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How you came up with your username!

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I think it would be both interesting and cool to see the stories behind people's username creation.

I'll start with mine - I was looking to make a YouTube account, to post speed runs of Generations (I'd just started speed running at the time). The Sonic Boom was inspired by the Sonic CD song "Sonic Boom" (at least I think that was the case...). The 737, contrary to rumour, does not come from my love of planes (which doesn't exist), but was actually the number that youtube suggested to me, as SonicBoom was obviously taken. SB737, my more recent amendment to it, is just an abbreviation of that, which I chose, as I felt "SonicBoom737" limited me to just Sonic content, in the online world.

Let's hear some other stories :)

Was trying to come up with a new username, tried to find something cool by picking a word and typing it over and over really fast to incite typoes. One of my typoes of "parade" came out as "paraxde", so I added another A and got Paraxade. Later shortened to "Parax".

my name mainly came from my age of empires II online ID back when it was hosted on MSN (to those who know that game even is). it used to be called The Dark Fire, one day I was playing a game (i don't recall the name), it was a gravity-gimmick level, it was dark and it had flames. So I thought DarkGravityFlames (14 year old me). 21 years old now and i think that it is the most corny name i have ever thought of. i just recently shortened it to DGF

The Kid .130.:
I had beaten i wanna be the guy a real long time ago and i felt "The kid" was a good suit for me. That and i'm too lazy to be creative

For whatever reason, I liked the legendary Pokémon.  When I found a certain website in 2004, I decided to use it as my username.  When I joined GameFAQs later that year, I added the "199" because of that being its regional Pokédex number (and just the name was already taken).


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