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Non-Sonic Site Discussion / Existing Competition Communities
« on: March 22, 2007, 04:06:37 am »
The Elite
- Goldeneye
- Perfect Dark

Mario Kart Player's Page
- Mario Kart series

Elite Scores
- Super Monkey Ball series
- Wii Sports
- Wii Play
- Trauma Center

NGC Elites
- Burnout
- Luigi's Mansion
- SSX 3
- Super Mario Sunshine
- Super Smash Bros. Melee
- TimeSplitters series

Mr Fixit Online
- F-Zero series

Non-Sonic Site Discussion / TSC Subsite Guidelines
« on: March 22, 2007, 03:32:49 am »
As most people probably know, TSC will shortly support parallel ranking sites for franchises other than Sonic. If you are interested in creating one, you should know what kind of stuff would work best and what steps are necessary to get there. So here we go.

When considering the creation of a subsite, there are five ultimately important criteria to consider, all of which are of paramount importance to success:
- Potential audience
- A capable and educated team of administrators
- Competition worthiness of the games
- Clearly defined focus
- Time investment

The first I think should be pretty obvious. A possible rule of thumb is that a candidate should be already supporting at least a few non-speedrun communities in order to have enough popularity to build a viable speedrun community, but I imagine that it'll vary widely based on the nature of the games. And if a game already has a speedrun community, there's no need to make another one.

The second is important to the credibility and coherence of the rankings. Cyberscore is a good example of what happens when nobody knows the games they're moderating - they're on the verge of throwing out SSR score attack because it can't be proven in a screenshot, and their other SSR rankings are completely derived from TSC. You or a team need to know the games well enough to be able to evaluate their competition in every detail, or else you might as well leave it to CS to wander blindly through.

Competition worthiness is a pretty straightforward concept. If a game can't be realistically competed in, there's no point in ranking it. Sonic Spinball is a good example; you can bounce off a bumper infinite times, and there's ultimately no way to make a ruleset that makes competition realistic. Beware though that there can be insidious things that upset the competitiveness of a game that may not be obvious at first glance - Labyrinth's enemies regenerate when you move offscreen and allow you to gain infinite time.

Fourth - focus - can be obvious or subtle depending on the circumstances, and you need to be sufficiently wide in focus to have any basis at all, but not too wide or you can't manage the place. A Mario Center could at first glance be about a dozen platformers - but then do you add Mario Tennis? Or Wario Land? If Wario Land, what about Warioware? Do minigames from SM64DS count? Sites on single games or entire genres I would particularly discourage.

Time investment is mainly a personal question, but a very important one. I would advise careful consideration of whether you really want to get into this, and in particular I reserve the right to deny requests from petitioners who seem too young or immature to handle both the time and the moderation. Unlike most other endeavours, if you lose interest in maintaining the site after a year or two and nobody has the experience to pick it up afterwards, you spoil the fun of a whole bunch of people. But as far as programming goes, the only knowledge required is CSS if you want to make a site skin (though you can get more complicated with PHP if you want).

Once all those questions are worked out, if you've decided to make a site, the next set of questions and tasks presents itself. This includes:

- Ranking charts
- Rulesets
- Staff
- Site policy (proof, bannings, uploads etc)
- Community style
- Skin appearance
- Peripheral content
- Popularization

Ultimately I'll help with technical issues and disputes when requested, but I intend for most day-to-day operations to be done by those managing their own stuff. I'll give more detail on the systems being implemented to handle the above once launch arrives.

Hiya Folks / The Competition Rules (Read before submitting!)
« on: March 11, 2007, 01:44:14 pm »
Here they are. Many are those who neglected to read and thus ended up in Leaderboard Disputes; don't let yourself become one of their number.

News and Updates / Sitewide Rankings
« on: March 09, 2007, 09:22:32 pm »
After literally years of contemplation, we've finally settled on a formula for universal rankings, and behold they are born. mike89, RPG and sonicam hold the top spots.

The final formula is:
square root ( maximum game points / game charts ) * ( 10*(fractional percentage)^3 + leaderships + 2*championship)
...added for each game a competitor plays.

It's a bit complex, so I'll make a page explaining the effects, but the basic gist is that the way to get high points is to take the games you're already playing and push your percentage as high as possible. Playing new games will help your score, but not as much as getting really good in a few games, and popular games are worth more than unpopular ones.

Update: The numbers were slightly off. Fixed.

General Sonic / Sonic06 PC officially does not exist
« on: March 08, 2007, 11:24:07 am »
Quote from: TSS comment
Response (Bill) - 05/03/2007 03.35 PM
HI Anton.

Thank you for contacting SEGA Europe.

