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Prominent Members

The following members have attained particular respect in the TSC community through their awesome competition skills (or by being around too much).

SadisticMystic Joined 10-24-03
Games: 13

F-Man Joined 10-25-03
Games: 4
I started time attacking when the Sonic Adventure site was up and had rankings. I only remember being something like 87th for Windy Valley (which is quite good if you consider the huge ammount of cheaters). Then someday my Dreamcast broke, and I started to move to Nintendo's consoles again. I competed for Sonic Advance times at the GameFAQs board, and then for SADX when it was finally released for the cube.


SuperSonic101 Joined 10-27-03
Games: 11

NintenDan Joined 12-12-03
Games: 16

sonicam Joined 07-22-04
Games: 23

GerbilSoft Joined 08-11-04
Games: 25
Hi, I'm GerbilSoft, aka TSC's current server administrator. I make sure that the TSC server doesn't go down, and if it does, I lol. >_>

But on a serious note. I help to fix various bugs, add new features, and optimize existing stuff on the TSC codebase.


douglas Joined 09-28-04
Games: 14
Hey, I'm Douglas and this is my updated bio. I'm 22, Scottish but living in London. I work for Google so don't get so much time to TA these days, but I'm off for the holidays and I have my sights on holding the S1, adv2 and Battle championships by the end of that time :)

maggot Joined 10-04-04
Games: 4

eredani Joined 11-08-05
Games: 17

Stefan Joined 07-05-06
Games: 10

Zeupar Joined 01-20-07
Games: 6

son1cgu1tar Joined 01-04-09
Games: 2

Zurggriff Joined 07-23-15
Games: 31

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