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Submissions are up.

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Have fun. Guides, music and videos will be randomly filtering into the site in the next few days/weeks.

Update: Registration was disallowed. Oops. Now it is enabled.

General Throatstomper:
wait, record submissions are up? I have a few. But how do I prove my times? I don't have a digital camera or anything, but I don't want to end up like Green Hill.

Green Hill repeatedly posted times that were technically impossible (not just feasibly impossible), changed his story on them a few times, abused the system multiple times, defied several imperatives on use of the site, and harassed me on a near-daily basis. I don't think you have to worry.

General Throatstomper:
ok. How do I submit times? And if I get a really low time, I need to send confirmation to be recognised for my achievement, right?

Only if enough people have reasonable doubt.

For example, if I were to claim something like Eternal Engine m1 2:38.99, that time would be accepted without much question.  People know that the record has been mine ever since last September, I've touted 2:37 as "a definite possibility", and while I don't feel a need to play that level anymore, that's something they wouldn't know.

Now suppose some random player joins and immediately claims a 2:34.  Besides the 40% chance that we can prove a lie immediately, that player would have to know exactly what he's talking about, and make every attempt to provide a video or at least a picture of the victory screen.


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