I'm afraid that at this time there are no plans for a PC version of Sonic the Hedgehog. I have seen this advertised on a few sites but I'm afraid that the information is not accurate.

Please accept my apologies for any disappointment this causes.

Best regards,

Bill Petty
Product Support
SEGA Europe

Not a surprise at all, and it'll never convince the TSS lackies who need to believe, but there it is.

edit: TSS contacted them now too, with identical results.

Wikkity! / SCD drama rears its head again
« on: March 05, 2007, 09:15:50 pm »
Update: It appears that the bulk of the SCD folk are now tending towards ignoring SDM's blather rather than taking it at face value. So what follows should be construed specifically as SDM being dumb and not SCD at large.

For those not In the Know, SCD is a site that used to be based on Sonic netplay competition. There was some drama over their Sonic Olympics competition, and then things were mostly left alone until SDM left with his Emerald Challenges and asked to take them here. Well, it looks like here comes round 3, as after a year SDM has left TSC and went back to SCD where he claims to have been spending the past year of activity here as a double agent exposing our plot to destroy their site and take all their members, while his taking the Emerald Challenges was just a means of furthering his disguise. Or something.

It never ceases to amaze me how drama springs up unbidden where SCD is concerned, but rather than accept another unfounded blow I suppose I will respond again. I would respond on SCD, but I appear to have been banned a couple months ago; I guess my inactivity was just *too much* for them.

If there is any evidence for the following statements I would like to see it presented.

Quote from: SDM
What I soon came to realize was that their actual intent was to prey on sites like this (and others) for their decently-skilled members.
Quote from: SDM
In late October, I overheard some awful, awful plans. I'm not exactly sure if the events tie to them wanting me over there or not, but they had been planning a way to destroy this site.
Quote from: SDM
The petty feuding between the two sites didn't stop, either. I heard Zizou had to just straight-up ban many of TSC's members for their attitude.
(I'm guessing this is the several months of inactivity that got me banned)

I would think the fact that TSC's presence at SCD for the past year plus has been close to nonexistent would speak for itself, but apparently it doesn't. I find it especially ludicrous that there's the need to make up TSC conspiracy stories when as far as I know any "hacking" has been at the hands of SCD staff. And when the post was mentioned in chat the unanimous response was "wtf is he TALKING about".

So yea. Put up or shut up. And if you have nothing better to do than spending a year as an active member here "spying" for a site that you alienated yourself from, for heaven's sake get a life.

News and Updates / Sonic and the Secret Rings Redux
« on: March 04, 2007, 02:31:24 pm »
Yeah, Sonic Wii is up. Party Mode will be a bit longer and Rings may be a lot longer if at all with the current -controversy-, but Times, Scores, Chains and Bosses are all there. If an entry is missing it's because that mission is either capable of infinite scores or not capable of anything.

Things were a bit hairy this morning, but it's OK, they're shaved now.

Update: The database is pumping iron under the load of thousands of SSR submissions. If your stats don't come up, don't submit again, just give it some time.

News and Updates / Site downtime
« on: March 01, 2007, 04:36:40 am »
We were down for a day because Yahoo's spiders were pummeling the server into the ground. They've been found and all their little legs viciously torn off except one with which they're permitted to limp around, so things should run more smoothly now.

SatSR rankings are pending the resolution of competition-related issues. If you want them up, go join in the parade.

News and Updates / Sonic and the Secret Rings
« on: February 23, 2007, 10:22:49 pm »
It's been out for a few days, and it's pretty good. The typical review on MetaCritic is a 75, with the extreme points being a moderately optimistic 83 from Gaming Age and an exceptionally harsh 50 from GameDaily. For comparison, Rush got an 82, Rivals 65, Riders 59 and Shadow 51. I'll distill the entirety of the game at length in the next post.

Rankings seem pretty straightforward, but I'll give it a few days to ferment.

News and Updates / And so on and so forth
« on: February 17, 2007, 04:41:20 am »
TSC has been somewhat less awesome than necessary of late. This isn't to say it hasn't been awesome, for such is of course observed as a Universal Truth by our own infallible documenting, but rather that there has been a gap of sorts between how awesome we -are- and how awesome we -could be-.

I intend to rectify this.

The concept of TSC4 and developmental branches or versions in general has been dissolved. All meaningful additions will be merged into the currently live code and future developments will be added as they are made. As such, improvements should be made visible much more regularly rather than arbitrarily held back and dumped once every year or two.

Most notably, administrative tools once merged back into 'TSC3' are complete. Skin creation isn't automated, and I'm not sure it ever will be; those desiring to make their own might want to check out the CSS sheet on F-Man's version of Stardust (and learn some CSS) for a starting point.

