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Messages - Buizel

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Competition Central / Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« on: April 23, 2010, 11:59:49 pm »
Top Ten TSC Emoticon #1

I really don't know if anyone should be surprised that this is the #1 TSC Emoticon. In fact, both flyby and I had :( as #1 in our initial lists (We also both had >_> at #2. >:O was #4 in both our lists, though I'm sure glad it was brought up to #3!). It is such an important emoticon in TSC culture, and it makes it second appearance in a Top Tens (the first is #6 here).

As with >_>, flyby and I both stated that there was a lot to say about it, but when it got down to writing about it, we were both at a loss about what to put down. In fact the only things I was able to get out of flyby regarding :( was "I'd rather have a tiger :(" and "It's #1 because we are a depressed people." So unlike >_> where I was able to draw ideas from what flyby said, most of this I wrote on my own.

Like >_>, it is one that we are all only too familiar with. Sadness is, after all, a part of life, just like happiness, anger, and mischievousness.

Unlike >_>, however, we use it with the correct context: it is not wasted. When we use :( we are genuinely sad or otherwise unhappy, whether it's because someone beat our hard-earned record, or because we may have irritated someone when we didn't mean to, or perhaps because a relative or close friend is ill or dying. It may even be because CherryMay would rather have a tiger :(. There are many things which can invoke the usage of :(, much more than pretty much any other emote on this list.

The Chat Stats page shows just how often we use :(, at least when GerbilEgg is in the chatroom. There are certainly many more uses that haven't been recorded, and as such I estimate that as of the time of this writing there are have been more than 50000 uses of :( over the past 15 months rather than the 46430 uses recorded by GerbilEgg. It is more than a simple emote, or even a fad or cult. It is even more than a catchphrase, a status shared by only one other emote. It is, I believe, the essence of TSC itself. Look back at #9, when flyby tried to have everyone replace their :(s with :)s. How long did that last? An hour! Actually I think it was even less than that! Even when we 'laugh' we often say "lol :(", which is sort of like, "I'm trying to laugh but I'm too sad." The way we associate ourselves with the essence of sadness is staggering. It is my firm belief that no other emote will ever envelop us in its essence the way :( has. I should also note that :( has frequently been used since even before I joined TSC in 2005, further exemplifying how in tune with sadness TSC has always been.

I think it goes without saying that, even though she isn't here often anymore, Cherry is the one that comes to mind when thinking of :(. Indeed, the Chat Stats page says that 18.1% of her lines contained :(. That's 1580 out of 8731 lines, and if you include the stats shown in the other Top Tens, she's said nearly 9500 lines with a :( over the past two and a quarter years, which is a lot of sadness. Even though she's not here much anymore, the essence of her favourite emoticon lives on in the rest of us. Really, does a day ever go by in which we don't see this special symbol which is the very essence of TSC itself?


#10 8)
#9 :D
#8 <_< >_>
#7 :/
#6 :3
#5 :o
#4 X)
#3 >:O
#2 >_>
#1 :(

We're not done yet! Honourable mentions (and a dishonourable mention) coming up later!

Competition Central / Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« on: April 23, 2010, 11:20:09 pm »
Top Ten TSC Emoticon #2

Yes, >_> and its familiars are separate from <_< >_>. I should also note that this class of emotes only has one underscore, or a period. >__>, for example, is not included in this class.

It is an emote we are all familiar with: in fact, when discussing what to put here with flyby I joked that I should have just put something along the lines of ">_> is an emote we are all so familiar with. In fact I think I'll let it speak for itself:", and then add about 50 or 100 lines of <_< and >_>, and be done with it. Really, I think it speaks for itself, but I opted instead a more proper write-up.

For those of you who don't know what these emotes are supposed to be, shame on you! >:o And pay attention, Quartz! >_> They are what are commonly referred to as "shifty eyes". When translated into a "real life" discussion, you would avert your gaze when you use ">_>" or a similar emote.

When flyby and I were splitting up the write-ups for the Top Tens, deciding who would write about what, we were undecided about who would write this one. We both said there was so much both of us could say about it, so I suggested that we combine our ideas into one big write-up. However, when the time finally came to decide what to write about here, both of us were at a loss. How did this happen, after we both had said there was so much to write about earlier?

flyby said that "it has transcended it's (sic) original meaning." What used to be a simple emote for deviousness or shadiness has become so much more here at TSC. Indeed, as flyby put it, there are "so many shades of meaning" to >_> now (I don't think the pun was intended; in fact I completely overlooked it until I was proofreading this >_>). It is often an expression of sarcasm, its mere presence indicating that you are not actually (or at least not completely) serious about what you are saying or have said. It may cast suspicion on what you have said, making others aware that your intentions are not what would normally be assumed; thus they will often respond with the shifty eyes in the opposite direction. This differs from <_< >_> in that >_> is usually used with otherwise normal conversation that wouldn't seem suspicious if the emote weren't there. <_< >_>, therefore, is extraneous, since what you're saying is already suspicious. It's...there for the sake of being there; I can't think of any other way to put it.

