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Messages - Diamond

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Competition Central / Re: Colors (DS) versus mode stages?
« on: November 01, 2015, 01:01:10 am »
Just to throw you a bone, I got a 30.98 in TR1
could've been sub 30 but bad luck at the end killed that
Edit: Got 29.20 on TR1 now
Given that I do not have an extra cart, time attacking these is very tedious and irritating....
If I did have one I would be more willing to do so

Beef / Re: ITT Anti-emulator propaganda
« on: May 09, 2015, 09:57:24 pm »
The only games that I play on emulator are games that I already own on console, and I only play Sonic Pocket Adventure on emulator because it's impossible to stream the game directly from console (damn neo geo pocket color)
I never use emulators for competition, so I really don't care about them

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:34:46 pm »
Since my tweet was mentioned, I find it only fair to respond and defend myself.
I seriously am not sure what drama is being mentioned, I just posted that because I felt like it and I saw it being mentioned quite a bit on twitter.
So I am sorry for possibly worsening this problem.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: Diamond
« on: March 07, 2015, 03:53:05 pm »
Delete the AR2 score as well if you're going to do it that way.

I have noticed some real inconsistencies with the score in this level after doing some analysis.
There are 6 enemies in this level, and each enemy gives you 100 points. The boss gives 1k points. This adds up to 1.6k.
Completing the level in under 4 minutes gives you 1k points.
There are 276 rings in the level that are obtainable in one go, giving 27600.
This adds up to 30200 points.
However, there are inconsistencies that lead me to believe that you can get more points.
First, the record is 30700.
Second, . In this video, SB gets 1700 points from the level and only kills FOUR of the six enemies.
I do not know any other way to get points from levels in this game other than killing enemies/bosses, and I do not understand how the record is possible or how SB got 1700 points from the level.
Anyone have anything?

News and Updates / Re: TSC Twitch Team!
« on: February 01, 2015, 06:56:43 pm »

I'm gonna FINALLY start streaming soon, so I might as well post it here.

Wikkity! / Re: Topic 6 - What's your favorite soundtrack from a Sonic game?
« on: December 23, 2014, 09:22:28 pm »
Obviously the Big Arm theme from Chronicles.
No, that would be silly.
The one in Generations 3DS is so much better.

Wikkity! / Re: Topic 4 - What's your favorite competition category?
« on: December 21, 2014, 06:37:26 pm »
Boss attacks.
Mainly 2d boss attacks.

Would have to be Last Utopia in SPA, Ghost Condor in SRA, or possibly even Orcan in SCDS.
I have spent a lot of accumulated time over long periods of time dealing with all three of these bosses.

Wikkity! / Re: Predictions for 2015!!!
« on: December 01, 2014, 05:14:17 pm »
Dayum, it's been a year? Let's go.

I will finally get the Sonic Colors DS scores and times leaderships, along with 95%, and the Bosses leadership in Sonic Rush Adventure.
Sonicspeedrunner will become the champion of Heroes.
Don will revive and start playing colors again.
Gerbil will finally give Josh/thekid a 0p score leadership in SUDLC.
FF will build up the motivation to get the S&BK champ back and will do so.
Somebody will start playing Sonic Rivals and Sonic Rivals 2 for once.
I will get red in Sonic Pocket Adventure, and then will challenge SB for the champ but lose.
I might actually get a decent time on a TA that matters in SCWii. (Or maybe a few)
I will stop caring so much about competition.

Wikkity! / Re: Do you speedrun non-Sonic games?
« on: December 01, 2014, 02:55:12 pm »
I've got two games I think I'll try to do in the future: The Legendary Starfy and Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs.
I've done a few scrub% runs of aLttP 100% for fun before as well.

