The Sonic Center

Sonic Central => General Sonic => Topic started by: Thorn on December 03, 2006, 12:23:03 pm

Title: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on December 03, 2006, 12:23:03 pm
Topic changed to give RPG a place to show off his S1 modding as well

RPG's Current Work
Sonic 1 Expert Edition (
Last modified on February 26

Thorn's Current Work
Moved to Hax0ring ( forum on TUSC.

Now opinons plz.
Title: Re: Trying some Sonic 2 modding, would like opinion plz
Post by: Bilan on December 03, 2006, 02:11:21 pm
Its awesome

oh wait I already told you this >_>
Title: Re: Trying some Sonic 2 modding, would like opinion plz
Post by: Thorn on December 03, 2006, 06:18:45 pm
Okay, this post will constantly be edited as I make new releases.

First thing's first, please learn about the speedcap.  I've heard several complaints that could be resolved simply by people not pushing directions when going faster than the cap.  Forfeit control when in the air and over the cap.  I put up as many safety nets as I could for those instances, because accidents happen, but I'm not perfect.  I've only hacked for three weeks or so.

14 continues: At options screen, elite (4 digits)
Level Select: At options screen, TSCs birthday, in same format as Naka's (4 digits)
All emeralds: At level select, Thorn's TSC join date in same format (4 digits)
Debug: At level select, RPG's TSC join date in same format (4 digits)

Bugs, or things people are talking/bitching about

Keep the bugs coming.
Title: Re: Trying some Sonic 2 modding, would like opinion plz
Post by: Spinballwizard on December 03, 2006, 08:59:59 pm
Just did a quick level. Didn't run into any glitches. 0'45 as RPG on NA1. >_>
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on January 06, 2007, 06:33:17 pm
Updates to both of our hacks in the first post.  Get 'em while they're hot.

RPG altered the palette for Star Light 1, and modified the layout a tiny bit.
I've added Robot Factory 1 to the level progression and make a working level (subject to change).  The palette for New Adventure 1 is different as well.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on January 06, 2007, 08:58:43 pm
And now for whats going down wit ma hax0rz beetches.

ver 0.111

Green Hill, Marble, Labyrinth and Star Light all have edited palletes.
Green Hill 1, Marble 1, Labyrinth 1 and Labyrinth 2 and redesigned, only to be edited when bugs and messy spites are found.
Spring Yard 1 is a mess and is therefore going to be spruced up a fair bit.
Star Light 1, Green Hill 3 and Marble 3 are (very) partially hacked.
Level Select Menu has the level names, not all of them are final, most of those that arent should be pretty obvious to you <_<
I made the SEGA logo look awesome.

Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Spinballwizard on January 07, 2007, 12:04:44 am
RPG has ascension and squeezy jump syndrome. I like the palettes I've looked at though. (GH, M, L)

Didn't really notice the NA1 palette, and didn't get to RF yet. >_>

Though I am also working on hax, S2 like Thorn. (Whatever happened to lolhog anyways?) Tentative name is Sonic's Shadow, but that's very subject to change. I'm not even sure what I'm going to do with that. (If I can figure out how to port Knux's moves over, I might go Shadow/Rouge for something a little new, which would obviously bring about a name change.)

No demo yet, because frankly I haven't editted any levels yet.

I did do a few things, though, including:

Renaming levels I've started to work on palettes for (EHZ becomes "Dune Falls," CPZ is tentatively named "Nuclear Wessel," OOZ becomes "Iron Port" (after considering calling it Metal Harbor then remembering it's in SA2B), and ARZ becomes "Cool Atlantis" (which I may change to "Snow Atlantis). Others are in the works.)

Changed a few palettes: Dune Falls is pretty much done, Cool Atlantis is a bit on the bright side (might darken the plants, that seems to be the biggest problem), and I'm working on Iron Port at the moment (but the oil's a bitch).

...That's about it, and thus no demo at the moment. Maybe I'll give you a sneak peek when I start designing DF1. (I had a prototype design earlier that was about 50% complete, but then I accidentally corrupted the rom and lost the whole freakin' thing. Won't load in SonED. Maybe I should try to revive it in ESEII...

I do have a few screenshots so you can see the palette work though.

Dune Falls, pretty much complete. Kinda has a dry, wet feel. X)

Gee, I wonder what this is...? Too bright? Suggestions? (I think it's the plants...)

Another CA shot, for comparison with above- and underwater palettes. That's why I think it's the plants, because that shot doesn't make my eyes bleed.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Taillow on January 07, 2007, 02:21:37 am
Gah!  The plants!  They burn!

I blame the color and brightness.  That light blue is one of the more difficult-to-handle colors, since it's that bright naturally.  Just make the shading end up darker.

