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Sonic Central => General Sonic => Topic started by: Jacob91 on January 15, 2010, 10:08:36 pm

Title: Dreamcast + SA2 and SA + 2 Controllers + Memory: 39.99
Post by: Jacob91 on January 15, 2010, 10:08:36 pm
So I'm pretty much new here. A couple summers ago I picked up SA2B with the intention of smashing my way up the leaderboards; I had played the crap out of it, and I was ready to try my skills here.

But to my dismay, two weeks later and just outside the top 20, I was far too frustrated to continue. The dreamcast offered so many advantages that I was annoyed at how often I had to settle for less since I owned the Gamecube version.

Today, though, I found the best deal ever, quite possibly. A used dreamcast with SA2 and SA at my local gaming store for 39.99 total. I feel amazing now that I found such a bargain. I will get used to the awkward controller (It's pretty uncomfortable right now) I'll try and shoot for some decent marks on the board. Not that it matters to you guys, just thought I'd share this incredible deal.
Title: Re: Dreamcast + SA2 and SA + 2 Controllers + Memory: 39.99
Post by: Luxray on January 15, 2010, 10:12:47 pm
Registered in '06 is not pretty new. >_>
Title: Re: Dreamcast + SA2 and SA + 2 Controllers + Memory: 39.99
Post by: Shadow Jacky on January 15, 2010, 10:14:26 pm
did you know the recent SA2B champion doesn't even own a DC?
Title: Re: Dreamcast + SA2 and SA + 2 Controllers + Memory: 39.99
Post by: Stefan on January 15, 2010, 11:25:42 pm
neither does the 5th place competitor!
Title: Re: Dreamcast + SA2 and SA + 2 Controllers + Memory: 39.99
Post by: Jacob91 on January 16, 2010, 09:02:45 am
I know I don't NEED one to improve rankings, but stuff like that bothers me and discourages me. That's why I jumped at the deal.
Title: Re: Dreamcast + SA2 and SA + 2 Controllers + Memory: 39.99
Post by: Brian on January 16, 2010, 04:21:32 pm
Me(the 4th place) neither, even if I still have some few DC stats outside the times section :P
Title: Re: Dreamcast + SA2 and SA + 2 Controllers + Memory: 39.99
Post by: oldskoolgamer101 on January 17, 2010, 05:01:47 am
The Dreamcast is a kickass system. If you ever become indifferent about Sonic competition, I recommend you hit up a few other games. JSR, Shenmue, Trigger Heart Exelica, quality.
Title: Re: Dreamcast + SA2 and SA + 2 Controllers + Memory: 39.99
Post by: ieatatsonic on January 18, 2010, 11:00:45 am
Eh, for me, I'm sticking with the GC for my Hidden Base run.
Title: Re: Dreamcast + SA2 and SA + 2 Controllers + Memory: 39.99
Post by: finalrush7_ on January 19, 2010, 05:18:31 am
Ehh, I'm not that high up on the rankings yet, but it's definitely not impossible to have a good overall ranking even if you're only using a GC.
Title: Re: Dreamcast + SA2 and SA + 2 Controllers + Memory: 39.99
Post by: SpanielWare on August 23, 2011, 12:09:20 am
MAN is that a freaking good deal!! To get a GC, controller, memory card and the two adventure games (all pre-owned) is DEFINITELY more than that (and will be for a long time).