Competition Central / Re: Your Personal Best Stat on TSC
« on: November 27, 2014, 03:15:49 pm »
I guess I have 2 or 3.
The first one would probably be SG3DS Big Arm (20.77). I am really proud of not only the time itself, but of the 6+ hours straight I put in to get it.
I am also very proud of my SPA Last Utopia (27.11). It took me forever to get a time like this, but inevitably I got the strats down to a science and put away a 7 1/2 year old record (note, i literally started TAing this boss right after i beat the game for the very first time) However, it took me weeks and weeks to finally get this amazing time.
My Starlight Carnival 1 (SCDS) time is also very good, but it can be improved by maybe .5+ seconds.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: Diamond
« on: November 14, 2014, 08:38:58 pm »

Sonic Pocket Adventure: Time Attack/ Last Utopia: 27.11

Sonic Colors DS- Aquarium Park 2 Score Attack 127180

Sonic Colors DS- Asteroid Coaster Mission 1 42773

Sonic Colors DS- Tropical Resort 2 Score Attack 117576

Sonic Colors DS -Planet Wisp Act 2 Score Attack 108345

Sonic Colors DS- Planet Wisp Mission 1 27906

Sonic Rush Adventure - Whiskers and Johnny Blaze 1:31:37

Sonic Rush Adventure - Whiskers and Johnny Sonic 1:27:32

Sonic Colors DS - Starlight Carnival Mission 1 26440

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Neo South Island 1 Time Attack (And Advanced, I had 50 rings)

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Cosmic Casino 1 Time Attack 26.21

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Cosmic Casino 2 Time Attack 1:26.06

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Neo South Island 2 Time Attack 52.39

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Pirate Sonic Time Attack 44.87

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Condor Sonic Time Attack 1:13.23

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Whale Sonic Time Attack 1:31.15

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Pirate Sonic Time Attack 43.00

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Pendulum Sonic Time Attack 58.11

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Condor Sonic Time Attack 58.13

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Whale Blaze Time Attack 1:38.37

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Kraken Blaze Time Attack 1:11.60

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Whale Sonic Time Attack 1:30.50

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Pirate Sonic Time Attack 41.30

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Pendulum Blaze Time Attack 54.98

Sonic Rush Adventure - Big Swell Sonic Time Attack 3:02.87 + Blaze 2:53.52

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Whale Sonic (1:27.37) + Blaze (1:32.06)

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Pirate Blaze 40.16

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Aquatic Relix Act 2 Time Attack 46.21

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Last Utopia Time Attack 26.59

Sonic Rush Adventure - Whiskers and Johnny Blaze Time Attack

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Gigantic Angel 2 Time Attack 1:34.29

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Gigantic Angel 1 Time Attack 39.57

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Cosmic Casino 2 Time Attack 1:15.24

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Gigantic Angel 2 Advanced 1:36.23 (done on TA mode)

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Cosmic Casino 2 Time Attack 1:10.60

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Aquatic Relix 1 Ring Attack 269 and Score Attack 29800

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Aquatic Relix 1 Time Attack 29.81 (and Advanced as well)

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Aerobase Time Attack 1:50.17

Sonic Rush Adventure - Whiskers and Johnny Sonic Time Attack 1:22.89

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Pirate Sonic Time Attack 40.27

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Secret Plant 2 Ring Attack 276 and Score 29000 (?)

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Secret Plant 1 Ring Attack 290 and Score 30000

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Neo South Island 1 Ring Attack 333 and Score 35900

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Neo South Island 2 Ring Attack 277 and Score 31400

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Gigantic Angel 1 Ring Attack 311 and Score 32600

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Aerobase time attack

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Neo South Island 2 Time Attack 49.54

Sonic Rush Adventure - Plant Kingdom Boss Sonic Time Attack 1:02.11

Sonic Colors DS: Aquarium Park Mission 3 score 31146

Sonic Pocket Adventure- Gigantic Angel 1 Advanced 41.00

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Gigantic Angel 1 Time Trial 38.30

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Gigantic Angel 1 Time Trial 37.63