(     (
Something like the one on the right, perhaps?  I don't know what your color restrictions are.  And I put them side by side for comparison
Still, the red clashes too much.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Crowbar on January 07, 2007, 07:33:17 am
I'd go even darker than that. You really, REALLY need good contrast between lights and shadows when working with pixels. Go look at Ice Cap: even on the snow (snow being something that's supposed to be pure white and flat to the point of causing snow-blindness), what shadows there are are quite distinct. Also, be careful about maximum saturation colours. They ARE used in the official pallettes (again, referring to IC, it seems all the colours in the background of the caves are maximum saturation), but when coupled with a lack of contrast they can create a real eyesore (e.g. the ones I mentioned in IC are pretty distinct from eachother, but the purples of the bricks in cool atlantis mostly look the same, not to mention the plants).


Here's what I came up with. Still not ideal. What concerns me most are how much the dark bricks stand out from the light ones (I think the dark purple actually should have the saturation lowered alot more thank I have, too), and the fact that the berries on the bushes are the only red things in the level palette, with everything else being very restricted to purple and blue. I dunno, personally I think maybe the whole palette needs a bit of a rethink...

Dune Falls looks nice though. Perhaps slightly darker shadows on the palm trees. Also the foreground grass kinda blends into the background.

I played a bit through RPG's and Thorn's hacks, and I remember some stages of Thorn's burning my eyes a bit (in particular the Hill Top hack), but I can't be bothered to boot it up again to see. >_> I'm not sure about the shiney Thorn fur or the pure-black RPG either (bear in mind the real palettes almost never use pure black or white).

Also, Thorn, you give a cheat for all Chaos Emeralds, but how do you propose for us to get the normally if you're gonna remove special stages?
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on January 07, 2007, 11:43:56 am
...ouch, RPG and I just got burned.  Seriously.

Quote from: SBW
Didn't really notice the NA1 palette, and didn't get to RF yet. >_>
Quote from: Crowbar
I remember some stages of Thorn's burning my eyes a bit (in particular the Hill Top hack)

/me flips the bird
...ouch, leave suggestions at least, don't just flat-out diss... *cries in corner*

Okay, here's shots.  If you've really got better ideas, feel free to crack them open in Paint and edit, then repost.

Confirmed Levels

Yes, it's bright, but I think eye-burning is a bit of a stretch.  I can fetch shots of worse S2 palettes.

The at-night EH might be overdone, but so is the sunset EH, the teal EH, the yellow EH... there's limited options, really.

Okay, I see where Crow is coming from.  However, a darker grey would come off as pretty much black, and a darker white, well... wouldn't look like snow.

I hope this is dark enough.  I only recolored the foreground so far.

Just Sky Chase and Wing Fortress at night, 'nuff said.


Tentative Levels


Also Crow you swapped RPG and I in your description.  And do you really want emeralds to be available outside of a cheat, a recolor with a Super form could be the death of TSC.  Nevertheless, I found the bug in the sound, and when I fix it I MIGHT leave Special Stages in.

RPG'll be posting with screens eventually, he also wants to see what to fix.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on January 07, 2007, 11:52:31 am
Ver 0.2

Green Hill, Marble, Labyrinth, Scrap Brain and Star Light all have edited palletes.
Green Hill 1, Marble 1, Labyrinth 1 and Labyrinth 2, Scrap Brain 2, Marble 2 and Marble 3 redesigned, only to be edited when bugs and messy spites are found.
Spring Yard 1 is a mess and is therefore going to be spruced up a fair bit.
Star Light 1, Green Hill 3 are (very) partially hacked.
Level Select Menu has the level names, not all of them are final, most of those that arent should be pretty obvious to you <_<
I made the SEGA logo look awesome.

Current level order:

Lush Hill
Twilight Coaster
Neon Fort
Lost Cavern
Icy Lake
Whatever the fuck I called SY1
Lava Palace
Flaming Fjords
Magma Ruins
Final Zone

Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Crowbar on January 07, 2007, 06:19:50 pm
Lol, Thorn, I'm me, not Quartz.

Level select is fine and I actually quite like NA.


I did abuse this a bit, but after playing around I can see it's problematic. Ultimately, you're limited by the fact that it's grass-shaped (rather than snow-shaped) and that shades of the grass are (it seems) shared by the trees in ways that are unfavourable. Anything I try just plain doesn't work, so I guess it'd be best to leave it as is unless you can find a more clever solution or something.

Robot Factory looks fine so far. Are you going to recolour the pipes as well as the plating?

Catwalk and Final Factory are okay, but they don't get the night-time feeling across like NA does. I think the foreground colours should be darker as they are in NA, as should (possibly) the highlights on the clouds in the background.

