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Topics - CosmicFalcon

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Beef / Top-right login doohickey doesn't work
« on: November 27, 2012, 12:00:46 pm »
Whenever I use it it takes me to a login page and says "You need to fill in a username." Every time. Fix plz.

(Using Chrome on Mac OS 10.5)

Wikkity! / itt we get distracted by silly internet games
« on: April 28, 2011, 07:33:27 pm »
Nanaca Crash:

My best: 9952.66m.


Wikkity! / Did you ever notice...
« on: March 14, 2011, 12:38:51 pm »
The middle two letters of 'CosmicFalcon' are 'CF'.


Wikkity! / itt we guess things that link to other things
« on: August 10, 2009, 06:01:30 pm »


I have 20 out of 25 squares open.

As you might imagine, you can find the answers if you Google. But that's flagrant cheating. Googling/Wiki-ing for info is okay by my standards, though.

Wikkity! / attn: Brits re: Drinking
« on: July 22, 2009, 05:06:27 pm »
So I was in the chat and I said hey Douglas you aren't in Scotland anymore are you and he was like no I'm in London and I was like oh hey I'm near London we should go for a pint and he was like no we should go for many pints and I was like yeah screw TSC convention more like TSC piss up.

I think this is a good, if not hilarious, idea for a mini TSC gathering Britside. Who is near London (or doesn't mind long travel :/), legal allowed on drinking premises, and interested in meeting fellow TSC type peoples?

Wikkity! / TSC Marathoning Shenanigans - Very Very Early Planning Stages
« on: August 16, 2008, 01:32:22 pm »
Ok guys here it is. The planning thread. This whole thing happening is still a ways off (talking next summer or later) so planning shouldn't really officially begin (i.e. I wouldn't tell GameMarathons about it until ages from now). So try and keep this on the Q-T (ideally this thread would be in EG but not all those interested can get in there).

wtf is this shit

So 'Game Marathons' are becoming pretty big things. (See: and Recently there was a Sonic Marathon (which is what enlightened a lot of us to the phenomenon) but it wasn't all that great. TSC could do it much better.

I gave the suggestion that TSC should do one! Now, getting a decent number of us in one place is tricky, but as TSG (The Speed Gamers) have shown with their Metroid Marathon, cohosting across the pond is not an issue. Ideally we want to get 2 or 3 people in each location, and have 3 or 4 locations. That would be a good size, I think.

The idea would be to take 48 or 72 hours (or some other arbitrary length of time) and run through as many Sonic games as possible. We divvy up the games to different players, come up with some rota for sleeping (so we don't die). The whole thing gets broadcast on or similar, and we try and raise a bunch of money for a charity - the basic concept behind all marathons.

The Game List

EDIT: Games are to be played in release order. If you disagree, go ahead and say so.
Those listed in square brackets are not, as of yet, in the final game roster. I'm only listing the very main series as in the final roster at this early stage.
Those marked with an asterisk (*) could be played as bonus games, placed after the end of the marathon.
Those marked with a circumflex (^) have no current method of being played on a home console.
I have begun to attribute game completion estimations. I do not necessarily know how right I am lol. Please input.

Sonic 1 MD - 1:00
[Sonic 1 GG]
[Sonic 2 GG]
Sonic 2 MD - 1:30
Sonic CD - ?
[Sonic Chaos]
[Sonic Spinball]
Sonic 3 & Knuckles - 3:00
[Sonic Drift]
[Sonic Triple Trouble]
[Sonic Drift 2]
[Knuckles' Chaotix]
[Tails' Sky Patrol]
[Tails Adventure]
[Sonic Labyrinth]
[Sonic the Fighters]
[Sonic 3D Blast]
[Sonic Blast] <-- Wait what is this?
[Sonic Jam]
[Sonic R]
Sonic Adventure (DX) - 5:00
[Sonic Pocket Adventure]
[Sonic Shuffle]*
Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle) - 4:00
[Sonic Advance]
[Sonic Advance 2]
[Sonic Battle]
Sonic Heroes - 3:00
[Sonic Advance 3]
[Sonic Rush]^
Shadow the Hedgehog - 3:00 - stories???
[Sonic Riders]
[Sonic Rivals]^
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) - 5:00
[Sonic and the Secret Rings]
[Sonic Rush Adventure]^
[Sonic Rivals 2]^
[Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity]
Sonic Unleashed - ?

Current Roster: 10 games - 26:00+

The Players

Post if you want to get involved. I'll hold off on even creating this list 'til I have names from here. Involvement can range from playing, to commentating, chat moderation, web design, etc etc. Let us know.

This section will also include information on what hardware and software people have available, to see how we'll set it up.

The Publicity

I know they can't play, but we really should get TSS in on this. Summer of Sonic, from what little I've seen of it (read: I read about it on UKR) seems to have been successful. They have good PR links with Sega Europe, and it would be awesome to be able to get the kind of involvement in this that TSG had for their Metroid marathon.

