You got that right!
New updates on all my proposals:
Whole convers. copied with Rolken's permission of course. Highlighting main parts below:
<ks8_SMBBB> anyway, getting right to the chase...
<ks8_SMBBB> SJ told me you've been having trouble with Rivals divisions
<ks8_SMBBB> but I also heard that you're being lazy... didn't hear it from me
<Rolken> lawl
<ks8> yeah...
<Rolken> mostly lazy, yeah.
<ks8> but so yeah... how are they coming along?
<ks8> same question for 06?
<Rolken> gerbil's been working on it and he gave me what he was doing today so I'll take a look.
<ks8> in all honestly, though; I REALLY wanna help with them
<ks8> the actual constructing part anyway...
<ks8> and he never told me about that...
<Rolken> I don't think there's much you can do beyond what's been done already :x
<ks8> yeah.. I kidna figured
<Rolken> it's mostly database operations, which is pretty obscure
<ks8> (*) kinda
<ks8> it's tedious then?
<Rolken> moreso delicate
<ks8> I see...
<ks8> how are the 06 ones coming along?
<Rolken> they're at the bottom of the list heh
<ks8> oh yeah?
<ks8> what's before it?
<Rolken> after rivals and shadow and advance 3 are tweakered
<ks8> and what made you place Rivals at the "top"
<Rolken> it seems to be a decent game heh
<Rolken> whereas I hear nothing but bad stuff about sonic0
<Rolken> 6
<ks8> good point
<ks8> I mean, 06 seems to be more.. well.. people are dying to participate in a real competition for it
<ks8> will Secret Rings be at the top of your list when it comes out?
<Rolken> probably, if it's any good heh
<Rolken> the previewers keep acting like it's pretty good
<Rolken> I never played shuffle :<
<Rolken> never had a dreamcast
<ks8> I'm so excited... not that anyone, but me, cares about Shuffle in the first place XD
<ks8> I still have mine
<ks8> I'll vid stuff for you when divisions come up...
<ks8> hint*
<ks8> ;)
<Rolken> shuffle?
<ks8> just kidding
<ks8> I know you said my old proposal wouldn't be considered
<Rolken> heh, I didn't think anything in it was competition-worthy
<ks8> Rolken: oh yeah? for the most part, it is
<ks8> sorry, after the considered line, I said: until TUSC4 at least...
<Rolken> er... I don't recall your old proposal; I have a pretty poor memory
<ks8> can I ask you something though, about it?
<Rolken> if you remind me what it is heh
<ks8> I've been dying to know what your opinions were on them... well I shall do that:
<ks8> hopefully my mesages will actually come up... XD
<ks8> give me a sec
<ks8> I don't wanna miss anything since it's not everyday that I get a chance to do this :P
<ks8> kay in a nutshell: [almost] purely by memory:
<ks8> Shadow the Hedgehog: Rings
<ks8> Shuffle: New Game
<ks8> Sonic the Fighters/Championship: New Game
<ks8> Sonic Advance 3: Rings
<ks8> Sonic Riders: New Divisions
<ks8> hold on..
<ks8> you still here?
<Rolken> aye
<ks8> I'm surprised... XD
<ks8> lol
<ks8> sorry.. PC's going slow as usual
<ks8> I'm so dumb... been looking in my INBOX for the PM I sent you containing the whole proposal...
<ks8> realized it 20 sec ago
<Rolken> oh, if you PMd me I still have it
<ks8> still loading..
<ks8> don't bother yourself
<ks8> I have it here
<Rolken> found it anyway heh
<ks8> oh okay
<ks8> then you can see what I said there
<Rolken> ah, fighters
<ks8> I jsut wanna know what you thought of everything
<Rolken> I totally forgot about that
<ks8> you told me in a PM
<Rolken> fighters should definitely be added
<ks8> that you MAY consider it for TUSC4
<Rolken> shadow rings are on the verge of being added
<ks8> YES!
<Rolken> gerbil did most of the work for that alread
<Rolken> y
<ks8> Groudon should be happy about that
<Rolken> heh, yes, he keeps bugging me about it
<ks8> I just started playing Shadow recently
<ks8> yeah I know
<ks8> at least now I know why since I just started like I said
<ks8> he bugs me sometimes too :P
<ks8> I have a feeling what you'll say about the Riders stuff
<ks8> I can take it...