As for Starship, I think the blue you left in the pipes should be changed to match the brown.

The other three you posted look pretty solid, though perhaps the contrast of the grass in the AR recolour could be higher (it blend into the background a bit). Part of me wants to say the background of the CP recolour is too garish, but I can see what you're going for with it so it's fine.

Otherwise, just generally, I think more things as a whole need changing that don't seem to have been: some badniks, for instance,  are recoloured where others aren't, and Eggman's cape is different whereas the rest of him is the same.

As for RPG's, I think the blue for Lush Hill is a bit too saturated next to the green.
A subtle change, but I think it makes a difference. Possibly change the flowers' default yellow, too.

Neon Fort I think needs changes to the greys in the foreground (especially given what you changed the name to :P), and the shadows on the green Caterkillers should be darkened.

Lost Cavern/Icy Lake I feel needs dulling down above water.
Or maybe this.
Again, subtle, but put them side-by-side and I think you'll see the difference. The underwater pallette is pretty good, though, but perhaps just tone down that one bright blue that's on the top edge of those protruding bits to match the rest of it (I'd do an image but it's such a little thing).

Twilight Coaster is a bit...D: I think it's the sky rather than the pink FG. It just needs to be much darker (I can see it's a bit difficult though since the buildings are the same colour as the sky). When you get lower down things become a bit of a mess, too, what with the ugly green scaffolding and the blocks of black still remaining.
Best I could do, but notice that the windows share some colours with Sonic (visible on the right) which may well make things impossible.

Lava Wotsit looks sweet (though I'm not sure about all the slightly misplaced blocks and objects, but maybe you were going for that on purpose).
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on January 07, 2007, 06:54:06 pm
Yeah, I noticed that I flipped Quartz the bird on accident.  I fixed that bit while before you posted, but for all I know maybe Quartz's feelings are still hurt.  I'll console him at a later time.... oh, just found a place where I left Quartz's name in.  Poor guy. *fixes*

The ultimate problem with Hill Top is that every utility swears it's Emerald Hill.  No matter what you see in SonED or ChaoSax or even just thinking in a hex editor, it never turns out.  If I was able to lay down real snow tiles without altering Emerald Hill I would.

Catwalk and FF palettes are a case of me getting frustrated getting the clouds to contrast properly, then leaving ChaoSax before touching the foreground.  I'll get back to that when I'm less likely to freak out over little things (read: after semester exams).  Same goes for Starship, except there some of the blue is also shared with the start flying by behind the stage.  Then again, a red star honestly wouldn't look that bad.

The Chemical Plant palette is going to be altered in the end because it's dangerously close to Mystic's CP palette from Sonic2Z.  I saw a similar AR palette elsewhere too but since I put so much work into it before I knew, I say fuck it.

Quote from: Crowbar... I mean it this time
Otherwise, just generally, I think more things as a whole need changing that don't seem to have been: some badniks, for instance,  are recoloured where others aren't, and Eggman's cape is different whereas the rest of him is the same.

Only thing I can say here is to look at the version number.  This is my first attempt at a hack, so I was thrilled just to be able to remodel the bridges in EH.  The badniks' colors stem from some being affected by the in-level palette more than others, as everything in AR changed in the blink of an eye.

Also I thank you for darkening RPG's palettes; there are some things I simply won't say to RPG when he's proud of his work, but now that I have support consider it said.

/me unflips the bird
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on January 07, 2007, 07:11:33 pm
Crow I actually like your tweaks :o

Although I am glad you didnt tweak Marble because if you did I would've had to stab you. <_<

EDIT: Also the yellow on the flowers is shared by the colour of the rings, urk :X
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Crowbar on January 07, 2007, 07:15:23 pm
Damn, stupid limited 16-bit pallettes. :(
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on January 07, 2007, 10:13:36 pm
Hmm, I've made some more changes to GRA, but I'm not sure if I should stick them out...

First things first, Special Stages no longer crash the sound driver, yay.  Somehow I moved the glitch, so instead, playing Track 16 in the Sound Test now crashes the game *rolls eyes*.  At least now it doesn't impede gameplay.

Second thing is I completely fucked up Catwalk Zone.  I'm almost positive there's a really simple fix for this, but at the moment I can't find it on SSRG.  The game things it should be using Emerald Hill tiles for some reason, instead of Sky Chase tiles.  I'll search hacking forums tomorrow for an answer.

Third... well, you can snag this ( for yourself and find out.  After you get it and play around for a bit, tell me if it's worth keeping.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Spinballwizard on January 08, 2007, 01:54:48 am
I'll play it tomorrow, 'kay Thorn? (Hm... you didn't read EH tiles by accident, did you?)