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Kraken Sonic 54.37

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Kraken  Sonic (32.54) and Blaze (32.45)

Sonic Rush Adventure - Big Swell Sonic 2:52.69

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Kracken Blaze 31.57

Sonic Rush Adventure - Ghost Kracken Sonic 31.33

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Cosmic Casino Act 2 Time Attack 1:07.45

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Cosmic Casino Act 1 Advanced 32.66

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Aerobase Time Attack 1:36.26,dJKAlQr,kUttkOp,ZFfg9d5

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Secret Plant 2 Advanced 1:05.33

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Neo South Island 2 Time Attack 48.87

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Secret Plant 2 Time Attack 1:01.51

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Neo South Island 1 Time Attack/Advanced 25.60

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Cosmic Casino 2 Advanced 1:25.78

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Neo South Island 2 Advanced 52.72,UlTGurk,kKyL5Mz,mFSDSaX,VO2pr7X,T5SUwW1,Y6thKny,eVhtlYw#0

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Secret Plant Act 2 Time Trial 59.51, Secret Plant Act 2 Advanced 1:01.45, Neo South Island Act 1 Time Trial and Advanced 24.87, Aerobase Time Trial 1:31.74, Neo South Island Act 2 Time Trial 44.81, Secret Plant Act 1 Time Trial and Advanced 46.66, Neo South Island Act 2 Advanced 45.75,MpEK5pL

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Cosmic Casino Act 1 Advanced 30.24, Aerobase Advanced 1:36.23

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Neo South Island Act 1 Time Trial and Advanced, 24.03

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Aerobase Time Trial 1:29.14

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Secret Plant Act 1 Time Trial and Advanced, 46.45

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Last Utopia Time Trial 26.50

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Sky Chase 123 Rings and 16000 Score,KKVH0Va,ePJ76UQ#0

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Neo South Island 1 Time Trial and Advanced 23.81, Secret Plant 1 Time Trial and Advanced 46.21, Cosmic Casino 1 Time Trial 26.09

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Cosmic Casino 1 Time Trial 25.48

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Gigantic Angel 2 Time Trial and Advanced 1:33.29,HCXlQ4O,UB96AOu

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Gigantic Angel 2 Time Trial and Advanced, 1:30.28; Aquatic Relix 1 Time Trial and Advanced, 29.24; Neo South Island 1 Time Trial and Advanced 23.72

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Gigantic Angel 1 Time Trial 37.09

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Neo South Island 2 Time Attack 44.60,fnGlaKc

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Aerobase Advanced 1:32.41 and Gigantic Angel 1 Advanced 40.51

Sonic Pocket Adventure- Gigantic Angel 1 Advanced 40.15

Sonic 4 Episode 2 Sky Fortress Boss Sonic Time Attack 1:33.13,KHqvi7t,nLxUDSJ#2

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Aerobase Time Attack 1:37.50, Gigantic Angel 1 Advanced 39.87, Cosmic Casino 1 Advanced 29.39,mNG9Eeu,eYwHOgd

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Neo South Island 1 Time Attack and Advanced 23.57, Aquatic Relix Time Attack and Advanced 28.18, Cosmic Casino Act 1 Time Attack 24.57,ypvjGT0#1

Sonic 4 Episode 2- Sky Fortress 3 Sonic Time Attack 1:53.25, Sky Fortress 3 Score attack Sonic 125307, Sky Fortress Boss Sonic Score Attack 98677

Sonic 4 Episode 2: Sky Fortress 3 Score Attack Sonic 137212

Sonic 4 Episode 2: Sky Fortress 3 Time Attack Sonic 1:48.27

Sonic Pocket Adventure: Aquatic Relix Act 1 Time Trial and Advanced 27.30,8dOQ7IW

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Aquatic Relix Act 1 Time Trial and Advanced 26.21, Aquatic Relix Act 2 Time Trial and Advanced 46.00,rjAxGaV

