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Messages - hfactor66

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Hiya Folks / Re: Hey Everyone!
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:53:31 am »
Hello, and welcome to TSC! Always good to see some new faces. I'm AnyRoseFan, TSC's #1 fan of the adorable pink hedgie! I play a wide variety of Sonic games & have different areas of expertise in each Sonic game I play. I prefer the 2D games over the 3D games, idk about you. Currently I'm working on rings with Blaze on Sonic Rush, of which I have beaten many records that have stood the test of time. I plan to take the TSC leadership in rings with Blaze on Sonic Rush. Good luck with competition & hope to see you on the charts!
UPDATE - I've done it! I got the TSC leadership in rings with Blaze on Sonic Rush!

Competition Central / Re: WTF
« on: February 05, 2015, 02:13:46 pm »
Probably just some kid trying to be funny. Seriously who would think it's a good idea to submit BS stats in such a massive quantity? Better question is, who would find enjoyment in that? The people like this are the kind of people this community, and the world doesn't need.

Hiya Folks / Re: Hello TSC!
« on: January 26, 2015, 03:17:05 pm »
Hello & welcome to TSC! I'm AmyRoseFan, TSC's #1 fan of the cute pink hedgie! Always good to see some new faces around here. I don't really have one area of expertise in Sonic games, I'm an all-around player that looks for what I'm high in TSC rank at in Sonic games & work on improving those until I absolutely cannot improve it, sometimes resulting in TSC #1s, although not often, because often times records involve exploiting glitches & I don't do that. (XD) I've been here since late August 2014, so late next month I'll have been here for 6 months. Good luck with competition & hope to see you high on the charts!

Competition Central / Re: Quick question - S3 RA
« on: January 05, 2015, 07:57:35 pm »
Absolutely! I've watched Vicklaw's Carnival Night Act 1 RA with Knuckles. He gets 10 rings from the signpost at the end.

Competition Central / Quick question - S3 RA
« on: January 05, 2015, 05:55:09 pm »
Are you allowed to try and get ring boxes from the sign post at the end of an act 1?

Wikkity! / FINAL TOPIC! Topic 14 - What Sonic Character matches you?
« on: December 31, 2014, 12:51:52 pm »
2014 is coming to a close, and so must this. If you liked this and want me to do more things like this let me know!

For the last topic in this series, I want to know what Sonic character matches you! To find out, click this link!
Share your results here! My mother showed me this, she got Amy, and so did I. :) just proves I'm a lot like Amy.

Thank you everyone for participating in these topics I've been making the last 2 weeks, it's really been fun, and like I said if you want me to do more things like this please let me know! Have a happy new year! ^-^

Wikkity! / Topic 13 - Who's your favorite character?
« on: December 30, 2014, 10:03:09 am »
Yep, plain and simple. What character from the Sonic series is your absolute favorite?

If you SERIOUSLY can't figure out who mine is by looking at my profile picture & username then you should probably get your eyes checked, cuz it's spelled out for you clear as day.

Tomorrow's topic will be the final topic! :)

This time I'm just gonna get right to it. Is there a Sonic game (or games) that you wish you would have played?

There's a lot of Sonic games I wish I could play, like many of the 3DS Sonic titles, I don't have a 3DS & I want to play them so bad! I want to play either of the Sonic Boom titles cuz I wanna see how the games turned out, as they were highly anticipated by some of the community. I've seen some episodes of the show, and it's alright.

What about you?

Come back every day until New Years for new forum topics! Also special thanks to Softspeak for this topic idea! :)

Wikkity! / Topic 11 - Have you ever had a WTF moment in-game?
« on: December 28, 2014, 11:45:40 am »
Has something ever happened to you while you were playing a game that all you could say was "WTF?" This can be ANY game, even a non-Sonic game.

I've got 2 examples of this. (Ocean Base Act 3 SA3) (Ocean Base Act 1 SA3)

Come back every day until New Years for new forum topics! :)

Wikkity! / Topic 10 - What was your favorite boss battle in a Sonic game?
« on: December 27, 2014, 10:25:08 am »
Let's give the bad guys a little recognition today. No Sonic game would be complete without its bosses to defeat, some of them are relatively simple & terribly easy to defeat, but others are a bit more complicated than that. What's your all time favorite boss battle?