>_> can also be used to point out another's incompetence or lack of noesis:
[00:47:12] <ShadowJacky> fuck
[00:47:19] <ShadowJacky> I've actually heard this before
[00:47:26] <Sylux> Yes
[00:47:31] <Sylux> that's why I said "You should know this"
[00:47:33] <Sylux> <_<
[00:47:41] <ShadowJacky> >_>

I'm almost certain that the >_>-class of emotes is the most widely used class of emotes at TSC. It is so common I can guarantee that when that the chatroom is active you will see it at least ten times an hour. It is that common. However...over the years, I think it's lost much of its meaning. It's sort of become a general use emote, an emote to use when you feel like using an emote. Nowadays I think everyone just seems to add >_> to their responses without really thinking about it. In fact both flyby and I can recall several times in chat where there were literally hundreds of consecutive >_> and/or <_< lines. You thought what I posted for >:O was long? That's nothing compared to the walls of shiftyeyes I have seen. I think that is the reason why flyby and I had much trouble thinking about what to say. It is an important part of our culture at TSC, but it is also one whose meaning we take for granted, like so many things in life. Its loss of meaning over the years, in my opinion, is what keeps it from taking the #1 spot.


#10 8)
#9 :D
#8 <_< >_>
#7 :/
#6 :3
#5 :o
#4 X)
#3 >:O
#2 >_>
#1 ???

#1 is pretty obviousto me, at least but don't go anywhere just yet! #1 is coming up within the hour...hopefully.

Competition Central / Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« on: April 23, 2010, 12:49:35 am »
Top Ten TSC Emoticon #3

Now we're getting to the really good ones. >:O is one of my favourite emoticons, as those of you who frequent the chatroom know so well. In fact, I like it so much that made my own emoticon based on this emote, which I affectionately call The Faecâ„¢. But I'm not writing here to talk about The Faecâ„¢.(...yet.)

The TSC Glossary states that when one says ">:O" that what is being said is "Are you questioning my authority?", though this (obviously) only applies to one with power.

In other cases, it is a sign of great anger or distaste. The following is an excellent example:
[14:30:32] <Flyingfox> that's it I'm getting fucking pissed off now >:O

Adding multiple >:Os to a line augments the anger expression:
[23:22:09] <mike89> being good at SA2B is overrated
[23:22:24] <RPG> Just cause you were never champ mike!
[23:22:31] <mike89> >:O >:O

Clearly mike does not like it when we mention the fact that he has never held the SA2(B) championship, which naturally means I'll mention that mike, unlike myself, has never held the SA2(B) championship.

>:O should not be confused with similar emotes such as >:( (which is a milder expression of anger) or >:| (which is totally bertin/sylux). >:O is a type of anger in which you feel like yelling (unless I stop you >:O); hence your mouth is wide open rather than closed. In one sense, it can be like saying "screw you" without actually saying it.

Like with :O and :o, outside of the realm of TSC, it's not likely that people distinguish between >:O and >:o, but we at TSC know much better-->:O is a much more extreme form of anger than >:o, though sometimes it is exaggerated. Unlike with :o and :O, however, >:O is the more popular form of the angry emote, though >:o does see a lot of use also.

Like :/, >:O is often seen in subjects relating to competition. >:O is seen in more severe cases, such as when a player is already agitated and an unfavourable event occurs during their gameplay. This is when a mere :/ is not enough; the player is quite angry and will let others know it.

Note that when using >:O, others may respond in kind. I would post specific examples, but they would take up about 3 posts or so, so instead I will provide a short example here and provide this link if you wish to read further.
[19:47:14] <flyingfox> if I can get that, another record for me :)
[19:47:25] <Zeph> not if I stop you >:O
[19:47:35] <flyingfox> >:O

This is a very common emote here at TSC; between someone having bad luck in their gaming endeavors, me stopping you (>:O) or someone just having a bad day, you're going to see it A LOT.

As proof of how much of an angry people we are I post this excerpt from my chat logs:
[10:30:59] <Zephyr> so how are people these days
[10:31:27] <SonicAD> ANGRY >:O!!!
[10:32:10] <Zephyr> YEAAA >:O!!!
[10:32:30] <Quartz> Yeaaa >:o

So yeah, we are an angry people. SonicAD even says so!