Also: I kinda took Crowbar's advice on the now-renamed Snow Atlantis. (Title card and Level Select show it too.) I like the way it looks now, and it doesn't really burn the eyes (in my mind) anymore.

Note that I also changed the berries a bit. Call 'em boysenberries or something.

I fiddled with the dark bricks as well. Don't want 'em too light though, because that part of the palette also affects the mountains in the background.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on January 08, 2007, 06:16:40 pm
Ver 0.3

3 Tweaked palletes, 1 tweaked level, enjoy.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on January 08, 2007, 06:18:30 pm
SBW, no need to get that tentative one, I haev v0.3 for real.  First post.  Music editing galore, but still same busted things from tentative version (Catwalk, Track 16 are fucked).
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Spinballwizard on January 09, 2007, 12:59:53 am
Alright, I'm playing GRA 0.3b right now. (Hey, it's technically "beta," is it not?)

Mixed thoughts on the music. I like the edits for New Adventure, Robot Factory. Catwalk (despite the crappiness), and some of the unlreleased levels. Some of it could use work, though. (Mountainside hurts my ears, I'd suggest turning down the bass parts a bit. Same with the trumpet on Final Factory. Rather, a lot. Invincibility sounds almost like a warning in the beginning, and the spin dash sound is, sorry to say, too high pitched to be even remotely good.)

Also, I should note that water seems to have the same effect on Thorn's running speed as it does when Sonic has speed shoes, i.e. "I'm going back to the normal speedcap regardless of what's supposed to be happening kthx."
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on January 09, 2007, 02:54:29 pm
^All known problems.  You hit the source of the problem right on the money whether you realized it or not.  It's Sonic 2 Beta's sound driver.  Hence just like in Sonic 2 Beta, there's a nice, screechy spindash sound.  Matter of fact, the music for Final Factory is ripped right from Sonic 2 Beta with no changes whatsoever.  I don't like how loud some of the instruments are, I noticed this the instant I ripped it from S2Beta, but there's some that don't seem to want to change without farking up the rest of the music.  I'll be tweaking things as I go along.  Problems seem to lie with any music that has an extreme value anywhere (e.g. SonicQX measures things from -128 to 127, and any track with any pitch with absolute value of 110 or greater refuses to budge). For now, if it hurts your ears, don't wear headphones, and trigger finger on the volume control...

Also the plan with the water is to get rid of it entirely.
Well-known S2 speedcap bug goneA minority of people may want the water
No more wondering why you can't swim or hold your breath for a human amount of time
Who the fuck likes water levels anyway?
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Super Azrael on January 09, 2007, 03:48:38 pm
RPG does, the guys like Labyrinth for cryin' out loud!
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on January 09, 2007, 06:12:04 pm
Labyrinth is my favorite zone if it had a human form, preferably female, I would sex0r it.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Shadow Jacky on January 10, 2007, 01:12:29 am
for the Sonic 1 hack:

on the Star Light stages you probably already know, but you cant activate any of the stairs by hitting them from the bottom.  In fact at the bottom near the middle, you can get stuck down there.

Scrap Brain 2 is really short

and the passing through walls just by pushing up against them in spots like if yuo get in a tight area or something...then again this might have been in the original games too.

for Thorns hack so far...the music is bleh.  Thats my only gripe so far.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Taillow on January 10, 2007, 04:22:58 am
Yeah, I noticed that I flipped Quartz the bird on accident.  I fixed that bit while before you posted, but for all I know maybe Quartz's feelings are still hurt.  I'll console him at a later time.... oh, just found a place where I left Quartz's name in.  Poor guy. *fixes*
Well, good thing I didn't see it.

Also, Crowbar pinned things a lot better than I did.  I usually have to stumble across decent shades.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: sonicandamy on January 10, 2007, 12:48:47 pm
Im kind of late on this, and you guys wrote to much for me to keep up so just answer this, is this sonic games that you guys have modified?if so, can I play it :)
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Groudon on January 10, 2007, 02:33:36 pm
Well, mr. hotlinker, check the first post.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on January 10, 2007, 02:39:20 pm
Im kind of late on this, and you guys wrote to much for me to keep up so just answer this, is this sonic games that you guys have modified?if so, can I play it :)

/me beats his head off of a wall.  He then points at the site title, the topic title, and the avatars of 70% of the users on the site.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on January 11, 2007, 12:59:55 pm

Quite, literally, here's v0.4

Changes: One new level added to the mix, one level completely redesigned, one with minor tweaks, oh and a new pallete. And that new pallete is final. I am being deadly serious.

