oh yeah, and I apologize Paragod, that was Aitamen with the 24 sec TAS strat for GH1. Not you.

Gaming and Grazing / What Wii games are there...
« on: March 09, 2007, 09:50:29 am »
...that don't require the nunchuk? Because I might be getting a Wii eventually, and I have an... *ahem* disability so I can't hold both of them at once.

I've tried at my friend's house... And I already know TP is off the list. Oh well, I can always get it for Gamecube...

General Sonic / Not sure if this is the right section, but...
« on: March 08, 2007, 07:11:46 pm »

You MUST look at this. It's part of SCD, so some of you might hate it automatically, but it's a "radio station" where you can listen to various songs and jingles from SEGA games. There are two sections, AM and FM, which are basically like "high-def" and "low-def" on TV. They also play different songs.

Sometimes, there are special shows on both channels. Check out the shows section for more info.

So, in an overview, it's a radio station for WinAmp where you listen to SEGA music, majorly Sonic games'. ATM of posting, it's playing Crazy Gadget from SA2. Most of the music being played is t3h c00lio.

Leaderboard Disputes / I partially call semi-BS.
« on: March 05, 2007, 12:02:46 pm »

Not to accuse, but Paragod said his 24 secs was TAS'ed on a console... so... Someone help me out here.

Information Kiosk / WTF?
« on: February 25, 2007, 05:10:41 pm »
Starting around last night until just recently, I got this page when I went to TSC:

What happened? And it says something about contacting the billing/support department...

Hiya Folks / New member from SCD coming through!
« on: February 21, 2007, 08:13:32 pm »
Hi. This is Sondow from SCD, if you know me from there. Notice my usernames are identical. They will stay that way until I complete another set of challenges (ex. after Chaos Emerald challenges, I will be Super Sondow the Badnik Crusher)

Incase you don't know me, I'm a 12 year old guy that lives in Southern California, which is often shortened to SoCal. I practically live on my computer and on video games (i.e. PS2 and Gamecube) and only do non-electronic things when necessary. If you need anything else, just PM me.

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