Anyway, looking through the logs shows takes forever to look through each line that contains >:O. In fact that's the main reason why this was posted so late. I'm pretty sure I'm the most frequent user of >:O, though FKE, FF, and Werey use it quite frequently as well, though FF is most likely to use it in response to me. Any regular to the chatroom has assuredly used it or another in its class at least once; anyone who claims otherwise is a liar and a fraud. >:O Also, I shall note again that SonicAD, our current leader, also uses this emote a lot, so that must certainly count for something!

While I'm talking about the >:O-class of emotes, the others in this class are basically the ones that start with >, like the ones I mentioned earlier (though not necessarily). I could go on and on about >:O, really; it is just so awesome. But I think this is getting a bit long, so I'll stop here, unless I stop me >:O


#10 8)
#9 :D
#8 <_< >_>
#7 :/
#6 :3
#5 :o
#4 X)
#3 >:O
#2 ???
#1 ???

#2 is going to be up tomorrow instead of today because flyby and I want to make sure we both get our say in what is posted~ (I think it's better that way anyway so as not to make #1 obvious or some such.)

Competition Central / Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« on: April 21, 2010, 08:46:59 pm »
Top Ten TSC Emoticon #7

:/ is a strange emote; how one is able to make their mouth slant at such at angle is beyond me.

It is generally used to express disappointment or disapproval. At the very least, it applies a somewhat negative connotation or attitude to what you say. You're not happy, sad, or mad, you're just...bleh. :/ can also be used to express sympathy, in a sort of "man, that sucks" sort of way.

SonicAD explained :/ like this once:
[06:35:48] <SonicAD> yeah :/ is more of a "kinda eh" thing

Today it is still frequently used in the chatroom; you're bound to see it at least once a day; after all, life is full of disappointments, and Tikal disapproves. In particular, this emote often appears when the subject is related to competition, like when mentioning strats, or when TAing, SAing, RAing, etc. This is because many of us at TSC have set high standards for ourselves; we know what we are capable of, yet often we are unable to attain what we think we could. Hearing a familiar setback can also invoke the usage of :/.

For example:
[13:44:12] <Werey> Dontcha just hate it when you gert an awesone run you never had before then you fuck it up
[13:44:37] <Flyingfox> yes
[13:44:53] <Flyingfox> always happens to me :/

Werey's typos aside, this is a common occurrence.

Looking at (fairly) recent logs, Cruizer seems to be the most frequent user of :/ nowadays, though Strong Bad, FF, and DsS also use it quite often. In fact, I'm sure most if not all of the regulars in the chatroom have used it at least once, and I see it often in posts here in the forum. As such it is an emoticon almost all of us at TSC are familiar with. It is, however, only at #7 because much of its usage occurs when the discussion is competition-related, and many of us are now retired from competition, moving on with life because we are too busy with jobs and college or because we don't care so much for competing anymore. But that doesn't mean it's something we all can't relate to every once in a while.


#10 8)
#9 :D
#8 <_< >_>
#7 :/
#6 ???
#5 ???
#4 ???
#3 ???
#2 ???
#1 ???

flyby's got the next three (though only two of them will be revealed today), so you won't be hearing from me for a while!

Competition Central / Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« on: April 20, 2010, 05:33:11 pm »
:< :3 >_> <_< :D D:< >:O!!! ._. <:o X)


Top Ten TSC Emoticon #10

8) is an interesting emote; it is in many ways like :), but instead of regular eyes you have huge eyes. Or maybe they're glasses. Or possibly goggles, except we all know they do nothing so you're probably better off with :).

It had attained somewhat of a cult status here at TSC, with Rolken and Joshu using it often, and, from what I see in my old chat logs, SkyL, DsS, RPG, and even mike89 used 8) in conversation at times. With most its users no longer active in chat anymore, however, 8) has fallen into disuse for the most part; it is occasionally used, usually by DsS, but in general it's not something you see everyday anymore; in fact when flyby and I made our initial lists I had completely forgotten about it. However it was popular back in the day, and was the most often used emoticon of Rolken, TSC's former leader, no less! At least I think it was--doing a search of 8) in my old chat logs resulted in a lot of "<Rolken> 8)"; in any case Rolken is the person I associate with 8). Perhaps if it were still widely used it would be higher, but for now it is the #10 TSC emoticon.


#10 8)
#9 ???
#8 ???
#7 ???
#6 ???
#5 ???
#4 ???
#3 ???
#2 ???
#1 ???

flyby's posting the next two later today so stay tuned!

