The Lounge > Gaming and Grazing

Is this a ripoff for a gba/gcn link cable?


General Throatstomper:
I don't know what the piece is actually called, but it connects your game boy advance to your gamecube. You can unlock extra features in the game by using this piece, and in the case of sonic, transfer chao to different files. Anyway, I went to kb toys to buy one, but it costs $49.99. Is this corporate America trying to rip us off, or is this a fair price for the item?

What you saw was probably not a link cable, but the GameBoy Player, which lets you play GBA games on the TV and costs $50. The GBA-GCN cable should cost $10-$15.

General Throatstomper:

--- Quote --- What you saw was probably not a link cable, but the GameBoy Player, which lets you play GBA games on the TV and costs $50. The GBA-GCN cable should cost $10-$15.
--- End quote ---
Cool.I will be able to get the last 5 emblems in dx.


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