Without further ado;

Current level order:

Lush Hill
Jungle Canyon
Twilight Coaster
I Havent Named This One
Lucid Base
Neon Fort
Lost Cavern
Icy Lake
Lava Palace
Flaming Fjords
Magma Ruins

Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on January 12, 2007, 07:20:52 pm

Lucid Base is now fully edited.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Tweaker on January 13, 2007, 03:00:39 pm
^All known problems.  You hit the source of the problem right on the money whether you realized it or not.  It's Sonic 2 Beta's sound driver.  Hence just like in Sonic 2 Beta, there's a nice, screechy spindash sound.  Matter of fact, the music for Final Factory is ripped right from Sonic 2 Beta with no changes whatsoever.  I don't like how loud some of the instruments are, I noticed this the instant I ripped it from S2Beta, but there's some that don't seem to want to change without farking up the rest of the music.  I'll be tweaking things as I go along.  Problems seem to lie with any music that has an extreme value anywhere (e.g. SonicQX measures things from -128 to 127, and any track with any pitch with absolute value of 110 or greater refuses to budge). For now, if it hurts your ears, don't wear headphones, and trigger finger on the volume control...

Also the plan with the water is to get rid of it entirely.
Well-known S2 speedcap bug goneA minority of people may want the water
No more wondering why you can't swim or hold your breath for a human amount of time
Who the fuck likes water levels anyway?
Want me to throw you the Sonic 2 final sound effects ported to the S2B driver? I wouldn't mind. :P
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on January 13, 2007, 03:28:01 pm
^That would be great, thanks.  I can replace the voices that I altered no problem.  I was thinking of asking at SSRG, but I wised up and realized that with my ROM's name I'd be skinned alive.

Also, to everyone else, first post has v0.4.  It's not much that's new gameplay-wise, per se, but new palettes abound and every level except Catwalk has been thrown into the progression (I found the source of the problem with Catwalk, the offsets where the 16x16s are were shoved right into the Sound Driver and kerplode whenever I port music, fuck you ESEII).

There'll likely come a day when I'll just restructure the entire game from scratch, because as said above, using ESEII when I was still just dabbling in hacking really screwed some things up.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on January 13, 2007, 09:33:51 pm


ver 0.5.1 is here:

(ps I forgot to add the .1 to the filename, sue me)

More changes here than theres been for quite a few updates

Not telling what they are, find out for yourself O:
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on January 15, 2007, 01:23:38 pm
Version 0.42 ( of my hack now out.  Only two noticable changes, I'm keeping level designs pretty much secret until I actually finish them (hint: path swappers in Chemical Plant are a bitch).  You'll notice the change in Boardwalk Zone and the Level Select.  Oh, and before you ask, no, I haven't gotten the volumes on all of the music straightened out yet, but it'll be soon.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on January 19, 2007, 07:45:30 pm
Version 0.44 ( is now out.  Construction 2 and Robot Factory 3 have concept designs, but are only half finished until I'm sure I want to follow through with the ideas in them.

Also I've finally decided to bite the bullet, I'm going to hit up the SSRG forums and ask for a few opinions.  From what I can tell, if you've honestly tried to do something, the forum'll give some advice aside from a few select members.  Maybe I can get some things fixed, like that crappy speedcap bug with water...
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on January 20, 2007, 04:47:03 pm
Bah, I gave into pressure.  No more recolors *cries*.
Untitled v0.45 ( is in.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Groudon on January 20, 2007, 04:52:37 pm
Dammit Thorn.  I assumed when you said "Untitled," you meant RPG's hack.

Speaking of RPG's hack, need new download link.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on January 20, 2007, 05:05:31 pm
^Yeah, that makes me feel really good about what I'm doing. *gets out gun, loads magazine* *flips the bird again*

Last I checked, RPG's hack was titled "Look Guys I Havent Thought Of A Good Name For This Game Yet Adventure".
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Groudon on January 20, 2007, 05:06:56 pm
I always save it as its original temporary name "Untitled."
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on January 23, 2007, 07:11:38 pm
Very slight update here (  Beta design for CP2 is done start-to-finish.

EDIT: Er, oops.  Told SGMC about this and forgot to put it here... I removed the water from AR and forgot to fix the rest of the level.  Fall down too far and you can't escape.  If you can't take the high routes, level select around it.  Will be fixed in next update.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on February 17, 2007, 09:51:53 pm
Okay, it's been a month, but TSC, the update has landed (  We're looking at Version 0.5 now.  All of CP is finished this time around.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on February 20, 2007, 04:38:29 pm

An update are me.

The largest change this addition, bonus flags during the level for you to uncover for points.

Eh I thought it was a nice idea.