Competition Central / Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« on: April 20, 2010, 02:57:20 am »
Okay, it's that time again. Actually it's a fair bit past that time but no one seems to care, so let's begin!

Top Ten TSC Emoticons! Presented by Zeph and flyby!

You only wish you'd have thought of something as awesome as that. And no, we're not using that list on the Chat Stats page because it's both inaccurate and missing a lot of emotes, not to mention it doesn't take into account the people on the forum (not that that had a major impact on our choices anyway...). And if you think you know which ones will make the list you are WRONG ok.

Since we're starting late flyby and I will be posting a total of 3 emotes every day, with #1 being revealed on the 23rd. I'll be posting #10 later today while flyby will be revealing #9 and #8.

Speculation time gogogo

Competition Central / Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« on: April 17, 2010, 10:23:06 pm »
I assume no one's doing Top Tens this time? After all, I believe up through #7 should have been revealed by now.

I have a couple of ideas but would rather not do a rushed job. But if no one else is going to do it...

Competition Central / Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« on: April 01, 2010, 01:40:25 am »
I hear it's almost Top Tens time again. Time for speculation.

Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: March 07, 2010, 10:40:58 pm »
First, a little background regarding this: about a week or two ago I saw Flyingfox looking up different charts. After a few minutes of this, it occurred to me that she was up to something. Obviously, she was plotting against mike, her supposed boyfriend. I hadn't brought it up in a while so she probably hoped that I had forgotten, but of course I wouldn't forget something like this...

Also onos new S3 champ. Also onos SJ hates MM10 (not included here).

[22:07:52] <Zeph> also don't think I've forgotten about you plotting against mike!
[22:07:59] <flyingfox> for the last time
[22:08:06] <flyingfox> I am plotting againt mike >:/
[22:08:09] <flyingfox> *not
[22:08:11] <flyingfox> >_<
[22:08:11] <Zeph> exactly!
[22:08:12] <mike89> XD!
[22:08:19] <Strong_Bad> [09:07pm] <flyingfox> I am plotting againt mike >:/
[22:08:20] <Zeph> you heard it here folks
[22:08:22] <Strong_Bad> you heard it here first, folks.
[22:08:24] <Strong_Bad> ....
[22:08:26] <Sylux> oh right
[22:08:28] <Sylux> I forgot
[22:08:36] * Strong_Bad high fives Zeph
[22:08:38] <Sylux> DC version gets much less carts in the way
[22:09:05] [-New Champion-] Strong Bad is now champion of Sonic 3! Congratulations!!
[22:09:10] <MrSparkle> o:
[22:09:13] <Sylux> holy
[22:09:14] <Sylux> holy
[22:09:15] <Sylux> holy
[22:09:17] <Sylux> SDM IS PISSED
[22:09:17] <flyingfox> hey I'm tired ok >_>
[22:09:22] <MrSparkle> I call DsS
[22:09:24] <Maru|SH> I thought he was plotting against DsS
[22:09:24] <Strong_Bad> SDM is in alabama
[22:09:24] <flyingfox> mike89 back me up here <_<
[22:09:32] <mike89> why should I?
[22:09:36] <mike89> you're plotting against me >:O
[22:09:40] <flyingfox> you know why >_>
[22:09:41] <Strong_Bad> I should call him just to tell him, but he'd be mad at me for calling him
[22:09:43] <flyingfox> I'm not :(
[22:09:43] <Strong_Bad> :(
[22:09:45] <Maru|SH> too
[22:09:48] <Webber3000> !"Sonic 3"
[22:09:49] <Strong_Bad> he sed "emergencies only"
[22:10:00] <Webber3000> !g8
[22:10:07] <Webber3000> Errrrr...
[22:10:08] <Strong_Bad> !g8
[22:10:08] <Sylux> SDM has be dethroned
[22:10:18] <Sylux> *been
[22:10:37] <flyingfox> mike89: because I'm your girlfriend thats why :'(
[22:10:43] <flyingfox> >_<
[22:10:53] <Sylux> hoooooo
[22:10:54] <Zeph> and now you know why!
[22:10:55] <Sylux> leeeeeee
[22:10:58] <Webber3000> !~g7 c10 r2
[22:10:58] <Sylux> shhhhhheeeetttt
[22:10:58] <CodeGirl> Class 2070 is Sonic 3 / Overall / Overall (Overall). SpinDashMaster is in 2nd place out of 150 on this chart with 406p (90.3%).
[22:11:02] <Webber3000> :O
[22:11:22] <mike89> <flyingfox> mike89: because I'm your girlfriend thats why :'( <- I know, but that doesn't make it any less funny
[22:11:27] <mike89> in fact it makes it even funnier
[22:11:35] <Strong_Bad> it does make it necessary for you to back her up at any time, though
[22:11:41] <Strong_Bad> come on, mike, are you a n00b at boyfriending
[22:11:47] <flyingfox> ok explain that to me please remember I am very tired :P
[22:11:55] <flyingfox> x)
[22:11:55] <Maru|SH> !~g8 c10 r1
[22:11:55] <CodeGirl> Class 2071 is Sonic & Knuckles / Overall / Overall (Overall). eredani is in 1st place out of 100 on this chart with 201p (92.4%).
[22:12:39] *** Maru|SH ( has quit IRC [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
[22:12:48] <mike89> wait a sec
[22:12:55] <mike89> what the hell am I even backing you up about lol
[22:13:05] <flyingfox> lol what?
[22:13:09] <Sylux> so SB
[22:13:10] <Sylux> now what
[22:13:21] <Strong_Bad> um keep doing s3 until I've done all stats to the best of my ability
[22:13:21] <flyingfox> right that's it
[22:13:25] <flyingfox> I'm off to bed
[22:13:28] <Strong_Bad> night ff
[22:13:31] <Thorn> g'night
[22:13:33] <flyingfox> night guys
[22:13:35] <Strong_Bad> glad i could fulfill your wishes for today <_<
[22:13:39] <mike89> night <3
[22:13:43] <flyingfox> night mike <3
[22:13:47] <flyingfox> :o
[22:13:47] <Strong_Bad> aww
[22:13:51] <Zeph> >4
[22:13:54] <flyingfox> shut up >_<
[22:13:55] <mike89> see, all's well that ends well
[22:13:58] <flyingfox> :P
[22:14:52] *** flyingfox ( has quit IRC [Quit: Leaving]