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Secret Plant Act 1 Time Trial and Advanced 45.60, Aquatic Relix 1 Time Trial and Advanced 25.57

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Aerobase Time Trial 1:27.11

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Aerobase Time Trial 1:25.86

Sonic Pocket Adventure- Aquatic Relix 1 Time Trial and Advanced 25.24

Sonic 4 Episode 2- Sky Fortress 2 Sonic Score Attack 97544

Sonic Pocket Adventure- Gigantic Angel 2 Ring Attack 339 and Score attack 36200

Sonic Pocket Adventure- Gigantic Angel 1 Time Attack 36.33

Sonic Pocket Adventure: Aquatic Ruin 1 Score Attack 61,100

Sonic Pocket Adventure: Secret Plant 1 Score Attack 30500

Sonic Pocket Adventure: Neo South Island 1 Score Attack 60100

Sonic Pocket Adventure: Secret Plant 2 Score Attack 30200,1SPmzxz,DYEKrng,WVe0xgr#0

Sonic Pocket Adventure- Aerobase Advanced 1:28.68, Gigantic Angel Act 1 Time Trial 36.30, Aquatic Relix Act 1 Time Trial and Advanced 24.21, Neo South Island 1 Time Trial and Advanced 23.27,3g7wpTn,mQhlML0

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Secret Plant 2 Time Trial 58.45, Aquatic Relix 1 Time Trial and Advanced 25.18, Secret Plant 1 Time Trial and Advanced 45.33

Sonic Pocket Adventure- Secret Plant Act 1 Time Trial and Advanced 45.12,LRTdBJ4

Sonic Pocket Adventure- Neo South Island 2 Time Trial 43.54 and Advanced 45.12,J9WXRco

Sonic Pocket Adventure- Secret Plant Act 2 Time Trial 57.36, Cosmic Casino Act 2 Time Trial 1:06.54

Sonic Pocket Adventure- Cosmic Casino Act 2 Time Trial 1:04.51

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Cosmic Casino Act 2 Time Trial 1:02.87

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Cosmic Casino Act 2 Advanced 1:12.66

General Sonic / Re: Terminal Velocity Boss (SCWii) oddness
« on: November 01, 2014, 11:32:16 am »
Yes, I have done all my SCWii stuff on a Wii U.
I have also been stuck in a rainbow path at the beginning of Starlight Carnival 5.
That COULD be true. Hmm...

General Sonic / Terminal Velocity Boss (SCWii) oddness
« on: November 01, 2014, 11:11:17 am »
For some reason, on the third phase, the boss has canceled its Cube Laser attack for me twice.
I have just been standing in one place, and when he tries to put the first cube down, it just disappears and he goes on to his next attack immediately.
The game does not treat it as if i got hit either....
I have no idea how this happened or if it could save time if he uses laser right after....
Anybody else have this happen to them?

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: Diamond
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:32:45 pm »
I am completely fine with that.
I have proof of a lot of my SCDS stats right now, although some of them I have improved since i took them.

Wikkity! / Re: "That Kid" Discussion
« on: October 24, 2014, 02:53:48 pm »
That sounds absolutely hilarious.
No people I have ever met have been obsessed with Sonic; I only know one person who even TALKS about the series.

Happy birthday TSC!
Also, I was dedicating it to my dog Sirius, who we had to put down about a month ago ;.;

Hiya Folks / Re: Hello
« on: September 21, 2014, 01:23:21 pm »
Are you the same diamond44444444 (however many more/less 4's there are)? :O :O :O

Indeed I am.