This is a very difficult choice for me, I've thoroughly enjoyed so many boss battles, even when it was frustrating trying to figure out how to beat them. I think the one that stands out the most for me would have to be the Death Egg zone of Sonic 2. I can't tell you how many times I've died in that zone alone, it is so frustrating. I've gone into Death Egg with over 20 lives sometimes, and at the end of the day, I STILL lose! It's gotten easier as I've gotten older though, but the grudge I held against this boss growing up was a long one… I remember earlier this year on a ROM hack of Sonic 2 (Sonic 2 Pink Edition, replaces Sonic with Amy & Tails with Cream) I entered Death Egg with almost 25 lives, and I managed to beat him on my last life!

What's yours?

Come back every day for new forum topics until New Years! :)

Wikkity! / Topic 9 - How did you become a Sonic fan?
« on: December 26, 2014, 08:11:24 am »
It's clear that everyone here on TSC (or mostly everyone I would assume) is a fan of Sonic, but how did you come to know The Blue Blur in the first place? In other words, how did you become a Sonic fan?

When I was a kid I had a SEGA Genesis & several Sonic cartridges, I grew up playing Sonic. Then as I got older we got rid of the Gensis for a PS2, we got the mega collection plus Sonic game for that, so that game took me back. When I hit my early teen years I grew out of Sonic & almost forgot about it entirely, HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR MY CRUSH ON AMY ROSE. I also have a fetish with water peril, so what I would do late some nights was play specifically the levels that had a lot of water in them on Sonic Advance 3 & create water peril with Amy, and later on when I got my first iPod and a GBA emulator I did the same thing with Sonic Advance. What resparked my passion for Sonic was one weekend back in November 2013. I decided the second weekend in November 2013 to sit down & do a marathon sitting of my favorite childhood TV show, Sonic X. After that weekend, I remembered how much I love the Sonic series & became a fan once again.

What's your story?

Come back every day until New Years for new forum topics! Also thanks to Softspeak for this topic idea & the soundtrack topic idea! :)

Wikkity! / Topic 8 - Have you ever had a "Christmas Miracle?"
« on: December 25, 2014, 01:45:26 pm »
Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone! :)
Have you ever had something totally amazing happen on Christmas happen that you could only describe as a Christmas Miracle?

I have had 2 back to back Christmas Miracles, and they're both on video, one happened not too long ago! Last year on a game called Diablo II Lord of Destruction (expansion set) I got an ultra rare ring on video, and my reaction is priceless. You can find it on my YouTube channel. My 2014 Christmas Miracle was on Iblis Phase 3 on Sonic 06, I crushed my old best of 3:03.266 by over 40 seconds, ON VIDEO! Will be uploaded to my channel as soon as I get the chance!

So, have YOU ever had a Christmas Miracle?

Come back every day until New Years for new forum topics! :)

I'm banking on getting that lump of coal this year, hopefully Santa will pull through
XD good luck SB

Wikkity! / Topic 7 - What do you hope you'll get for Christmas tomorrow?
« on: December 24, 2014, 09:59:11 am »
Yes it's cliche, I know, but it's finally that time of year again. I apologize if you don't celebrate Christmas for a different holiday like Hanukkah & I fully respect that. :)

I'm not hoping for much, but with all the money I'll probably get I can buy a couple of the things I was hoping to get. My PS3 headset is broken, so I want a new one of those, I want a new DSi or a 3DS, my DSi's R button is broken, I can't do RAs on it ;-; and maybe one of my AL boss records back. S&A, I have a feeling we're going to be great rivals.

Enough about me, what are you hoping for?

Come back every day until New Years for new topics! Also, merry Christmas, and happy holidays! :)

Wikkity! / Topic 6 - What's your favorite soundtrack from a Sonic game?
« on: December 23, 2014, 05:35:16 pm »
This time, let's get away from it all. Music is one way a lot of us use to escape reality and go into our own world, I know I do. So on that note, what is your absolute favorite soundtrack from any Sonic game?

I would have to go with the Crisis City soundtrack from Sonic 06, either that or the Chaos Angel soundtrack from Sonic Advance 3. SA3's Chaos Angel soundtrack has the perfect fit for a final zone soundtrack, and it just sounds awesome. Crisis City is a rocking soundtrack from what is widely known as the worst Sonic game ever.

What's your favorite?

Come back every day for new topics until New Years! :)

Wikkity! / Topic 5 - What's your WORST stat on TSC?
« on: December 22, 2014, 01:54:57 pm »
So far in this series we've mainly been talking about the good runs we've had in our TSC careers, this time lets switch it up. What do you consider to be your absolute worst stat on TSC?