And ff probably thinks she can continue plotting...unless I stop her >:O

Gaming and Grazing / Re: TSC Convention
« on: January 20, 2010, 11:08:25 am »
I should be available anytime during the summer except the July 4th weekend. Unless I decide to go back to college during the summer semester...LOL.>_> Or unless we go to Las Vegas again this summer, in which case who knows when I'll be available...Or if I'll have enough money for another trip. <_<


Come one people! If no one responds, I'm going to assume you don't want a convention, and I will use my awesome planning skills to do something else!
If you only want "one people" to come, perhaps I shouldn't go...

News and Updates / Re: Happy 6th Birthday TSC!
« on: October 23, 2009, 10:45:49 am »
Hmm...I suppose that means I'll have been here 4 years at the end of next month. Give me back my lost childhood early adulthood TSC >:O

also party in the chatroom ok everyone <:(

Competition Central / Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« on: October 23, 2009, 01:40:24 am »
This Top Tens needs more speculation.

I speculate that #1 will be ok.

EDIT: Also the ring-attracting shields in the newer games are Magnetic, not Lightning. >:O

Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: October 13, 2009, 03:36:01 pm »
GerbilEgg = human?!

[13:56:23] <oldskoolgamer101> ooooh
[13:56:28] <oldskoolgamer101> that looks -awesome- :O!
[13:56:32] <oldskoolgamer101> anyone heard about this new movie?
[13:56:39] <oldskoolgamer101> just saw a trailer for it on the american today show
[13:56:44] <oldskoolgamer101> "paranormal activity"
[13:56:59] <oldskoolgamer101> big advertising campaign going on for it in the states apparently
[13:57:04] <SonicAD> no
[13:57:09] <SonicAD> tiny advertising campaign
[13:57:13] <SonicAD> extremely low budget film
[13:57:13] <SonicAD> but
[13:57:14] <oldskoolgamer101> oh really >_>
[13:57:15] <SonicAD> apparently very good
[13:57:23] *** Umbreon ( has joined #soniccenter
[13:57:24] *** Mode change [+v Umbreon] on #soniccenter by CodeGirl
[13:57:26] <SonicAD> and doing extraordinarily well on word of mouth
[13:57:28] <oldskoolgamer101>
[13:57:47] <oldskoolgamer101> rated R
[13:58:14] *** Umbreon is now known as Guest61857
[13:58:20] *** Guest61857 is now known as Umbreon
[13:58:41] <SonicAD> It's being shown at a whole 2 theaters around here
[13:58:49] <SonicAD> when we've got a gazillion theaters in the area
[13:58:49] <SonicAD> so yeah
[13:58:52] <oldskoolgamer101> haha
[13:58:56] <oldskoolgamer101> seen it?
[13:58:56] <GerbilEgg> oldskoolgamer101: Sorry, I haven't seen it.
[13:58:58] <SonicAD> no
[13:58:59] <SonicAD> ...
[13:59:00] <SonicAD> XD
[13:59:01] <oldskoolgamer101> XD
[13:59:03] <Cruizer> XD
[13:59:12] <oldskoolgamer101> gerbilegg you tosser >_>
[13:59:17] <Zeph> <_<
[13:59:20] <Busyfox> XD
[13:59:49] <oldskoolgamer101> but it based on a true story or are they marketing it as such or something a la the blair witch
[14:00:15] * Busyfox hits gerbilegg with a bit of rolled up newspaper
[14:00:19] <oldskoolgamer101>
[14:00:19] * GerbilEgg slaps Busyfox around a bit with a leather glove
[14:00:31] <oldskoolgamer101> he's getting kinky now
[14:00:38] <oldskoolgamer101> gerbilegg is really starting to weird me out >_>

