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Sonic Central => Competition Central => Topic started by: surtic on September 22, 2010, 07:14:06 pm

Title: Weird Capsule on SO2- New?
Post by: surtic on September 22, 2010, 07:14:06 pm

At around 17 seconds, I would usually zip outside of the whole loop and fall into the sandy slide area., which is a huge timesaver. But instead, I land on the ghost capsule and wtf? Has this happened to anyone? It has some weird textures going on there and I'm just curious to see how this is possible.
Title: Re: Weird Capsule on SO2- New?
Post by: werster on September 25, 2010, 07:39:13 pm
At around 17 seconds, I would usually zip outside of the whole loop and fall into the sandy slide area.

What are you referring to here exactly? Because I've tried to zip out of that loop and it just doesn't work for me. I can do what you're showing in this video, that's easy, but can you give a detailed explanation or make another video showing what you were trying to do? <_<
Title: Re: Weird Capsule on SO2- New?
Post by: surtic on September 25, 2010, 11:01:01 pm
I should clarify that it doesn't "usually" happen. But if you spindash really quickly once you get inside the loop, you can zip out. It happens periodically, and sometimes altering positions before entering the loop helps.

I should also clarify that I'm using the PC Sonic and Knuckles collection to zip outside of the loop. Maybe that makes a difference...?
Title: Re: Weird Capsule on SO2- New?
Post by: Strong Bad on September 25, 2010, 11:05:28 pm
it's simply a graphical glitch caused by you not passing through a pathswapper. similar occurs in S1 and S2 when you zip through an entire level. the end flag post thing is all messed up.
Title: Re: Weird Capsule on SO2- New?
Post by: surtic on September 25, 2010, 11:08:08 pm
it's simply a graphical glitch caused by you not passing through a pathswapper. similar occurs in S1 and S2 when you zip through an entire level. the end flag post thing is all messed up.

It's pretty funny then. If you look carefully at the capsule, you can see little ghost faces on it, at least that's what I percieve :o Weird way of passing levels.
Title: Re: Weird Capsule on SO2- New?
Post by: Thorn on September 25, 2010, 11:12:19 pm
I don't think those were ghost faces -- I think that was art from the Skorp enemy. At some point in the loop, the game loads art for the capsule, and since only so much art can be in memory at once, the capsule's art goes over that of Skorp since there isn't a Skorp nearby. By missing the trigger point for the art load, the game aligned the tiles in the correct order to draw the capsule, but didn't actually have the capsule art ready and drew what it had in the position that art should have occupied.

Oh, and dubbing videos is lame. :(
Title: Re: Weird Capsule on SO2- New?
Post by: surtic on September 25, 2010, 11:16:22 pm
I don't think those were ghost faces -- I think that was art from the Skorp enemy. At some point in the loop, the game loads art for the capsule, and since only so much art can be in memory at once, the capsule's art goes over that of Skorp since there isn't a Skorp nearby. By missing the trigger point for the art load, the game aligned the tiles in the correct order to draw the capsule, but didn't actually have the capsule art ready and drew what it had in the position that art should have occupied.

Interesting. So my prediction was correct basically; I said in my YT vid that passing over a Load point would activate (or in this case, deactivate) the capsule, so it looks weird. I wasn't right about the ghost faces though :(
Title: Re: Weird Capsule on SO2- New?
Post by: flying fox on September 26, 2010, 08:43:12 am
(this is mike89 being super lazy and not logging out)

I should also clarify that I'm using the PC Sonic and Knuckles collection to zip outside of the loop. Maybe that makes a difference...?

Interesting that Thorn didn't point this out because it was him that originally brought it to my attention, but there actually are slight differences in the way the PC version of the game is handled compared to... pretty much every other re-release of the game. It's possible (though I wouldn't call it likely) that the zip you speak of is specific to this version of the game.
Title: Re: Weird Capsule on SO2- New?
Post by: Thorn on September 26, 2010, 08:08:09 pm
^ I doubt that's the case, flyingmike. A lot of those differences have to do with how the top of the screen is action. For example, Launch Base 2 PC lets you go over the ceiling and used to give the PC version an advantage until a zip was found. Marble Garden 2 PC doesn't let you go over the top and thus doesn't have the larger of the two zips.

The PC version also handles a lot of things as if they were the S3&K version, even when in S3 alone.