Like I said, I'm not about to go over to and announce our intentions to do this. We will have to a fair bit in advance, if nothing else but to make sure no one else does another Sonic marathon before we do. I may try and get in contact with someone from TSG in case they have one in the pipeline, etc. Everything on the down-low.

The Cause

Really we're just doing this because we love to play, we see what fun people have doing and watching marathons, and want to have a go. But we've also seen how much people are willing to donate, and we could really collect a lot for a good cause if we can make this successful. The default option is Child's Play - it's a charity, it's gaming related. Let's see what ideas everyone has. If only there was a fund for making Sonic good again...

Okay, that's all the info I need to give I think. This post will get heavily edited as time goes by. Gogogo.

Information Kiosk / Login Duration Options
« on: March 26, 2008, 09:42:48 am »
Why is there no "Until Browser Window Closes" or similar option for how long you choose to log in for? Seems like a near-necessity to me :/

Gaming and Grazing / It's the battle we've been waiting 17 years to see...
« on: February 19, 2008, 04:51:35 pm »
The fight of the (previous) decade...



lv9 CPUs
Final Destination


advice: watch it before reading the rest of the thread to avoid spoilers!

ps. smash spoilers above?

Rules Revisions / Some General Thoughts
« on: February 18, 2008, 06:04:21 pm »
So I took a peak over at the rules page. Doesn't look particularly nice to read though I'm not entirely sure how to approve its appearance. Nonetheless I had a couple of other thoughts...

First thing I was going to say was specification of games titled "Sonic the Hedgehog"... but it seems the site has the original as "Sonic 1". Oh well.

It occurs to me that some rules that are listed as game specific could do with being general rules. As a rule of thumb (pun (if you can call it that) unintended), I would have thought it'd be ideal to have as many general rules as needed and to keep specific rules to a minimum... it seems that, like laws in real life, the rules tend to be rewritten by adding new stipulations and such, rather than being truly rewritten.

Some examples of specific game rules that could/should be general include those that appear for many games, such as "Time attack mode is to be used where possible/available.". I know some games with a TA mode will have an identical main game, given that they lack difficulty settings, but it is still worth considering for general rules. That, and something about times being as the game records them... though I am unsure myself on the priority of recorded records...

Another example I think is worthy of general rules is something from Shadow: "If you die after completing a mission objective, your stat does not count." I can't think of any non-freestyle situation where this is permitted in any game, and a note of "(freestyle where available)" would account for that.

There are probably other examples but I am not instigating an overhaul, just putting things forth for discussion. A major benefit of putting these kinds of rules in general rules is that they are likely to be made illegitimate in future games. Any game with a difficulty setting that is overrided by TA should have the TA rule. And if death after objective completion is beneficial for a 0 or near-0 time then it will be ruled out. This is why some rules that are not in multiple games already could do with being general rules.

Another thing I only just noticed is that there is somewhat a lack of consistency with the way rules are written. The various kinds of statements include:
"A run may not contain [xyz]"
"you may not [xyz]"
"[event] may not happen in a run"
"[event] voids your [score/time/rings]"
"[event] invalidates your [score/time/rings]"
and on the flip side...
"[mode] is to be used"
"[mode] must be used/enabled"

I am of the opinion that all illegal actions can be phrased with "you may not [xyz]" or "you may not [xyz] in a single run" (the latter generally for doing things more than once, though I don't like the word 'run' and would rather 'attempt' or something more... I dunno, specifically meaningful?) and that all mandatory actions can (and should) be phrased "[mode] must be used/enabled" (all the TA ones seem to use "is to be used", what is wrong with "must be used"?).

I also think that the rules page should have an overview of suspension/ban procedure and stuff. At the moment it is stated on the stat submission page, and is fairly common sense, but it's all a bit informal innit. :(

Just some FOOD for THOUGHT. Discuss like.

Wikkity! / Happy Valentine's Day!
« on: February 14, 2008, 01:00:05 pm »

Wikkity! / itt TSC Member Geography
« on: January 31, 2008, 09:20:40 am »
Some of you will remember this. I was doing some cartography of my own earlier and suddenly remembered we had a Frappr. Of course, I couldn't remember the name of the site, and couldn't find the old thread (linked above) for trawling or searching through the forums (I was expecting an 'itt' topic. Started by someone else, not me).

Anyway, enough babble.

The Sonic Center's Frappr Map!

You make an account (not 100% sure if that is obligatory), then put a pin on the map to show where you are. And then we can deduce the geographical distribution of our member base!

My reasons for posting this again are that there has been somewhat a turnover in membership since then. And it didn't get nearly enough attention last time D:<

Read what the critics are saying!
"This thing is definitely the best use of the Google Maps API I've seen." - Rolken
"Frappr... wtf kind of word is that." - CF
"I am added :o" - RPG

So what are you waiting for? Get yo pin on our map.