Beef / Re: Since for some strange reason I can't post in bugs...
« on: August 28, 2009, 03:30:32 pm »
It appears to only affect some skins from what I see.

EDIT: Actually it doesn't even seem to be that: I'm only seeing the glitch when I'm not logged in.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: The TSC MMO topic
« on: July 02, 2009, 10:14:14 am »
I don't play any of those big mainstream games that all you noobs seem to enjoy so much. I'm not paying for crap!
But Guild Wars doesn't have monthly fees so it's kind of free</sarcasm but srsly why should people have to pay monthly subscription fees to play games that they've already purchased anyway>! >_>

Competition Central / Re: The Massive SA2(B) Challenge Topic
« on: June 25, 2009, 09:26:40 am »
Oh wow. I wish i had seen this sooner. In my 6 months here NEVER have i seen this topic.
Well it looks fun and the city escape and metal harbour ones have been things i have been trying out myself. I doubt anything good will happen.. But it will put fun back into it for me i guess :(
Well, it's been over a year since the last post. However, that doesn't mean this has been inactive; I know at least SM and I have periodically been doing some of these challenges and updating the first post since then. For example, if you look at Fast Death I have nearly all of them (and vidded half of them), which wasn't the case back in April of last year. I've also worked on Mission 2 low As and Fast Lifes.

Also I italicized the rules (while leaving the descriptions in normal text) to create a consistent format.

Wikkity! / Re: NEW AND IMPROVED: TSCA 2.0
« on: June 24, 2009, 09:39:45 am »
Too bad there's no option to classify enemies by type such as construct, plant, demon, etc. Looking at the screens, it could still be done manually by individual enemies to make a pseudo group. Taking the plant example, I could see all plant like enemies resisting bludgeon type weapons (fists, staves, etc), light, earth, and water, but being weak against slashing, fire, and sometimes ice. It would be cool if all that resistance stuff could be applied to PCs.
Well, like I said before, you can emulate certain things with a bit of work, whether it be through events or manually setting things for a particular class of monsters. Also, just like the monsters, you can set elemental and conditional resistances for the characters as well. You can see this in play in TSCA2 whenever a dark-elemental attack is being used.

Sample screenshot from one of my games (EDIT: taken offline for now; see attachment instead):
[(640x482) rm2k3char.PNG]

Gaming and Grazing / Re: The TSC MMO topic
« on: June 19, 2009, 09:36:21 am »
Oh snap, I'm making a topic.  Long time, no did.
Join the crowd. I just made one recently and I think that was the third one I've ever started.

Why do we not have a topic for all MMOs that we're in, and our nicks in each?
Because pretty much any non-RPG MMO we play is just a fad so no one ever plays them after a few weeks. >_> Also because all the WoW players already know each other, lololo. <_<

Anyway pretty much the only game I play online is Guild Wars so that's all you get from me:

EDIT: Due to security reasons I'm no longer disclosing the full names of my characters.

Character NameLevelProfession(s)Access in TyriaAccess in CanthaAccess in ElonaAccess in EotN
Z. Kylowd20Usually Mo/PAll areasAll except Jade SeaAll areasAll areas
T. Hevven20Mo/MeAll areasAll except Kurzick/Luxon areasKamadan, Command PostMost areas
M. Mai20Me/RtLion's Arch onlyShing Jea and Kaineng CityKamadan onlyUp to Gunnar's Hold
T. Airaynflare20E/RAscalon through Lion's ArchKaineng Center onlyKamadan onlyBoreal Station only
K. Orison8MoPre-Searing AscalonN/AN/AN/A
T. Swiftjustice10P/WN/AN/AIstan onlyBoreal Station only
E. Lahtnes16N/WAscalon through Lion's ArchShing Jea and KainengKamadanBoreal Station

I own all three campaigns as well as EotN so I could pretty much group with anyone.