Heres a list of challenges, and also the amount of bonus flags per level

Minor Adjustments:
Lush Hill - 5 flags
Jungle Canyon - 5 flags
Twilight Coaster - 5 flags
Lost Cavern - 6 flags
Icy Lake - 5 flags
Lava Pallace - 5 flags
Flaming Fjords - 5 flags
Magma Ruins - 8 flags

Major Adjustments
Purple Pitfall - 5 flags
Lucid Base - 6 flags
Chemical Maze - 5 flags
Neon Fort - 5 flags

o btw i expect comments <_<
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Groudon on February 20, 2007, 08:01:40 pm
I see you found that Chemical Maze bug I told you about.

And it seems the very end of Neon Fort hasn't been fixed (with the Robotnik-press-the-button-so-you-can-go-on thing blocked).
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on February 20, 2007, 08:17:14 pm


EDIT: WHOOPS. Mended. In theory.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 20, 2007, 08:22:17 pm
*Intrested by hack, rick downloads it, plays it, and is stunned by sheer awesomeness*

I love yo- well not really since I don't swing that way. <_< Anywho, this beats the heck out of all the other hacks I've played.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on February 25, 2007, 03:36:15 pm
Wham. (

Thats right, a new version. Thought I might add I didnt intend to release this at this point. BUT. I got bored and made a half arsed TAS for this version only for your enjoyment (?). I dunno, figured Id give you guys something to watch. It was all done in real time, with the only tool used bing savestates so its not amazingly impressive but it shows some stuff off quite nicely. Like how I have the ability to save at shitty places, and how much I REALLY need to move the unused objects at the start of the 3rd level >_>...
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on February 25, 2007, 03:59:05 pm
RPG, I thought that we were goin' to ask the forum for a favor.
/me does so.
If anybody out there is ever bored, record a .giz of our hacks while you play and attach it here.  It could show us bugs or areas that are too easy/hard.  Also, it'll show us if people actually play our mods.

BTW, this text was slowly entered via PSP.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 05:18:30 pm

You rang good sir?
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on February 25, 2007, 05:24:34 pm
Which of the two games are those for? >_>
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 05:28:20 pm
Just asking if you fixed those. I believe the ROM is in the post where some dude said: An update are me.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on February 25, 2007, 05:30:56 pm
There both for Sonic Turbo~

And there was me thinking you found a bug in mine O: <_<
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 05:37:54 pm
And there was me thinking you found a bug in mine O: <_<

That's next on my list. :D
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 05:45:42 pm
Did this in 2 minutes :D
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 06:00:51 pm
I'm going to go look for some more glitches to show you guys that I can break games. Oh and...


There is supposed to be they're.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on February 25, 2007, 06:01:33 pm
Random update: Silly objects in Badnik Plains moved. And TASed down to 16 seconds. :D

EDIT: Checked both, #2 is a problem with Sonic 1 in general, not just my hack, the most frequent places youll see it happen are marble and final.

#1 is some shizz with the bridge where it didnt fit so I stuck two together. I might mend it. Maybe. <_<
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 06:09:40 pm
EDIT: Checked both, #2 is a problem with Sonic 1 in general, not just my hack, the most frequent places youll see it happen are marble and final.

O RLY? Tried it with the other rocks and couldn't get it in your hack.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on February 25, 2007, 06:13:10 pm
Its when you jump on an edge whilst trying to move against an object
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 06:20:25 pm

A glitch are me.

ROM: Sonic Turbo.

Glitch #5 has two. Figure it out yourself :)
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on February 25, 2007, 06:28:04 pm
#1: I fixed yesterday and haven't made a release with the fix yet.
#2: This is the Sonic 2 engine at work.  Release the right button and voila, the spring works.  I can't alter the engine, sorry.
#3: Look at a normal Sonic 2 ROM, and go to Emerald Hill 1.  See that line at the bottom of the screen?  It's an error that really has no fix.  What I CAN do (and now will do) is move the bridge upwards a tiny bit.
#4: I kind of left this one, heh.  It wasn't hurting anything :P.  If it bugs you though, I'll add invisible solidity objects.
#5-1: Missed path swapper on my part, will fix.
EDIT: I take it back, it wasn't missed, it was misplaced.  I mived it up a few pixels, should work now.  You were in it but didn't pass through it because the box pushed you back up.
#5-2: Bad numbering on my part. The platform is marked as 18 03 (EHZ/ARZ falling) when it should be 18 00 (EHZ/ARZ stationary).  As with #1, was corrected yesterday and will be in next release.

Before you mention it, I know that the corkscrew in EH1 doesn't work correctly if you run across it backwards.  Also fixed and will be in next update.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 06:32:11 pm
I'm going to go for 6 on Spectre's ROM because I feel like it :D
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 06:48:23 pm

An update are me.

