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Ask the Next Person a Question

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Answer the question then leave a question for the next person.

What would you do if you had a million dollars?

We had a topic with more like this but with more substance a few years ago. Can't remember how it went though

SonicBoom737, I'd invest the money in a bank, live off the interest, and take some of the money out of the bank if I wanted to use more! I'd then have some of it go to my family and the rest go to charity (Oxfam and Cancer Research Institute) when I died.

Next question: If you could marry anybody on the planet, whether they're single or not, who would it be?

Danieldude, I'd probably marry Taylor Lautner because I don't watch any movies so I don't know many male actors because he is hot.

Question: If you died, what would be your preferred cause of death?

darkaura: i would like to die in an explosion that happens while driving a semi full of fireworks

what is the greatest film of all time


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