The Sonic Center

The Lounge => Gaming and Grazing => Topic started by: The T on August 24, 2008, 02:44:30 pm

Title: LandGrab: Online Risk
Post by: The T on August 24, 2008, 02:44:30 pm
I've been finding players for LandGrab in the channel, and I figured I might as well just post here.

The game is pretty standard Risk, with a good selection of rules to use. We've already done 1 game with another game in progress, and I want to start a third.

Since I'm too lazy to into any detail, look into it yourself (

Game 1 ( [Go to History Playback if you want to see it play out]
Game 2 (

So if anyone wants to be in Game 3, post here. Also, feel free to suggest maps to use. All the maps are here (, including the shitty ones, so feel free to play around with the filters.
Title: Re: LandGrab: Online Risk
Post by: Shadowfan on August 24, 2008, 03:33:11 pm
I guess I'd like to play.
Title: Re: LandGrab: Online Risk
Post by: The T on August 24, 2008, 03:37:53 pm
Ah, I guess I forgot to mention. If I haven't played a game with you before, then post your e-mail address here. Sorry~
Title: Re: LandGrab: Online Risk
Post by: EngiNerd on August 25, 2008, 03:06:13 pm
I forget, T, do I need to tell you if I'm in again, or not?  Either way, I'm in again.  I return to the "dorm room" (I live off-campus, but still) on Wednesday, that's when I get my lovely broadband back.  Yay.

EDIT: This appears to have been my 300th post.  Madness?
***Minus gets three hundred bricks thrown at his head

EDIT2: Can we play this one?  Castle (  It looks pretty cool, but (1) I'm not good enough of a player to tell if it's really a good map, and (2) there's a LOT of territories ... probably better for a big game.
Title: Re: LandGrab: Online Risk
Post by: The T on August 25, 2008, 06:01:49 pm
That map does look pretty decent--really rather huge, and the continents seem really easy to hold with lots of 1 to 1 connections [which is neither good nor bad, just affects the strategy of the map].

Since it is huge, we would probably want all the people we have in this game and then some to join in.

And all the players in the current game I'll confirm whether they want to be in or not before they join in. However, if they know anyone else who wants to be in, tell me.
Title: Re: LandGrab: Online Risk
Post by: Spinballwizard on August 25, 2008, 06:41:20 pm
Seems like an interesting game and I might want to get in. When I make an account that is. >_>

spinballwizard.mtg is my gmail. (If you can't fill in that blank, you fail.)

Once I do make the account I need to see if there is an Iron Kingdoms map. Because that would be interesting from my hobby standpoint. >_>
Title: Re: LandGrab: Online Risk
Post by: The T on August 25, 2008, 07:42:06 pm
It's really easy to make a map on the site, just fyi.
Title: Re: LandGrab: Online Risk
Post by: The T on August 25, 2008, 08:19:12 pm
Game 3 has been created. I can still add people up until the time everyone joins, so your best bet is to get my attention on IRC.
Title: Re: LandGrab: Online Risk
Post by: Selphos on August 26, 2008, 08:34:41 pm
Sorry I delayed Game 2 (and sort of 3)... I've had a lot of stuff to do lately. Blame high school and other random shit.
Title: Re: LandGrab: Online Risk
Post by: The T on August 26, 2008, 10:23:36 pm
Dude, trust me, don't worry about it at all. There's a difference between not being online, and being online but still delaying the game just to be a douche.

You're fine.
Title: Re: LandGrab: Online Risk
Post by: Spinballwizard on August 27, 2008, 11:54:00 pm
Out of curiosity would anyone be interested in a game on the map I made? (yeah yeah bad jpg quality stfu)

Just a little bigger than a standard risk board so it doesn't have to be too hueg. Some of the drawing was rushed (though I did trace over an existing map ( and filled in some territory names based on the updated map in No Quarter #19) but meh.

So any takers if I were to make a game?
Title: Re: LandGrab: Online Risk
Post by: The T on August 28, 2008, 10:15:08 am
I was just going to suggest, the lines seem really thick and the colors are garish and kind of hard on the eyes.

Either way, I'd be willing to give it a shot once one of my game slots opens up.
Title: Re: LandGrab: Online Risk
Post by: Spinballwizard on September 01, 2008, 03:05:39 am
Fixing the map later but I've started a new game on my Iron Kingdoms map. Everyone who was in the first 3 games that I actually know has been invited. Anyone else who is interested should let me know.

(List includes: genus, achlys, rpg, sondow, T, AD, anti)