One I'm not sure about but, it has a thicker lining so... yeah one of these might be a dud.

ROM: LookGuysIHavent(blah blah blah blah)
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on February 25, 2007, 06:50:48 pm
The Screen of Scrolling Death on Marble 1 does not count btw. Its already known. >:P


#6 is not a bug or a glitch.
#5 serves you right for going back that way
#4 blame the game for not having tiles that match there :<
#3 has been fixed already in an unreleased version :P
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 06:52:03 pm
I'm only using the first Zone in your ROM >_<
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on February 25, 2007, 06:55:52 pm
Then use more you spoon <_<
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 06:57:47 pm
Too many glitches... besides I got that amount of glitches in the 1ST ACT. :P
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on February 25, 2007, 07:04:22 pm
Quote from: RPG
#5 serves you right for going back that way

Is that what I think it is...?
Yes, it is!  RPG... I. TOLD.  YOU.  What, are you gonna serve the entire site?

Also #4 is no excuse.  You hafta fix the tiles around it for a better lineup.
Granted, my ROM is being torn apart at the same time by Rick, but I haven't turned it around and said "your fault" at all.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on February 25, 2007, 07:09:24 pm
All of them are already fixed. <_<
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 07:16:11 pm

More Ripping :P

Look closely for these 3.

ROM: Sonic Turbo
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on February 25, 2007, 07:22:46 pm
#6: I don't see a glitch.  Unless you're talking about the missing S, in which case that's because I made an art edit to the S to remove the word Score.  I'll edit the Bonu to fix it.
#7: Again, I don't see it.  The drill is supposed to pop off when there's only one hit left, if that's what you mean.  And if it's #6 again, well, if you think I never noticed the S, that says a lot about how intelligent you think I am...
#8. Again, game engine.  You passed the object by before the game had time to tell it how to react to you.

Rick, we're looking for things that are serious run-killers because of a mistake on our part.  We can't change the original game engine.  And I figured after viewing the new HUD, you'd realize where the S went.

Also why not enter chat and /msg us?  Would be easier.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on February 25, 2007, 07:23:26 pm
Try a level of mine other than GH1 plz? <_<
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 07:28:28 pm
#7: Again, I don't see it.  The drill is supposed to pop off when there's only one hit left, if that's what you mean.  And if it's #6 again, well, if you think I never noticed the S, that says a lot about how intelligent you think I am...

I meant when the machine was exploding. Some of it dissappears. For  #6 I just thought you too busy on everything else. As for messaging... I guess I can give it a shot.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on February 25, 2007, 07:34:29 pm
^Oh, that's because the game isn't designed to draw the cave backgrounds, the wheels, and the level background correctly all at once.  In all honesty, a little visual quirk like that is completely normal in a hack.

Also, just thought of something else you need not mention: I already know what happens when you get an extra life in New Adventure.  Even Team Megamix has a similar problem, judging by their YouTube vids.  Don't tell me about the Speed Sneaker between levels bug either.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 07:49:23 pm
Do you want me to PM you guys glitches of each others to?
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on February 25, 2007, 07:51:50 pm
^Er, you could just send us the ones that apply to the game we hack.
Also why'd you back out of MSN?  We didn't scare you away, did we?  Because I'll talk some sense into RPG if that's the case.
/me is shot by RPG.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 09:41:41 pm
^Er, you could just send us the ones that apply to the game we hack.
Also why'd you back out of MSN?  We didn't scare you away, did we?  Because I'll talk some sense into RPG if that's the case.
/me is shot by RPG.

Was just wondering. I'd go on MSN if it weren't because of my dad. He thinks I am careless.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 10:13:04 pm
For some reason I can't send you guys a PM. :( I get a crappy 'page cannot be displayed' message. I guess until the problem is fixed I will have to do this the old fashioned way.

BTW, I skipped a lot of glitches just to get to Zone 2... whiney

EDIT: One or 2 might be a dud.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 25, 2007, 11:26:39 pm
ROM: Sonic Turbo

Pretty sure this isn't the game engine...
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on February 26, 2007, 02:48:59 am
#7 is an already exsisting quirk within sonic 1
As is #8, thats just how GH's tiles are designed, methinks they werent designed to be approached from that angle
#9 happens in S1 and S2 as is, has good shortcut implications in a few S2 levels
I know of a variation of #10, wherein the rightmost collapsing platform in that series of 4 has half the sprites missing while the others collapse. The only explanation I have for #10 is that you already went up on the spring and collapsed the second platform, thus, not a glitch :P
#11 is the invincibility stars screwing with half the wall for some obscure reason o_0 I have no idea if normal S1 does that, but I dont see why mine would and the original wouldnt
#12, thats meant to happen...
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on February 26, 2007, 01:32:55 pm
Double post but eh.

