The Sonic Center

The Lounge => Wikkity! => Topic started by: Spinballwizard on October 25, 2006, 11:42:34 pm

Title: O-BS-ity
Post by: Spinballwizard on October 25, 2006, 11:42:34 pm
So my mom had the Today show on this morning (God knows why), and they had a report on so-called "hidden fats" found in the standard American refridgerator. They started by mentioning 5 common household food items and mentioning how "unhealthy" they are. Of those 5, 4 of them exist in my home, and 1 of which is "worse." These "unhealthy" items are: 2% milk (we drink whole), white bread, fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt, juice boxes (I don't drink them, but they're there.), and applesauce. To remedy this, they suggest 1% milk (Half the fat, half the taste!), whole grain bread (Mmm, fartilicioius.), plain, fat-free yogurt (Yeah, because plain yogurt tastes good...), 100% juice boxes (No complaints, really.), and sugar free applesauce (Sugar-free is BS).

The main point was the "fact" that childhood obesity is becoming a problem. The question is, is it the products that's causing it?

Now I grew up on all those. I might be a tiny bit overweight, but I'm not obese by any standards. (I could try to find a decent picture if you're really interested, but laziness will probably get the better of me.) And I have no intent on changing. The main reason (and they did touch on this) has to do with meal portions.

Now obviously, American families are not only stupid but also extremely lazy. Thus, families don't cook and therefore eat out often. Now when they're not clogging their arteries at <insert fast food joint here>, they might sit down at a nice family restaurant. But even there, they serve ridiculously huge portions. Today (the show) did a comparison on "standard" food portions and restaurant ones. Among others, they showed one standard-size turkey sandwich and this one sandwich that was at least 4 times the size of it. And we, as Americans, are dumb enough to eat all of what's served to us. And in-house portions are apparently bigger too, so it happens at home as well.

I do have this syndrome, I'll admit. I'll eat everything on my plate. But see, there's a little trick to this. It's going to sound quite obvious, but use a smaller plate, dumbasses.

We only use our large "dinner" plates for special occasions, i.e. a steak dinner or Thanksgiving or some other major holiday. You know, the ones (like Thanksgiving) where you're allowed to overeat. We don't keep serving dishes on the table. So if you want more, you have to get up, walk to the counter/stove, serve yourself more, walk back to the table, and sit down.

Laziness postulate kicks in again, obviously. I'll admit, there are only a few situations where I go for seconds. But usually I'm full after one portion anyways.

Thoughts on this problem that shouldn't be a problem?
Title: Re: O-BS-ity
Post by: yse on October 26, 2006, 01:41:00 am
If you spread the "Use a smaller plate, dumbasses" message throughout the land, the world would be a better place. I assure you.
Title: Re: O-BS-ity
Post by: Bilan on October 26, 2006, 08:20:04 am
omg spinny post pic >_>
Title: Re: O-BS-ity
Post by: Crowbar on October 26, 2006, 09:28:18 am
White bread is made of cancer and aids anyway (referring to standard squidgy white loaves, rather than the nice kinds like baguettes etc).
Title: Re: O-BS-ity
Post by: KnucklesSonic8 on October 26, 2006, 03:38:33 pm
Hearing about food depresses me all the time.
Title: Re: O-BS-ity
Post by: Thorn on October 26, 2006, 04:01:47 pm
The fat content in my school cafeteria is always the back-up story for the city newspaper when there's a slow news day.  It saddens me, because there's a salad bar in school, thus you aren't forced to eat the fatty foods.  But, you know, all of the adults that don't know the difference between a five and fifteen year old voice their oh-so-educated opinions: "OH NOES THEY CANT NOT EAT TEH FOOD IF ITS RITE IN FRONT OF DEM!  THEY NO KNOW BETTER!"  So, to shut everybody up, whole grain crap is getting shipped in by the ton, right down to the pizza crusts.  Snacks cost more too. sickens me.  If parents cared that much, they'd pack their kids a lunch.  I want my ice cream back :(
Title: Re: O-BS-ity
Post by: magnum12 on October 26, 2006, 04:12:26 pm
Yet another issue that could be averted by responsible parenting.
Title: Re: O-BS-ity
Post by: CosmicFalcon on October 27, 2006, 08:03:35 am
Hang on, stateside restaurants serve BIGGER portions than home-cooked meals? Hax. :(

Go to any halfway decent restaurant here and you get giant plates where about one inch of the diameter is covered by food.

Actually that trend is more related to poshness than decentness of the restaurant...

Family restaurants tend to be alright over here, but they are going extinct. You have to hit a motorway, or at least go out of town, to find a Little Chef or a Wimpy these days...

er... what was the point?

Oh yes. Unhealthy food products. Well they have been around as long as food products have been around, the actual products themselves aren't getting any unhealthier. Quite the opposite, I mean however long ago saw skimmed milk introduced, and organic shizzle keeps coming out and all that jazz. So the fact that you own 'unhealthy' products is clearly not the issue. The issue is pretty much yeah, eat less of said products.

Too much of anything is bad for you. That's plain common sense, hence the term "too much". So you could replace every gosh-darn thing in your house with a healthy equivalent, if you still eat too much, you still get fat. End of.
Title: Re: O-BS-ity
Post by: Rolken on October 27, 2006, 01:58:36 pm
If you spread the "Use a smaller plate, dumbasses" message throughout the land, the world would be a better place. I assure you.

Yet another issue that could be averted by responsible parenting.
double win
Title: Re: O-BS-ity
Post by: Spinballwizard on October 27, 2006, 03:01:11 pm
It's piss awful, but it's meant to be.
( (
Title: Re: O-BS-ity
Post by: Bilan on October 27, 2006, 03:15:32 pm
Title: Re: O-BS-ity
Post by: sonicam on October 31, 2006, 01:18:51 pm
lmao, indeed.
Title: Re: O-BS-ity
Post by: magnum12 on October 31, 2006, 04:50:53 pm
rofl. Funny, yet true.