Wikkity! / Re: TSCA for RPG Maker 2000!
« on: June 11, 2009, 04:09:19 pm »
ya I no rite that logo is totally sonic team's :(

Also micro version added that contains only the required files. I can't guarantee that it won't crash but I went through it and it seems to be all right. Also included in this zip is a font patch because without the full RTP the font is probably going to be messed up.

Download (2.89 MB)

Wikkity! / TSCA for RPG Maker 2000!
« on: June 11, 2009, 01:15:08 pm »
So...basically, this came about as the result of me wanting to know how different an RPG Maker 2003 game would be if it were made on RPG Maker 2000. So naturally I decided to take TSCA 2.0 and "port" it to RM2000. It's not as simple as that, though: you can't just import an RM2003 game into RM2000--you have to recreate it from scratch.

I spent about 12 hours working on the first public build of TSCA2K, which I released in June 2009. I spent about 30 hours working on this version, and now I'm pleased to present to you the second public build of:

The basic download which (should) contains only the necessary files needed to run the game can be found here (3.06 MB), though as with all basic versions I can't guarantee it won't crash. Be sure to save when you can! This version lets you play through both Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.

Demo v1.01
This is the old version that I made in June 2009 and contains only Chapter 1. The basic download which contains only necessary files is here. (2.89 MB)

All necessary files are included so there is no need to download anything else. If the font is messed up while playing then apply the font patch which can be found here.

If you find any bugs that are specific to this version, please let me know. Bugs that are present in this version that were also present in the original (e.g. a certain event looping) should be addressed in the other topic.

Oh, and a few things on the mechanics of this version:
- This version is turn-based and does not feature ATB bars. As such, in a given turn, everyone will act exactly once. Battles should overall be faster on this version.
- HP can only go up to 999 in RM2000 so I had to take the liberty to change everyone's stats. Relatively, everyone is still just as powerful as they were in the original.
- Battle menus cannot be changed; as such, all of any one character's skills are in one menu. Sondow also has access to the Attack command, but since his Attack is mostly non-existent I can't recommend ever using it with him.
- When Prevailing Wind, Ale, Psigen and Psiphon are used, their respective statuses are applied after the commands have been selected on the following turn. So for example, if Ale is used on turn 1, the Drunk status won't be applied until you have selected the commands for turn 2. I had to do it this way because you cannot set positive statuses in RM2000 so I had to work around this with battle events.

While originally meant to be a "port" of the RM2003 version, this version and the 2003 version are essentially the same now except for the different battle systems.

Wikkity! / Re: NEW AND IMPROVED: TSCA 2.0
« on: June 08, 2009, 09:51:23 am »
Taillow I still have my old copy of TSCA too; I was at work though so I couldn't check. <_<

Is there anyway to program passive effects onto characters or equipment? For example, giving certain weapons and characters a damage bonus when attacking certain enemies. Or even weirder, modifiers to damage inflicted or taken if the en enemy's level is higher than the characters.
For weapons you can set a particular element or elements for them and set individual types of enemies to be weak against them. For elements there are five (six in XP and VX) different modifiers: A, B, C, D, E (and F for XP and VX), where A is very weak, B is weak, C is neutral, D is strong, and E is immunity (though you can change the modifiers for each letter; the defaults for weapon elements like slashing are A=150%, B=125%, C=100%, D=75%, and E=50%, whereas for magical elements like fire the modifiers are A=200%, B=150%, C=100%, D=50%, and E=0%. In 2003, XP and VX it's possible to set a negative percentage for the modifier to indicate absorption). You can also change the modifiers as you see fit.

Sample screenshot from one of my games (EDIT: no longer online; see attachment):

Regarding extra damage in regards to level--you can't set a "level" for enemies from within the interface; the only options you can change regarding numerical stats are HP, MP, Attack, Defence, Mind (Magic Attack and Defence), Agility, critical hit chance, experience, gold dropped, and item drop chance.

Another screenshot (EDIT: also not available; see attachment):

Wikkity! / Re: NEW AND IMPROVED: TSCA 2.0
« on: May 22, 2009, 10:33:04 am »
The looping thing is the result of "n" being lazy. >_>

Also that's another thing I wanted to mention to "n" but forgot: in the original TSCA the miss message was something like "PHAIL3D" and in general had more zany dialogue (though I've already mentioned the latter to him).