Introducing, the first PROPER ( release of my hack, complete with new name. This is Version 1 folkz. :O

The level order is now set in stone. The remaning 5 levels will not be part of the "main game" but will still be accessible from the stage select screen.

You may note the "TAS" in the rom filename. This is because I am TASing it as we speak (literally) :O

Any and all future updates will not carry the TAS tag.

Ill also post my WIP thus far. All the Old times, aside from Lush Hill were done WITHOUT slowdown, just savestates. In my current run, I abused slowdown to the maxxxx

Old Lush Hill time: 0:32
New Lush Hill time: 0:31

Not much to say there, just finetuning

Old Jungle Canyon Time: 0:56
New Jungle Canyon Time: 0:38

Somehow I completly ignored the speed shoes on my previous run o_0

Old Badnik Plains Time: 0:21 (With a horrible mistake)
New Badnik Plains Time: 0:16

Discovered a more optimal strat than the spring bounce that requires frame perfect timing, and optomised it as best I could, naturally.

Old Twilight Coaster Time: 0:28 or thereabouts IIRC
New Twilight Coaster Time: 0:25

Threw in some more ramp jumps and skipped the invincibility at the start.

Old Purple Pitfall Time: 1:53
New Purple Pitfall Time: 1:19

Utilised the first speed shoes box for a nice shortcut and a different route in the latter portion for a hell of a faster time.

More updates as events warrant

Oh and I challenge someone to beat me at this.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on February 26, 2007, 03:34:19 pm
#10 - The going through the wall is because there's a path swapper in the air so that the route below can successfully launch you to the bridge above without the walls conking out.  If the path swapper is moved to make the wall perfectly solid, the routes on either side won't work correctly.  It's actually saving the player to be able to go through that wall, and I can't imagine a way it could hinder him.  The second part of your vid, where you pass through the ceiling to another route above, is intentional.

#9, #11 - These are the same glitch, which I told you I fixed for the next release.  To top that off, it's also the same glitch as #1.  I see what this is... you're listing the same glitch several times out of jealousy... you look at RPG's sig and mine and you see the power there, that allows us to conjure up entire worlds (digital, anyways) with mere clicks and keystrokes.  You can't attain it, so you talk it down.  I'll remember this.
/me is grenaded by Rick.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Bilan on February 26, 2007, 03:50:10 pm
Stop stealing my limelight Thorn! >_>

Grab the savestate from my previous post.

Old Lucis Base Time: About 0:43
New Lucid Base Time: 0:40

Nothing new just some finetuning

Old Chemical Maze Time: 1:21 or so
New Chemical Maze Time: 0:55

Mostly just last minute enemy/trap dodging, and not stopping for air underwater this time <_<
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 26, 2007, 08:28:00 pm

*shot for using marquee*

Anyway, #9 (which was supposed to be #11) being related to #1 I hadn't checked carefully. A bad mistake on my part and I apologize. :(
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on February 26, 2007, 08:33:44 pm
^Why apologize?  I wasn't serious in the last post, I was kidding, I knew it meant nothing :P.  Else, I wouldn't have let myself get 'naded at the end.  Also I didn't think you recorded over one for the other.  I was just saying that all three seem to showcase the same glitch, even though you trigger it by different means.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 26, 2007, 08:35:24 pm
You try telling if someone is serious or joking over the internet without knowing how they act. <_<
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on February 26, 2007, 08:39:30 pm
^Again, hence the 'nading.  Now am I to assume you think I'm an aggressive person?  I don't think that you think that, even though I don't know what you think for sure.  On TSC it's almost necessary to think the best of somebody because we're always sarcastically insulting each other.  The most frequently said lines in our chatroom are along the lines of "fu", "no u"... we always bust on each other here.  I guess that talk kinda carried over to the forums with me.

Speaking of which, I'm surprised that I never see you in chat.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Rick_242 on February 26, 2007, 08:45:59 pm
Zomg, we have a chat?

*rick notices chatroom option to the left*

To sum up why I thought you were serious: Too much work in too little time.
Title: Re: RPG's S1 Modding and Thorn's S2 Modding Updates
Post by: Thorn on March 02, 2007, 05:50:45 pm
All right, v0.52 ( has arrived.  Casino Night 1 is done, and by the 31st of the month I should arrive at v0.6.  Enjoy this release, or I will send RPG after you.  He hasn't done enough murdering lately; since magnum recently killed himself with black holes, he's been deprived.