Hiya Folks / Re: Hello
« on: September 21, 2014, 10:52:47 am »
Yo Kirbymastah

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: Diamond
« on: August 13, 2014, 06:21:21 pm »
I answered the message early in the morning, and I was on auto-pilot.
I thought that he was talking about the stat that I had there before, and I answered him truthfully on one strategy I used to get 217 rings on the level.
I was not paying attention, and did not realize that he said 219 instead of 217.
I'd like to apologize for causing trouble, and if it is ok I will change my stat back to 217.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: Diamond
« on: August 13, 2014, 06:04:00 pm »
I do not have a screenshot of the ring count, because I think I accidentally put that stat in.
I do not remember ever getting it... It must have been an absentminded mistake I made while I was putting in my Mushroom Hill Act 1 rings stat.
I do not know why I realized this earlier... I had to do something else, so I must have not seen it go in.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Generations 3DS Charts
« on: August 04, 2014, 09:58:34 pm »
To be honest, these charts would probably deter people from really competing at the game, because there are so many and they are tedious to unlock, but they will be worth quite a lot because of the sheer number of charts, so eh.
If these had been there when I first started, it would maybe have deterred me a bit....
Just stating this objectively.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Generations 3DS Charts
« on: August 04, 2014, 05:24:20 pm »
I don't care either way, but I'll help with the list:
All Die-Hard and one-ring boss levels are repeats, as well as Boss Showdown.
However, Perfection is debatable....

Competition Central / Re: Record Ranking Project
« on: July 26, 2014, 11:15:46 pm »
Meh, might as well add my two cents to this.
Given that the times for most SG3DS levels are much better on the wi-fi rankings because there are NO VIDEOS, the only levels I can think of here are:

Big Arm: 20.77 by Diamond.
Yes, this record is EXTREMELY solid.... Not only is this boss partially luck-based (I think) and has a very inconsistent trick at the very end of the fight, but you have to do EVERYTHING right to get close to the record.
Plus it took me 6 uninterrupted hours, so yeah.

Mushroom Hill Modern times: 1:01.86 by Platformer.
This level is REALLY irritating and is very hard to pull off a reallly good run on. I can't even get close, so this is a very solid record.

For SCDS, I have:
Termimal Velocity Boss: 1:28.77 by Cruizer.
It comes within 30 or so centiseconds of the TAS. What else can I say?

Orcan: 22.71 by Diamond.
Damn this is optimized... I spent probably in total over 7 hours perfecting this boss, and it shows, beating  the previous record by nearly half a second.

Admiral Jelly: 20.45 by Diamond.
...Completely by accident, but unless somebody figures our a way to do the TAS strats RTA, this will stay for a while.

Sweet Mountain 2 (Times) 1:25.81 by 49infinity.
This level is hard to speedrun, and even I haven't been able to come within 10 seconds of this time. Plus, this man is a master.

Sweet Mountain 3: Extra 100,133 by Diamond.
Given how much work and how many times I rerouted this monster, it would be really hard to improve this record. Also, when I first got the record, I didn't think in my wildest dreams it could go up to 100k. But it has....
There are probably a few more for this game, but I can't think of them right now.
Finally, the aformentioned Ghost Kraken Blaze record and the Final Egg Sonic Ring  record. Both are luck based, but one of them is ungodly luck based. ...Lucky bastard.
Oh, and the Iblis Phase 3 time record. Good job Tony.

Either way, that's all I have to say.

General Sonic / Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Live Action/CGI Movie
« on: June 11, 2014, 04:09:17 pm »
LIVE ACTION.... I don't know how well that will turn out. I liked the Sonic OVA, however. That was a very enjoyable movie. I hope it is as good as that at the least.

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Boom Trailer
« on: June 10, 2014, 05:57:26 pm »
Yeah, it looks very interesting....
I'm going to enjoy it, but eh. I don't like the mach speed like sections and they really don't like me, and I hate that they are back ;.;
The gameplay looks pretty fun though.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Friend Code and ID Megathread
« on: May 19, 2014, 08:40:27 pm »
3DS System Code:

News and Updates / Re: An Apology and Handling BS
« on: April 14, 2014, 02:02:32 pm »
While my experience is a bit limited with SG3DS, I could give some general advice on the subject that I believe could prove helpful.

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