Wikkity! / Re: NEW AND IMPROVED: TSCA 2.0
« on: May 21, 2009, 09:32:59 am »
Well, like I said, blame the slow characters. >_> At least "n" and I have good speed. <_< Plus I can use Prevailing Wind to Haste everyone. >_>

As far as animations and heal/damage text, that's just the way RPG Maker 2003 handles things. The only way I can think of to have an option to turn those off would be to make an event that, on the player's request, switches out the characters' skills for skills that have the same name, but instead call an event to perform the effect rather than using the built-in editor. Too much work if you ask me. >_>

Wikkity! / Re: NEW AND IMPROVED: TSCA 2.0
« on: May 21, 2009, 08:20:27 am »
The ability to work with scripts didn't come around until XP which included the ability to script in Ruby.

With 2003 you generally have to rely on events to do fancy stuff, and even then what you can potentially do is somewhat limited compared to XP and VX. Not that you can't still do some pretty awesome things with 2003, though...

Also it's not my fault most of the characters chose to be slow >_>

Wikkity! / Re: NEW AND IMPROVED: TSCA 2.0
« on: May 19, 2009, 02:43:48 pm »
Its made in RM2K3 (like ye olde TSCA) because the later editions of RPG Maker suck balls
You're a noob >:O

EDIT: I know quite a bit about the RPG Maker systems (at least RPG Makers 2000, 2003, XP and VX) so I'll try to answer what I can, even if the answers are somewhat late:

further suggestions (I don't know the system, so you'll have to let me know if it's able to be done.):

Faster battle settings (I want those time bars moving faster... FFAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSTERRRRRRRRRR)
The speed at which the characters' time bars go up is based on the speed of the fastest enemy. If the characters are a lot faster than the fastest enemy then the bars with likewise fill up very fast. If the fastest enemy is a lot faster than the characters, however, the bars will take forever to fill. You can't really do much about that, unfortunately, other than boosting your character's speed. Also, the more characters in your party, the slower the bars will fill. If you had only one person in the party you'd notice the bar fill up very, very fast--in about two or three seconds if your speed was about even with the opponents.

also, pg 47 pg21 stacks, and boosts both spell damage and speed (but seems to have no real affect on his attack?)
That's one of the problems with having a skill like this: it can be used multiple times to increase a stat to up to twice it's "normal" amount (e.g., if Attack is normally 40 you could use a skill that increases Attack multiple times to boost it up to 80, but no higher). Increasing the MP cost was a viable solution, but another solution would have been to lower its Intelligence Influence (Having Intelligence Influence greater than 0 for a skill that raises Mind = each use of the skill has greater effect).

would you be able to make this a timed skill, or a once-per-battle skill, without nuking their MP?
It's possible, but would be a somewhat arduous task. RPG Maker XP and VX could do it easily through scripts, but 2000 and 2003 don't give you the option to do that...

Also, I've found quite a few bugs in the demo as well... >_>

I guess I'm a newbie. :(
noob >:O >_>

Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: March 10, 2009, 12:49:22 am »
RR is to be banned, effective immediately:

[21:24:57] <kirbax> we have upthorn create the hardest sonic zone
[21:24:58] <RingRush> from now on
[21:24:59] <kirbax> ever made
[21:25:04] <kirbax> and then stansky and mike battle on it
[21:25:06] <Zeph> except when I decide to submit
[21:25:10] <RingRush> because he's da superior sonicplayer
[21:25:12] <kirbax> we call it hell zone
[21:25:19] <kirbax> it will be ridiculously hard
[21:25:20] <RingRush> zeph but we all know that will never happen
[21:25:21] <kirbax> nearly impossible
[21:25:33] <RingRush> anyone who gets a record who isn't dss will henceforth be banned
[21:25:33] <kirbax> requiring frame precision jumps
[21:25:35] <Zeph> hey I submitted a stat like, two days ago ok
[21:25:36] <kirbax> and one sonic wide paths
[21:25:39] <CodeGirl> [-New Record-] Ring Rush got 0:10:86 on SSR / Times / Dinosaur Jungle (Mission 8)
[21:25:46] <RingRush> shit
[21:25:47] *** Mode change [+b RingRush!*@*] on #soniccenter by Zeph
[21:25:52] Zeph has kicked RingRush from #soniccenter (ban!)

gogogo admins

Wikkity! / Re: I'm at work and TSC should entertain me!
« on: March 06, 2009, 10:58:42 am »
The topic title is clearly stolen from one of my lines that I said in chat a few days ago.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: TSC Convention
« on: January 07, 2009, 10:28:21 am »
I can go wherever the convention might be held at; I just need to know the exact dates well in advance so I can take time off work/buy plane tickets (unless it would be held somewhere like Orlando in which case I could drive and also possibly abandon you all and go to Disneyland/Universal Studios/somewhere else instead yeaaa).

Also as far as people who can donate monies to other people, surely SJ has some seeing as how he lives in a gigantic mansion...

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