Also, Sonic the Fighters is up.

I'll be out of town for the next week, only occasionally popping in via sorrowful 56K AOL. Further bulletins as events warrant.

Rules Revisions / S3&K special stage inclusion?
« on: February 15, 2007, 04:17:41 pm »
The discussion (a continuation from IRC) is whether blue sphere ring records should be included on the site. Commence controversy~

edit: Points for and against-

-Low difficulty
-Game encourages maxing
-Lack of competition
-Not an Act

-Of comparable difficulty to rankings on the site
-Offers opportunity for achievement
-Might as well

Competition Central / S1GBA
« on: February 11, 2007, 06:26:35 pm »
I might as well put this to a vote. If folks really want S1GBA competition, I'll put it up. But I reserve the right to make an extremely sarcastic newspost about it.

edit: the votes don't seem to match up with the replies, so I turned on vote changing if somebody made a mistake.

Leaderboard Disputes / KS8's Sonic Chaos
« on: February 11, 2007, 04:39:37 pm »
24390 on Gigapolis 1 and 29070 on Gigapolis 2? Um.

News and Updates / And so it goes
« on: February 11, 2007, 03:01:49 pm »
I've put up the Sonic06 rankings. I haven't added totals or downloadable content since the details have yet to be worked out.

Also, Rings category is added to Shadow the Hedgehog.

News and Updates / The TSC Times
« on: February 08, 2007, 06:03:23 am »
The wacko issues that've been weirding up the rankings lately have been uncovered and whacked. It might take some work to fix things that've been broken already, but anything new or already fine should remain so.

As for Sonic 06, I've been adding the rankings, but it's slow going... you see, I have to reload the database after each word I type in.

That said, I look forward to competing in Sonic and the Secret Rings with you all in two weeks.

News and Updates / Sonic Rivals rankings up
« on: January 26, 2007, 01:59:48 pm »
For all your Rivals needs. Or at least submission ones. Sonic06 to come when it turns into a good game... or maybe tonight.

Edit: I've reconsidered and put S1GBA on the submissions list after all. Enjoy, S1GBA fans.

News and Updates / Merry Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2006, 07:38:49 am »

News and Updates / TSC awesomed again
« on: December 23, 2006, 10:52:15 pm »
We got off the terrifically slow service that was DreamHost, and now we're back to lightning speed again. Submissions should be up shortly. :D

Update: Submissions up. Sonic06 and Rivals aren't yet. Further bulletins as events warrant.

General Sonic / MOVED: Minimal A Challenge
« on: December 17, 2006, 05:10:58 pm »

News and Updates / TSC moved
« on: December 02, 2006, 06:32:08 pm »
We're up on DreamHost now. Unfortunately, things are moving rather slower; I'll see what I can do about it. Submissions are down in the meantime. F-Zero will come up as soon as the subdomain passes through.

Update: Here's the deal with submissions - they simply aren't efficient enough to deal with the slowness of the database server. I did a partial rewrite and tested a few days ago (hence the new stats in the update list), and they're getting closer, but aren't quite all there yet; it takes roughly 5sec to process each stat submitted, which is fine for a single submission but when someone submits a sheet of 50 just doesn't cut it. So I'm doing a more thorough rewrite which does more extensive webserver-side caching, and that should bring us through. Optimistic TTL 1-2 days, pessimistic a week, cynical 2-3 weeks.

Another random note - if you pay attention to the processing time at the bottom, you'll see it occasionally dips below zero. I have no idea why, and it's not just TSC; even the server db apps give negative processing times. Huh.

Update2: They've moved us onto an apparently less loaded server. Hopefully that'll get TSC up to speed.

Update3: Well, submissions were about to go up, and then the server randomly asploded and Gerbil and I spent the next few hours picking up the pieces. I guess we'll see how things go in the morning, since it looks like there's a kink or two left to iron out, but the speed's finally there.

Update4: TSC is re-re-moving, to a server that can deal with the load. Any posts made on the forum after this point will -not- carry over, so you probably don't want to bother posting until this message is no longer on the front page.

News and Updates / Sonic 06 and Sonic Genesis release
« on: November 15, 2006, 12:07:51 am »
The final word is in on S1GBA - the problems that it was experiencing in 95%-form have most definitely not been fixed. Don't buy it. I mean it. If you're really tempted to, wait until a ROM gets dumped first to give it a test run.

Sonic 06/360/next/whatever is also out, but the only review I know of so far is from Play Magazine, which gave it a 9.5 (!). magnum12 from TSC's gotten the game early through Target shipment hax and has been giving us impressions in the chat, which I'll transcribe in the comments.

