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Sonic 1 2013 - an RA Query

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According to the competition rules for this game, flying as Sonic & Tails together is not allowed due to a glitch that allows Sonic & Tails to earn two rings even though they only collected one.

However, never is it mentioned that I can't make Tails fly, I just can't fly while holding onto Tails.


Using this, I was able to make Tails fly up and collect the 10 rings without ever flying as Sonic & Tails together. (actually in the video, I got 8 of them with Tails, and got the last 2 with Sonic's lightning shield lol but you get the idea.) Video below. I got bored and recently started playing this again.

My question is, is this allowed? I didn't want to post it to the charts without confirmation, since this kinda feels like a gray area for this rule, (or maybe I'm just dumb) and no one else seems to have attempted this, as simple as this is honestly.

>Asking this forum for rulings in 2018

Fairly certain no one's even monitoring this place anymore.

There should be someone active on this site that can(will) answer this question. If not, then that is a problem which should be resolved. This is a relevant question about competition on the site and it would not be the first time a forum post or discussion ,such as this one, did not receive recognition from any of the site administrators.

As far as the ring attack goes, the run looks like it clearly does not break the competition rules, but that is just my opinion. Nice find.


--- Quote from: SpinDashMaster on June 10, 2018, 08:50:46 pm --->Asking this forum for rulings in 2018

Fairly certain no one's even monitoring this place anymore.

--- End quote ---
I know there's a discord server, I just don't have discord. lol

--- Quote from: Zurggriff on June 10, 2018, 09:27:16 pm ---There should be someone active on this site that can(will) answer this question. If not, then that is a problem which should be resolved. This is a relevant question about competition on the site and it would not be the first time a forum post or discussion ,such as this one, did not receive recognition from any of the site administrators.

As far as the ring attack goes, the run looks like it clearly does not break the competition rules, but that is just my opinion. Nice find.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, forum activity is very low nowadays, this is about the only reason I would use it. I didn't think the run broke any rules either, since Sonic & Tails never flew together, which is the only restriction to using Tails' fly ability as Sonic listed in the rules, but I still thought I would ask, since as I said in the original post, it seemed sort of like a gray area for this rule. I'm sure its original intent was to discourage using Tails' ability to fly altogether, (or using AI Tails at all as Sonic) so as to prevent players accidentally getting credit twice for a single ring, which is understandable. However, it doesn't seem like anyone considered the possibility of making Tails fly as Sonic and avoiding catching onto him to obtain rings Sonic can't reach on his own, hence why I decided to ask.

I know, it's a revolutionary tactic, right? It'd be cool to bump Sonic up to the 235 max Tails & Knuckles can obtain with ease.

Were you controlling Tails in his flight? Controlling both S+T in game modes that have S+T is generally disallowed.


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