<ks8> but I still wanna know
<ks8> I think...
<ks8> lol
<ks8> no seriously
<Rolken> I'll have to go back and play the game again; I don't recognize the divisions you mention
<ks8> there's 3 more things I believe
<ks8> for Riders?
<Rolken> aye
<ks8> I can explain them right now
<ks8> after all, I play Riders regularly
<ks8> besides it's rare I get a chance to do this, as I mentioned earlier
<ks8> so which divisions do you mean?
<Rolken> survival battle, space theater etc
<Rolken> I recall there was a mission discussion back when it came out
<ks8> everything? I need oyu to be specfic as in what did I say as I need to know
<ks8> yeah, missions is all there too
<Rolken> I'm nto sure if it was decided not to put them in or it just never happened
<ks8> oh and I forgot another proposal: Heroes
<ks8> Rolken: for my topic, it was decided it should be
<ks8> we chose which ones already
<ks8> not just me
<ks8> as a group
<Rolken> fair enough
<ks8> what other divisions about Riders? can you be specifice so I can elaborate?
<Rolken> I don't really recognize any but the mission, so it'd probably be easier for me just to go check it out
<Rolken> it's been many months since I played riders heh
<ks8> lol
<ks8> the Space Theater stuff is in "Survival Mode"->"Survival Battle" , y'know, the mode where you battle other riders; start off with 3 lives
<ks8> I also have there "Survival Race" which is also in "Survival Mode"; that's with going through the gates to earn points; the "Emerald" Race if that doesn't remind you of it
<ks8> and then there's the Missions which you know about (like I said, not ALL were chosen; the select few that were should be there or if I remember in a document that I attached or something)
<ks8> still don't member? :)
<ks8> I also have there new Heroes divisions, Shuffle - as you know - and SADV3 Rings
<Rolken> disconnected ftl
<Rolken> ah, I remember the emerald race
<ks8> yeah that
<ks8> divisions were considered
<ks8> rules are all set out
<ks8> we decided to toss it up to you
<ks8> still no lightbulb on the Battle?
<Rolken> nope heh
<Rolken> I don't think I ever did those modes much
I got disconnected so I forgot to copy what he said but basically:
SADV3: Sounds good, Shuffle: Will Take everyone’s word on it and add; Heroes: sounds good
<ks8_onceagain> sorry
<ks8_onceagain> Rolken
<Rolken> lol :x
<ks8_onceagain> just one more thing
<ks8_onceagain> at the risk of having my PC blow up..
<ks8_onceagain> still think I'll wait until TUSC4 before at least one of those proposals go up?
<Rolken> advance 3 and shadow probably sooner, the others probably later
<ks8_onceagain> that's good news
<ks8_onceagain> what's the order, you think, of seeing them up?
<ks8_onceagain> all things considered
<ks8_onceagain> sorry, I just really need to know
<ks8_onceagain> and so does everyone else :P
<ks8_onceagain> 'specially Groudon
<ks8_onceagain> :)
<Rolken> heh
<Rolken> shadow, advance 3, everything else
<ks8_onceagain> lol
<ks8_onceagain> what about Fighters?
<ks8_onceagain> and Shuffle?
<Rolken> that falls under everything else heh
<Rolken> I'll probably put the rest up all at once
<ks8_onceagain> I know this must be annoying
<ks8_onceagain> so I'll get outta your way; sleep comes first, so someone I know well would say
<ks8_onceagain> ;)
<Rolken> lol ;o
<Rolken> seeya round bud
<ks8_onceagain> tell Gerbil I'll be on his case... XD
<Rolken> lawl
<ks8_onceagain> you wanna take that back?
<ks8_onceagain> rotfl
<ks8_onceagain> the "seeya round" bit
<ks8_onceagain> ;)
<Rolken> you're a lot better than our other new folks heh.
<Rolken> or quasi-new anyway.
<ks8_onceagain> lol
<ks8_onceagain> thanks... sorta
<ks8_onceagain> anyway
<ks8_onceagain> later man
<ks8_onceagain> thanks a lot for the info
<Rolken> seeya
<ks8_onceagain> you don't mind if let people know about the chat do you?
<ks8_onceagain> gotta ask just in case
<Rolken> do what you like
<ks8_onceagain> s'long as it's okay by you, I'm good
<ks8_onceagain> back to Rayman I guess
<ks8_onceagain> later