Update - Well, there's two new Sonic06 reviews... and... uh... they suck. I could tell you why they both gave it a 5.x, but if you've played any 3D Sonic you can probably guess for yourself.

Update2 - A caveat on Play Magazine and why their score is unreliably high in the comments. :/

News and Updates / A warning on false statistics
« on: November 10, 2006, 05:19:57 pm »
The number of liars, cheaters and incompetents on TSC has spiked dramatically lately, and  this needs to be addressed publicly. I'm not entirely sure why it is - maybe we're becoming too popular, or attracting the wrong sort of traffic, who knows. But suffice it to say that there is no point in wasting your and our time submitting crap records.

And note the citation of "incompetents" in the first line. As far as I'm concerned, general stupidity such as "oh I typed in my times from memory" and "well I put in 0:15 instead of 1:05" is as banworthy as malicious false entries. A certain level of intelligence is required to be a member here, and the 'confirm stats' page is there for a reason. A couple mistakes will of course be excused, but if you make a habit of it do not expect it to be a habit much longer.

Basic gist: DON'T BE STUPID. Once our eyes are fixed on you, you will be required to prove yourself, and if your times are lies no amount of wriggling will spare you from your fate. And on the flipside, the occasional 'BS target' that actually DOES have real, superb records does just fine.

Surely some integrity is not that much to ask.

News and Updates / New Sonic 2 prototype uncovered
« on: November 07, 2006, 02:46:39 pm »
drx of hacking cult's got his hands on a Sonic 2 prototype earlier than the previously obtained Sonic 2 Beta. Check it out. Not strictly competition news, but awesome nonetheless.

Information Kiosk / TSC site integration
« on: October 28, 2006, 01:50:57 pm »
One question that's coming to a head with the F-Zero shenanigans and will be of wider significance with the influx of subsites in TSC4 is the degree of integration between them. Here are some possibilities.

- Complete dissociation. Basically nothing but some friendly links.
- Unified membership. One login for the various sites, but otherwise distinct.
- Partial community merge. The site forums are internally identical but in presentation each site has a subsection of the complete forums, with unnecessary ones masked. This could range from very slight (a general and staff forum in addition to site-specific ones) to extreme (everything shared except the equivalent of General Sonic and Competition Central).
- Complete community merge. You look at the forum and see everything, and everyone goes to the same chatroom (except perhaps the F-Zero folk, as they already have one)

Any further sharing beyond that is probably impractical. I think the primary considerations are activity levels and the degree to which the TSC atmosphere will be irrevocably changed by any such mergers made. Myself, I'm leaning towards something between shared membership and general forum mergers. And since the F-Zero guys have their own group of folks in place already, they may end up less integrated than the other sites if they desire (assuming the transfer comes to pass).

General Sonic / PROOF that Tails was not always supergay
« on: October 28, 2006, 11:02:51 am »
Old school Tails:

New gay Tails:

I rest my case.

News and Updates / New stuff around the site
« on: October 28, 2006, 09:03:46 am »
Bunch of news today, so let's delve in.

First, SpinDashMaster's brought his Emerald Challenges here. If you're not familiar with them, they involve various tasks outside the typical TSC fare ranging from the straightforward (beat GHZ1 in under 30 seconds) to the elaborate (achieve SuperSonic in each S2 level within a minute and beat the level with 50 rings in a marathon run). He has a new board in the forums for his shindigs.

Second, the F-Zero Central dudes may be crossing over to TSC. Apparently their rankings have been broken for half a year (!), and they're desperate for some place to go. Check out the topic in the Info Kiosk for details.

Thirdly, the forums have been reorganized a bit. Deep Thoughts and Wikkity merged into Swigglez, which then spun off Gaming and Grazing, and Sonic Advance has disappeared into the great beyond. Plus the EC as aforementioned.

Information Kiosk / Old F-Zero Central migration?
« on: October 27, 2006, 01:39:02 pm »
Some may remember F-Zero Central; it was a competition site from several years ago, which is largely responsible for the present existence of TSC and inspired some of its functionality. The owner ran out of time for it several years ago and bequeathed its stats and members to Mr Fixit Online, but BenB17 tipped me off that their system has apparently gone defunct and they're looking for somewhere to go. As such, I posted an invitation, and so far the response has been universally positive. So it looks like we might have visitors sooner than I thought.

News and Updates / Chatroom network change (updated)
« on: October 18, 2006, 07:10:10 pm »
AccessIRC has turned into a load of bollocks, so we're at SurrealChat ( There may yet be a (rapidly closing) window of opportunity if anyone has a favored network to suggest, else we'll be there for the indefinite future.

It's unfortunate that SDA was on QuakeNet and TASvids was on freenode, or we might've tried to sync up with them.

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