Mine would have to be the Chaos Angel boss on Sonic Advance 3. I thought my time was pretty good, just under a minute, then I compared it to the rest, and I was like "damn, I suck at this boss…" I haven't gone back to improve it yet, hopefully I'll get around to doing that soon.

What's yours?

Come back every day until New Years for new forum topics! :)

Wikkity! / Re: Topic 4 - What's your favorite competition category?
« on: December 21, 2014, 12:43:42 pm »
I'm liking these topics.
I'm glad you like them, I thought this would be a fun way to get some activity going and recall some memories to finish off 2014. :)

Wikkity! / Topic 4 - What's your favorite competition category?
« on: December 21, 2014, 12:21:54 pm »
Don't get me wrong, every category is fun to compete in, but there's one we like more than all the others.

Mine is quickly becoming boss attack, I enjoy discovering the many secrets behind each boss to defeat them as quickly as possible, though one of my other favorites is ring attack, I've had fun dissecting stages to find the routes to get the most rings possible, it's an added challenge when there's the random factor of ? ring boxes, it makes for a fun competition to get the best luck with the ? boxes. I'm not much of a guy that likes to go for the fastest time, but when I find a level I'm fast at I see how far I can push it.

What's yours?

Come back every day until New Years for new forum topics! :)

Wikkity! / Re: What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« on: December 20, 2014, 05:37:14 pm »
Come back every day for new Wikkity forum topics until the new year! :)
Does that mean you actually have eleven more topics planned out?
I just come up with them on the spot actually, so yeah. I'm open to suggestions if you have one (or more!) :)

Wikkity! / Topic 3 - What's your CRAZIEST run on TSC?
« on: December 20, 2014, 06:55:18 am »
There's always that one time/score/#of rings we submit where we wonder just how in the hell we got it.

Mine would have to be my Azure Lake  time attack times on Sonic 3. I've been trying to top Romulo on Azure Lake but I still have yet to reach sub-10… but every time I manage to improve my time, which is becoming increasingly difficult, I wonder how the hell I pulled it off… another one for me would have to be my score on GHZ 1, I know it's not a record but it was hard to get, and whenever I score Attack GHZ 1 I can't seem to beat my best of 71830. Every time I come close I sit there just wondering how I managed to pull 71830 off...

What's yours?

Come back every day for new Wikkity forum topics until the new year! :)

If you like Al boss so much, it would be a wonderful christmas gift to see mike bumped off the boss charts completely by taking sonic, with that said I wanted to make sure you knew how to do this ...

Its and easy trick and saves a good amount of time. we want to make sure you are provided with all the tools necessary to succeed.
Funny you should mention this, cuz on my way to a restaurant tonight, I DID beat mike's time! by 0.09 seconds. I guess Christmas came early this year!

Eggface messed up the attack pattern I got with Blaze (when I got 1:31.64, even then I still messed it up, apparently spindashing across the stage when he's gonna do a nosedive attack causes him to go to the other side of the stage) after 6 back-to-back hits & a fan attack, but I still got 2 back-to-back hits to finish him off. I'm not done with this boss, if Eggface didn't use his guns a second time (after the fan attack) I would've got under 1:30.00, AND I WILL MAKE THAT HAPPEN! I kinda wanna get Blaze under 1:30.00 first... after all her former best time was faster than Sonic's former fastest time... and still is...
I could make a whole topic explaining the under 1:30.00 attack pattern... <== There's my AL boss charts (if it takes you to tinypic & it looks sideways instead of the raw image just go to the raw image, ^-^)

We all have that one level we love to play more than any other, and sometimes when we look back, we realize how much time we've spent playing it.

For me it'd be a close tie between Sunset Hill act 2 on Sonic Advance 3 or Altitude Limit boss on Sonic Rush.
on SH2 I've been playing that level for years, you can find my progress on that level on my YouTube channel. My first goal once I was getting close to 4o seconds was to get sub-40, then I just kept on improving. I've gotten my best down to 30.88, and back when I first started that level I thought sub-53 or whatever I first posted as my best time to my YT was good. (XD) I've never spent more time improving a single level...

...except maybe the AL boss on Rush. I've played that level for months & months at least once a day, whether it was figuring out the secrets or trying to get a new WR, I've been playing away on that boss. I played this level for at 2 hours on Thanksgiving at my uncle's house. (XD) My DSi's battery almost died that day, and all I did on it was play the AL boss.
What's yours? - my YT channel

Come back every day for new Wikkity forum topics! I'm planning to post new Wikkity forum topics every day till the new year! P.S. I don't see much activity on here anymore so I figured this is a good way to get some activity going! :)

Wikkity! / Re: Your opinion of TSC
« on: December 19, 2014, 10:24:45 am »
I wonder how many things would have been different had I never been around in the first place...
I sometimes wonder about that too... I don't even remember how I found this site in the first place, I just found it & voila, here I am...