General Sonic / itt we break things
« on: April 17, 2006, 08:14:33 am »

Wikkity! / Two things.
« on: April 15, 2006, 11:00:44 am »
1. Everybody stfu right now. You know what I mean.



Information Kiosk / TSC Netplay Tournament?
« on: April 01, 2006, 06:24:07 am »

Now, I know it's SCD. And I know some people have some thoughts about where SCD can go. However, why turn down a free offer? I mean, it could be fun.

Obviously here at TSC we aren't a netplay site, but quite a few of us would be up for it, no? Them being situated on TSS would mean we might get a fair bit of turn out, be able to show TSS how much better we are than them (lawl) and maybe even filter out some of the good TAers that may or may not exist there.

Heck, it'd probably equate more peace between here and SCD. I mean I know most of us have called SCD stupid in the past, and whether they are or not, they aren't doing half bad.

I think it'd be a fun idea. Yup yup.

Wikkity! / CF's girl troubles.
« on: March 24, 2006, 04:04:01 pm »
So I've been thinking, perhaps I should somehow constructively exert my thoughts and feelings here in what would hopefully be a more structured way than in the chatty. There may be rantings and ramblings, I'm just gonna write whatever comes to my mind about whatever. Y'know how it is.


I don't want to talk about it. :(

General Sonic / Sonic Classics To Be On XBL Arcade
« on: February 19, 2006, 05:22:24 am »

I haven't heard word on achievements or possible online multiplayer yet, but if it's anything like the impending release of Street Fighter II... then it will be good. :D

Gaming and Grazing / itt we rule the universe
« on: January 08, 2006, 04:29:26 pm »


BEE TEE DOUBLE-YOU, I'm registered on universe 12, and my username is MikeyS, and my co-ordinates are 4:455:11.


Leaderboard Disputes / ATTN: Turtle-man
« on: January 06, 2006, 10:35:44 am »
o rly

Please read the rules before making any further submissions. Records you have already submitted in breach of the rules - such as the Leaft Storm boss that I have linked to above - will be deleted in due time.


News and Updates / HAPPY NEW YEAR!
« on: December 31, 2005, 08:25:06 pm »

Dear yanks: please ignore this until approximately 3.5 to 6.5 hours from now.

Wikkity! / itt we look like people
« on: December 28, 2005, 02:59:42 pm »

Before I had my haircut, my best match was with Elizabeth Taylor (67%).

After my haircut (ie the picture I took just now) my best match is with Tom Cruise (56%).

Competition Central / CF I AM CALLING YOU OUT
« on: December 21, 2005, 02:55:45 pm »

I'm confused and my head hurts. :(

To avoid off topic nonsense!

I should actually TA something who's with me.

Potential candidates are as follows:
games I own
games playable on emulator.


Wikkity! / Let us build up a geographical perspective
« on: November 20, 2005, 04:47:37 am »

Click "Add Yourself".

Meh, what can I say, I saw this at SCD and, by some funky coincidence, it seemed like a good idea. Damn, did I put those two things in the same sentence?

By the way, 'contact admin' sends an email to I'ma change that to Rolken's address. >.> Once he knows about it, of course.

Wikkity! / help plz
« on: November 17, 2005, 04:48:46 pm »
so liek toly theirs dis gurl n she liek uberhawt n stuff n liek she was @ my old skool but i never liek speaked 2 her or nuffin n liek now i r dnt c her liek evar i c her 2nite @ my skool's liek presentatin evenin but i toly didnt speak her cuz i dunno i am shy or wut.

wat shuld i do plz help.

Beef / Your cookies are like... broken or something...
« on: August 12, 2005, 05:37:23 pm »
So like I'm all thinking "I know I'll check them super-fly TSC forums," so I'm all double-you double-you double-you dot etc, clickin' on 'FORUM', and then it's like BOOM! Login mofo. So I do, and I'm like "you best be rememberin' me, biatch. Then I come back a li'l later and it's all, "who da hell are you? I don't remember you!"

Fix plz.

Gaming and Grazing / You Don't Know, Jack
« on: August 09, 2005, 06:50:02 am »
I know if you hang out in #soniccenter you'll know about it, but the more publicity the better.


Gaming and Grazing / itt, literati sucks
« on: July 31, 2005, 05:18:40 pm »

Wikkity! / itt we don't need photoshop
« on: July 09, 2005, 10:19:28 am »


Wikkity! / Not So Important News Thing
« on: November 08, 2004, 12:37:51 pm »
TSC hereby condones the clicking of this link here.

Good day.

Beef / AccessIRC is down
« on: October 09, 2004, 06:20:48 am »
So like, perhaps it's just me and Kev, but we can't get onto the AccessIRC server.

What's up with that?

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