Mario Central > Competition Central

I goofed


If you see I got 269 on yoshi's island 3, I misread the clock. It was 209

Well, that's no big deal.  But for your 363 on Yoshi's Island 2, which of the following did you do?

1) Started as Caped Mario
2) Played on the European SNES version

If 1), there's a rule for Super Mario World saying that you must start the level as small Mario.  The main reason for the rule is that flying from start to finish makes most time attacks boring.

If 2), that reminds me that we need separate charts for the European version.  The timer runs differently, so it's not comparable to the US/JP version at all.

I was playing VC.

Okay, apparently there is no rules topic, so I didn't know I had to start as small mario. I'm stupid.

When you click "Submissions", there's a link to the rules page below the boxes where you choose your game and divisions.  I actually miss it all the time, maybe because I'm familiar with submitting or that it's not that obvious - but I'm pretty sure it's both. >_>


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