Wikkity! / Re: Your opinion of TSC
« on: December 18, 2014, 06:24:39 pm »
keeping pressing left and right on the control pad inbetween hits where is looks like the character is spinning. he said while its still pretty random, spinning improves the chances of the boss doing something goofy.
Interesting, I've done that before, but I didn't think it was doing anything, I was just doing it for fun cuz I had my music on XD

Wikkity! / Topic 1 - Your opinion of TSC
« on: December 18, 2014, 11:18:15 am »
I'm bored & I think I'm around on TSC too much nowadays, I know I joined less than half a year ago but since then it feels like I spend more time on here than I should. XD
I just wanna know what you think of TSC!

From my experience on TSC I've learned a lot about what's possible and what's not in many Sonic games, old and new. I've read over lots of old callouts in leaderboard disputes, they seem to interest me for some reason. From the videos alone I've learned a lot of hidden secrets in many old Sonic games, even using them to set new records, like the Azure Lake S3 strat w/Tails, NEVER would have gotten fastest lap & 2nd fastest 5-lap without Romulo's video. I'm currently trying to figure out the secret behind Romulo's 10.87 on Desert Palace but I can't find anything... idk what he & SB did to get their times...

I've also managed to get a couple of good times just by getting lucky, prime examples are my Water Palace & Altitude Limit boss runs on Rush. Sonic on WP boss 2:00.42 I got on my first try, and surprisingly 6 seconds faster than my best with Blaze, and I play her a helluvalot more. My 1:31.64 on AL boss w/Blaze was a lucky run on my way to school (it seems like a lot of my Rush records happen on my way to school XD) because the attack pattern I got is so damn elusive! A month went into getting that time on AL boss w/Blaze BTW. I'm trying to do the same w/Sonic but I keep getting the wrong attack patterns from eggface, sometimes with only 1 hit to go, AGH so frustrating!

Overall TSC is a good resource for any competitive Sonic player, its resources & community are very helpful in discovering secrets to many Sonic games. What do you think?

Come back every day for new Wikkity forum topics! I'm planning to post new Wikkity forum topics every day till the new year! P.S. I don't see much activity on here anymore so I figured this is a good way to get some activity going! :)

News and Updates / Re: November 2014
« on: December 07, 2014, 02:57:12 pm »
Yeah I really like these threads to, get to see what's been going on through the month, hopefully I'll get myself on there for December :)
Me too, I got on there in October.

Hiya Folks / Re: Better late than never...
« on: December 01, 2014, 02:01:34 pm »
Welcome to TSC! Better late than never to introduce yourself to us. I'm none other than AmyRoseFan, TSC's #1 Amy Rose fan! I hold several ring records on Rush, a time attack record on S3 & a boss record on Rush.

Wikkity! / Re: Do you speedrun non-Sonic games?
« on: November 29, 2014, 04:00:13 pm »
Yes there's one game I speed run, and that would be a rather obscure game called Airfix Dogfighter. There's 2 campaigns that consist of 10 missions each, I've managed to beat both campaigns in less than 1 hour.

Competition Central / Re: Your Personal Best Stat on TSC
« on: November 26, 2014, 12:51:39 pm »
My best stat was one I just got yesterday, 1:31.64 with Blaze on the Altitude Limit boss on Rush, crushing the 2008 record of 1:35.01 set by Zeupar.
Screenshot of my stats:

Another I take into consideration is 0:00.33 for Azure Lake fastest lap on S3.
Screenshot of my lap times:

Another I take into consideration is Sunset Hill act 2 on Advance 3, 0:30.88 with no pause glitch. A+S

Hiya Folks / Re: Hello TSC!
« on: November 03, 2014, 01:50:43 pm »
Welcome to TSC man and good luck with competition. My main focuses are time attack mode on Sonic 3, currently the holder of the Azure Lake fastest single lap record, 0:000.33 seconds, ring attack on various games & boss time attack on Sonic Rush. I would RA Rush but my R button is broken & I can't compete in RA without it. Fortunately on Rush though I set 3 untied RA records & tied 2 more records before my R button broke.

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